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Quote by m1970
So what dieses could be picked up by not using a rubber confused:
I suppose to cut down the risk you don't have to swallow :?:

There are a whole bunch of things that you can potentially get from unprotected oral sex. These include, but are not limited to:
HIV (though this is extremely rare)
Gonorrhoea, a common form of VD, can be transmitted to the throat during oral sex, especially fellatio.
Syphilis. The lesions of syphilis usually appear on the genitals or the anus – and very rarely on the nipple. But they do occasionally appear on the lips, probably as a result of oral sex.
Chlamydia trachomatis - this little genital bug has become almost epidemic among sexually active young people during the early years of the 21st century.
Herpes simplex virus, one of the most common of all the STDs out there.
Of course, none of these diseases can necessarily be seen from a visual examination or inspection, so it's most definately NOT a case of 'if it looks ok, go for it'. You can't 'cut down the risk' by not swallowing semen. By the time it gets into the stomach, stomach acids will destroy anything anyway. The danger comes from semen in the mouth, specifically if you have an ulcer, or any split in the gums, allowing one of the nasties to get into the blood stream. That's why you don't want to clean your teeth before oral sex, since vigorous brushing may cause the gums to bleed.
It is of course, down to individual choice, but if someone chooses not to have protected oral sex and they catch something as a result it's entirely their own fault. Bukkakke for example is very erotic to watch, but in my opinion (and it is just that - my opinion) anyone who engages in it is being bloody stupid, and I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole. Ditto anyone who said that they didn't want to use protection for oral sex.
Quote by HungryP
Can you plot a grid reference on an Ordnance Survey map?

Yeah, no problem. Not saying that it's correct, but I can do it.
What 3 things do you always have in your fridge?
Nice idea - can I perhaps suggest a twist on it though?
We provide the caption, you both sort out the pose that goes with it? Be amusing to see what the creative minds can come up with and how the artistic mind interprets it!
Presuming that you think it's a fun idea how about trying a some, all or a few of these:
'Ravished and relaxed"
"I'm your dream come true"
"I'm your nightmare in reality"
"He wants me to pose HOW???"
"Before a night on the tiles"
"After a night on the tiles"
"I wanted him and this is what I did to get him"
"Black and white delight"
"Can we do this one again?"
Anyway, you get the idea.
I'd ask Blackbeard (or any other famous pirate) "Now, *exactly* where did you bury your treasure?"
Quote by Debbiewebs
ooo dear just found the prob!.......dare not tell ya redface surprisedops:

Go on... admit it.. you hadn't taken it out of it's little plastic bag had you? smile
And a larger version of it is available at:

I think it's great... almost as good as the 'Chin' one with the two asian lads.
Kit explores the use of Paintshop Pro features, all in the same photograph
Quote by Geordiecpl2001
Strangely enough there is a story about this very subject in todays "Mirror", allegedly you send a company 10 pounds and they will email you a "dare" for you or your partner to surprise each other with.
Sounds like easy money to me, how many dares do you need to comeup with? After all it unlikely your clients will be comparing notes!
John & Shel

What - they charge you a tenner just to send you a letter saying 'Go to the shops naked under your coat'? Or is there more to it than that?
We don't really do dares as such. However, those (few) of you who know us know that we like doing nude in public pictures, and we're often out looking for interesting or difficult shots to take. So as I say, I wouldn't call them dares, though I guess others might.
I also think a 'dare' (or whatever you like to call it) depends very much on the people involved - and what is very risky for one person, another wouldn't blink an eyelid at. Having said that, we've managed to get some difficult photographs... J naked in front of the Houses of Parliment and Buckingham Palace being two that come to mind. We also managed to get some of her completely without clothes (except shoes) in the middle of a shopping high street on busy saturday afternoon, and that was a real blast. (If you want to see how we did it, you can click on the WWW link below!)
It's also worth keeping in mind that when you're doing some sort of daring thing, other people might be involved, if they like it or not. We always try and do stuff that no-one would object to, or feel threatened by, and we certainly ensure that no children are around as well. So, if you're going to do daring stuff, be sensible!
... on someone else's plate. I don't like them at all. Not even a tiny bit.
Unusually however I adore making them. I can stand and make pancakes by the hour, and have done, for various starving hoards.
There's a right tit standing in the way while I try and take a photograph of those blinds!
I've got a fantastic sized cock.. shame about the small neck..
Quote by Lovecommando
I believe it was the BDSM & fetish communities that came up with the word 'Munch' for their social meetings in the first place. It did not originate with SH.

Sad to say, but I know the exact history of 'Munch'. It started out in California in the early 1990's and was originally 'Burger Munch', coined by a lady named STella and was pretty much as we know it today; a group of people who were into pervery (in this case BDSM). It was held in (I believe, but am not 100% certain San Deago) in a burger bar and there was actual BDSM activity that took place.
Over time it got shortened to munch. So, there ya go...
Quote by VFR Rider
You can both bar your numbers if you don't want the other party to know it.

How does that work then? lol
Just adding in our thanks for all the hard work arranging the evening. It was very interesting putting names to faces or faces to avatars! For those we didn't talk to (and there was a lot - very busy night!) J was the one wearing the denim corset and I uh... wasn't!.
I write 3 different weblogs, and the oldest of which is about 2 years. There are a variety of different reasons why people blog, and at last count there were over 4 million of them (blogs and reasons).
Some people do use them as an online diary, and they use them in the same way that they'd use any other diary, just this one is online. Other people will blog because they are observers on a particular industry for example, and like to keep people up to date with what is happening in that particular industry. Others will write blogs because they see it as a way of increasing the visibility of their company, or the products that they sell. Yet others find them a very useful way to publish information very quickly and easily. An increasing number of newspapers and other news/media resources are using a weblog format to make information available.
One of the most important ways that weblogs can be used is to get information out to a wide audience very quickly - there have been several very moving weblogs about the tsunami and its aftermath, and one well known blog was written by someone in Iraq during the war.
Why do people want to read them? Because they're interested in the person who wrote it, their lifestyle or what they have to say. One could also ask the question - why read the Forum postings? The answer you give will be almost exactly the same as someone who reads someone else's weblog.
They are an interesting phenomena and will become increasingly important in the years ahead - I could go into a lot of reasons as to why this is the case, but trust me, they will be. If you're interested in writing one, is a good one, as is LiveJournal or the Microsoft MSN Spaces project. If you're interested in reading them, is also a good resource.
You're right in your interpretation that they're often the ramblings of people who just want to write, but that's only a small part of the story - they're much bigger and more important than that. If you want to know more, feel free to pm me.
You've asked a lot of questions there!
How can you tell if someone is real? I think by the depth and detailed nature of the fantasy really. I read a story once by a guy who ironed his cock; not really my thing, but he was explaining what settings he'd have the iron on for, how long he'd leave it before er.. ironing and so on. It led me to believe that yeah, this guy has actually done this thing - he knows what he's talking about! There's also the point that some guys are just going to want to talk dirty, regardless of the fantasy, and I think at that point the person listening needs to decide if they want to get off on this as well. Of course, you're not necessarily going to find this out until you've spent some time talking to him, but if he's clear on the fantasy and can give a lot of detail, then I'd say that yes, he's for real and it's a real fantasy, to the extent that a fantasy, being fictional, ever can be 'real' in that sense.
A more difficult question is 'what is acceptable and what isn't'. In the final analysis I guess that's up to the Mods to decide, based on whatever criteria they have. So, speaking personally, whatever *fantasy* someone has is acceptable - I really don't care how strange it happens to be. I might not like it or understand it, but having it, well that's ok. There is however a line between having a fantasy and wanting to act it out, and there of course I would have problems. If someone wants to have a non-consensual fantasy that's fine, but if that leads them to go out and, for example, someone that most certainly is not fine! So, if it's only a fantasy, yes, I'd say it's fine to have it.
Do I want to read about them all? Probably not, no. There's a lot of stuff that doesn't interest me at all, so I'd probably skip it. However, it depends also on why they are posting. If it's just to get off on writing it down and having people read it, I can manage without it. If they're posting about it because they're worried or concerned or just want to ask 'is this normal' then I may well spend some time with the posting.
Is it acceptable to write about it here? This is a difficult one, but I'd say that, for the sake of the site as a whole, it probably isn't always acceptable. If someone is writing about having sex with an animal for example, not only is it illegal in the UK, it's going to upset a lot of people who would not necessarily expect a site that covers the swinging/dogging scene to have that sort of material on it. It's going to be off topic as much as anything else, and I've seen threads stopped because of just that reason, and I think that's entirely acceptable. I do however think that it's worthwhile if, when such a thread is stopped it's made clear that it's stopped because the subject matter is not appropriate for the forum, rather than it's been stopped because the subject matter is sick or depraved or not normal for example.
I don't think we can get into the game of 'this is normal and this is not' because quite frankly it's down to the individual to decide for themselves. What *I* do is normal, because I do it, and so do others here. On the other hand, people could equally use the same arguement to say that I'm not normal, because they don't do it, and neither do any of their friends. I would draw an absolute line however against talking about illegal activities, such as sex with the underaged, or bestality simply because it IS illegal in the UK, and to have such discussions may well attract people with no interest in swinging or dogging or journalists. I do think there IS such a thing as bad publicity.
So, in summary, I don't think there's anything wrong with having ANY fantasy, as long as the person having it does not take it further if it's illegal or non-consensual. I also don't have any problem with people talking about them either, as long as it's appropriate for the general subject matter of the forum. Many of the fetishes that you've mentioned are not, in my opinion, appropriate for the forum here for just that reason, and not because they're wrong or sick or abnormal.
But... that's just my opinion!
Well it is said that of all the organs in the body the most important one of all is the brain. Fantasy can be, and usually is, a very important part of anyone's sexual life, and within that my opinion is that you should be able to think of anything, whatever it may happen to be, and if it gets you off, that's great.
As you point out, there are elements to the fantasy that you wouldn't want to happen for real, and that's fine too.. fantasies are there so that you can explore stuff very safely.
I'd certainly agree (as someone who has been into BDSM for a long time) that this particular fantasy has very strong sub/dom elements to it, and I've certainly seen play at clubs very similar to the kind of thing that you describe. Again on the mind thing; you're getting off (it seems to me) both on the exhibitionist element AND the controlling element, and controlling people (even if it's just telling them what they can or cannot do) can be very erotic in and of itself.
Now, are you kinkier than you think? Depends on how kinky you think you are in the first place really. I guess some people would say that your fantasy is very kinky, others wouldn't blink at it. I really do think that it's down to you! We all discover things about ourselves continually, and sometimes it can be a surprise. So I think that it's possible that through this fantasy you are discovering that you have a Domme streak in you, and that you get turned on by controlling male subs. The fact that they're strangers in your fantasy kinda fits in with this as well; as they're strangers you don't need to care about their wants and needs, they're just animated sex toys in a way.
Your other fantasy, where you describe yourself as being submissive, I'd actually say is still pretty much on the Domme side. You talk about controlling the situation 'I make them perform on each other' and 'I might turn them loose'. rather than just leaping to the last section of having no control over who fucked you.
It would certainly be possible to act out elements of the fantasy at a club, if you wanted to do that, though of course it'll never be quite the same - you don't need me to tell you that! I think a valid question to ask yourself though would be 'Do I want to?' and only you can answer that.
In summary (and sorry for a long reply, but it was an interesting question) I'd say that you probably have Domme tendancies, and would get off on the control element. There are lots of ways that you could explore it safely of course - plenty of clubs where people wouldn't turn a hair. Maybe it might be worth visiting one - not to play, but just to watch and talk to people? I'd also suggest it might be worth talking to other people who are into BDSM and particularly the sub/Dom(me) element just to learn more about the subject. On the other hand, they're great fantasies and if they work for you, and they do, then great - just enjoy them as that!
Quote by tallnhairy
If you using IE (and I love firefox as well now) you can grab to google toolbar for free. It pretty good and has a pop up blocker.

I'd certainly agree with this. I've switched to Firefox now (and if you can, just do, it makes life easier), but when I used IE the Google toolbar pop-up killer was the best of many that I tried.
Quote by Calista
For practitioners then I would agree with you - but to the untrained/uneducated I would disagree - there are many ways to sensitise the skins and adding any neat oil is the quickest. You have to take into account peoples skin types, sensitivities, illnesses, allergies, dosing etc.
Even lavender oil should be used in a carrier. Yes it has the reputation for being the safest oil but can still be dangerous.

You are of course quite right that anything can be dangerous if used incorrectly, and it is always worthwhile testing *anything* before you use it. However, I am again going to disagree with you regarding lavender oil - it IS safe to use it neat. Patricia Davis in her book 'Aromatherapy an a-z' says "Essential oil of lavender is one of the most effective treatments for burns, both major and minor. It can be applied neat to all minor burns... for larger burns lavender oil should be poured neat onto sterile gauze and applied to the skin." Valerie Ann Worwood in 'The Fragrant mind' states "There are a few medicinal circumstances when essential oils can be used neat - lavender on a burn for example" and Anne McIntyre in 'The complete woman's herbal' says "Lavender is a useful external disinfectant for cuts and wounds... and minimizes scar formation when the oil is applied neat to burns.' While I am less inclined to believe what I read from websites, just do a search for 'neat lavender oil' and you'll see that virtually every site you look at will tell you that it's safe to use neat in this way.
Using lavender in a carrier in this instance is not a good idea, since most carriers are thick and oily, which is not what you want to put onto a burn.
Quote by Vix
Lavender oil is what you want. Most health shops sell it, and Boots probably does as well. Drip liberally over the affected area and the pain will go almost instantly. Lavender is excellent for any sort of burn and it soothes the skin very quickly as well.

NEVER put neat lavendar essential oil onto any part of your body!
Absolute rubbish. There is no reason at why you should not use neat lavendar oil on the skin. Most oils I would agree yes, it should be diluted in a carier oil, but lavendar is an exception to this.
Lavender oil is what you want. Most health shops sell it, and Boots probably does as well. Drip liberally over the affected area and the pain will go almost instantly. Lavender is excellent for any sort of burn and it soothes the skin very quickly as well.
Reminds me of a joke I heard a while back...
"She asked me to give her 12 inches and make her bleed. So I fucked her twice and hit her with a saucepan"
Quote by steveg_nw
Having said that, I find it difficult to see anything other than the obvious intention and motivation.

How can you say that when you don't know the circumstances?
It's called 'Having an opinion'. However, to clarify for the hard of understanding I said that *I* find it difficult to see other than etc. that doesn't mean that is what the motivation of the Boss actually was. I don't know - maybe the Boss does know about her activities - it's not clear from the original posting. Even if he does, it's still a foolish thing in the extreme to do, however much he knows or does not know, and however open she is about her lifestyle.
I think it's insanity in the extreme and opens up the possibility of sexual harrassment claims, even if it was a gift with the best possible intentions and motivations. Having said that, I find it difficult to see anything other than the obvious intention and motivation.
Quote by unclesilas
Hi Dawn
It's not necessarily just for guys. Only that we might enjoy the massage in a slightly different way redface

Hmm... I'll take your comment in the most charitable way that I can do, and presume that you mean that you're embarassed that you might get an unintentional erection from the massage. *IF* that's the case, a good masseur or aromatherapist will ignore it, because a) it will be of no interest to them and b) they are professional people who have spent a long time being trained and want to practice what they have learned.
Quote by The Shadow
I am currently having a window in my office repaired, and the bloke said 'if you pay cash I won't charge you VAT', which means I won't get a VAT reciept and can't put it through my books.
They try to make you think they are doing you a favour, but they are the only one that makes out of it as they don't have toput it through their books.....

And so you say 'Sorry, but it needs to go through my books, so put the VAT on.'
I don't see where there's a problem?
Gettysburg, oddly enough.
And while it's not a film, any television programme that shows elderly soldiers, navy or airmen recounting their wartime experiences in tears always has me going.