Recruitment agencies, letting agents and agency bosses are basically pimps.
(with the exemption of anyone reading this who happens to have a position in any of the above)
That about sums it up! Although perhaps substitute the stella for guiness, or maybe the cabernet.
I would formally like to stand down as the candidate spokesman for presenting the :"From a siingle males point of view". Not that what ive said I dont beleive in, more of I didnt ask for the role. As I said, stuck my head above the parapet at the wrong time. Not sure wether your post neil was directed soley at me or in general towards the subject. Perhaps I have become the subject as I am this single male.
If this had have been the start of a new and wonderful relationship with SH, then I surely have got off on the wrong foot it would seem. On the 18th im out of here (No judy, not Saudi yet), so ill be trying to keep my nose in topc until then. regards
Yeah Div is defo a harsh term of endearment.
In the mids, its usually mate or Boss.
For the ladies, flower, petel, canderal (or is that just me-jee im such a dickhead)
Deadwood is also a up and coming term, usually implied to someone junior to yourself for example
"Oi, deadwood, did you get the sambo's?"
" Yeah!"
" i ordered on brown.......bloody deadwood"
True british army style:
"........Fancy a smash?........." :twisted: