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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 49
Bisexual Female, 46
0 miles · West Yorkshire


The daughter of some friends of ours a while ago was telling her grnd parents about the new decorating that her mum & dad had done and explained that the new "dildo" rail going round the middle of the room was really nice lol
I nearly passed out laughing when she told me!
Quote by flower411
I`m a bit confused by the fact that everybody seems to assume that none of this information is already recorded :shock:
I thought that ISP`s and telephone companies already recorded everything as a matter of course.
Credit/Debit card transactions are recorded
CCTV watches your every movement in the street and in your car.
If I pay for things in cash I am frequently asked for my name and address.

Only a complete fool would believe that certain information is not being kept by someone somewhere. Our local chinese does it for fucks sake! When you call them their computer recognises your phone number and brings up all previous orders and methods of payment used in the past!!
Quote by noladreams30
I'm not sure I'd like my family or my employers knowing what websites I visited and how long I spent on them, ditto for the texts I sent etc.
Nola x

Dont mean to alarm you but if you work for anything like a semi decent organisation with a semi decent IT dept where all the computers at your workplace are networked....the chances are your employers already know exactly what websites you visit whilst at work and for exactly how long!!
Ahhhh yes, but I (usually/mostly/pretty much anyway!!) only use the internet in work for work stuff... I took the OP to mean that there would be a log of all internet activity - i.e. that which I peruse in my own time as well - held centrally. That is the kind of info I would not like getting out
Of all the suggestions made in the OP i would imagine this one would be the hardest to actually implement. As already suggested by someone this would swamp whichever organisation was collating said info with so much useless info that defining the useless from the useful would be nigh on impossible.
Quote by noladreams30
I'm not sure I'd like my family or my employers knowing what websites I visited and how long I spent on them, ditto for the texts I sent etc.
Nola x

Dont mean to alarm you but if you work for anything like a semi decent organisation with a semi decent IT dept where all the computers at your workplace are networked....the chances are your employers already know exactly what websites you visit whilst at work and for exactly how long!!
Quote by danne-gary
I don't give a monkey's.
I don't visit any site, or make any text or email that is illegal.
And if measures like this could prevent future terrorism, fine by me.
However - if I'm being naive, maybe someone would like to enlighten me.

i agree
iv nothing to hide so im not worried

Its not about having anything to hide though, its the basic principle of the matter is it not? Its none of the goverments business if you recive an email from the missus saying whats for tea, or a text saying the cat has died.
Pure & simple its none of their business. I have nothing to hide either but i dont want some spotty oik reading all of my business and knowing more about my life than i do!!
Yet another exmple of the "nanny state" we are now living in and which is constantly being rammed down our throats.
To be perfectly honest though, if it happened what would/could anyone do about it? We, as a nation, are getting shafted from behind by the powers that be in parliament yet we all just carry on accepting things for what they are. Dont get me wrong i'm no leader of the protests nd i dont profess to be, but somebody needs to start tackling the goverment head on for issues like this.
Fuel prices are a prime example of this, there were massive demonstrations when the price reached 75p per litre which crippled the country, they are now at 125p per litre where i live and nobody gives a flying fuck anymore and the goverment are loving it as the way they see it they can carry on shitting on us all from a great height and we'll just keep on accepting it.
It wouldn't surprise me one little bit if this "database" was already in progress as i'm sure i read somewhere before that the goverment or MI6 already have the capabilities to do this and if/when you mail or text someone and it contains a word from a pre-defined "hotlist" i.e bomb or jihad etc then the mail or text is scanned properly and action taken if needed.
The nanny state we live in is going to get far far far worse sad
49 replies and not a single shout for 212 Men by Carolina Herrera. Absolutely lush and my missus cant get enough of it. Apart from that i use Cool water, Joop & Paul Smith London.
As for the fave is DKNY Be Delicious & Delicious Night and also the Versace Crystal Noir i got her at xmas.
Quote by splendid_

She sought a payout of £125m....thats just ridiculous!

well, again. That is just a matter of opinion. Mine is different.
And your opinion is that £125m is justified?
Quote by splendid_
I have no idea whether she is either manipulative or greedy.I can't possibly judge her as a person, I don't know her.
If the facts and figures are correct then it would seem a little unfair that someone who is worth as much as he is is sentencing his daughter to a lifestyle that is secondary to his own. I can only hope that the judge knows what he is doing and has ensured that the daughter has been awarded enough to keep her in the manner to which she has become else her dad becomes this huge benevolent figure with wads of dough to spoil his daughter and Heather is left picking up the pieces after every visit.
But hey, it isn't my life and money really doesn't buy everything.

Quote from BBC website:
The settlement will also see the former Beatle pay their four-year-old daughter Beatrice's nanny and school fees and will pay Beatrice £35,000 a year.
The judge awarded a lump sum of and assets of

And Paul will have joint custody so will, I'm sure, make sure that BabyB doesn't go without or have a secondary lifestyle to his. This is only the court ordered settlement, the minimum he has to pay out.
thankyou - although I had read that website and many others and it is still journalists who have rarely, if ever, given her any credit.
Those figures are actually from a summary of the judges statement which can be read
She sought a payout of £125m....thats just ridiculous!
Quote by splendid_
If the facts and figures are correct then it would seem a little unfair that someone who is worth as much as he is is sentencing his daughter to a lifestyle that is secondary to his own.

I'm sure she'll be able to manage on £35k a year, i dont even get £35k a year mad
Besides, i'm sure Heather will be able to sub her if she becomes skint wont she?
Quote by splendid_
Or else her dad becomes this huge benevolent figure with wads of dough to spoil his daughter and Heather is left picking up the pieces after every visit.

Oh yeah, like Heather is potless isnt she? banghead
Dear god....
In fact, i wonder how the goverment would react if i was to nip down to comet and buy myself a nice new 50" LCD tele, top notch surround sound system, a new washer, dryer, cooker then pop to MFI on the way home and order a nice new fitted kitchen.
...then send the friggin invoice to HM Treasury, c/o Gordon Brown, 10 Downing St.
Its the same as what all the MP's are doing in principle so why cant i do it? dunno
Could they not just make do with what they already have like the most of us?
If i want a new tele i'd have to save for months...i wonder how many of them have a new kitchen and/or bathroom fitted every year or 2?
Looking down that list the only thing i would class as an "essential" would be the bed, everything else is a luxury item that we, the taxpayer, should not have to pay for.
Bit of a no brainer this one for me and, dare i say it, most other men who have bi-sexual wives/girlfriends.....
My fave bit is getting to see my wife with another woman biggrin
The full "John Lewis" list:
Air conditioning unit - (buy a ceiling fan for fooks sake)
Bed - £1,
Bedside cabinet -
Bookcase/shelf -
Bookcase/cabinet -
Carpet - per square metre (cord costs about £3 per square metre...its only for your second home for crying out loud!!)
Carpet fitting - per square metre
Coffee maker/machine - (kettle = £15 from tesco)
Coffee table - (:shocksmile
Dining armchairs (each) -
Dining chairs (each) -
Dining table -
Dishwasher -
Drawer chest (five) -
Dressing table -
Dry cleaning - both personal and household are allowable within reasonable limits
Food mixer - (:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:)
Freestanding mirror -
Fridge/freezer combi -
Gas cooker -
Hi-fi/stereo - (fook it really nessesary for a top of the range hi-fi to listen to mozart?)
Installation of new bathroom - £6, (no need whatsoever)
Installation of new kitchen - £10, (see above)
Lamp table -
Nest of tables -
Recordable DVD -
Rugs (each) - (lmfao)
Shredder - (£20 from tesco)
Sideboard -
Suite of furniture - £2,
Television set - (:shock:)
Tumble dryer -
Underlay (basic) - per square metre
Wardrobe -
Washer dryer -
Washing machine -
Wooden flooring/carpets - per square metre
Workstation -
Personal items not allowed - for example: hairdryers or hairstylers, shavers, toothbrushes, toiletries and bathrobes.
Any form of payment protection or illness cover is not claimable from ACA in relation to mortgage payments.
In order for a member to claim the mortgage interest against his ACA home, his/her name must appear on the mortgage.
Garden furniture such as patio sets, loungers and barbecues are not allowed.
Basic garden maintenance is allowed, but plants, shrubs, flowers, hanging baskets or other decorations etc are not.
like nothing else!!!
There are so many things wrong in this country and this just tops the lot off really.
We have tens of thousands of homeless people, we have OAP's who cant afford to heat their homes during winter, we have families that live in total poverty and we have me & my wife who cant get our son into a school only 2 mins from our house as there isnt enough space....probably because the school cant afford anymore teachers.
And then you get MP's who can spunk cash away like its going out of fashion on, what i would class, as complete luxuries.
No wonder taxes are so high in this country if we have to fork out for these lying, thieving, decietful wankers to live in a life of luxury, it stinks to high heaven mad
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
once with a cpl where the girls were attatched to a d/ender arses banging like gate in a storm wink horny as hell both girls cum me mrs jumped off wanking me cock as the other girls lad jumped on her .i said to mrs norty to talk dirty pumping me cock she said the immortal words " comon big boy drain that vein" pmsl the other cpl and me all collapsed on the the bed in a fit of giggles bang went the moment and the ...end of mrs norty ever ever talking dirty rolleyes

thats a fookin classic!!!!! lol :lol: :lol:
Me and the missus were in our bedroom with another couple a few months back....the girls were on the bed having a great time and me and the other fella were stood watching, when, out of the blue i dropped the loudest fart you've ever heard and completely killed the moment lol
I couldnt help it redface
Standard issue clothing for the people of Rochester in the near future???
And everyone thought we were the smoggies lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Dawnie

And my personal fave although its not technically a film is Band of Brothers.

Ian just brought the box set of Band of Brothers reduced to £20 and he is loving it :thumbup:
Well worth 10 hours of anyones life to watch it in my opinion!
When i first got me me and MrsC watched 6 hours of it on the bounce then had to drag ourselves off to bed. I think ive watched it about 4 times now rolleyes
Or it might be the fact that instead of asking people if they're up for it, get some details together and tell people a little more about it and get it done!
Cant believe all these replies and not a single mention for:
Full Metal Jacket
Boyz n the Hood
G.I Jane (although a bit naff actually qualifies as a top drawer film)
And my personal fave although its not technically a film is Band of Brothers.
Quote by Srne
If the worst comes to the worst creams, just take a ghetto blaster type thingy an get ppl to bring Cds biggrin

I'd rather chew a broken lightbulb, its a pissup and a party....who's in charge of changing cd's?
C'mon dj's....put yourselves forward!
Thats only cos you want to sing along to Westlife and Bacstreet Boys without getting caught out Mr C.
and your point is? lol
Really sorry for you Pete and also chuffed for you at the same time....if you know what i'm getting at?
My bestest present this year is a track day the missus bought me, i get to hammer a Ferrari 360 round a track for a bit and when i've finished messing with that i get to lash a Subaru Imprezza round a rally course too :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Bring it onnnnnnnnnnnnn!