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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51
0 miles · Surrey


Extremely sad news.
I hope you have a good network of family and friends giving you shoulders and support. I know you've got these guys. Sincere condolences.
Gossip? Gossip!
So, how was it all, where'dya go, what'ya see etc etc??
....and can I see yer white bits? ;) :twisted:
Welcome back passionkiss
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Bloody hell ! Where have you been hiding yourself? :shock:

Hey Sass - flat..all over really!
Annoyingly enough, no broadband @ home yet - ridiculous considering profession redface
sillyassionkiss: Good ta see ya biggrin
(sorry for brief thread hijack Zena!)
Quote by Kiss
800 - always did like life on the edge biggrin

Hmmmm... not as high as me. That suggests to me that you need to put some more work in Steve. Let me know when you'd like to arrange something. wink
Sigh, mind running overtime with filthy thoughts now :D
Thanks Winch, but I'm well aware of the difference. ..and I think you'll find that was implying that vegetarians were smarter, the inferring was conducted by the researchers...
Quote by Dawnie
Is that a fantasy or just a need dunno

...sounds like it may be a gas leak to me -want me to come check it out? innocent
Quote by Freckledbird

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!

Quote by
True but I am know developing a maize strain that has the words 'please eat me' written out in colourful kernels along the ear. Just to reduce my sense of guilt.

So intelligent that you can't use the correct word/homophone?
Ooh, FB- I've had to work so hard, in the spirit of Chrimble & all that, NOT to do what you just did! wink
Why? Spirit of Christmas means you can make spelling mistakes and infer that non-vegetarians are not intelligent, does it? :wink:
...Perhaps you mean imply? dunno
Been veggie for well over a decade...and I'm thick as fook. There goes the theory sad
Quote by 36openminded
I think men need to be equally worried about their safety.

More so in fact. Statistically far more likely to be victims of violent crime. I used to teach personal safety courses (ratified by the police). Most of the advice given is sound and applicable to guys as well as girls...guys are less likely to listen though...
The plan is (evidently) to use the revenue to establish the UK as a world leader in "Green Fuel" technology, so in a decade or two's time we have a product/area that is valuable to the planet and will keep us lving to the standard we have become accustomed. As a "service" country we are dead in the water with current global trends, as we are as a "manufacturing" country. We simply can't compete. The idea of saving the planet AND using the revenue to create a future worthwhile market is actually not such a bad one on reflection.
As far as I know, Basque is the oldest spoken language in Europe - actually pre-dating (and unrelated to) Indo-European languages.
Quote by Drewxcore
Kismet Hardy were his famous last words but they werent the absolute last thing he said. The admiral was hot, thirsty and losing blood, he was desperate and uttered the words * Drink, drink, fan, fan, rub,rub* before he passed on. Kismet hardy is often associated with hislast moments because it sounds glamourous or heroic, its sad to think that one of the great heroes of our country passed into madness (why he said those words) albeit for only a brief minute or so before he died.
Staying with maritime ways here, Next question.
What killed most sailors in 18th century sea battles?

(as is your Reindeer claim - tried to avoid googling up till now, but wanted to verify).
According to most online sources, the dog predates the reindeer in terms of domestication.
I have a question for you..what is the oldest European language still spoken today?
(hope I'm right...)
Seems Lissa (and Ian-Jane) are right after a quick google. Well that's learned me something....
...Kismet Hardy (meaning "fate"), or in the new fangled iconology of the interweb, dunno <- ;)
Quote by Drewxcore
I'm waiting for someone to say saint Patrick

... other than Lilca Gem and Sercher? dunno
...a celebrity?
...And I was joking about stabbing the dog before anyone calls the RSPCA... ;)
... and I'm guessing he didn't say "Elementary my dear Watson" either...
(not a lot of people know that ;) )
...surely that's an invitation for smutty innuendo? :twisted:

Too late, de_sade in there like a sniper!
To correct your book (using the same argument you gave against Bangkok), Krung Thep is in fact not the capital. The longer name I posted previously (shortened to Krung Thep by locals) is.
It translates as something like:
The city of angels, the great city, the residence of the Emerald Buddha, the impregnable city (of Ayutthaya) of God Indra, the grand capital of the world endowed with nine precious gems, the happy city, abounding in an enormous Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where reigns the reincarnated god, a city given by Indra and built by Vishnukarn.
Krung Thep.
(Or, to give it it's full title: Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit).
...(that's Bangkok to you and me)...