Best - A very tasty Lucky 63 a few months ago
Worsed - A Sherbet Dip pin badge when I was a kid
Quote by celestria
However I'm not going to say that you should never smack your child. I would smack any toddler on the back of the hand who was trying to push a fork into an electrical socket.
Quote by earthchild
I find it sooooooooo annoying when itunes wipes songs off my ipod
But there is a solution
ipodcopy is a program that will let you copy songs from your ipod to your pc. Read about it here
If its something you're interested in, drop me a line and I'll find the program for you
Actually found a 30 day trial
Quote by Darkmatt1976
never had virus problems with limwire pro, but with absic limewire i did,
only thing you have to realise is stay away from exe files, and don't use limewire for downloading programs and zips.
if your just after movies go for mp4 files or avi
if after music just go for mp3 files.
typical album of 13 tracks on limewire takes between 5-20 mins on an 8meg BB connection (typical bt)
on opera time is between 3-15 mins
obviously the more seeders the better
as for bit torrent because its downloading small packets it takes longer. i tried Utorrent and was getting 30-60 mins per album hence why i stopped using it.
Quote by tweeky
Jeez I think I opened a can of worms here have had such a lot of advice here and in PM/email that I dont know what to do Thanks everyone.
Well since I posted this last night have removed Limewire and am now using Utorrent as bittorent was suggested but then a well known and trusted friend told me Utorrent was better. Ive not a clue I have it on now its doing something with something I wanted but I have no idea what that thing is.