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Over 90 days ago


Quote by da69ve
Why do we tip though.....i know longer tip the barber anymore as it is £10 for a hair cut now and i never tip taxi drivers as they are expensive should start paying better wages to staff so they should not be relying on tips!......
Dave good point mate. i tip cab drivers and the hairdresser but they take all the money anyway lol so i am paying them for thier time, and tipping as well weird
Why do we do it so badly? we had a meal last night and it was terrible, but we still tipped Sean said he was too embaressed not to wht do you do
Quote by burnie
The only times I would eat English food while travelling, was if I just didn't have the time. If I was on a tour, and we only had an hour or so in a place, I might grab a quick McD, so I would still have time to get into that church or visit that gallery.
I think it's sad when people won't even try the local food. Some of the best food I've ever eaten was off a street cart in Thailand, or a piece of tortilla from a local tapas bar.
aha but unbeknown to you lol you are being cultured, mcdonalds is american, there you go lol
Quote by the_Laird
Nope! Baffles me as well.............
I avoid "Traditional British" pubs abroad like the plague and you're right about the language thing.
A few phrases of the local language can make all the difference to how you are received, perceived and helped.
Making the effort is definately worth it but then thats true of life in general
the other thing people dont realise is that most english bars are run by spaniards and they charge more because they think ignorant english pig go in land a bit try a little with the lingo and save a fortune, and make friends aS WELLs
wow someone who agreesexpected a slating, we were in Malaga last week, english family walk in and go e are mate two pints of lager, expecting them to understand english, they do of course, but would we understand there language, er no, we need to try harder an Hola or Gracius goes a long waY LOL
Surely that is why we go away , to get away from it all? but why do we (we dont lol) go to english pubs in Malaga and drink English beer and eat fish and chips and fry ups for breakfast.
Try a bit of bread with olive oil and real coffee wow what a way to start, why please help and tell lol xxx
Quote by Bubba74
The Best of British....
HP Sauce
Heinz Baked Beans
Bacon Frazzles - the King of Crisps biggrin
PG Tips
Proper sausages (nothing worse than going for a full english abroad and getting salami, frankfurters etcs)
Bacon Sarnies
Binge Drinking - lets us uglies get a shag lol

isnt that why we go abroad for foreign food? bet you eat egg and bacon and fish and chips every night lol
the one i have now, Carol highlighted my hair the other day and didnt read the damn instructions correctly, should have stayed on 40 mins not 30 so i have like an almost ginger highlights. Nothing against ginger , until now ggrrer
prat, exeter was struggling enough as it is, i am tempted to call the police now just to get you back and tell them about the drinker in the car what a fool
we have braved the weather the last few nights, little sports car and nobody about, we have sat in the car and guys have just driven past, is this dogging or a racetrack?? we are not that ugly lol, and several of you have played with us before. Each to thier own, we will not knock gays, but they are not helping very blatent, we watched one guy crcking his own arse the other night with a cane and walking in the woods with trousers down at 8pm, now very funny to us as we are into this lifestyle, but not to a family walking past, calm down calm down, lets try discreetly to get exeter back on the map and go from there xxxx
devondouble, we did warn you through pms about tthe downfall of exeter, out of interest the follower what car was he driving, we will no doubt know him, and can name and shame the idiot right now, Exeter is dead , and you have no chance of a guy watching when you have 20 oof them driving around like loons, christ piss the bed is 80 and he does it as wel, each to thier own hey anyway let us know, and we have already toyed with the idea of a private place arranged by text and so forth, regards
lock it blue, its what we all expect, i am not popping at you personally , but you have to give people a chance help them and support them , not just pull the trigger when you have had enough
We are temted to go, maybe one more chance, a couple of guys and maybe some couples and we can all liase and make it a touch private regards carol
must be good to have the power to lock something when you want hey, or when the truth gets a bit to close, oh well
that in my own opinion and without breaking rules is the sort of arrogance we have come to expect around here, now does that opinion of mine get us cut off? based on the fact that i called blue arrogant??????? didnt berak any rules though did i
sorry but we also agree, blue as nice a person as you are , you can sometimes be a bit sharp in your comments, some people dont have your confidence and an understanding ear at times may be a better way forward, 4 people have now commented, maybe you could take it on board? you do a great job on here, we couldnt do without you
so why do we genuine people put up with it, wec ould do something ourselves pm us and we can perhaps arrange a private dogging venue and invitte a couple of single guys as watchers? any thoughts
We went out for a touch of dogging last night, already half set in our mind that Exeter isnt what it was. We turned up about settled down for a chat and a genuine walk, and we were gobsmacked by what we saw. The gay corner was very busy and very blatent in what they were doing, it is daylight still guys. Couples, with kids as well who were walking past to go for a walk were whistled at and leared at like a piece of meat. Now you have killed this site guys and we will not be back, this is a great shame that just a bit of discretion would have meant never happened. Dont dog so early you will get nicked, get the place closed down and that is that , idiots.
no we are his shrink, he lost it today and we wanted to make him feel good, we love a laugh and so forth but his comments are worth thier weight in gold, being cyber space that is weightless so worth nothing, keep up the good work mate xxxxxxx
was it the chap known as piss the bed, about 80 and drives a rover, or was it the other fool in the rover or scorpio, we give up with the place
have to say it, we find a lot of good coments on here, have a laugh and so forth, but Ice Pie he is the man, your comments always amaze us so good well written and concise. A man who we admit to following around, sure we all agree an awesome poster of messages, well done
it isnt a dogging post have i asked to meet someone , no it is a cafe post general question
We went to Exeter last night and arranged to meet a single guy at about , now we asked him to follow us from a discreet distance and watch as we played. Now this guy was great, listened to our rules and abided by them, a real gentleman dogger, kept his distance and would have had a great show. This was spoilt by a prat who came storming up past him, he asked the guy to keep a distance and let us settle, and the guy told our dogger to fuck off, came storming up by the side of us, and naturally put us right off our stroke. What we are trying to say guys is stop, look and listen, if a couple enter into a car park, dont go driving around the car park so as you can flash your headlights on them, do give them 10 mins to settle, if they wish you to come over they will signal you, we always say if we settle we are too busy to worry about you outside the window, if we havent started i doubt we will if a hairy arse guy shows up at my window after 10 seconds. Dip your headlights as well when you come in dont as they do down thre go on to mainbeam just so you can blind a couple to se who they are, i have posted this in dogging as well but we did not know where it was best put, so our apologies for that