You'll find this place is
I envy you all who get on with your mums and dads.
My dad died in 1989 and he wasn't missed by anybody. I suppose sometimes people don't deserve nice thoughts.
And I haven't seen my mum since his funeral. She has never seen my daughters. Don't ask...it's a long story.
But I get on so well with my inlaws and they have been better than my own parents. Really nice people and Mrs Fac is very close to them. Unfortunately they are getting on a bit, and both very ill..
I can only look on in awe and wonder if I'll ever be as good as you.
Hope you have a lovely time WibblyWobbly
I'm going on holiday next week. Can I be on it so that I don't miss out on seeing myself on the list of people that have got no reason to be on the list of people in the first place. If I'm added to the list of people who don't care if they are on the list of people then I will know that I'm not just another meaningless person on a meaningless list. If the list is meaningless though why would I want to be on that list as it doesn't really matter if I am on the list or not does it? I can go on................ WILL go on if I'm not added to the list.
Thanking you in anticipation (or is that constipation)
I left home when I was 16, and have never wanted to move back. I've got 8 brothers and sisters and I couldn't wait to get out for some peace and quiet.
I shall feel I've failed as a parent if my own kids don't want independence when they are in their late teens.
I shall miss them but a parent's job is to prepare kids to live on their own and be inedependent.
(Do I sound like an old fart or what?)
I'd have to agree with Mike. You get Allsorts on here but you should enjoy yourself
Sometimes the wit flows. (did I spell that correct)
and sometimes it FFLLOOWWSSSSS!!!
I can't put a picture on a pm as I haven't got an online facilty at the moment. Can you pm me your email if you want a pic.
As nobody has ever seen me, I'm willing to open myself to ridicule and let people guess what they think I look like for the sake of experimental science.
You've all got an impression of me from the crap that I've written on here so can you describe me? I will email a picture to everybody that has a go.
I've just realised what the answer is to another question I posed.
I AM insane!!
Or it could be down to the very nice bottle of red that I am half way through.
You can tell the auto diallers as there is a slight pause, then they start to talk. But beware!! I did read somewhere (possibly mistakenly) that you can also be charged for some of these calls. I'm sure somebody will correct me.
And I'm really surprised how many competitions I've won recently. Trouble is I can't afford all of these free gifts.
Well I've got nothing to hide.
I'm an open book.
It brings to mind....
Do you like chicken?
Well taste this...it's fowl!!
SORRY!! Had to be done!
I have to agree with the sarge.
Getting divorced.. Best thing that ever happened to me.
Then I met Mrs Fac a year later and had a brilliant life ever since.
(I have to admit to liking 70s music best as I was brought up on Led Zep and Deep Purple, especially Child In Time)