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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51
0 miles · Surrey


Surely making car travel prohibitively expensive is in and of itself a "green" initiative, regardless of where the revenue goes?
Define legally?
As (at the time) the formost "rubber stamper" of law, the answer would be six. If you are refering to the law as was, one.
...if you're referring to his neferious activities with the fine ladies of the local villages.....hundreds? biggrin
Quote by sercher01
ye! we all fell for that one didnt we!

Nope. Couple of million of us tried to stop it...
It's not the best practical has much more pleasant relations. I'd be happy to take you through the entire family if ya happened to be in London :twisted: innocent
Me, the leads in "Charlies Angels" and a tub of Haagen Das?
Heh, nah, I have experimented with many things, and most of my fantasies now revolve around one or two dominant, very intelligent women who are one step ahead of my every thought and leave me breathless with apprehension and anticipation.
Fave film: V for Vendetta (currently)
Fave record: Almost impossible to answer. For today, "When the Pawn", Fiona Apple.
Fave book: Again hard to answer. Probably "Imagica" by Clive Barker.
Political leaning: In the given litmus, left of centre. Depends on the issue though.
Fave TV programme: Not a huge TV fan, loved "Life on Mars" though.
Fave team (any sport):Fan of MMA and Muay Thai. I suppose the Gracie family may count as a "team".
Heroes x 3 only: Gandhi, My father, Muhammad Ali.
Quote by PoloLady

5.5-6.5 is average, or "medium", depending on the study (too many factors for definitive answer).

That may well be average on paper, but to those who know what is available out there... it is small!
...unless you've slept with (and of course measured!), more than 10,000 men (1970 Kinsey institute study), then I fail to see how you would consider yourself qualified to "know what's available" with more validity?
It's not the average on paper, it is the average in reality. I would speculate that perhaps in swinging circles the average may be a little larger (assuming a greater level of sexual confidence in that group).
Once you go over the 8" mark, anyone you've enjoyed there is a rarity, well done!
Having said that (and again, for further info refer to the Wiki page), beyond 4-5 inches inside the Vagina you can perform surgery without anesthetic, so sparse are the nerves (and consequently the pleasure). Some women enjoy cervix stimulation, some find it akin to being winded and very uncomfortable... takes all sorts...
Shireen and ThinkingNaughty either need a new tape measure, have been lucky girls or need to assess their estimation skills.. ;)
5.5-6.5 is average, or "medium", depending on the study (too many factors for definitive answer). 7.5-8 puts you firmly in the "large" category (forgive the pun), that is providing that you are measuring along the top of the penis, not the bottom.
See your friend for a more detailed analysis.
Personally, I haven't been too fussed about knob size since I was in my teens. Have met women that considered me too big to be comfortable, and women that had clearly had more meat in their ex. Ultimately it comes down to compatibility, not a tape measure.
Firefox 2 (well: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0 ), Win XP SP2 - Adobe (ouch) Flash. Starts loading, then completely crashes FireFox sad I've yet to see it in action - please don't turn off the working one just yet!
I highly recommend ditching any free account supplier that has this policy. It is a pointless excercise given the costs of storage space today (next to nothing). If you'd like an invitation to a service that gives almost 3 gig of message space and has no such restrictiions, drop me a pm smile
Damn, wrong colour otherwise I'd be a willing <strike>victim</strike>...I mean volunteer biggrin
Quote by Lonni
How long are you
going for H-x? Not too long I hope. I have always had a HUGE soft spot for you.
Lonni x

Poor bugger, mine was always on the hard side...
You could always try one of a couple of excellent open source options.
provides a full "office" package (with spreadsheet, word processing, database, drawing and presentation tools) and is very similar to MS Office....but it's free!
If you want less download time and just a word processor, try .
I think there should be an informal seminar on the various forms organised by the more experienced members here...I'll glady help out with the demos.... innocent
Wow - haven't been online for a while because of lack of internet connection in new flat - and now this :cry:
You will be sorely missed H - but luckily those canny Aussies have got round to installing the interweb thingy - so you can stay in touch.
Have an amazing trip - I know you'll enjoy yourself...and you have PM xx
LMAO @ Kiss's last pic lol
Quote by Abilene
When I see an uncut cock I actually worry that I will hurt the guy due to my lack of 'user knowledge' .... any training volunteers ;)

....there are rare cases where the skin is too tight...but most of the time it just gives another dimension to play with. If you'd like a more practical lesson Abi.... innocent
It's a double edged sword surely?
People are attracted to certain things, (unless they're complete shagmonsters!), and use the profiles here to state their preferences. I think that all the criteria used could be equally "tactless" as the comment about people being overweight - black, white, huge cock , small cock (both more ambiguous incidentally than "overweight", for which there is a medical definition), big boobs, slim, fat, under 21, over 45, whatever - all are to a certain extent stigmatising and potentially damaging, or "brutally honest".
However the level of brutality is a relative thing. People could use "less than generously proportioned apendages not prefered", or "models with less life-miles required", but the lack of specificity could lead to confusion. At least with the "honest" option, browsers can move on and find a more suitable person to play with without wasting their time...
I certainly think that tact can and should be applied when letting somebody know you don't want to play with them directly, but feel that in advertsing, being as specific as possible is a good thing.
I'll be working through the night tonight ( sad ), but just wanted to say that it's a crime that either of ya had to spend the night alone kiss
... speechless.
Not funny. Unfortunate.
confused :cry:
To address an issue and ensure that the facts are straight:
This country is on its knees and wont be able to stanbd for a long time to come..

...absolutely right, but it would be properly on it's arse if it wasn't for immigration.

... without going into the NHS and teaching sector shortages which have been filled by migrant workers (often at the expense of their native countries).
As far as Asylum costs go - £1billion for the duration of the Iraq war, steep, I grant you. But a total detention policy (if that was your bag) would cost twice as much....and it all pales into insignificance when compared to the £7billion (so far) in admitted expenses on the Iraq shambles.
Offset the above though with the following, all important fact:
immigrants contribute more to the state than they receive in benefits
Kicking them all out would actually cost us in manpower, skills and huge chunks of cash....the damn freeloaders...
The issue is a huge one, and a parody/satire which misses the point entirely and displays clear lack of understanding and biggotry (and I stress that I refer to the text, not you Lissa kiss ) is not's more of a lame donkey.
The site BiWelshMinx highlights there is excellent for this sort of thing. If you get a message of this nature, always Google or Snopes the content, that way you can save yourself (and others) the bandwidth cost of propogating the hoax (which is its main intention).
Just re-read the last thread, and no, the issue still hasn't been resolved. I also notice that I failed to return to it in order to answer your question Wild Rose & Stag. Drudging it up, because it was never properly addressed. As correctly pointed out later, I was indeed referring to the DPA.
Nope - that is not covered by the DPA, it's only personal information. If you look at a member's profile you can see immediately if they are banned or not. If they ARE banned then big red letters say so. No big red banned letters then not banned. Simple really. Let's not bring confusing and mis-informed discussions about DPA into this thread. It's not relevant.

*Angrily waves honours Law degree in the air*
Jags, it is HUGELY relevent. You simply cannot demand to see a list of off-site attendees, and more importantly, the holder of the party IS bound under the DPA as it stands, and would be answerable to the registraar should he or she give you such a list without prior consent.
I'd like to know whether your opinion on what is and is not covered by the DPA is based on any legal expertise or not? I'd be extraordinarily concerned if it is.
I've mentioned it before, but unless you obtain explicit consent from attendees in advance to share even their username and intention to attend with the site owners of SH, and then do so, you are breaking the law.
I'll add that I agree with your position and think the whole issue is a result of severely muddled thinking.
Quote by Kiss
His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Wandered around his house a few times - the bugger never did invite me in for a cuppa.
Have met many "celebrity" type famous people because of previous lifestyle, not too many I'd be desperate to meet. Perhaps Fiona Apple.
I'd also like to meet HHDL - just hanging around his gaff brought me an enormous sense of peace. Gandhi would be top of my dead dude/dudettes list.
"In My Life", performed by Sean Connery on George Martin's final album.
Jeff Buckley also works for me.
Eva Cassidy, for personal reasons as well as the beauty of her voice.
If the teachrs taught about the Roman highjacking of other pagan festivals to suit their religious agendas then I would support it LOL.

Many do now - RE is no longer simply about pushing Christianity in most schools.
My dislikes are similar to others. I am especially appalled by the TV advertising that is targetted at kids in the run up. I also dislike the competitive financial side of it that seems to be becoming more prominent - regardless of religion, children should enjoy a few days of genuine warmth and community spirit, not be comparing iPods or totting up the total worth of gifts.
I love the thoughtfulness, giving, sharing, remembering and happiness.
Drink too much, smoke too much, eat crap, stay in bed too long, avoid contact with friends...yep, I know the deep dark hole. Have been through a bit of a spell recently, but unfortunately all of the above reactions simply exacerbate the situation.
Excercise is fantastic for balancing seratonin levels. Drinking and smoking ultimately screw them up. So stop drinking, smoke less (if at all), eat better, get in touch with family and friends and organise doing something outside of a pub ....and get some excercise (running, swimming, cycling, long walk, whatever) - Oh, and get up earlier!. It is a very tough fight, but outside medical help (which is not neccesary in most cases. in my humble opinion) taking these steps is just about the only way forward.
Good luck smile