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Over 90 days ago


Warming the Bed
Dear chaps,
Spurred on my Good Time Girl, I have just written a little something in the way of prose:-
Not Much to Ask
Of all of mankinds achievements, the noble art of synchonised wanking is the most maligned. I mean, some circles even frown upon it, don't they? "What a bunch of wankers!" they exclaim as if it were something to be ashamed of.
Not me, though. I intend to petition the Olympic Games Commitee to have it listed as a team sport. You've no idea how touching it is when, at a party, you right your way from underneath 18st of Hairy Humberside Biker to face a sea of knitted eyebrows and pained expressions. Fair brings a tear to a girls eye it does!
One thing bothers me though. Why can't you guys origanise yourselves a bit better? You never seem to fire at once. I always hope for the full pebbledash jobby and instead all I get is a series of kiddies water pistols. Is it not possible for you faster guys to give the slower ones a head start?
Not much to ask... is it?
If any of you chaps think you can help me fulfill this fantasy, you're welcome to have a stab at it... but it would need the upmost concentration!
I have also to say, I'm getting a few enquiries from gents about my much publicised outing next Saturday. I shall of course reply to you all and let know know details as and when I do... but if you turn up, for godsake don't all pounce at once! You'll cause an earthquake in China or something.
The things I do for a laugh... biggrin
Warming the Bed
I know just what you mean, guys... and I think I had the same bloke after me, Sexgoddess.
But what gets on my cornflakes are blokes who pretend to be acting on behalf of their partners, and may even email in their name but when you phone the partner hasn't got a clue who you are....
We can see through it, lads, and you'll get much further making friends with us by being polite and honest. Who wants to get dirty with someone you can't trust?
My two cents...
Warming the Bed
Miles, I've been feeling bad about not taking your plight seriously all day... so by recompense, here is some wisedom handed down to me by an old washer woman from Thurrock.
A lot of Gay men watch Swedish porn films and think they should have sex the same way. The thing is with porn stars is that they are completely barking and have no imagination. It isn't even necessary to suck to give good oral sex...
Here is Julie's tried and tested recipe:
Ingredients: Ask your friendly local Baker for some 'Confectioners sauce dressing'. (The kind of thing they drizzle over Danish Pastries). I prefer Lemon as the Maple is too sweet. What ever you do, don't get the one from the Sex Shop - it'll rot your teeth it has so much sugar! Next, you'll need a dual speed Body Massager.
Method: Liberally dribble your partners member with the sauce - paying special attention to the underside (and don't forget the testicles too!). Push the Body Massager firmly but gently up against the perinium (behind the testicles) and switch it to 'low'. Gently rotate the Massager against the testicles whilst at the same time licking the sauce off. Vary the method of your licking between playful little nibbles, long sloppy licks and shock him out of his complacentcy every now and again with one or two powerful flicks with the end of your tongue against the 'V' shaped part of the tip of his penis. Pause between long slurps to look up into his eyes and give him that little 'Come and get me, big boy' twinkle.
Continue this for seven minutes, or when ever he looks fit to take off into orbit. You are now ready for the finale: while vigourously flicking the tip of his penis, switch the massager to 'hi'.... and stand well back!
300 blokes have just shot their bolt reading this post. (And ladies, you can get them to do it to you too!) I'm sure your friend would appreciate the gesture, Miles. End of gagging problem!
Not that I'm a professional in these matters - just an enthusiastic amateur who has dedicated years of selfless study to the subject.
Best of luck with it.
Warming the Bed
Well, I chose one that sorta says something about me - ta muchly, I'm sure. But is the general idea that a lot of them look so frightful? I wouldn't want to let most of them anywhere near my pride and joy. surprised
Warming the Bed
Dear Miles
My first reaction to reading this is 'who are you kidding, gov'na!'
My second reaction was that your friend needs to consult a surgeon. They can make them bigger so I'm sure they can make them smaller. He sounds abnormal.
In all cases... don't be so silly as to put your health and safety at risk. We all need to breathe and you simply can't do it if your windpipe is blocked. No bloke is worth ending up six feet under for.
Buy him a Python for Christmas... they do the dislocating jaw business with ease. Humans aren't designed for it.
Warming the Bed
I think if enough girls (and blokes) want something like this, something will be done. As I said, I was lucky enough to find a guy who knows what he's doing and it's made me feel I'm safe.
Of course, what we need is a friendly biggrin copper who has an alternative sex life (we know they exist) to volunteer to check names etc.
Were there's a will, there's a way! wink
Warming the Bed
Hi Bark
The day the Old Bill come into my bedroom, sniff my sheets and tell me what I can and can't do is the day I get the European Courts of Human Rights on the case... not to mention my Aunty Bessie who boxed Bantum Weight for St. Trinians! biggrin
They can only touch you over issued of concent, decentcy and if money changes hands explicitly for sexual favours.
I was around campaigning for the Sexual Freedom movement at the time the BDSM mob where being hounded. It created such a fuss that the authorities just wanted the thing to do away...
So... if the lady is willing, and you aren't in a public place which may be seen by unwilling eyes, they'll leave you alone. Don't you think they would rather catch the *real* perverts than bother with a bunch of harmless but loveable twits like us?
Julie wink ... <love these emoticons!>
Warming the Bed
Hi again
As I've said in one or two other places, I'll be going on my first ever dogging trip soon. Obviously, I've read up as far as I can... but I wonder if there's any ladies out there who could tell me what kind of thing I can expect. I'm very used to the swinging scene and large numbers of guys don't bother me... but what will they be looking for? confused I mean, I'd like the guys to walk away happy as well.
Are male doggers really after penetration or are they more content with masturbation and watching?
Write privately if you'd rather...
Warming the Bed

Are ain't three wrong, there! I've barely been of my back all week... but don't tell the Vicar. He's next on my waiting list. wink
Warming the Bed
There is a guide to dogging hot spots on another part of this site. I'm not an expert but I've gathered that Shirley Hills and Wisley are the best places in Surrey... and I shall be having my first ever dogging trip weekend after next - which will be in Surrey as well (don't know exactly where yet).
Wish me luck...? lol
Warming the Bed
The thought has just struck me, after my appeal of last week for someone to take me on my first dogging outing, is that what is needed is some kind of database. I'm living proof that there are girls out there who would like to try this but have no one to take them. Maybe there aren't that many of us but there must be at least some. But because of the nature of it all, getting in a car with a stranger and going some place secluded in darkness is, of course, a little worrying.
I seem to have struck up one or two potential friendships and I should be going to Shirley Hills soon... but what happens if I want to go and they can't?
Wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of list of guys who had all the details checked and logged and could be trusted to give a girl a lift?
I can't tell you the times I've sat here late on a Saturday night - less than 10 mins from Shirley Hills as it goes - and longed to just go out and get mucky in the woods with a few willing chaps. :cry:
Hey, ho!
Warming the Bed
Well, I'll write to Alex and ask but I don't think he's got a website as such. It's mostly word of mouth... It's been going for a couple of years and Alex is a pal. I knew him before he started it and it's just growing and growing. There's around two parties a week now.
He keeps a close eye on people and makes sure everyone is enjoying themselves and as a single girl I really appreciate that. Any stroppy or bad mannered guys are ejected very swiftly. I always feel safe at his parties.
Warming the Bed
I don't want to sound like I'm plugging anything - I replied to someone on a similar subject yesterday. But what the heck - I like this club.
Try the Limelight club. They hold parties every week in central London in casual but smart places. Very nice. Very civilised. They do allow a limited number of single men.
Write to Alex at limelight_
smile Julie.
Warming the Bed
Hi Rich
There are genuine women and couples out there. I'm a single women myself. Recently - Friday - I placed a couple of ads here. I got loads of responses and I met with one of them yesterday and he screwed me half senseless... great. (It's been pulled now, BTW. It'll take me weeks to sift through the replies I had.)
But the thing I find when I place an ad is that I get flooded with replies... and an awful lot of them will come to nothing. Some guys are time wasters just fanticising about swinging. Some guys really want to but are too timid to go through with it and sometimes just don't show up.... and this just buggers up my schedule for weeks and weeks as I can only play at the weekends. And as a result I get pissed off and usually tell the lot of them to forget it.... until the next time I get horny and place an ad!
If you are 100% up for it, you'll get it if you show you are sincere. If you reply to an ad and they say they've had too many reponses, it's always worth dropping the girl or couple a line a few weeks later. By that stage often they are thinking they'll never get what they were asking for.
Stay with it, be polite and patient.... and be prepared to go out of your way. I once had a guy write to me saying he would 'split the cost of a hotel room and train tickets...' Cobblers to that! I had 50 other guys to wade through most of whom had their own houses and offered to drive me door to door.
May the Force be with you!
Warming the Bed
Hi Steve.
The Limelight club runs Bukkake parties in London on the occasional afternoon. They do allow single men. It's run by a guy called Alex and I've always had a good time there... limelight_
Hope it helps. Julie.