Well you can be a Right Tosser and get 158%
A R I G H T T O S S E R = 1+18+9+7+8+20+20+15+19+19+5+18
Oh how I wish I'd chosen a more interesting name.
(No not Rich, I didn't choose that one)
Avril Lavigne - Lets Go
Before that Busted
And before that Atomic Kitten
As everybody else seems to agree, IQ tests can be learned, so not a lot of use to judge somebody's intelligence.
On the other hand, when children leave primary school they have a VRQ (Verbal Reasoning Quotient) which is similar, and this is a very good indication of how intelligent they are.
Coupled with another test called CATS (Cognitive Assessment Tests), it is possible to predict, and quite accurately, how well a student will do in their GCSEs. Infact it is used to judge whether a school has 'added value' to a student's learning. The two tests can also be used together to target students that need special help.
Thanks TnH
I haven't used my web space from my ISP yet so I think I will set up a site on there and any pictures I need, I will upload to my own site
As we seem to have digressed a little, can anybody tell me how I can display a picture that I have on my hard drive.
Does it have to be loaded onto an online storage facility before it can be displayed? 'Cos you're not allowed to access files directly from the HD using the img tag.
Some More!!
When ship builders made the old wooden warships the very last plank to be laid on the deck was called the devil. This was the small curved plank next to the edge of the ship.
It was very difficult to get this in and men used to hang off the edge of the ship to be able to place it in the correct position.
Hence they got into a dangerous position.... Between the Devil and the deep blue sea.
To make storage easier on the ships, the plates used to be be square pieces of wood.
Hence the saying.... To get a square meal
In the dark ages, when houses were made of mud, or other poor construction, people broke into houses very easily.
Gangs of men used to creep into houses in the middle of the night and steal young women.
So all the young women in the house used to sleep on a high shelf at night that could only be accessed by a ladder. As the women met men and married they left their father's house, and the ones that didn't get married were..left on the shelf.
When we started getting involved with other people we drew up a list of criteria that we thought were the minimum requirements.
We have always rigidly stuck to that and have not yet had a bad experience.
One example was a young guy who wanted to join us, and he had fairy tale looks. Sent a couple of photos, and Mrs Fac thought he was stunning. I thought he was too good to be true as the photos looked TOO professional and looked as if they were from a catalogue. When he was asked to go on cam, he always had an excuse and said that if we couldn't accept his excuse then not to bother. So we didn't.
It was just too good to be true. But my gut instinct said wrong, right from the beginning, although Mrs Fac was swayed by his good looks, she eventualy saw that it wasn't right
You are on your own and don't have anybody elses help in deciding, and I would think being a single male, you must be very tempted, as we all know that single males have difficulty making contact on here.
You have GOT to go with your first instinct. You KNOW it isn't right!!
I had a really bad time with stress earlier this year and couldn't sleep, and was reccomended a natural herb product called Valerian.
Absolutely did the trick for me but does leave you with a bit of a drowsiness hangover at the beginning of the day.
Once my sleep pattern was back to normal I didn't need it anymore
Can be bought in most health food shops
And I just could not resist this one.
and :welcome:
For Yesterday
I know this has been done recently, but I just felt this thread needed that little??? something.
This has got to be my favourite thread so far!!!!!! :inlove:
I think Corrie is correct. You can treat them when you've got them but you won't get rid of them unless you treat the underlying cause.
Lots of fruit, or even multi-vitamin tablets will help.
And, God dare I say it, alcohol doesn't help because it can cause the body to wash out all the goodness in your blood.
And of course there's the old standby, lots and lots of water.
Mrs Fac has recently lost 3 stone and hasn't gone hungry once.
She tried the sort of (squeezes bum tightly and waits for the flack) Atkins Diet. I say the sort of, because she didn't follow it rigidly by eating all of the fat, but concentrated on cutting out all of the crap food that we ate.
So we don't now eat things such as pasta, potatoes, bicuits, and puddings.(Well we do have the puds occasionally)
She hasn't gone hungry once because she eats a proper breakfast and this lasts for most of the day.
Atkins works by using foods that take a long time to break down in the stomach. The energy is then released slowly throughout that period, and the brain does not register hunger because there is a steady supply of sugar to the blood which is used as it is produced.
Carbohydrates on the other hand, especially sugars, are broken down quickly and there is a huge rush of energy into the blood which the body can't deal with. Insulin is then released to mop this up and store as fat.
The idea is to keep the blood sugar level constant instead of having peaks and troughs making the brain register hunger. For snacks we have things such as chicken legs, or small salads, and after a while the craving for sweet things has disappeared.
We both feel much healthier, have lower cholesterol levels, and no stomach problems such as heartburn.
Only downside is the food bill has gone through the roof.