Quote by Silk and Big G
I wonder if there's a French word for 'dogging'?
Mr Licks
La dogging?
I have actually seen dogging going on in French motorway laybys, but don't know what it's called: "Le chienant"?
Quote by Silk and Big G
Dont organise , improvise .
Quote by dirtydoggers
erm, i'm a little confused..whats any of this got to do with the origional thread? are you looking at little dick"s reference about spending the night by the "tv" as some subconcious but cryptic clue to his suppressed sexuality? because i thought he mean't a television set
Quote by dirtydoggers
your points are interesting, but might have been better addressed if they were on their own thread..why would anyone seek to frighten you off? the comment to which you refer was tongue in cheek, not threatningly confrontational..
My rejoinder was tongue in cheek too.
Apart from that, I agree with everything you say here. What I wanted to get across was that bi or gay men pose no threat to straight doggers, so there is no need to be unfriendly with a guy just beacause you suspect he may be bi or gay.
I don't see this same antipathy towards those who are attracted to their own sex among women as there is among men. How do we deal with that peer pressure among men to act straight?
Quote by BigBoi
Thats another one we've frightened off then!
Whos next :twisted:
Quote by SteveO
Thanks for the warning Beebeep, that's one of my local sites to avoid ( at least until its past kiddies bedtime anyway!)
Quote by leaire1
i am going to tell you a cpl of my dogging fantasys and i would like u to tell me if im weird?
1) I would like to meet another women and fuck her with a really big strap on or vibrator until she cums then pisses herself whilst our other halves watch and wank all over her face?
2) I would like 10 or more men to fuck me one after the other filling me with spunk and then rubbing there cocks all over my tits? (even though i would never ride bareback) but i would settle for this with condoms.
3) Also i would like another couple to lick my husbands cum from my pussy?
Am i weird or just highly sexed i would appreciate any views on this.
I've had some successful meets in Surrey. You've just got to be patient. Mine was direct from the photo-Ads of SH but have had many others just by going to the sites and talking to the "more" normal doggers. Once you get into the community people are pretty helpful. I was even at a site last night and a guy stepped away from a car so that I could have some fun. How respectful is that!!!
There are nearly 10 sites in and around the wisley area that see some action from time to time. More rarely not though.
Wisely isnt what it used....oh god here I go, dont get me started on the good old days........