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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51
0 miles · Surrey


What Brighton geezer said. Compulsory buildings insurance isn't possible as insurers will simply not insure some properties, based on either past or predicted flooding in the area. The problem is only going to increase as climate change hastens. Something we're just going to have to adapt to - but hell, millions of people have dealt with similar in countries that enjoy regular monsoons for a very long time...
Given that I've just replied in the contrary to your views on the Iran situation, and comparisons to the UK election system, I now discover common ground. Yes, Obamas speech was inspirational and I believe a lesson in humble, but firm and even handed leadership at the pinnacle of democracy. Not something I thought I'd ever see myself typing a few years ago...
Quote by GnV
At least there was an election - more than the people of Britain were allowed...

... you mean the 55% to Labour 30% Tory vote of '05 (seats), or, by popular vote standard (something which failed in the good ole US), 37% Labour 34% Tory?
There is no "presidential", one man leads the country voting system here (thank fuck). While I agree things are shitty currently, we don't have a "supreme" leader, merely a servant who has been voted in to lead a party to commit to an agenda upon which votes were freely cast.
It may, or may not have failed. Luckily for us, within the next 12 months the people of this forum, and this country will decide and vote for continuance or change.
Not an opportunity afforded to many throughout the world. Your statements are ill thought through.
Frankly, in spite of a glut of posts clarifying the matter, my head is still swimming at the initial question! I'll get back to you... xx
All very well suggesting people read the AUP when they infringe it, and Peanut may well know what it is....but (as someone who runs several forums) may be prudent to to the AUP when suggesting people read it, even if you don't explain what it is short for (many people won't have a scooby).
Fwiw, I was going to link to it above, but couldn't even find it.......
When I first uploaded profile pics (that reminds me, must update them), I was also a victim of overzealous modding. The "handstand" pic in my profile had three guys walking along the beach about 300m away from me. Just silouettes, barely distinguishable as people, and yet I had to photoshop the sea for the photo to be allowed. I had no warnings and was chastised in the forums when I asked (innocently, I too thought I was buggering up uploading) what was going on.....
I agree with the third party rule, it does make sense...but when that third party is clearly not ever going to be recognised, I think a little leeway may be appropriate.
OMG, Miss Widdecombe's comments (in the first quote) beggar belief!!!
By that logic, if a bloke if I meet down the pub, get on with him, pop back to his (or he to mine) for after's as we fancy a jam (theoretical bloke happens to be a musician) - then he holds me down and buggers me.....I am to a certain extent culpable????!!!
Essentially that implies that a woman can't be in the company of a man without having sex on the agenda. The woman should be fired from a cannon back into the dark ages!!
...And precisely why was I not asked to dress in a nurses outfit and serve her every whim during recuperation??!
Hope whatever it is goes well, and wish ya a speedy recovery Sass xx
Last time I checked HIV infection in prostitutes/bar girls in Thailand was around 20%. Not gonna google to double check latest figures - but basically a 1 in 5 risk should be enough to put anyone off.
While I'm not 100% against the sex trade (when it is a trade and the girls are in control of their own destiny), it's not something I'd indulge in, not least because of the significant risk factor.
Things have improved in the area, particularly as a result of government efforts to boost condom use and awareness - but I think it's a very risky bet.
If you are looking to "hire" a third (surely there are willing participants herein?), Amsterdam may be your best bet. The girls have a union, and get themselves checked out regularly. As was said earlier - enjoy the sun and beach in the land of smiles - and perhaps stop in the 'dam on the way back for a little nookie!
Quote by Dawnie
I have been using facebook to learn how to play poker. (

Was just getting over my mild FB poker addiction when some git introduced me to the Bowling game. Damn it, more quality time down the pan... mad
Quote by kentswingers777
I wonder how all the liberals out there would feel if it was their child killed in the most horrific way, or your son or Daughter?

Firstly, this wasn't a child. Cheap emotive sentence. Secondly, there just may be people on this board that have been in a similar situation to that. Have you?
I can say with 100% certainty that if something like that happened to my child I would not want someone innocent of the crime to die for it. I would want the person responsible dead, but wouldn't be willing to see someone die unless there was no doubt whatsoever of their guilt. And even then, I would not want a paid civil servant to do the job (but I would be more than willing).
I still say there was enough there to convict George and there is still doubts there even from the police.

There clearly wasn't or he would be in prison.
This guy has an IQ of 75. Initial reports at the time suggested that the police were fairly sure it was a professional hit - that alone raises question marks for me.
Add to that the fact that the forensic "evidence" given in the initial trial has since been found to be flawed, all you have is a weird loner who happened to live in the same postcode - and one person that claims to have seen him in the area around the time (spooky, as he lives there). Not enough for a conviction and certainly not enough to condemn a man to death, no matter how weird or repugnant he may be.
Wikipedia carries some info about the specifics of the retrial - ( ) - what evidence is it that you think was enough?
Quote by Phuckers
.but what still amaze me on this site is the members who are banned,i dont think its right that their pictures are still displayed on their profiles

They can log in and delete them... smile
you can use your new position to table that to admin... - busted!??
Quote by hisandhers
for the people who do partake in this then, would you consider it being similar to some one squirting dunno
If not why?
Sorry more questions lol

Yes, absolutely.
One of my early sexual experiences was with a woman somewhat older than me (I was 18, she 42). She squirted. The very first time I was totally freaked out and thought she'd pissed on me.
Over the years I have since had 2 other regularly squirting partners - and I do love it now, especially when they are on top and in control (on the face is a particular pleasure). To that end it is definitely a power thing, and draws out and titillates my sub side utterly.
I relatively recently had a someone piss on me in the middle of a very raunchy SM session, and while the actual act wasn't too sexy at first, I keep finding myself fantasising about it and craving that complete control and degradation again.
Oooer, did I just say that? There ya go, complete frankness smile
Quote by foxylady2209
Sorry, folks. It has to be The Wurzels.
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Saw them at the w/e - fun, but not even in the same league (although they seemed convinced they were!)
I am a musician. I LOVE music. Stones, Queen, Cream, Led Zep, Floyd. All are great. But none quite have the depth, breadth and versatility of the Beatles.
Having said that, their often overlooked magic ingredient was George Martin.
My 2p..
I agree that "done to death" is an impossible concept on a growing forum. New people have different answers, opinions change and, above all, it keeps the "social" side contemporary, kind of important on this type of site ;)
As to the hair, I like variety. While I lean for preferring zero on women, everything 100% natural can also be very sexy.
I usually stay "neat", but occasionally get rid of everything for a while - it does feel lovely.
Room for another one? May even bring a lady friend if that's OK - she'd love that show!
Quote by Miss_Kiss
My list would be far too long to type. cool

Same, for various reasons..
I have loads of ideas...but none that are going to help :twisted:
Hmm - may be best to choose the style and type with the intended, er, recipient...unless of course you're planning on surprising them!
Quote by louise_and_joe
passionkiss 69position hump to anyone who wants it.
louise xx
Any excuse for me redface :giggle:

Aaaah, that's rejuvenated me biggrin
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Anything except engine and sunflower confused

I'm distraught, my Sassy dressed as a mechanic while pretending to be Nigella Lawson fantasy just dissapeared in a whisp of smoke.. sad
Hmmm - missed this. Details from my notepad file:
"about:config" into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:

Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.
2. Alter the entries as follows:
Set " " to "true"
Set " " to "true"
Set " " to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.
3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it " " and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.

Have also recommended a very good book on the subject to Meaty. smile
<-- Melts @ Juniper's thigh highs n wonders if he has the requisite qualifications for tart-dom...
Long (beyond bum), short (skinhead) and everything in between. Dreads, blond, highlighted, green, blue, spikey ... with facial hair, without, with pubic hair, without....even the eyebrows have failed to escape the massacre.
Usually associated with emotional upheaval, or major circumstance changes.... I suppose you could say I have a similar issue!
That said, in the words of India Arie, "I am not my hair"....