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Quote by skinny
This question gets raised time and again, in some format or other, and often the thread will deviate as it moves along.
No.1 turnoff is likely to be a question of hygiene rather than appearance.
As said so often, by me at any rate, the glint in the eye and the wicked curl of the lip often do more to turn me on than anything else. Nevertheless I do admire a pretty face, a size 8 to 10 figure and an amazingly cute bum. Slim hips and a smaller boob size are plus points... and of course saying "yes" as and when required is crucial. wink
I don't have to find someone especially attractive in order to have sex with them. ( I have been known to get a tongue lashing for this one.) On the other hand, I don't actually aim to meet anyone from this site with the intention of having sex with them.

it's just the thought of not finding someone attractite and still being able to have sex! How do you keep it up?
nice ass, nice legs do it for me. petite.
skinny says it all, just about. if you want one, advertise! dare say there'll be lots willing to help out. isn't something i'd want to be involved in though, two or three guys is usually enough!
deepthroat is ok but prefer just the tip and tongue play. thought this was 'normal' but interesting to see such varied viewpoints!
actually, ok doesn't do it justice.
please tell me that some of these comments are not for real!
Relocating? At whose cost? Why should families leave their neighbourhood, families and friends?
And as for foodbanks. Oh come on. What sort of society do we have that they are needed? As for vouchers, well they were used for refugees and they were a rip off. No change given, generally expensive corner shops only, and what a social stigma 'look at me, I'm poor and needy'.
If we all said 'raise taxes' and shot the tories (or sent them to australia) we could have a decent society again.
Quote by Rogue_Trader
Ha ha .. You're using the 'PREJUDGEMENT' of poor Jimmy Saville's antics as a way to discredit the police. That's an intelligent argument.
I said your defence of JS was vile and disgusting, I didn't say you were. #Touchy

Ah so its OK to DO vile and disgusting things and still not BE vile and disgusting. OKaaayyy
Nicely swerved on prejudice ... No I was calling YOU out for being prejudiced which you clearly are judging by your statements about Saville and myself. I was also adding that the Police were hopeless at prosecuting these sort of alleged crimes as we have seen recently with a string of failed cases costing £Millions.
Two distinct points but clearly one too many for you to handle.
String of failed cases???
Only William Roache...everyone else is either still awaiting trial or have been found guilty and imprisoned.
And your comment that someone is not guilty because they are dead and haven't stood trial for their crime would also put most spree murderers as innocent, would also put a lot of dictators as innocent as well...
well said, damnit.
honesty is subjective.
Saville was guilty, its just the incredible level that's so hard to fathom.
Quote by Too Hot
Why not look around at what recent immigrants to this country have achieved in the last ten years. No one moaning about this or that government or expecting anything special. As a nation, we are world class at moaning how unfair life/society/government is and whilst we are moaning others look around and take advantage of the many and great opportunities that are available in this country - if you are prepared to knuckle down and get on with it. Many locals, it seems, would rather complain about the pitiful state of our society rather than getting on and making the most of opportunity.
Ah well, two years time we will probably have a lib/lab coalition government and the right wingers will still be moaning about Europe, the Greens will still be moaning about fracking, HS2 will be scrapped and the government will once again become bigger in line with the letter leaning principles of socialism.

oh please, anything but lib/lab coalition. That would mean all sense of justice in this world would have vanished. I still strongly believe that there are a great number of labour members of parliament that have a social concience. Maybe not all, but a higher proportion than tory or liberal public school multimillionaire toffs.
Quote by Too Hot
God forbid we ever get Nationalised industries again. Nationalised industries are rarely, if ever, profitable and the more cash the sitting government has or needs to allocate to the funding of infrastructure improvements to any one industry, the more the opposition will use it as a political tool. Our style of government is not suited to anything being Nationalised. Just look at how NHS, schools, defence and other funding budgets are argued over now... It would be so much worse with Nationalised industries as well. For those with short memories, just go back to the 1970's and read up about our successful Nationalised industries.... Not.

so why is it that the only train line that turns a profit in this country is the nationalised one that was taken back by the government following the bidding scandal. The other 'profit making' are being run with huge subsidies. Gas and electric companies make huge profits and are generally foreign owned now. Likewise with water.
All these companies were owned by us, didn't make 'profits' as such but were not run with any subsidies unlike now. Nobody ever complained about the cost of heating, fuel poverty was incredibly rare (unlike now). And don't get me started about the right to buy and all the ex-council houses now being rented back to people and housing benefit being used for huge landlord profits.
This government is run by toffs, for toffs. And yet I still have to thank maggie the blue rinsed bitch for giving me a huge pay rise when she came to power because she took my top rate of tax down from 60% to 40%. May she rot in hell for what she started.
Quote by MidsCouple24
so we now have another scandal in the offing. They lied about the miners, no surprise there though. And Hillsborough, and the Belgrano, and death on the rock, and just about anything else we can think of.
Why though? Could they not just try being honest or is that a thing of the past.
Do we have honesty any more in government? Is this a little too serious after a bottle of wine, a very large glass of port and sitting keeping a glass of laphroig company? And it's only 9 o-clock?
Do I have a drink problem?

Whilst I am fully aware that Governments be they Tory, Labour or Liberal, lie all the time to us, I am astounded by your statement.
Firstly that you think that the Tory party are any different to the others and secondly that you make such a statement without colabatory proof of what your saying published in your post.
The Belgranno was sunk because it posed a threat to the task force, yes it was heading away from the fleet at the time of being torpedoed, yes it was outside the exclusion zone, the Government never denied that fact, the Argentine Governemnt admits it was sent to attack the Task Force.
Ships at war zig zag, that is SOP, the direction may have been part of such a manouvere, who cares, it was a threat and it was taken out, the right decision, following it's demise the Argentine Navy opted to stay in port no doubt saving countless British and Argentine lives.
The Tory party did not lie about it's fears that the miners strike was being infiltrated by extremists set about ruining the Government and as had previously happened bringing it down, true they did not announce their fears or publish them until now but they did not lie, they stated quite categorically that they would not let the Unions dictate British Policy or run Britain and that they would not submit to what they were doing which however right or wrong was illegal in it's use of flying pickets and murder.
The Rock - No government reveals it's tactics during a time of war or conflict, the IRA operated a shoot to kill policy, is it wrong for those they are fighting to operate the same policy ? if so will you be calling for the US government to be charged over the killing of the unarmed Osama Bin Laden and other members of his group ?
Personally I would be more worried about their fraudulent actions with their claims and with their refusal to follow their own rules regarding the disclosure of personal and financial interests when introducing commons bills. I would be asking how many of them have financial interests in Power companies, Online betting, pay day loans, alcohol and companies that cause obesity which might explain why they will not act against them.

interesting response, not sure why proof is needed in the post though as it's well known, well documented just about everywhere and isn't disputed by anyone.
good try though.
interesting topic, still has tie ups though and that's especially the guys who are still happy to watch two girls 'getting it on' but wouldn't dream of doing it themselves. When we are as free as some of the mainland european counties are we are on the right track.
Still fun though.
so we now have another scandal in the offing. They lied about the miners, no surprise there though. And Hillsborough, and the Belgrano, and death on the rock, and just about anything else we can think of.
Why though? Could they not just try being honest or is that a thing of the past.
Do we have honesty any more in government? Is this a little too serious after a bottle of wine, a very large glass of port and sitting keeping a glass of laphroig company? And it's only 9 o-clock?
Do I have a drink problem?
for those amongst us that are unaware, it's the giving up of the demon drink for the whole month of january, with a contribution to charity being the goal.
So 4 days later, having had a particularly bad time in a kitchen planning outfit place, I felt the need to partake in a drink or two. Bottles that is. Dry white, sauvignon blanc.
So who is doing better, and who has done worse? Why?
The donation to charity is still on, just humbled.
Quote by kentadultfun
Hi just wanted to get a feel of opinion - we have been together about 30 years but I think my mrs is hornier than the first day I met her and I still wank over pics of her - and over her by surprise sometimes!
Am I alone or are there many others like me out there?
Regards, K

no, you're not alone as I just indulged. Nice pics!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
kings lynn. why is this place so miserable? The hardwick roundabout, one of the main entrances to this god-forbidding place, just is the icing on the cake.
Managing to manouvre this obstacle, the wonderful views of the town come into play. The biggest tesco and (yes, I do mean AND) sainsburys on the planet! Moving slowly, very slowly because of the traffic, towards the town, the next obstacle to pass is the southgates roundabout. Oh god help us.
New parking on tuesday market place, no change given on the new machines (tight arse council here, money grabbing vultures) and not enough parking spaces................
oh shit, going on a bit here. sorry folks, I need a gin!
it's like being 'a little pregnant' or, and this one really gets on my tits, 'a social smoker'.
Bi is bi, give it a go!
and what is an older woman pray do tell? As an extremely randy and lucky 19 year old I managed to be incredibly seduced (what an amazing term that is!) by a 34 year old goddess. Now that 34 year old, older woman, is just about young enough to be my daughter. Times have changed. If sharon stone came calling, oh wow........
So define older woman please!
Quote by pookbunnies
its the 21st century now, whats the excuse for NOT having some sort of pic on your profile ? everyone has a camera or a phone that takes reasonable pics.
those that say "we dont have pictures as we are being discreet"your boss wont know its you from a pic of your ass lol (or maybe he would)
have you seen how many people are actually into the swinging lifestyle these days ? its no longer some secret shame wink
we certainly take profiles without pictures as suspect,

perhaps, and i agree, there's just that little bit too much risk on being identified. Although to be honest never thought that just a picture of an arse of cock would be of interest. Happy to send photo's once contact has been made though, obviously.
sorry folks, someone is so far off the mark here that it defies logic.
Utilities. Rate of growth of the price of unit is far above inflation. Oddly enough it almost marks the annual rate of expected growth of profit (or dividend return on capital) which is far above the rate of previous, prior to privatisation, inflation rate.
Statistics here government figures so don't argue. And who owns these companies? Tax paid outside eu so no returns for us folks!
Trains. omg. The only outfit to mark a return is the failing industry that was taken over by the government to bail it out. Even so the standards we all expect and the price of tickets have so far exceeded inflation it's a joke. Actually though we are still subsiding rail! What a joke.
And then I move on to education, a chapter in itself. Standards? Who wants their children educated by unqualified staff? Who wants their children educated without ofsted quality inspections? Who wants their children to eat school meals below govenment set standards? If you're happy with answering yes to all three, go to a 'free school' where you can eat crap, be educated by idiots and who cares what you end up being taught as long as it's cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Bugger, left wing leanings coming out again!
has anyone seen the white poppy? We have one most years. The idea is generally that 'there are better ways of ending disputes than blowing one another to pieces'.
Please folks, look it up.
Other than that, why do people join the armed forces and then cry and claim compensation when thy are shot at?
Quote by eastkentstud
Moronic labour supporters and the money for nothing generation sadly.

struggling with this one. Money for nothing generation? Hang on a minute here, didn't we, as a nation, own in full railways, electric generating companies, gas companies, water companies, british telecom.......... the list goes on, and yet dear tory blue rinsed bitch maggie 'sold' them companies to 'us' the people that already owned them. Those companies then passed through our hands to the french, german, chinese........... etc until we are stretched beyond belief at the huge profits they generate for private individuals............. sorry, can't go on here. What an idiot.
yes, i know i drink too much, but i spend many hours in a gym and my health is good. my helath check confirms this.
be honest, today we had two bottles of wine (one with the meal, the other a little later throughout the evening) a small (ish) baileys and a small (ish) islay malt whisky.
the doctor, who we know well, says that ok, due to our lifestyle, that's ok. but do we regret what we drink?
how may units a week folks, and be honest!
oh my god, where do I start?
1, so how about 'if you cause a road accident, or a breakdown' because your car is old and crap. you incur all the costs incurred due to police or breakdown making delays on the motorway etc.
2, if you incur costs because you're old and fat and need hospital treatment you have to pay for it
3 if you incur costs because you smoked at any time in your life you either pay for it or die
4 if you're poor then if you can't afford to pay for you chidrens school meals then you go to the workhouse and pick up rubbish 9 -3 while your children are at school
5 if you're on benefits because you're old and need a pension and haven't bothered to save for it then just see the local health service and they will arrange a free visit to the euthanasia clinic to wipe your name off the benefits list
6 if you're a single parent you'll be steralised so you can't cause any more overcrowding in social housing or be a drain on the economy
7 if you're a single parent and out of work you'll be shot if you're anything other than white and born in the uk in the last 10 years
8 if you're not educated at eton or harrow and don't tale posh, and no cambride or oxford isn't good enough, you'll be shot if you don't vote tory
9 if you don't think dear old nick clegg is wonderful then you're name is not only on the list, it's bloody well close to the top!
10 and, as of todays news, if you are stupid enough to trust the police, move to just above those morons at place number 9 and I will pull the trigger myself!!!!!!
Quote by herts_darlings1

well actually if you go into their homw as part of your work you are probably doing something that's against your health and safety policy!
oh come on, if you're pissed out of your brains then you are ONLY damaging yourself, unless like a moron you're driving a car. Everyone, smokers include so don't be so defensive here, knows that fags and secondhand smoke damages health. Evey parent, with a brain, knows smoking damages health and the unborn baby.
My question, knowing it's just about the most habitual drug going, was/is geared to the 'why do you smoke, knowing the downside?'
Wrinkles, fagface, skin like leather, expensive, early death, amputation, leaving your children behind............... so why do you do it?
Why do people drink to excess ? from one who has never been drunk in his life.
Have you ever been drunk ? do you know how stupid people look and act when they are drunk, have you seen how aggressive some drunks become, have you seen the cost of alcohol abuse on the NHS ? do you know what you could buy with the money people spend on alcohol, I last had a drink in August, mmmmm what a cool saving I have made towards my Mercedes and holiday.
Smoking is legal, I choose to do it, being drunk in a public place is illegal, go preach to those breaking the law.

Damn! I actually agree with one of the alleged godlike's. So much for my rebel qualifications.
Exactly, why shouldn't you smoke? it is legal and smokers are not second class citizens. Don't understand why people think smokers should not have the same access to the NHS as others, yes it's a life style choice but so is playing rugby or squash and we don't object to them being patched up.
A lot of people do want to give up though Mids, when they do it can be very difficult and Fobs, hardly a brand new cutting edge ad is it?
I go into a lot of elderly peoples homes with my job (not in a criminal way)and so many ask me if I mind if they smoke? It's there home and how can I say I mind?
PS, I don't drink and am well known for driving very slowly, I do like a pie though, perhaps I should not eat them in public places? perhaps I should be more aware of people inhaling second hand blackberry and apple.
how close is this best mate? Stuff the emotional bit here, I mean 'next door', just down the road' and 'is she steaming?' These are the important bits to this discussion and, if she's bloody miles away, and your mate is just an ugly b'stard that would impede scoring on a good night out in the city, just give her the opportunity of playing 'hide the sausage' adn plead ignorance if the game got out of hand and you got caught.
Do you think that I should open a newspaper column and give 'ask deirde' the elbow?
naturally! of course. Not, and please don't assume this, that i have any photo's that are of that particular orientation, my imagination is generally good enough.
And if my wanking isn't on course i can get the photo's out.
am i missing the point hers? Isn't the whole idea of this site to meet people for a shag? Ok, or other physical activity leading to spraying of bodily fluids if male and if female that or screaming so loud the neighbours come round to see if we need help!
honestly, for some reason guys believe they are 'gay' if they have ideas about other guys cocks. Twistedly those same guys get their rocks off watching two girls get it on. Not that two girls getting it on means they don't fancy guys, in the head of the 'macho' guy of course, that's normal behaviour. If for some reason a guy has ideas that sucking cock (second or third base) is a bit too far, then give a bloody good hand job (first base) and have one reciprocated. Sorry girls but only a guy, or a bloody good hooker, knows what a good handjob is. Or klixen.
well you may be alone, who else can verify otherwise, but if you want someone else to join in then just post an ad on here and surely there'll be a few others wishing to join in. Who knows, but just guessing of course.
mmf every time, unless of course the f thinks differently. However, more rest, more attention to f and unless the m is a bit hung up about his own sexuality, then nothing better than a handful of cock.
why is it that guys are so hung up about 'straight', why not bi curious and give it a go?