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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 55
Bisexual Female, 43


only skimmed the thread, so apologies if this is redundant . . .
the horizontal scroll is non-existent. the screen resolution problem at lower res is because, instead of cropping the page to fit my window, it tries to resize. then, everything starts to overlap, and you end up with screens like varca's.
i have no horizontal scrollbar whatsoever? confused
n x x x ;)
Jade was created by Big Brother, they knew what and who they were putting in the house when they offered her the contract. Each series is a bid to make it bigger than the one before, ratings wars faught with the housemates, editing and spin.
As for the racism accusations; Jade did the same with a few members of the house when she was in there in Big Brother 3, but the other contestants she did it with were white, so it wasn't branded racism, it was branded bullying. If Jermaine had said something towards Shilpa's accent, or vice versa, it wouldn't have been called racism. Think about it carefully as a lot of people are far too quick to throw the 'R word' in there for sensationalism effect, especially the press. It sells papers and gets people jumping like puppets.
It is, most deffinately without question, bullying that has happened on Jade's part towards Shilpa and it was more about a struggle for power than racial slander. Whichever way you call it, her behaviour was WRONG. She's now seen what has happened and apologised. To err is human to forgive is devine... therefore she'll be dragged through the mill for an amount of time until the tabloids are fed up with wasting their column space on her.
I agree with MikeNorth. Her PR machine will go into action and she'll be back into the nation's hearts and pockets within the year. The other two, Danielle and Jo, I'm not so sure they have a great team around them the same as Jade does... so who knows.
Quite ironic that the show that gave her the career is now snatching it back off her. Makes me wonder what their motives were to start with.
We have the reverse, I'll speak to anyone on the phone, talk their ear off them if I'm allowed to, but my other half hates the phone and he won't talk on it unless he absolutely has to.
We've had some people think we're strange because he won't chat on the phone! I think couples are generally more used to women not being there to talk as the excuse for getting away with not being a couple or as polo pointed out, it being part of a fantasy.
I'd have done the same daz and not gone through with things. Sometimes gut instinct can be so much better than anything someone can and will tell you.
G. x
Quote by dambuster
A Right to be Judgemental ???????
I have every right to judge anyone I have contact with.
What I don't have the right to do is make that judgement public knowledge, or worse; pass that judgement off as fact.

Very good point and well put.
Yeah,.... offered 50pence and a bag of chips in exchange for his sordid tales...
Full refund in the post! lol
Hmmmm confused
I really don't think threads should be started on the back of a row about a misunderstanding in PM. If it was offensive it should have been reported to the mods not a thread started in a bit of a subverted 'name and shame' without naming. rolleyes If someone upsets you enough that you write a thread about it then I'd be inclined to log off and come back a bit later. :?
Tons of one line posts and one line threads get me more irritated than one line PMs anyway. smile
Thanks all.
Dr advised to stay off work and to take strong pain killers.
He scares me too much to ask too many questions so fingers crossed it's not some long term thing going on with my back! smile We'd be a right pair of injurred soldiers! redface lol
Cheers for all the advice.
Are you the one on the right or the left Meat2pleaseU?
Did someone say Valium!???
Welcome to Swinging Heaven gitfinger. smile
Leg over and sympathy! :shock:
I've been lucky to get an inch of therethere from anyone around RL here. My mum even insisted I hobbled around the shopping centre with her tonight and I didn't take too kindly to her mentioning getting me a wheelchair from the mobility station. confused How about a cup of tea and some pain killers instead... oh and how about you leaving me alone at home while we're going down that road... :?
Can I take tips from Tony please Shaz??? shags and sympathy... I'm gettign greener with the passing minute.
Think they might get suspicious if I haunch into the docs with a muscle twitcher attached to other bits though! lol Might put a smile on the miserable trouts face behind the reception desk!
I'm not allergic to Ibruprofen (no stomach ulcers or other tings on the destruction label) and I'm just waiting for it to kick in before I head to bed.
Why is it the side effect of tablets sometimes seem more scary that the ailment you're actually taking them for? dunno
:inlove: Thankyou so much!
Sex! :scared: redface Endorphins are nice and everything but I'm not convinced I'm willing to risk the pain afterwards once it all stops! surprisedops:
What is a tens machine?
Walking isn't impossible just yet, but I do walk like my 82 year old granny right now! :oops:
It's very painful. I'll get to the docs tomorrow and see if they'll refer me to the x'ray dept as this won't take nearly as long as waiting for A&E will.
Hot and cold stuff it is then! I've loaded up the hot water bottle and rummaged for some frozen out of date items to abuse.
Do warm cream things work? I've found a gel thing in the medicine cupboard and wondered how effective it would be on this?
I was wondering if you lovely people could give me some advice about back pain.
I slipped on the stairs at work and now the pain in my back is almost unbearable, I can hardly walk and have an appointment with the Dr in the morning to check it all out. Thought about going today (the accident happened yesterday) but alas, no appointments.
Is there anything I can do (apart from taking heavy doses of N+) to ease the pain tonight as I'm really not fancying a sleepless night. sad Plus I can't afford the time off work cos I don't get sick pay :( .
Any remedies people can suggest as working well?
At least you're not desperate enough to tatoo advertising on your forehead? :shock:
Or..... tune,
you can right click on your mouse (providing youre using a pc and not a Mac) and open each link in a new window thus being able to check out all of your potential mis-matches from that random selection they sent you! biggrin
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Tell me somthing the whole site doesn't know :doh:

mmmmm, whats it worth meaty :twisted: ;)
Quote by Noel
Maybe a guitar / shed combo could work...
I might include guitar avatars for extras members.

Do you include extra Noel for extra members too??? :rascal:
John when he plays his collection of diggeridoos down my ear first thing in the morning to wake me up...... that gets him a lot of trouble.
I even went on a sex strike at one point! smile
Quote by Missy
Bad Neil bringing 'that' thread up rotflmao smackbottom
been trying to find the one where heather tried to feed her cat a worming tablet, but it's defeated me. dunno sad

One of my all time fave threads too Neil ....... funny
I've read it loads, and still laugh! :lol2:
:rotflmao: I love that thread!
Hello there fellow mancunian. smile
Always good to have another northern monkey in here. biggrin
Wonder if he's contacted the phone company to ask about annonymity levels yet!??
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Think what we are all saying is that it is the whole package that counts, not the size of the appendige lol

For a long term partner... I couldn't agree more.
For a sexual encounter I'd say it was more half and half... Slightly bigger cock and ok technique, with ok personality and looks would be ideal.... I'd rather he had a bigger cock and an ok personality for a one night stand, cos I'm never going to see him again so whether he can cook or not won't really matter in that case!
Quote by Lilmiss
Am i right in thinking ur in the scene and your wife doesn't know??

She swings I swing, but not together. We talk about it but not what we have done. She know, she knows I know. The rules seem to have built themselves over the years. She prefers not to know my what, who, where, when. I would like to swing together, we respect each other wishes.
Well IMHO.... i'd say there is less love in your relationship/marriage than what there is in any of the cpls on this site....
All the other cpls on this site, that i have met or spoken too do it together. They talk and take into consideration how the other feels and if they wanna meet the said cpl/single they are chatting to. Very few cpls i know swing seperatly... and if they do there partners know about it, also know exactly where they will be when meeting somebody else.

Sorry to drag this from page one Lilmiss, but I disagree so much with what you said.
My partner and I swing sepparately and we love each other so much it keeps us going through everything. There isn't a day passes by where I don't think about him even though he lives quite a few hundred miles away.
We don't tell each other everything we do or dont do because our main rule is to be safe. We leave that up to the discretion and judgement of the person going through with things as only the person themselves knows if theyre comfy or not.
This doesn't detract from how much we love each other or our commitment to one another either. We also talk about it but not the gory details of everything that happened cos we trust each other.
Do swingers have more love??? Well, its a real cross section of people and there is as much variety in the swinging scene as there is walking down the high street where you live. To generalise about love and swingers would be a huge mistake as swinging with others is about sex, physical stuff that doesn't really have room for loving extra people... thats polyamoury???
Do swingers have more trust than other couples might be a more cut a dried "Yes" or "no" answer, but with love... complicated thing as no-one can seem to define what love is and it means something different to each person.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
just superglue her hands to the bedposts and take a long run up, jobs a good un :thumbup:

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by DeeCee
u could try delaying your ejaculation....... tantric style.

:shock: How does this work?
Tantric ejaculation??? Is that where you build them up and then don't let him come then bulid him up again? over and over and over?
If you've got a spare 'Smart Sports Car' there Warwick you could always test it out with me if you wanted! ;)
I've been wanting to see if its really true that it's impossible to have sex in a smart car... especially one of the those sexy sports versions! biggrin Pity about the horrid colour of them though... orange and black! Yuk!
I've never been dogging ever, so my sex in cars experience is limited to a fumble in the front seat of a citroen ax! redface
Quote by the_Laird
Sorry but I made a small edit.
I've added 'Both' as we share all the decisions between us biggrin

What Dawn said
What they both said. smile
In my opinion if the woman is pushing the guy its as unacceptable as the man pushing the woman into doing things, only its not a big is it?
People pat that guy on the back for having an adventurous mrs and tell him he's lucky. He might be feeling dead lucky, he might be over the moon, on the other hand he might feel pressured and cornered into doing things or he'll loose her. sad Men should be given more rights within the swinging scene to say no and respected for saying no in the same way women are and should be.
I've done the whole vampire thing.
Something I kind of liked but I'm not sure if could go back to it.
Rimming = Licking arsehole.
The activity where one person takes their tongue to another persons anal opening and flicks their tongue about.
Also known as brown-nosing, rimming, tonguing the chocolate starfish, sucking up, kissing ass, likcing ass, etc...
< sees neil's comment and spit dummy so hard it ricochets off Sarge's head, bounces off SH towers and lands smack bang in the middle of Blue's dungeon>
Hmmm confused I don't think I'll want to bend over to collect it from there somehow! :scared:
I'll leave that to Neil, he likes that kind of thing I'm lead to believe! ;)
lol bolt