Can youu imagine having been in the same room as Mo, Anne Widicombe (heard her speak HC and your're right-she's good) Betty Boothroyd, Maggie T, Edwina Curry and Claire Short!
light blue touch paper and stand well back!
(Betty used to be an aid to JFK!)
It's just too damned fast for me
...There have been more murders and armed robberies in Ambridge than any other village in England. It's dangerous stuff. and true!... Just like Big Brother....
......I believe a few years ago they used to beat up the Postie and take the piss out of his accent..... Didn't understant the rules of cricket, you know the sort of thing
....Instead of telling his village customers that his red van had broked down and that why he'd arrived late he'd just shut "I'VE JUST FUCKIN CUM"........
....Are you sure you weren't bullied as a child postie?
For me, I embarrassed myself and could not remember anything about it.. I lost 8 hours of my life . I had to be told or piece it together. I found that having been so ashamed to show my face my own will power kicked in and I vowed never to get that drunk again.
Peoples will power is so fantastically strong- if you decide you ain't gonna do somethoing then you wont but YOU have to decide. Don't let any one decide for you and don't do it for anyone else. If i'm tempted (used to smoke but gave up this way... Took me 24 hours) i say aloud (or quietly) to myself " 1 2 3 stop" sounds like bullshit but it works.... That and thinking back to last time I got so drunk.
Good luck
Oh I see.
Say B****r all for 24h Block everything and then take the glory
Reporting for duty
Thanx M2PU
What a nice guy.
wish I hadn't nicked ur handle now.....
.... lights touch paper and stands back.....
... or cold leek soup for the culnery challenged.
What's your favourite food/ recipe.
I also love Borsch... cold beetroot soup and ALL fish cooked without sauce. Esp. Sole
What get's your taste buds going
Lobster.. Aarghhhh. Fantastic.
Sorry Sgt B
Are you really a legend or actually a god??
It's just a rumour i HEARD
I HAVE to use a knife.
I cant (nad never have so I don't know how to) eat an orage without cutting it with a knife
I use a knife on a banana
On an apple
On a passion friut
On strawberriies
ok not on small stuff like raspberries or cherries
but always on melons, peaches and nectarines
even grapes and apricots
...My name is equinox and i'm an SH aholic
.... Rehab is for quitters
>>>>Anyone know how to post an image?
It's corny but.. don't get a second chance at a first impression. If i'm not happy in the first few minutes then it ain't goin' to happen
for my own (unusual) experience I found the first 2 1/2 to 3 years the worse. after that it got and is still getting better by the day... when she's 13 I feel this may start to decline but that's a fair way away.
GET yourself someone that you trust. LET them look after your baby and GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.
Ok you'll have to reciprocate but at least then you can begin to get a life back.
If there is no-one then use this site for help- certainly those ladies who have replied seem to know what they're on about. Your daughter won't break without you (you'll feel like shit the first few times you go out) and once those few months have gone (and I can't begin to tell you how awful I found 'em) its really good.
it's easy to be sarcastic on the net as you don't have to face the person that your talking to.
As a newbie I posted a new thread. and got a sarcastic reply. I also noticed that the same person had been sarcastic to someone else. but as soon as I noted it in a reply thread the guy was very fast to say soory and just one of those evenings etc.
I think you're a great bunch and compared to other foruns you're not at all bad. If anything you're one of the most positive feeling bunch i've come across. OK it's the same names posting but at least you all are happy to have a go at each other and laugh after.
Difficult clique to break into but I undersatnd why and am trying......(ok ok very trying) as are others. I guess this is why munchies are so important.
Is there life after birth?
"Parenthood is a parallel universe where time has no real meaning"
Too young to know.. Too embarrassed to ask my dad!
A family is sitting around the supper table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of breasts are there?
The father, surprised, answers, "Well, son, there are three kinds of breasts.
In her twenties, a woman's breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her thirties to forties, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After fifty, they are like onions."
"Yes, see them and they make you cry."
This infuriated the wife and daughter so the daughter said, "Mum, how many kinds of willies are there?"
The mother, surprised, smiles and looks at her daughter and answers, "Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In a man's twenties, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard.
In his thirties and forties, it is a birch, flexible but reliable.
After his fifties, it is like a Christmas tree."
"A Christmas tree"?
"Yes, dead from the root up and the balls are for decoration only
.......Prison service introduce a new "Short sharp shock sceme"
."...In Swansea Farmer Jones has denies reports that he's been feeding growth hormone to his sheep"
For us chaps they're a really good get out..
"Does this dress make my bum look fat? "
"Hold on one moment, i'll take a picture darling and you can judge for yourself."
Happy Cats- I think the crucial word there is hope.
...... after 9 years together you should know each other's sexual fantasies already ..
True but those fantasies were probably neive 9 years ago. They were only metioned briefly at the very beginning as you're in the enfatuated stage... then things progress comfortably and there's lots of talking but there's never a point at which you say "by the way i think we're going off the boil a bit here what about...." then theres denial (No you can't say it isn't..that's denial!)... Everyone's probably the same . Then there's desperation... ANYTHING is better than nothing. and then it's a long walk back to the point where you can address those issues.
Then theres one of you looking for something... This site....a Liason that opens acircle of friends.
And how. What imagination can you try to bring in without looking like a fumbling teenager?
Is there an arguement to say try something new and if you like it pass it on. At least then you know what you're talking about.
.... Or have i drunk too muck wine tonight?
My problems with screwdirvers and spanners. you're on a job (Not that type of job!). You put it down, you haven't moved it's not there.
You search for 10 minutes. it CAN'T ahve gone anywhere. You have to fetch another one. Then when you've finished they've put it back. Right where you looked only twenty minutes ago... But wait... The other one's dissapreared now!
Does this site drive you to drink??!..........Ever since I joined here I have been having a drinkie or two whilst reading through!!
Yep me too but as the night weras on and the bottle gets emptier my spellign tends to er become less accurate.
This is a pitty as the words I try and spell get longer and longer