If you were not at The Albert Hall on monday then YOU missed Joe Bonamassa. shame on you.
I can make telephone calls on mine!!!
"That's Why Theladyisaminx"
Apparently to find your pornstar alias you take the name of your first pet and the streeetname of where you live.
makes me Brandy Coral.
That's a fine kilt you have there and a fine smile too.
a bit from Paul Simon which is sooooo true of many people.
'Some people never say the words "I love you" '
'It's not their style to be so bold'
'Some people never say the words "I love you" '
'But ike a child they are longing to be told'
So, if you feel it, say it before its too late.
Me and Kaz made love to our beautiful friends from the coast.
Then went to Bluewater for a smashing supper.
Not a bad day at all really
Hey Neill
I like a good Excel day every now and then. Sounds as though it was time well spent though, should be able to re-position yourself more effectively now. Good luck with it all.
What -twice in one day benrums......steady on!!!
The BBC banned the Beatles "A Day In The Life"
A blind man goes for a job as a 'wood grader'.
At the interviw the foreman says you cannot do the wood grader job as you are blind.
The blind man explains that he can do the job perfectly as he has such a keen sense of smell and that his nose is able to detect all the wood types.
The forman says he will have to test him and takes him to the wood shed. He takes out a large sheet of wood - the blind man taks in a big sniff of it and pronounces "Swedish pine 1989"
The forman said you just got lucky there and produces another test sheet - the blind man taks another big sniff and pronounces "Northumberland Oak 1976"
He was spot on again so the foreman give him the job and goes into the office to do the paperwork. His secretary is hard at work on her PC. The forman explains to her that he has someone for the wood grader porsition and explains how good the blind man is. The secretay says lets have a laough with him - i'll lay on the desk with my knickers down and get him to sniff this.
The forman calls the blind man for this one last test. The secretary lays knickerless on the desk with her legs wide blind man taks another big sniff and pronounces'
"I can't quite put a date on it but I think it is the bog door from a trawler".
should have been NOT allowed to play
Great start Res
I had completely overlooked the DNEZ
It is like a game of chess only in three dimensions. A knowledge of the London Underground is essential but you will pick it up if you keep watching.
I had a copy of that - I think it was on the old red parlaphone it would be worth a few quid nowadays.
Surely it is time for another round of this fantastic game.
For those that play the game regularly you will probably be finding it difficult to start. I have been thinking for some time and cant find a relevant start move.
Can you help.
Please use the Buntington Funtrock classic rules as it can otherwise get a bit too complecaated.
- side.......I'm currently unemployed (until may)
+ side .......I'm going for a run down to Rye on my motorbike
I think floella was on the Marchioness when it went down
But she got out through the round window
Diabetic swingers swing like a dunny door on a hot windy night
rock on
I was with a few pals last night and one of them referred to the female genitals as 'A badly packed kebab'
Another said he was going home and would be having ' a tentative foray around the Mexican saddlebags' when he got home.
This inevitably only went down hill from there.
'A cat with it's throat cut'
'A ripped out fireplace'
were among others.
As you can guess the comany was all male.
Anyone know if any more? and ladies, do you have any suggestions for alternative names for the 'pork sword'?
A young couple were returning from Spain and were taken to the airport by friends and were given a parrot and a skunk as a parting gift.
Obviously they realised that they could not simply bring these animals into the UK in their luggage so the man suggested that he puts the parrot in his blazer top pocket. The coloured feathers would look like a hankerchief.
He suggested that his wife secreted the skunk in her knickers.
"But what about the smell", she asked.
"Look, if it dies it dies" her man retorted.
Have a nice day all.