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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 63
0 miles · Derbyshire


In the spirit of some of the couples profile adverts:
Wanted for thursday thursday night. not last or next thursday.
Blonde. not brunette or redhead, or i wont reply
Must be 5'3" max in height or i will drive out of the car park. this doesnt mean 5'5 or 5'6
Preferably aged between 21 - 24. Consideration will be given to older blondes (up to age 74 max) if they send more than a two line reply and interest me.
Full dogging ettiquette rules. initial brake light followed by brief flicker of internal light to let me know you are who you are. when i reciprocate (and only when) you may approach the car.
Pics sent of just her 36DD (minimum) tits do nothing for me. full smiling dressed face pic or i wont reply!!!!
No laying enticingly on my bonnet and watch the paintwork if i wind the window down.
I have full permission (from myself) to meet alone, but others may be nearby. if this offends dont contact me.
and finally, some of you are bottle blondes (you know who you are). please dont waste my time
see you thursday
Cant believe no one has welcomed you aboard as new doggers.
I hope your experience went/goes amazingly well and you develop the habit
If ever down in the east midlands, let us all know as its getting a little quiet to say the least around here
I hope this is a helpful bump up the list for you and you get plenty of attention, as her pics are stunning!!
its true. the derby scene has dramatically changed, but for two reasons.
There are definately far less couples about, but also the main two sites have had six months or more of constant police activity and boy racers seem to be in every other minute, which has meant that the couples that have been seen dont use those and are normally in one or more of the other seven car parks.
The upshot is, that if you park up and a couple comes in, then you arent worrying too much about watching the entrances for activity. it actually is better that way. is quieter
best to just get used to it and find the best spots.
From what i hear you may have this all wrong.
I heard about the encounter from the two guys in question. Altho i wasnt there, there are a couple of pointers that may need to be clarified. The two guys did not know any of the other car owners that turned up and had no idea it was a pre-arranged meet. To them it was a situation where they waited and were patient and came over to the car and enjoyed the show followed by what is the norm - other cars arriving shortly afterwards.
In fairness, the pre arranged meet location wasnt the best place. The two main car parks have been cleared thro boy racers and police hence the other popular four car parks get the bulk of drive tho's, of which that location is one. Arranging a private meet is virtually impossible there.
Again...only to be fair to the two guys(and this is only what i was told, but from two regulars who are well known in the derby circuit)...i was told that when you left, they did drive down the road to the other car parks and when seeing that the other two cars had followed they slowed down to try and stop the others from hounding you and when you turned right at the bottom...they turned left.
I understand that you may presume that they all knew each other but i am assured they dont.
It is a common problem, but see it from the point of view of the single dogger.
He makes the effort to get in touch and is there at the correct place, at the correct time.
And in comes not just one couple.... but two!!
He may be thinking: Is it a 'set up' where he will be 'forced' to watch both couples play?
Is he going to be gang ravaged by two horny women without his prior permission?
Too often us single doggers are taken for granted. No one considers our vulnerabilty and so often we are used as sexual meat for any passing couples who happen into the car park where we are sitting innocently.
sigh...thank god.
i agree that the main markeaton and smaller car park have virtually been abandoned by the regular doggers, but the other seven sites in derby seem to have benefitted, being mainly free from b/racer and police. I also agree that alport is getting better each week.
The benefit of our sites is that unlike blid or cannock there isnt a constant stream of cars driving around. its secure and a little slower than other area. but its good if you want to play without having twenty cars turn in every ten mins.
Ignore dippy & shad mate.
Derby has nine sites, all generally good (except the main two) and all are regularly frequented by rampant groups of two or three females in cars wanting action.
As a single dogger remember. 'You make the rules!'
If any pair of females park up next to you and start tapping on the window make sure your doors are locked and secure until you are ready, or if they flash their lights constantly at you and beg for instant sex move onto another car park and make them wait until they learn how to behave with respect.
Enjoy your dogging.
In the spirit of some of the swinging adverts,this is for the new couple, new to the scene,(aged between 32 and 47 and a half) who feel spontaneous,who live around derby, with a nympho wife who happen to be reading this at am and have an overwhelming urge to drive and shag mattius.
you can if you follow these simple instructions.
Get to the main location and then head to the smaller site on the opposite side. Turn right out of the car park of the smaller location and drive to the end of the road (t-junction)
if there are hills to your left then you are in totally the wrong town and need to reread. you should be in Derby.
Turn left at t-junction and take the second right, then second right again and then first left. when at top of road, turn round, come back to the bottom of road and turn left (this is to ensure that you havnt been followed - if you have been followed and there is a gorgeous blonde in the following car, slow down and let them follow you)
once at the bottom of the road, having turned left take the first right , then first right again (no - second right - definately dont take the first right). at t-junction turn right and keep going till crossroads
if there arent any crossroads go back to smaller location and start again. perhaps consider swapping over who is driving and who is navigating!!!
cross over crossroads, up hill taking care to not turn right or left - straight on is a good clue.
pass the telephone box on left....and three hundred yards further on turn right into location
see you in a bit - am waiting
oh...and dogging ettiquette is required. please press your brake light once and flick on internal light yours
easy - wasnt it?
Its all part of the dogging scenario - to have to expect the 'unexpected' and be prepared for the worst happening.
Every month this forum includes stories ranging from those who experienced a nightmare to those who turn up and nobody watches.
The 'sticky' rules shown above at the top of this page of threads detail exactly the type of events that can happen when you dont keep doors locked and when you dont watch your back when driving home.
Yes it is annoying, yes it can make you lose faith in the scene, but its a fact of life that whatever we do someone can pop up to ruin it. But...that is also tempered by the amazing wonderful shows that outweigh the bad planning always helps but then when planned in a quiet spot at a quiet time, things still go wrong.
It can be late late..nearly three am, pre planned to precision, the remotest unused location, couple turn up, signal when ready,the sexiest show taking place...and what happens? - ten or more 'cub scouts' parade out of the wood and walk straight by the car!!
Yes it happened to me.
please dont leave the scene - drive to Derby instead
and- have i just posted this in the wrong thread????
ummmmmmm...'straight as a die' Matt here....sorry to interupt on my own thread but you girls seem to be missing the point of our derby dilemna
is anyone going to offer a van of sugarbabes or pussycat dolls...we may as well make a party of it
I have just realised that thoughout the opening part of this thread i kept referring to 'we'...we want....we would in a group of us...and surprisingly this hasnt been picked up by the moderators!!!
I would like to clarify that we..(all 417 of us) are verified members of swingingheaven
(picks up one of the three bensons and chuffs it whilst smirking)
No surprise to see (from above) that the Derby curse is alive and kicking. No sooner than seconds after getting an offer of a van load of geordie hot totty, does some doncaster scallywag reroute them.
Dogging recession started months ago. Derby seemed to have led the way and it finally came to a head the other night when one guy said 'when was the last show?'. - and nobody could remember. there was a muttering about ' september 2007' but no one could be absolutely sure.
Naturally we havnt been totally at a loss for fun. Intelligent thought provoking conversations with police still prevail, boy racers perform figures of eight to keep us amused followed by the obligatory headlight flashing is still something to be savoured every night and there is always the radio , but lately the shuffling of feet, the sighs, and the monotonous repetition of 'its a single' are wearing us down.
So, we are reaching out, searching the land for a couple. A couple who would be prepared to travel to derby and do something as mundane as stick a leg out the window as they drove through the area. We literally are that desperate.
Size, shape, age, creed, colour are not important as long as one member of the car is actually anywhere - north, south, edinburgh, isle of white, shetland. We are happy to make welcome and put the banners out for any couple from any part (except nottingham). All we need is one couple to take us into their hearts and drive our way.
To this end we are prepared to offer prizes and remuneration. sort of like a tombola to welcome you to the area and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for driving past.
From the generosity of the regular doggers we have already clubbed together and gathered - three bensons, half a packet of mints,magazines and assorted pens and enough spare change to buy you a coffee and two straws.
We need a couple
we need to believe again
We need help
Hello tinkerbell. Not seen you have a rant before (big smirk)
Stop worrying about one episode. It was probably as others suggested - boy racers. The Derby scene is alive and kicking and full of new couples but many now dont use the main two sites and stick to the other seven.
i agree with the above.
If anyone flashed their headlights i would definately not get out the car and go over. flashing headlights is normally a sure sign of boy racers. The only signs that most of the regular doggers around derby use and respond to are either brake lights or internal lights.
Lots of reasons why maybe they/he/she didnt come over to you, but i would suggest keep trying
as per the rule book.
me there first
you pull up and park near
i watch for a signal to say i can approach
the rest is up to you, purely watching or joining in
all i need now is to know if you are interested and a place and approximate time
Sigh..if only there were 'standardised' couples. So many have no manners and decorum and never read the rules and follow them
some couples just breeze into a car park and expect to be watched and played with!!...bloody cheek!
No concern whatsoever for the 'football' conversation between us single guys to finish. We may be having a fart or pee or finishing off a benson or discussing the previous nights gang bang...and they just park up and start 'brake lighting' without a by your leave or thought as regards the twenty yards we will have to walk.
And then...then...then...we wander over, clambering over the bonnet to courteously display our throbbing sperm rockets , even going to the point of knocking them against the passenger window whilst gently whispering 'get ya tits out duck'...and what do they do? off!!
A total waste of time and my personal pet peeve
I will be heading out just after eleven pm
any couples or single females (yeah right wink )fancy a meet?
lots of quiet sites apart from the main seven. happy to meet anywhere. or can accom.
There are 9 sites in and around derby that are used by the dogging scene regulars in Derby. The main two do get hectic and do attract boy racers, but the others are generally quiet and perfect for meets. Most regulars (singles and couples) are happy to advise of the other locations. feel free to ask by pm.
Intelligent straight male. Free tonight and able to travel or accomodate in large derby house in private grounds.
Looking for a spontaneous meeting tonight ( i wont be home until half eight to read any replies) and will contact and be available to meet from ten pm onwards,
Good looking,endowed and able to follow rules or adapt to consider any sexy scenario you have in to watch or join really into email tennis , hence wanting sponataneity.
All wrong...
there are many xena lookalikes and even male 'xena' pretenders in the same garb at times in derby!!
however you are all wrong.
Xena , the last time i saw her, was in a dark blue sports car in east leicestershire on a friday summers evening being aroused by her hubby and teasing me and some passing undertaker.
i tried to show them at the window that i was an aroused 'hercules' (sword in hand)but the car park became a little too busy and they had to leave.
i still await a re -show
ahem - shads!!!
too late again... wink
just like in a car park....four got there before me
have fun and stay safe
let me know how you got on
If it is your first time, just be careful, but make it sexy.
Check out the place the day before you arrange to go there. take her there and ensure that it is a place you will both feel comfortable in and if poss make sure its a similar time than that arranged to allow you to see if police or boy racers frequent or visit.
personally i would suggest a non dogging location for any first time show
and are the make the rules...only do what ever you both are happy with..
Have fun and stay safe
(and travel to derby some time) wink
""It could be quite simply be that i'm now known and no longer a novelty to Derby doggers""
i am so so smiling chaotic!!!!!
remember the very first week you were out. four young gorgeous women huddled in a car, nervously wanting to know about the dogging scene, shy and timid but eager to find out.
and so me and 'you know who' took you all somewhere quiet, made informative conversation...and 'ykw' eventually asked the question "would you like to see our c**ks which your replies in unison were. . "we are all gay"
one of my all time classic still makes me smile
yes...winter is the best time
I am still not convinced on the whole 'walk up and introduce yourself bit'. I miss the good ole days of silence and signals,and find that when conversation starts it generally stays as just conversation. clarify
i think its generally agreed that everyone should stay only in rooms that are local to them and totally 'shun' outsiders and in a way form a 'clique'
naturally as they are on the site and chatting they should be expected to leave the chatroom at some point during the chat and go shag another member of the room...perhaps put up an emoticon to allow others in the room of their present activity and lack of communication
if this doesnt happen or if they cancel there should then be a points system alocated and shown on their profile ranging from 'turned up and got it on' to ' total waste of time and should be shot'
in time we could also give the rooms ratings themselves...
lancashire room - not bad peeps
kent- bit iffy
etc etc
any thoughts ?...or have i summed it all up perfectly?
love this forum!!
au contrare...
i find that if i put one line adverts, with absolutely no details, no photos, along the lines of " free a week on wednesday"
They swamp me...up to twenty replies an hour , from couples begging me to meet them, offering me all sorts of inducements and sending photos to try and tempt me , limousines to pick me up and bring me to them etc..sigh...its embarrassing and takes so much time to reply and decline.
many become semi stalkers, but i havnt the heart to call the am i doing wrong?
Harry. Change the advert and make them form a queue!
hello tinkerbell...
we havnt seen you in derby for weeks now. Where have you been hiding chaotic? i will pm you some locations a little distance from the chase and devoid of any police or boy racers.
I can vouch for the 'shads'as being trustworthy re locations and as gorgeous a couple as you could ever wish to meet.
I am looking for a woman, either single or married, with a very high sex drive.
Ideally where she enjoys dressing to thrill and tease, or for role play, where you and your partner have both fantasised about you having sex with another man whilst he watches.
A Couple looking to explore the cuckold scene would be very welcome.
Endowed with a thick girth i am able to accomodate or travel within reason