And I thought most peopLe like slim women thank god its not true.
I dont know what to say but I enjoy your threads they make me think they are thoughtfull and honnest, you know how I feel.
Leave if you want to as no one can stop you but u will be missd. I will miss you in the forums but I will keap in contact if you want me to :rose:
I have not driven a car since I had 3 accidents non of which were my fault. I tell you since I have not had a car I have had more money in my pocket which is good.
Happy birthday to you
wonderfull, inspirational and motivating story. It made me almost made me sob for personal reasons.
Do you think that these make over TV shows are realistic would you like to see people dressed up to the nines and wear lots of make up every minute of every day?
I dont beleve that there are many people walking around dressed like the people who have been on such programs.
Many people may not have money to spend on lots of chothes every year to keap in fashion and they dress for the occasion.
I do not have the money to dress up to the nines in every minute every day in my life and I dress for the occasion , for example, I dress for where I go, such as at work I wear cheap tshirt and jeans and little make up and when I go shoping I wear more expensive tshirt or nice tops and jeans and a little make up but when I go out on an evening I dress up to the nines and wear more make up to look good.
I like attention from male or females I like both so it dont make a difference to me. I like to see my b/f enjoy himself, so when he gets attention and he is happy,I am.
This is such a hard subject for me to talk about. I dont know where to start apart from smacking is different to a beating. I dont agrea with smacking or beating a child. I did smack my child a couple of times but I found that there are other ways of coping with my childrens occasional bad behavior, for example, the naughty chair, explaning things to them and taking things of my children as a punnishmet and it did work. My children are now in their 20s now and are decent poeple.
I got a lot of beatings from my mam with pokers belts and more and then my dad would join in with his hand. This happen to me from as young as 2 from what I can remember, the beatings happend to me for no reason I did not have to do any thing wrong. I learned from my mam and dads mistakes But some poeple do not. My friend and her hubby was very violent with her children and they have become violent poeple.
Whatever poeple do to tell there children off it should be consistant if they do something wrong they should be punnished and not get away with it and hopefully the child will learn from it. hopefully temper should never come into it but no ones perfect, im not perfect.
I think violece towards an animal or human should never be accepted and should be punnished and the the punnishment should fit the crime. What ever the punnishment is there should be some form education and counciling to help reform the violent people. We can at least try to reform violent people it may not work or it may work but I think its worth a try.
Im not good at puting words together but here goes. Any Questions on what I mean and I will try to explain mmore of what I mean.
Poeple who cause harm to animals or human beings such as hitting and fighting and or have anger problems, it is not right and those people are not nice but it could be because they where not fetched up right, for example, they where abused themselves. But those who cause severe harm to animals or human beings have gone beyond that, for example, people who cause pain or murder for fun can or do have metal health problems and do have an elament of evil at the same time. Violence should never be excused.
Interview with a Vampire
A very sexy film
turned and said granny was it true did grandad lead such an exciting life
My sons much loved cat which lived in my house for 3 years untill my son left home and took the cat with him. The was mentaly scarred from the miss treatment it received as a kitten. The cat does not like people its not even comfortable with us but as each year passes by with all the love it receives the cat is getting more friendly.
The person whom misstreated the cat when it was a kitten hit it violently and she is also violent towards people even her huby.
oh no theres more snow and theres a chance my son will miss college again tomorow
Here are some more words Id like to add to the list Friendly
I dont even know what my online or offline persona is
like or how different they are. I just would like to think that im friendly and am not disliked