Jade was created by Big Brother, they knew what and who they were putting in the house when they offered her the contract. Each series is a bid to make it bigger than the one before, ratings wars faught with the housemates, editing and spin.
As for the racism accusations; Jade did the same with a few members of the house when she was in there in Big Brother 3, but the other contestants she did it with were white, so it wasn't branded racism, it was branded bullying. If Jermaine had said something towards Shilpa's accent, or vice versa, it wouldn't have been called racism. Think about it carefully as a lot of people are far too quick to throw the 'R word' in there for sensationalism effect, especially the press. It sells papers and gets people jumping like puppets.
It is, most deffinately without question, bullying that has happened on Jade's part towards Shilpa and it was more about a struggle for power than racial slander. Whichever way you call it, her behaviour was WRONG. She's now seen what has happened and apologised. To err is human to forgive is devine... therefore she'll be dragged through the mill for an amount of time until the tabloids are fed up with wasting their column space on her.
I agree with MikeNorth. Her PR machine will go into action and she'll be back into the nation's hearts and pockets within the year. The other two, Danielle and Jo, I'm not so sure they have a great team around them the same as Jade does... so who knows.
Quite ironic that the show that gave her the career is now snatching it back off her. Makes me wonder what their motives were to start with.
We have the reverse, I'll speak to anyone on the phone, talk their ear off them if I'm allowed to, but my other half hates the phone and he won't talk on it unless he absolutely has to.
We've had some people think we're strange because he won't chat on the phone! I think couples are generally more used to women not being there to talk as the excuse for getting away with not being a couple or as polo pointed out, it being part of a fantasy.
I'd have done the same daz and not gone through with things. Sometimes gut instinct can be so much better than anything someone can and will tell you.
G. x
Are you the one on the right or the left Meat2pleaseU?
At least you're not desperate enough to tatoo advertising on your forehead? :shock: