hi I am bi dogger in the bolton area and would love to take over from redmanc after she has finished with you, lol
I agree with the earlier comments that this disrespect towards the ladies is spreading. I hear the word "slut" far more than I like these days.
However, it is apprent that this type of behaviour doesn't come from the established doggers but more from those who are out for a quick shag whilst their wife is putting the kids to sleep or whilst he claims he has gone to the pub for last orders.
I admire women that go dogging, there is nothing sexier than a lady who knows what she enjoys and then goes and does it.
Those who disrepect the ladies are invariably desperate. Unfortunately, the publicity that dogging has received has alerted the depserados to another potential path to satisfy themselves.
Ignore them and enjoy yourselves, you can never get the time back again.
Funny that gingerjo because when i replied to a post about the pair of them dogging (albeit via pm) I got a rpely asking if I wanted to meet up with just him on his own for fun, prior to meeting his partner.
Make of that what you will. :shock:
good point bucksfuncpl
Giving the derivation of dogging - people claiming they were walking the dog as an excuse, then maybe one suggestion would hubcapping - looking for the lost hubcap.
Not a great name but hell we have had toothing before. Unfortunately, I think both may be destined for the same fate ie a quick vanish into obscurity.
Chances are somewhere between slim and none me thinks. Then again it has been foogy the last couple of mornings and maybe i should have another go at platting it.
With all your expertise para you should be the dogger that no-one ever knows is there or are you left exposed when you get your bits out? Never put cam cream down there does it sting ?
Not me the concrete cows intimidate me too much
It would apear that the biggest problem is with single guys, funny but where have I heard that before!
It would appear that certain of my type cannot handle rejection and this manifests itself in a number of ways one of which is insults and abuse. Either that of they think that because you have advertised on here you have given up your right to choose who you meet for fun! Either way it is there problem and not yours.
In fact take it as proof that your a good judge as what would they be like if you met them.
Maybe we should have a qualifying exam for swinging single males. Question 1 is there a difference between swinging and getting a quick freebie shag, - discuss!
Whats that then Harry fur lined bicycle clips!
Speaking personaly they way a lady is dressed can greatly increase my pleasure from a dogging meet.
I know I am a typical male with a cliched taste but to be met with a site of a lady in revealing clothing, fine lingerie, stockings and boots is heaven.
I am voyeur and personally my two loves are women in sexy lingerie/attire and watching couples having fun. Combine the two and I am in paradise.
I am not sure if I have answered the question NWC but if not I shall give it another go later.
If I saw you dressed like your avatar NWC you would have a drooling incoherent bloke with his mouth on the floor to look at yourself. Now isn't that an appealling thought, not!
I totally agree with blue on this one.
Yes I have done it, yes I have enjoyed it, if that makes me gay in your eyes SF then fine. Quite frankly I don't give a damn about the views held by someone such as yourself.
I have enough security in my own sexuality that I do not care what you think.
As for the excuse of your upbringing then I agree with blue. The purpose a good education is to allow you to think for yourself. If your thinking is still based on your childhood conditioning then go educate yourself.
As for the comment about being "able to hold a conversation with boffins....Why do you assume that because someone is on this site that they cannot be an eminent person in their field.
I apologise for the bad spelling and grammar but I am really quite angry now!
I am not sure if its ignorance, inexperience or desperation but like you I get fed up of being judged by the lowest common denominator of our type and boy is that low!
Thats very kind of you stenrachy.
The clamour in the crowd always smacks of desperation and I have always thought that dogging is by its very nature so random that is should be the last thing prescribed for desperation.
I promise I will shut up now.
Yes I have views on this, in fact it is a soapbox topic for me!
I totally agree that those who do not give couples time to relax and get comfortable with the situation are a real nuisance. I think most of them are not really doggers but people looking for a quickie.
I know this may sound a little strange but a big part of the thrill of dogging for me is the anticipation and yes the waiting!. The "are they or are they not feelings" the waiting for the signal, the nervousness on the approach etc.
It is totally ruined when you have been taking your time sussing it out and giving a coulpe time and space for some moron to come into the car park lights blazing and park so close the couple could polish his car without moving. Not only is disrespectful tothe couple but also the patient doggers who have given the space.
As for the situation where the car park is busy with doggers before you arrive that is only slighhtly more tricky, I think it can be quite intimidating even if everyone gives you space and time. However, it is still basic etiquette to give you that time.
Then there is the situation where a couple may drive off and realise that they have suddenly become the pied piper and have a procession behind them.
THankfully I have seen all of these a lot less of late but maybe I am mellowing in my old age.
Sorry to rant but I think the genuine doggers feel the same as you, as quite simply if its ruinedfor you its ruined for us.
Hope you have more fun soon
If I am lucky enough to meet you in the village on the day I shall look forward to wishing you happy birthday then.
If not c'est la vie and I send you all my best wishes now because like most blokes if I don't do it now I will forget.
Take care
i would love to come along and meet you and join in the celebration. If I am not one of the chosen five then c'est la vie and congratulations and best wishes for the next 25 years.
NowI see your affinity with Stan the man, he liked to watch telly and dvd's in his car whilst waiting for action in the car parks!
Certainly beats reading the Sun cover to cover five times, after all that only takes 20 minutes.
surely those quotes prove the saying "beware of the actor or popstar pontificating on society, fame is not intrinsically linked to intelligence or wisdom"
As for your knowledge of cinema I am impressed.
opps wrong button.
Thank you mal, I do try and observe etiquette as so eloquently outlined in your post.
Just seemd the idea put to me was a departure from this hence the question.
hi drex, as regards looks then yes I would rather be a collymore. But given his alleged treatment of women, (ie the beating) I think I would rather be ugly phil.
Forgive me if this is a tedious subject discussed many times before but I am just wondering about the signal or in some cases lack of it.
I have always subscribed to the "no signal, no go" rule which i would like to think was out of observance to etiquette. However, if I am brutally honest it also has something to do with cowardice.
Anyway, a couple I met recently through other means said that they never give a signal as it spoils it for them and that they prefer the men/couples to be bold enough to make the move. I have spoken to a few others since and found that this response was not unique.
Needless to say I am in a quandry and I would be obliged of the views of the couples on the board. Is approaching without a signal rude and invasive or is it a turn on for some and is there indeed an accepted rule on this matter.
Hi RIck and Jools, I think we must have visited the same car parks, lol
I don't think Serendipity was trying to condone the actions of the anti-social little what nots I the point was the innocence of youth in the good old days.
As for me when i was a lad, (slightly after the red flag pedestrian was dispensed with) the driving like an idiot was done on the way to and from country locations and not at them. Certainly the boy racers have ruined several dogging sites in our area. However, its interesting to note that this only happened after the sites hit the headlines in local media.
So its not just the anti social racers to blame, shame on us doggers for getting carried away posting details on the net and letting things gets so busy that the word got out. Before this I don't think they had clue what was going on, now they think its a laugh trying to expose all of us "stan collymores".
Like you Rick and Jools, i apologise for ranting but I feel better now.
it does work Pete but sometimes not as quickly or as often as one would like. I have some very pleasurable and memorable experiences through the site.
I have often wondered how many times me and my young loves had accidently put on a show. Gets me very hot thnking about it. Why did i learn about dogging so late in life? lol
It made me laugh thinking of the Waitrose people counting the cars coming in and out to do their feasibility study. They maybe in for a shock when the late night opening is no where near as succesful as that predicted by the survey. Try explaining why you got that wong to the board!
Maybe they are expecting a rush on creampies in the evening given there market research.
It would be great if you would be kin enough to let me attend. IT would be great to meet up with other North West posters.
36 year old bi north west guy here would love to have fun with you. Have a look at my profile and ad and let me know if you are interested.
it does sem that the fun s occuring later these days. The best fun i have had recently has been between 1 and 3 in the morning. Its usually better as well as the boy racers have gone and those with no regard for etiquette have given up.
I agree with the Wiggies, its a timing issue.