I gave this a try and this was what I got
Newton Faulkner - Sitar-y Thing
Pete Heller - Big Love
Alicia Keys - No One
Seal - Future Love Paradise
The Pretenders - Don't Get Me Wrong
However, I kept going and got these which I think are totally random!!
Genesis - Invisible Touch
The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
Police - Message in a Bottle
Kicks Like a Mule - The Bouncer
Paddy Reilly - The Crack was Ninety
The last 2 messages I've had were rather sick jokes - I do know some very unfortunate people :shock:
Clare Balding - sports commentatory type person
We're not going to make this one I'm afraid, dearly beloved has to work lates. You'll have to let us know when the next one is though, sounds like a great idea.