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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 67


Quote by MidsCouple24

The Independence vote is almost upon us.
But what happens if Scotland does become independent ? many things could change ......
The chances of them retaining the British Pound is certainly in question.
Their desire to open their borders to make immigration easier will not bode well with those in England who are looking to tighten our borders. Will we see a new "wall" dividing the two nations, will there be a need for customs and excise control points between the two nations.
Will Scottish Nationals living in England be required to surrender their UK passports and apply for a Scottish Passport ?
They would no longer be members of the EU, will they still have the right to live and work not only in the UK but will the millions of them living in other EU countries have to go home ?
They can of course apply to the EU for membership but all new member states have to adopt the Euro and any such application could be vetoed by the founding members, the UK being one of the founding states.
What of the armed forces, of course we would have to allow every Scottish National the right to leave the British Armed Forces if they so wish but polls so far indicate that the vast majority would wish to continue serving and that the Scottish Defence Force might struggle to recruit people to serve.
Will Scotland be a member of NATO, it is not automatic especially with their policy on not having nuclear weapons based in Scotland or owned by them.
Our Nuclear Submarine base at Faslane would be re-located of course, we have no choice in that matter, probably to Barrow in Furness where the nuclear submarines are built.
Will Blackpool face closure, the largest percentage of visitors there come from Scotland, if a visit there requires a visa or passport it could put them off coming.
There are so many questions, so many changes that could occur.
I believe they should stay with us, but I also believe that if they choose to leave the Union then independence should be total and we should treat them the same as we treat any other non EU, none United Kingdom nation.

Being 'Scots' and owning property both north and south of the border.
Currency: There's been a Scottish pound for as long as I can remember, so technically we already have our own currency. The question is more how to disentangle it from the English one. When currencies were based on the 'gold standard' it would have been easy the 'Bank of England' (one wonders why it's not the Bank of the United Kingdom - but that's another thread. lol ) they could just transfer the relevant number of gold bars to a central bank in Scotland. However, the proponents of the 'No' vote sold the gold at a loss and implemented 'Quantitative Easing' instead so it's just paper money now.
Immigration: Yep, we should probably limit the number of English coming in! :lol:
Passports: Many people have dual nationality passports. Easy enough to issue a Scottish one to those who want one.
EU: Scotland would probably follow the Swiss here and not join the 'EU' but retain the trading links via EFTA. Never been a problem for the Swiss. The Scots want the Euro even less than the English!
The Armed Forces: They'll probably settle on a 'Defence Force' style and let personnel choose to either transfer or remain in the reducing British Forces organisation.
NATO: With the strategic position of Scotland, NATO would be loathed to loose the ability to use Scotlands bases and the usual art of compromise will prevail and 'nuclear' armed vessels will use Northern English / Northern Irish ports and airfields. And the NATO ground forces will still be able to take skiing lessons in the Cairngorms.
Submarine Bases: Barrow in Furness is a no go - it's on the wrong side of the UK. My guess is that the MoD would use Northern Ireland it'll be easier to get planning permission than building a new base in the North West. :lol:
Blackpool Closure: We can only hope so for everyone's sake.
It's funny how giving 'independence' to countries of the old 'Empire' was never a problem and was positively 'encouraged' by UK Governments in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Even to the Irish back in 1916, yet Scotland seems to be this huge issue of irrelevant 'details'.
Either way they vote, there will be changes that have to be implemented either in 'devolved powers' or Independance, some will be good, some not so good.
The only thing that will remain constant is Death & Taxes. Death comes to us all regardless of where we reside, so my vote goes to paying less tax every time.
It's a normal club leased for the night to 'Fettish'
Looks like it's reopened:-
You are not alone Snow, nearly everyone who joins the site is nervous and there are loads of forum threads to help newbies.
However for a 'Quick Start' manual:-
Do a proper update of your profile. Rewrite your 'About Me' to reflect who you are. Look at other profiles and use the same style that appeals to you. It's probably one of the most important area's. Others tend to view your profile and this is the 5 second showcase for yourself.
Upload a picture or two. If you are worried about being seen, put them in a 'Private Folder' where you can send the link to those you are interested in meeting. They don't have to be of you 'naked' or your 'bits', most ladies prefer a full face or full body photo of a well dressed man.
Join in with the chat, those with a personality and can hold a conversation shine out in the rooms and that give you a head start over the 'silent' ones.
Read others profiles carefully. Make sure you don't whisper/wink someone who states 'do not whisper/wink' or worse, isn't looking looking for what you are.
Build relationships with other users, it's not an instant process - 'quality takes time'.
Attend a social or two. These are a great way to meet face-to-face in a no pressure environment and shows others a 'commitment' on your part.
If you run into someone you 'know' then surely the first question is "why are they here?". They are hardly likely to broadcast the fact!
Be polite - a no means no. Rejection happens on sites like this, don't take it personally there are loads more people to chat to.
If you are floundering in chat, talk to a Chat Op (we're the ones with a Blue Star next to our names) we can help, and give advice.
The ones that annoy me are the 'body products' adverts that put the 'small print' at the end of the ad - "90% of users agree out of a sample of 126 people"
Which from a friend of mine in the advertising business means - a pollster standing outside of a Boots with a particularly attractive 'deal' on that product, sponsored by the manufacturer.
Quote by nickrway
OK, i know nothing about webcams, i rarely use one but here on this site i think it's best to have one, just for general chat. Sainsbury sells one, is this a reasonable buy? I don't think i should spend more than £45. It's a real shame i can't use my panasonic cam (no software) and free downloads are to be avoided.
So there it is, budget £45, to be used on this website, using Windows 7

You should check the Panasonic web site to see if they have a download there for your cam.

If not then a trip to PC World or similar should see you parting with the readies for a cam.

Look for something that allows 1080 (HD quality) in your price bracket and has a reasonable suite of OEM software.
Quote by skinny
But if we think about it, where's that connection when we have a wank? ... over porn or otherwise?

A 'visual' connection maybe, I'd find it easier knocking one off :wanker: to an attractive semi-naked female, than over your profile avatar Skinny. lol
Or maybe I'm just "fussy".dunno
The 'zoom' function of web cams is usually controlled by the software that comes with the cam.
We've held about 40 or so parties here over the years, so our top tips are:-
1 Make the neighbours aware that you will be holding a party. You don't need to tell them what type but the courtesy of informing them makes them less likely to be knocking on your door in the wee hours asking for the music to be turned down.
2 Make sure your guests are aware of any local parking restrictions and obviously not to park where they will obstruct your neighbours.
3 Provide some 'buffet' style food, this helps soak up some of the effects of imbibing too much alcohol. First time party goers usually consume too much 'dutch courage'.
4 As Toots posted - make sure any no-go areas are clearly identified, any valuables are securely locked away. We would also add to remove anything you wouldn't like to have broken to a safe area as well. Accidents do happen and the mother-in-laws favourite nic-nak pressie suddenly disappearing can lead to some awkward questions later. lol
5 Restrict the 1st party invite list to those that you know or can be vouched for by someone you know. 20 'strangers' turning up is a sure fired recipe for a disaster.
6 If you decide to hold more parties, add a few 'new faces' at each one. This keeps it 'fresh' and they are more easily integrated.
7 Parties tend to just 'fizzle' out. You can set a time limit, but enforcing it can be difficult. Your own best judgement is the best guide as to when it's time to call a halt. Then start cleaning things away this gives most the 'hint' it's about time to make a move.
8 At a first party people will be reticent to be the first to make a move, if it looks like the party is flagging have a few 'adult party games' ready to use ( pass the ice cube, blow-up the condom etc).
9 Don't over-work yourselves, nothing worse than looking back and thinking we were so pre-occupied 'hosting' that we didn't actually have any fun.
Quote by groundhogday_1
Horrible evening screening messages from a guy I'd decided wasn't for me.
He sent message after angry message calling me names etc.
I felt like I was at fault.
Does this happen a lot to other men/women here?

1 Block them from whispering you in the chatroom. Press the X
or ::settings > chatroom tab > add user (name)> Add.
2 If he's sending you mails at the bottom of the mail there is an 'ignore' icon that'll stop any mail from them arriving.
3 Report the profile, giving us the room name, approx time(s) and if you can cut&paste the offending whisper into the report.
4 Do not respond back to any further chat.
Quote by tyracer
last iphoney i had did this.
then after a few charges it started to smoke and the screen bubbled.
never had an iphoney since.

Most SMART TV browsers don't support the flash player you need to view cams.
If you've got a Samsung then you're in luck but you need to update to firmware 1004.1 the version of flash is 1
:welcome: back Rainbows.
two is around, essex I've not seen for awhile or redp even longer. banghead
Quote by dee_and_Rich
The only way to get noticed is by chatting. I never shut up wink

We have noticed Dee bolt lol
Quote by Max777
Who's waffling and who are the Cameron/Clegg/Cable apologists? Certainly not me!

ditto Max
I seem to remember that we live in a democratic capitalist society. Obviously not!
Some people fail to appreciate there are two sides to every story. Their's is the Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Quote by Max777
The valuation was primarily done by Goldman Sachs (and UBS), who then made a huge profit when, surprise, surprise it turned out to be undervalued and the stock rose in value. Talk about putting the fox in charge of the chickens.

How did these banks make a huge profit from the stock rising in value?
From the increase in value and commission received when their "clients" (Goldman Sachs International) sold the stock.
Are you implying that Goldman Sachs bought stock in their own right? If so, at what value? would you also care to quantify the 'huge profit' made from the commission on the sale of stock?
Goldman Sachs International, a branch of the bank, had snapped up more than 21 million shares by October 31. On November 11, it had less than 17 million.
It means Goldman traders could have sold at least 4 million shares during a period when they peaked at 587p, at which point they were worth £27million
If they had bought at the issue price and sold at the peak, the deals could have made nearly £12million profit. Goldman Sachs were allowed to profit from their own advice. It has to be a conflict of interest and unethical.
Goldman Sachs claim that any shares subsequently bought were bought on behalf of clients. If you can prove otherwise I'd be interested in seeing your proof. Also, they could only have bought shares at issue price if any of the small investors sold at issue price, which is very unlikely, as they did not receive an allocation at flotation. Any profits realised would have been much smaller than the figures you put forward.
If the profits GS made were derived from commissions on purchases and sales of shares acquired and sold on behalf of clients, I fail to see how this is either a conflict of interest or unethical. They would have been doing nothing different to that which other investment banks were doing.
It is also illegal for any financial institution to 'speculate' with their own money now after the last Financial Crisis.
Any funds 'invested' have to be at the request of a 'client'. In some instances the 'client' can be someone like GS, but these are 3rd party funds 'managed' by them and their profit is derived from their management fees not directly from the sale of any shares.
Quote by Max777
It's rich Labour complaining about the sale being undervalued considering Gordon Brown cost the nation some £4 billion pounds selling half our gold reserves at rock bottom prices.

Least said about about Blair/Brown the better.
Nobody bleated about the value being too low back in October last year when the IPO price was released (300-330p), in fact the people who are now stirring it were saying that at 330p it was going to be a disaster and nobody would pay that for the RM.
The RM staff have benefited from the sale with 10% of the shares 'free' with 613 shares in this tax year and a further 112 in the 14/15 tax year and if they keep them for 5 years they're free of any income tax or NIC.
Those with private or company pensions have gained as the initial 'issue guarantors' have sold their allocations, reducing their risk and exposure and increasing the net worth of the pension funds.
The Government retain a 30% shareholding currently worth 231p a share more than they were a 6 months ago.
Got rid of 100% tax payer liability for £100m+ investment in the RM a year.
Moya Green is the lowest paid CEO of any FTSE 100 company. When appointed by the RM Chairman Don Brydon, Vince Cable insisted that she return a £250,000 'relocation payment' offered by the RM Chairman (which she did).
"Manners maketh the person"
If they can't be bothered to reply, would you want to (a) waste time talking to them anyway, or (b) meet them... dunno
Usually, if I'm in a whisper, I'll catch up with the room 'hellos' when I've finished that conversation.
It's an old chestnut on all chat sites and it'll always be there. You just have to accept it. If 99 people replied to every 'hello or hi room' we'd soon be having forum threads of "there's too many hi's spoiling the flow of chat/banter in a room". :doh:
Same here GnV. A sad loss but he'll not thank you for adding the 'Wedgewood' in there. lol
I remember him giving a debate speech at Uni back in the early 80's which was intelligent, well researched and delivered in his unique oratory style. And boy could he down a few bevvies in the Students bar afterward. :cheers:
Some interesting facts and figures from the latest briefing in Malaysia.
From the MAA (Malaysian Air Administration):-
The reports of the RR engines transmitting data for 4 hours after the loss are erroneous.
The satellite photo's from China should not have been released.
The Crew's homes have not been searched by the Malaysian Police.
One has to question why anyone would (and the Press publish) a 'fake' report on the RR engine data, which can only add to the anguish of the relatives awaiting official news.
Why would the Chinese publish satellite photo's (of suspected flight wreckage) without some form of 'official' approval? A 'mistake', I don't think so..
In any other country where an unexplained aircraft loss was reported, the Police/Accident Investigators would have searched the houses of the crew almost immediately to confirm / discount a suicide attempt by the flight crew. They were quick enough to investigate and discount the 'stolen' passports....
Boeing confirmed that this particular 777 was fitted with a EDR (Engineering Data Recorder) system but that the data from this system is only uploaded from the plane after landing to the airline engineering dept.
The aircraft was also fitted with the latest ADS-B transponder but this is only accurate over land as the system does not yet cover international waters.
And the mystery deepens..
This is either the most incompetent Air Crash investigation ever, or someone knows something that they're not releasing..
It will be interesting to see if the FAA ground all Boeing 777's in the next few days "in the interests of public safety"..
Some other snippets from 'experts':-
A physicist - At 80kmph - water is harder than concrete.
An RAF SAR pilot - A person wearing a high visibility jacket is only visible at a range of in good weather and flat seas.
A Pathologist - Bodies would not surface until day 7-8 when decomposition gases make them buoyant.
A Marine Biologist - the bodies may never be found as the South China sea is a breeding ground for Sharks and March/April/May is the main breeding season....
Quote by herts_darlings1
Don't know a lot about plane's but if it has come down, depending on the angle it hit the water and the speed would there necessarily be a debris field? Remember the crash landing on the Hudson River? Is it possible the pilot put it on the sea in one piece then it sank?

It's is possible Herts but the pilot would have to have exceptional skills and a near flat sea to achieve it.
Here's what happens if you get it slightly wrong (125/175 died)
My conspiracy theory is:-
It's Airbus trying to make Boeing look bad or
An advanced alien civilisation wanted a chinese takeaway or
It's been hijacked by Somali pirates.....
add your 'theory' here lol
Given the cruising speed of a 777 and an hours flight time, they could be anywhere in a 316,000 sq mile block from their last known position. lol
When and if they do find MH370 we'll probably find that it's a series of errors / failures that have contributed to the disaster.
It's quite easy to make a plane 'disappear' mid-flight especially over water by the simple error of turning the transponder off. Alternatively, they may have selected the wrong transponder code (eg changed it from Civilian to Military) which would effectively 'hide' the plane from civilian ATC radars - two air crashes show this is possible - 1 the shooting down of an Iran Air plane by the US Navy where the IA flight had set a military frequency 'squawk' on their transponder, 2 - a mid air collision over California between passenger plane and a US fighter where the civilian ATC controller turned the plane (to avoid adverse weather) into the flight path of the fighter because the fighter did not show on his radar.
The area in which MH370 disappeared falls between Malaysia and Vietnam who don't have the worlds most sophisticated civilian radar systems and also rely on some quite antiquated military radars from China and Russia. Unlike most civilian ATC radars, military ones do not record they merely show the operator what's within its coverage with a height and IFF code. Unless the operator is specifically tracking an unidentified object they tend to ignore known scheduled and identified objects crossing their track.
The 'black boxes' (FDR & CVR) location beacons can only transmit over a short distance it's an aid to help find it in close proximity and is activated either by a pressure switch or immersion in water. In the improbable case of the plane making a controlled landing on water and sank and the FDR and CVR are trapped in an air pocket underwater they won't 'activate' (the transponders did not activate in the flight which crashed into the Hudson River as the tail location effectively became a trapped air pocket).
No radio communication - whatever happened to MH370, radio communication is not the first priority for the flight crew. Their first priority is to regain control of the aircraft to a safe flight mode. If they were dealing with a catastrophic failure it may have also severed their communications equipment and no signal was transmitted even though they were trying to communicate. If they did manage to recover the aircraft at a low altitude for a short period of time, they could also have been below the radar horizon and travelled miles in almost any direction before ultimately crashing into the sea.
As the accident involves an American built plane, the NTSB and Boeing will be involved in trying to identify the cause, be it structural, human or 'other' error. I think the only 'cause' that can be safely eliminated is 'Alien Abduction'.
Quote by M1ssVery
i thought the reasons for the flooding were fairly obvious. The news channels keep telling us that over half the population has become obese, fact of the matter is that we are sinking under the extra weight. lol

I'm so sorry, is there any way to offset my carb footprint?
:lol: Sponsor a water pump? innocent
The video would be attached to a profile, so you would need to know what there profile name is/was.
If they've left the site and deleted the profile, the video would have been deleted as well.