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3 weeks ago
Bisexual Male, 61
Bisexual Female, 63
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Dark nights and cold days invite making love infront of an open fire, I wonder why? Lets face it, a radiator just doesn' t have the same effect...

Yes, but you shouldn't be doing that at the local pub! redface
Quote by pebble
So if you could do more than reply with a list of numbers.

You so know people will be approaching this like a chinese take-away menu lol
Was interesting to read, have fun working through your list smile
If another 59 items were added to the list...couldn't we all play 'Fuck-It List' Bingo?
Not sure how to get a late invite (Diane_Andy). have pm'd u...hope we not too late.
In my limited experience, I would probably suggest that those guys who are curious should try MMF first. This gives them an opportunity to 'dip their toe in' or not without compromising the meeting. At the end of the day (pardon the cliche) communication prior to any engagement is whats required to establish the boundaries and avoid any embarrassment.
Blimey...would you believe that they have all come back?
They have been missing for weeks, but now I have posted...they have all come back!
Conclusion: I am going mad!
I've just noticed that all when I look at various posts, the icons I used to see at the bottom of each persons post have disappeared!
Am I missing something?...Has something changed?...Am I going mad?...Why am I talking to myself?
:shock: :shock: :shock:
mn!..Mis-interpreted the title 'Small Willy Club"...
I thought it was some in club your small willy...and it'll swell into something bigger...
Oh well!
My sister, who has 2 girls, related a story to me of when they were 6 and 8. She asked whre they were which the youngest replied..."We're going outside to play the shagging game"...not wanting to draw attention to sister then asked what that game was about...the youngest replied..."Its where the big one gets on top of the little one and goes...SHAG..SHAG...SHAG...SHAG...SHAG!"
I was in the navy.....the german navy I think , and was told that instead of firing underwater torpedos, they would be firing doors. The bad news was that we were to be fired with the doors in order to steer them towards the targets!
We had to go on the underground to reach the docks, and on the way to our train I met a queue of Hari Krishnas, male, female and children. One woman dropped her baby in the crush (but it was ok). I helped to retrieve the babe, and helped them to get thier belongings on their train, thus missing mine.
Please interpret

Just an amateur interpreter...but it sounds like you have some tough decisions to make that are playing on your mind. Hence the doors. The fact that you are committed to steering the doors suggests that once chosen, there is no turning back. Going through the underground suggests that you haven't been able to speak to many people about these pending choices. The Hari Krishnas is your positive side trying to tell you that you will make the right choice, but it will affect a lot of people. You helped with the dropped baby and missing your own train suggests that it is a tough decision and its not one that you really want to make (your negative side hoping that the decision will be made for you.
Sounds bollocks?...probably
Hi Judy
Thanks for the clarification with viagra, but I could have easily have used the example of "Penis Enlargement" offers. They mis-spell penis as , pen;is etc
Now, to my mind, a cock is a cock is a cock. Sure they can be called peckers, dongs, love-sticks, pythons, maggots...phew...lots more too, i bet.
Its analogous to the unsolicited emails I get for viagra. I don't want these so I filter and delete email with the word viagra in the email.
So how do they get around this? mis-spelling viagra... ..or viaagra.
Do they think I will buy their product because I applaud their 'ingenuity'?
Think again.
And the guys should do so too.
Sorry mis-read the post...thought it said getting muffed!
Anybody else have problems with failing eye-sight?
I wonder why I am! rolleyes
Don't be too hard on yourself.
I'm sure this person knows you're not a timewaster and things can happen that prevent even the best laid plans from coming to fruition.
I suggest you make it up to this person the next time you meet. :shock:
You dont need to worry about what everyone else thinks of your size, just as long as you can please the missus!!

Phew!...thats a relief...I had heard that size didn't long as you had a big one!
daffodilbbw wrote:
how can we quantify something we know nothing about?We talk of the universe as if it were a football,something we can see completely and touch.

I agree...scientists can only base their results on what they have had experience of...I say to them...if you can imagine a colour that no man has ever seen and show me that colour...then i will believe what you say. Until then...anything can happen...and probably will!
bluexxx wrote
Let's be honest - did anyone seriously think it was anything other than BIG?

Its all relative...and once they get involved there's normally a will...and where theres a will, theres a way...The Milky Way...I think
Steve is an anagram of SEVE T..
Seve plays GOLF using a T...
GOLF backwards is FLOG... ( a form of whipping)
To be good at GOLF you have to have a good swing...
...and thats what most Steve's appear to do here!
Blimey its just struck me, Neilinleeds, AndyinOldham
who are these people? where do they come from?

Dave...I'm from Leeds, Neil's from Oldham
Don't woory about all those remarks and rumours about you being Bi... I'll be your alibi...but i guess that won't help, will it??
Hey Bluexxx
and b. I could get a babysitter who was reliable

Why not start a creche for swingers?? lol
I am no authority on the subject, but i can only give you my experiences. The more you watch the banter in the main room, the more you get to know those who come in regular.
OK, you may be looking to meet people...but bear in mind that not everybody is. Consider it a local pub kind of place. You wouldn't just barge in and ask a complete stranger to go to bed with you, but people do respond to others who are non-pushy and funny.
People will go out of their way to chat to you, once they know that you are courteous and can have a laugh.
Good luck! :bounce:
I had my first bi experience 16 years ago in MMF, but i think you need to set the rules before you a cock in the face often offends.
As long as you know what you all want, you can have some good fun. Watching the lady's reaction is amazing if it's what she wants to see. :shock: