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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63


WBB.........Thanks for the reply...........When I read your post I had just emailed to tell them no thanks.......Its not just the outrage of being scammed. But the deception in posting an ad' which states "up to 4 guys".....and then you discover there will be 12 (assuming they all pitch)..............I am as open minded as they come and definitely not shy......But 1 woman 12 guys? :shock: Methinks tis not enough cake.
Moving swiftly on.......Bahamas anyone? cool
No Steve..........I have not reported it, as I am not sure it is a scam. That was the purpose of my post inviting opinions, to help me decide. Although I replied to the ad' several weeks ago I only discovered the fact that 12 guys had been invited yesterday......immediately before making this post.
The ad' however, was very specific about wanting "up to 4 guys", so I am not very happy about being told there are 12 anyway and at £50/head it just makes me suspicious.
I am a natural sceptic about most things.....and would value objective I am well aware of my own failing in jumping to conclusions at times.
Well aware as I am that this site operates on the principle of "free" swinging, and is rightly hard on those that advertise for monetary gain. mad
So I pose this question.. :idea:
I answered an ad' recently...which invited guys, the ad' stated up to 4 to meet with a couple.
Yippee......they picked me. Terrific! They stated that I would be expected to part with £50 to cover a Hotel room in the East End of London....fair enough I thought.
However, in subsequent emails, and as the date approaches, It has come to light that they have invited 12 guys.........well to my reckoning £600 is almost enough to buy a Hotel in the East End let alone a room for one night.
So my synical brain is starting to summise that this is perhaps a professional gig??? redface
What do you think guys?
Jeff :doh:
Gee Thx Jemlet........ redface
When you do advertise.........can you let me know the day before? biggrin Theres nothing like insider dealing........or starting in pole position... lol or is it poll? Well it would have to come with me on a picnic either way....... wink
I absolutely agree with you Roger.....I saw an ad recently from a single lady, in it was contained the superb prose "I just wanna ave fun!" and that was just about it.
Now call me weak, stupid even. But I chatted to her on MSN (which was my only response) she told me that she had 150 responses by email. Our relationship was cut short by her inability to get past one syllable, and the classification of yours truly as a snob when I divulged my occupation confused
So yes I guess you're right, these ad's get the response they are after, and the ladies most definitely do hold all the aces.
Warwick ........I agree...... the most powerfully erotic gift we have is the imagination, closeups of genitalia male or female sabotage that entirely..... yuk :censored:
Great disclaimer !! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hi Neil
Too late, I saw it.........and I wish you had left it as it was. Still it prompted me to checkout his previous threads.. It seems you are right. I found this hilarious post by Hope he doesnt mind the quote.
But Archangel;.........Enjoy this trip down memory lane...... lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sgt. Bilko wrote:
Archangel, having read through all your previous posts and your profile, would it be rude of me to say that you are probably not old enough to use this site? It would?? Okay, I won't say it, but I will still think it!!!
You seem to court controversy every time you post, but I get the feeling that you don't intend to. It's just your inexperience shining through.
So let's have a glimpse at the world of Archangel.
Occupation: Student Would that be at a Primary school or a Secondary school? MSNM steve_
So let's have a look at some of your quotes just from this thread:
Archangel wrote:
It doesn't chane the fatc that I have heard and talked to and read countless women that say all those things, so it is accurate to me.
So there!!!!!
Archangel wrote:
God, I'd love to find women.
I can believe that!!
Archangel wrote:
I'd love to find a girl
Now that's more realistic!!
Archangel wrote:
I hope there are girls out ther
I'm sure there are some somewhere!!
Archangel wrote:
Give me a women
Now say please!!
Archangel wrote:
I haven't talked to and expereicned girls
Now we're getting to the truth!!
Archangel wrote:
I am inexpericneced
Archangel wrote:
one girl who I actually had sex with said she liked it
Archangel wrote:
and another girl I had fun with said she didn't
Archangel wrote:
I want a massive cock
Okay that's enough now!!
So, I rest my case!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh.........and by the way Archangel...........
Now...........I've insulted you. Not quite sure how you arrived at that conlusion previously... confused dunno
Nice one Jeff

Thanks Angel, glad to give you a laugh smile ............But honestly, how has anyone the nerve to be so self righteous and pompous on a swinging website? rolleyes
Between thee and me........ I think maybe Archangel is a hurt angry bunny, who some meanie has been rotten to.............. :therethere:
Or maybe he's just ............................ :wanker:
One thing is for sure though.............................he wasnt in class for English!!
You will note that I have edited my post......I was merely trying to demonstrate a point regarding honesty, by posting honestly.
I will not be judged by you or anyone else who is so wet behind the ears, to presume that they are in a position to judge.
You know nothing of me, my family, circumstances or anything else.
Maybe my wife has affairs too?
Maybe we have an open marriage?
Maybe she knows of these affairs and did so at the time?
Perhaps you should change your name to Saint? You live in dream world!!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:doh: Why didnt I think of that?............Its soo smooth ...can't fail ....can it? confused
Capturing msn cam and voice is so damned easy, as are most other cam programs

surprised How is that done Dawn? Does one need special software.....I always thought camming was safe.... redface
Tommi...........Perhaps you want to think about that heading.......Trust me! you do not want "pm" women........ confused
Hi Tkano
I am definitely interested; please let me have details when you decide on the venue.
Shelley ,
I'm glad I made you laugh biggrin
Well even if you're not sorry, I'm sorry for being a sensitive git anyway.
I take it you're not from these parts then?
i wanu av a shag rite, so r fort ard beta git on ear an rite sumink. cam on gels gis a shag?
I ent nufink speshel lik.......but me dik drags on de grand wen r warks init.. narta mene.

Translation for those at altitude.
I want to have a shag right, so I thought I had better get on here and write something. Come on girls give us a shag?
or in English.......
I would very much like to meet a lady for a sexual liaison. So I thought it appropriate to compose something to attract such attention. Any ladies here of a like mind?
Modesty almost prohibits me from declaring a most adequate appendage.
Ladies......your carriage awaits........wiv mar dik caws.
I am nothing special like.......but my dick drags on the ground when I walk doesn't it.......know what I mean.
Maybe I was being a little sensitive.
But what a shame you ruined the apology with your final quip!
Im sorry I was not quick enough to respond to you. Next time, I will put my life on hold and do things quicker so not to offend anyone
Best left I think.
oops..... redface just realised ....perhaps I should have placed this in the cafe......sorry guys.
i wanu av a shag rite, so r fort ard beta git on ear an rite sumink. cam on gels gis a shag? lol
I ent nufink speshel lik.......but me dik drags on de grand wen r warks init.. narta mene. :P
Jokes aside.......I am new in here and after much debate, at last got my lovely wife to agree to advertise.
Well I am staggered by what has ensued. I think 1% of respondents has actually read the ad' and fewer still have met our criteria.
Astounding! .......little wonder the moderators and folks who run this site have such a hard job...
you guys do a great job and have my admiration for dealing with these asses with such diplomacy and aplomb. I admire your ethics in keeping this site free of subscription. In your shoes.....I dont think I could.
long may you reign..............
Thanx very much for the considration Shelley.
You really know how to make a guy feel good. I would expect better manners from someone who appears to be a regular here?
You made the original post on Sunday, I responded almost immediately I got a PM from you Monday asking for pics which I sent by email, again very promptly. I am keen, reliable, and definitely not a "timewaster". You, on the other hand have not even had the decency to reply to either the return pm nor the email I sent you. Even in the chatroom, in response to my enquiry as to whether you had received email; I got a very curt " err think so, I'll get back to you". Well have you got back to me? I dont think so. Not even a polite "no thx" or "thx for the pics".
Then I log on to find this slur.
Thanks again!
Hi Folks,
I am looking for a female partner to attend the Cockatoo Club in Newbury Park on Fri this week 30/4.
Not necessarily looking for someone to play with although if it pans out that way, all well and good. But reallly would appreciate a partner to walk in with, have a drink a chat and just be a prop for eachother.
This will be my first time in a club, and am just very nervous to walk in alone. So if theres a lady out there in the same boat , any age shape colour. Please feel free to pm me .
OOPS! :shock:
I am new in here, and I think perhaps I am being a little silly or perhaps plain naive..... When I reply to an ad that stipulates face and body pics or no reply etc... I have been silly enough to comply, in the belief that this is the done thing and I would be wasting my time if I didnt..
Now after reading all your posts... I can see that I am at as great a risk as the rest of you.
What a plonker!