And if they are arranged around harbours (not blocking them of course) it will reduce the amplitude of the waves a bit.
Blake's 7 - and Blake is STILL alive - he didn't die!!!!
Also Stargate - just for the possibilities it envisions. (And T'ealc)
Kissing and telling is odious. Of course close friends chat - but they assume a certain level of discretion/secrecy. And to publicly 'tell' that an ex is in any way lacking in the bed department is just plain nasty.
Even between lovers it is tempting to ask for a comparison to the last or previous lovers. But that is 100% out of line too. Everyone is different - styles, techniques even flavour varies. That's what makes swinging so enjoyable. But it wouldn't excuse comparisons.
I have come across QR codes (bearing in mind they are designed to be read by a small mobile device) that direct to a full-sized web-site that is not set up for the specifics of the smaller device.
I don't scan them - if I'm interested I would Google the company name.
I have heard of QR codes used on memorials and other historical objects/buildings/places to direct people to extra information. That makes sense to me.
My take on bra sizes.
Bras with different shapes (location of straps, balcony or full cup etc) are different sizes (ie fit different sized breasts) even if the label says the same thing.
Bras from different suppliers are different sizes - even if the label says the same thing.
Cheap bras tend to be smaller than more expensive ones.
Cheaper bras (ie affordable) don't last as long before going saggy.
You can never get a nice 'set' (for the boys - a bra and panty pairing that match) off the peg if you are over a B. You can get them online - sometimes.
Anything over a B is more expensive.
Fun lingerie and sexy stuff is stupid expensive for over a C if it is available at all.
Summary - I HATE BUYING BRAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and when the underwire snaps it stabs you in the ribs.
That's not swinging - it's cheating. Your call.
I loathe cleaning up other people's urine. REALLY REALLY HATE IT! Splashes on the toilet seat or rim will get me stomping round the house muttering death threats. The state of the carpet in the downstairs toilet has me despairing.
Just saying.
Other than that I hate ironing, can't see any point in it apart from a few, very few, cotton shirts for interviews and funerals. I'm not even sure exactly where my iron is - and any water in it will have evaporated to a crusty patch long ago. Seriously - can't see the point.
Only 75%. Damn, I need to do some homework.
I still can't believe he wasn't quietly bumped off. It's not like we as a country are unfamiliar with the silent killer technique.
Being watched is nothing specifically to do with swinging. You can swing in private or you can have sex with a partner in public or any combination. The person who said that to you is an idiot and DOES NOT understand swinging. That club is clearly a free-porn club and not for swingers.
I saw this report yesterday too. So sad, and far too young. He will be missed.
The many memorials at the National Memorial Arboretum are put there by organisations that research, fund and provide those memorials. If any are missing (and I agree, many ARE missing) feel free to contact the appropriate organisations and convince them to create one.
It is National because it welcomes memorials from across the nation - not because it is controlled by a central (government) department.
How is the NMA 'NOT' to do with the army?
I have been there - it is a sobering and moving place. The main memorial commemorates the dead from the whole country. These are (usually but not always) also commemorated locally - including our local lad, Wayne Tarbard who was the only man from our village to die in the Falklands Conflict.
Is his death lessened by being commemorated in 2 places? Of course not! What the NMA provides is a gut-wrenching view of the sheer volume of young men and women who have given their lives carrying out their varied roles in conflicts around the world.
But there are other memorials that conceivably also cover the individuals named on the (sickeningly) long lists on the main memorial. Commemorated by service, theater, ship or even civilian company that sent men to war. They link the individuals to their role or manner of loss.
Memorials in local places can be lost - we almost lost the one from the Nestle factory in the neighbouring village when one of the factory buildings was demolished. In Derby the bronze war memorial plaques were stolen by metal thieves. Without a separate record (and these can be lost over time) it is impossible to recreate the lost memorials correctly.
Seriously I can't fathom what your objection is beyond the memorial record at the NMA is incomplete.
Didn't you Mums tell you it's rude to spit? Mine did - although I'm pretty sure she was talking about chewing gum.
I think it is less that footballers are paid too much, but that other sports (and lower levels of football) are not given a reasonable level of financial support. We are a country of sports lovers and participants. For such a small country we could produce a far better set of sports people of all sports and levels had a fair crack of the whip.
In the road between a church and a graveyard. I only found out the next day that a load of Travellers had exited the next field the day before. That would have been a rude interruption.
Cutting benefits does not move people into work. WORK moves people into work. Job Centres should be measured on how many claimants THEY get into full time jobs each year. The online application process is like spitting into the sea - a theoretical effect but no practical use.
Disappointed to discover that this is a thread about responsible journalism and not about the changing media from printed to electronic and the impact of a significant reduction in the paper/print industry.
<<Wanders off to read something else.
It still didn't take 3. That was inappropriate - did they feel they needed to protect each other from her flying Tai Kwan Do kick?