I nearly passed out laughing when she told me!
Quote by flower411
I`m a bit confused by the fact that everybody seems to assume that none of this information is already recorded :shock:
I thought that ISP`s and telephone companies already recorded everything as a matter of course.
Credit/Debit card transactions are recorded
CCTV watches your every movement in the street and in your car.
If I pay for things in cash I am frequently asked for my name and address.
Quote by noladreams30
I'm not sure I'd like my family or my employers knowing what websites I visited and how long I spent on them, ditto for the texts I sent etc.
Nola x
Quote by noladreams30
I'm not sure I'd like my family or my employers knowing what websites I visited and how long I spent on them, ditto for the texts I sent etc.
Nola x
Quote by danne-gary
I don't give a monkey's.
I don't visit any site, or make any text or email that is illegal.
And if measures like this could prevent future terrorism, fine by me.
However - if I'm being naive, maybe someone would like to enlighten me.
Quote by splendid_
I have no idea whether she is either manipulative or greedy.I can't possibly judge her as a person, I don't know her.
If the facts and figures are correct then it would seem a little unfair that someone who is worth as much as he is is sentencing his daughter to a lifestyle that is secondary to his own. I can only hope that the judge knows what he is doing and has ensured that the daughter has been awarded enough to keep her in the manner to which she has become else her dad becomes this huge benevolent figure with wads of dough to spoil his daughter and Heather is left picking up the pieces after every visit.
But hey, it isn't my life and money really doesn't buy everything.
Quote by splendid_
If the facts and figures are correct then it would seem a little unfair that someone who is worth as much as he is is sentencing his daughter to a lifestyle that is secondary to his own.
Quote by splendid_
Or else her dad becomes this huge benevolent figure with wads of dough to spoil his daughter and Heather is left picking up the pieces after every visit.
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
once with a cpl where the girls were attatched to a d/ender arses banging like gate in a stormhorny as hell both girls cum me mrs jumped off wanking me cock as the other girls lad jumped on her .i said to mrs norty to talk dirty pumping me cock she said the immortal words " comon big boy drain that vein" pmsl the other cpl and me all collapsed on the the bed in a fit of giggles bang went the moment and the ...end of mrs norty ever ever talking dirty
Quote by Dawnie
And my personal fave although its not technically a film is Band of Brothers.
Quote by Srne
If the worst comes to the worst creams, just take a ghetto blaster type thingy an get ppl to bring Cds