OK....so now you all know that our first ever 3sum is about to happen.
You've provided the links to find the music I wanted.....now I need some more advice.
This is all going to happen on Friday evening...and I'm getting really worried/apprehensive....not sure what to expect nor what is expected of us either.
So if there any kind Sh'ers out there that would like to offer some advice to us.....please do. All advice would be gratefully read...
We're about to have our first "swinging" session......a 3sum......but need you.....?
Can anyone help me, I'm looking for a music track from the film Eyes Wide Shut.
The scene is where Tom Cruise's character goes to the mansion for the first time. He goes in, hands his coat in to the butler and wanders into the main hall. All the male members are cloaked and standing in a circle, the young "maidens" are in the centre of this circle waiting for the ceremony to begin. A guy with a fantastically strong voice is chanting. The track starts off really softly, but grows in volume and tension..........I would love to use this track this week......so can anyone help me out......please.
I am one whose holding their hands up....guilty as charged!
I didn't understand why you stopped the couple engaging in oral sex by the pool, but having read some of the replies I can only say I'm sorry. I only saw half the picture.
with all best wishes for your futrue....
My way would be for me to
"Keep quiet"
Only just started using MSN Messenger, was using it tonight OK, but just tried to use it and a dialogue box came up saying.....
"you cannot use use Messenger at this time, because your contact list is not available. Please try later"
Never seen this before, so if the Mods don't mind, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to put it right?
:welcome: Sunguy
No matter what size we are.......so long as we're happy who cares what others thinK?
Here I was worried about going to the La Chambre club, considering that I'd make a fabulous duvet and not just a pillow, but having read so many good replies tonite and in the past....I can't wait to visit.
:happy: :happy: :happy: