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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 38
0 miles · Greater Manchester


Does anyone know any area serached round last night either it was just dead or their isnt any places in Bury. i was up and about at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. but i dont know if people go up their
Mod Edit - location removed again!
Can someone explain Fat' because in my eyes it isnt what you look like its who your inside that counts. my Ex gf was a size 18 when i met her and i loved her for who she was not what she was.
So yeah i got a shed load of grief from passers by but F**k Them! i was with her for 4 years. Too bad we only split up the begining of this year, shes a size 12 now though. and still care for bits for her :cry:
But eh up, gotta get over it an i :idea:
Quote by alidar
On New Years Eve I wore my Star Trek Dress I bought from Ann Summers.
Does That count? lol

Pics :lol:
Did it ever come to realise that experonaced doggers or not, they could be just as good confused
Im tota;;y the opposite i prefer older women, and ones who are up for 'almost anything' accecpt skat stuff. that just makes wanna be sick (Kinky :arrow: ).
so we up for tonight then are all u older ppl wink
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Probably better if I dont tell you the names I get called wink
(and dont forget to send me details of the Bury place)
saying nowt lol
OOOhhh, that is smackbottom for you and Dipity, :lol: :lol:
But at least you didnt post any of the names :wink:
Were they something round the lines of 'Fuck me you fuck good' or 'Oh yea' along with a few gurbling groans at which point he cum :wink:
What would be your favorite person to dress up as if you was to go out a club, venue etc etc
Mine would have to be either a Fireman, Captain Jack Sparrow, a School boy or Police Officer redface
Sorry is this is a repost btw
643 - you are a major league kinster rolleyes
77. Have you ever been played with menstrual blood?
Do people get off on that?

I answered no on this btw confused
Face it...
England is a rip off full stop, Tax is the major issue, you get taxed on your wage then you get tax on what you buy. you get taxed where you live and taxed to travel.
You want advice on what too buy, save up, get on your travel taxed transport to Jersey and buy your good from their. It's the only Island between England and France where Its Entire island is tax free... You will notic that you can buy a pair swis k trainers from there for about and buy exactly the same pair anywhere else for about
The other alternative would be to buy of a back of a waggon ;)
Im single sad
Wasnt me though, i was out and about in bury tonight to get a feel for things (this is all a new world to me), went up xxxxxxxxxx (dont worry people xxxxxxxxxxxxis about 10 square miles lots of places up their but nobody about tonight. then went for some other places in Bury but no luck.
Maybe im the only person in Bury redface
Mods Edit - still removing the location whether it is 10 square miles or not! Anyone who knows the area will know exactly where you are talking about.
You can call round to my punto if that helps wink lol :wink: :lol:
will updat the details to you soon as i get the location area name im hopless of area just know how too picture wheer they are
You just gave me an idea :idea: :idea: :idea:
This friday me and my friends are dressing up round Bury or Manchester (unsure which area) i was originally going to dress as a fireman but Jack Sparrow now thats another thing arrh :twisted:
Try hanging around on some areas you would suspect people to be 'dogging' use your imagination, where would you go where you think its quiet, dark carparks???
I maybe new to this game but i've learnt quite a few things since talking to some people on here wink
lol cheers wigancouple, although do you have a name, like a nikname or somet calling you naughty wigan couple all the time makes me all new but i prfer to blemish with you all. Im ben, you dont have to go round brandishing me as puntoben1986 redface
All the banter i'm use to that kind of stuff when i join other forums infact i use to be a moderater for a flame forum lol, the room where people call the hell out of each other and even got a bit of it myself haha. rolleyes lol
I'm off to a carpark now, in bury their is only about 10 but im just gonna go for a drive to them get a feel for waiting around then start for proper places. not worried about my car being broken into alreday happmed 3 times haha. and ive once also had a knife put to my neck so that they could have my car luckyly someone dorve on to the caraprk and they dusted. rolleyes
Tried accesing the chat now for quite a bit but every time i try it just says loading and last night i decide dto leave my com on woke up this morning and sits still loading, i have a 8mb connection so i dont know what the problem is
Have you tried ringing you Suscriber about the situation?
Ring your ISP and tell them that your not happy with the service and that the speed they offer you is poor WHEN CONNECTED. My friend Gareth did it with AOL sent him a new DSL Modem with a 6 Ethernet ports to connect with other computers dropped his pris from £30 to £20 and offered hima a better service.
But that was with AOL.
Maybe where you live that is 'peek time' in yoru area for internet usage and it cuts you off, or your isp maybe doing upgrades that time and cuttin you off.
Wigan, now thats somewhere i havent been in a long time! The last time i went their was when i left my mobile on the 540 bus from Bolton (before i could drive) and had to travel to the depot. Oh and when i got on the wrong train from Mancehster thinking it stopped at Daisy Hill but just went straight too Wigan.
I agree with what you say Clint Northwood about earning the trust and and gaining the rewards etc. The reason i asked for 500+ posts was that i would of thought that you would of been regular people and not just some Chav scout boy racer for perving or causing a nuisance.
I think i agree more in your perspective about that they could all be 'one liners', didn't really think of that tbh. smile
Dirtyduo the reason i mentioned not being many things around etc is the fact that i've noticed that a lot of dogging areas are now press 'owned' or 'boy racer spots', and thought i would of been a good area so to speak; like a new area.
Thanks for your Posts and concerns realting to the matter anway.
Oh and Sernity, Savvy' is my word haha i stole it from Captain Jack Sparrow :P
Press are so sad, its probably at the end of the day the person who wanted their journalism person to seek and find these places is because the owner himself is bored of his wife lol wink
But on another note
Quote by Srne
however have met an chatted to some absolutely physically stunning women in the past who just are so unsexy its unbelievable, they give off no aura of sex appeal at all and i soon loose all interest in them, miss srne is much the same, in that although some physical attraction is always a pre requisit, sexiness is a must for things to go any further an we have met some really good lookinf cpls who we just havent fancied!!

I agree with you on this, you get quite a lot sexy people when you go out but no sex appeal what so ever. It's them "Cock teasers" that get me haha, i hate this but i love it at the same time, the people who will totally turn you on and make you horny in every sense going then leave it at that, like voyerism so to speak.
My pa once told me that its the quiet and innocent ones to watch out for. The kind that look cute but have a second life rolleyes
im 20 so your not alone, thing is i live about 200 miles away haha.
their is no age limit into what you do as long as your enjoying it wink
i have family in Canterbury thats not far of kent i dont think, next time i down their ill give you a nudge :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Serendipity
you only have 5 posts Ben, you could be a honeytrap lol :lol:

evryone is too their own opinion because of my "5 post status" i come to realise that the more posts you hav the more trust you get. Im understandable with this, but personlly i wouldnt pay on here so that i could just f**k about. If i wanted to do that i would just go on AOL chat and "Hey 21/m/manchester dick on cam 121 me or msn" bullshit.
I'm interested into knowing what your first Doggin experiances were like, don't worry im not some wierd oh' confused
The reason i'm asking is because i'm new to all this and i gathered that alot of you on here are quite experianced and wouldn't want to be a let down if i ever came across someone in the near future.
Not only that i think it could be a fun topic between ourselfs to talk about.
I was told that to find a good place to go dogging is not to ask but to seek find for myself, is this true?
If thats the case i know quite a few secluded areas and i suspect that i would know where to look too. The main question is whats the best time to go? Im not really for waiting around in the pitch black in a car on my own getting a little nervouse and scared redface
But for anyone who is finding trouble for 'Decent' areas around Bury (Greater Manchester) i do know one place that i have used quite a lot in the past, not really seen cars or people around but i would be willing to PM geniune people the area, you got to have atleast 500 posts before i will PM you because i've noticed alot of people join post once or twice and never again (suspected police or press).
Since their no newbie section i thought i would just drop by in the main room for posting a good hello to all the great people here. Where do i start??
Well my name is ben 'hence my username', im the shy type to begin with but once i get talking im not that bad... i hope haha, or once i have had a few drinks lmao.
Anyway read a few posts from a variety of people and i'm astonished that their is no slagging off, thats what i like about this place, open and honesty and you seem all to be friendly with each other so 10/10 to you all.
Dont want to write an essay so to cut it short, 20/m/manchester.
Please feel free to say hello if you like my profile, or not. be good to get a good background of whats ges on etc.
biggrin :D :D