Join the most popular community of UK swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 64
Bi-curious Female, 64
0 miles · Watford


Does anybody know if there are any swinger-friendly guest-houses or cottages in the UK? Basically, we're looking for somewhere where we can relax, where there is possibly a jacuzzi, and clothing need not be worn.
However, we are not looking for a naturist place, just somewhere where the owners are open-minded and accepting of this lifestyle.
If anybody has any ideas or places they can point us to in the UK, please let us know.
Not sure if only my imagination but the cam panes seem smaller than before since the 'join' button was moved up a bit!
Hi and thanks for the replies.
Actually, we don't want to hire one as it is not possible to do this at home due to living with a Son who is not privy to our lifestyle!
We really want to go somewhere where we can use a jacuzzi and maybe a sauna too!
Of course there are clubs, but we are not looking for a public space although we would go to a small gathering.
Surely somewhere must exist, or have we found a huge gap in the market lol!!
If anybody can give us an idea where we can go, we'd appreciate it.
Not sure if this is the right section to post but we are a mid 40s couple looking for somewhere in the southeast area where we can have access to a jacuzzi for the evening.
Its one of those fantasy ideas we've had for a while, but I don't think the local leisure centre would approve lol!
We're looking for perhaps an open-minded guest house where they have a jacuzzi we could use or somebody who wouldn't mind allowing us to use theirs. We would of course pay for the privelige!
Ideally close (ish) to London.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Ideally, could you PM any specific info to us rather than put it in the main forum.
Thanks in advance
Hi we're a 40s couple, non smokers, looking to meet any interested peeps in Sussex area, we could accommodate whilst we are away.
our ad has all the details you'll need so this is just a quick post.
We're only there till this Saturday so it is short notice we're afraid!
Please mail us if interested.
we're staying there 1st November until Sat 4th November
Hi, thanks for reading this.
Well in the hope that this doesn't get deleted like our previous post, we'll try again to use this forum in the way which we assumed that it was intended to be used as a service!!!!
Ok, well we are a cpl in our 40s who are off to Norfolk for a weeks holiday from Sat (26th Aug)
We are staying at a caravan and yippee!!! no teenagers about as we're going on our own.
Naturally its short notice but we'd be interested in chatting with any couples who are in the area at the same time. We'll be in a caravan park north of Gt. Yarmouth and it would be great to hook up with another couple who are in the area at the same time.
Naturally we'd meet in a pub to see if we click, and if we do, we have a place all to ourselves for once!
Please see our ad if interested and contact us via the Mail system
We're a friendly 40s couple out and about this weekend in south/west Herts.
We'd be interested in meeting similar over the weekend.
If interested, please see our profile/ad
I remember sitting in a lesson at school, looking at my new digital hi-tech watch (at the time) and waiting for the date and time to come up. it was 12:34 on the 5th of the 6th '78.
I feel really rather sad in both doing this and actually telling this to the world on this forum. I feel very ashamed! redface
As a fairly regular camming couple I'd say there is a wide spectrum of cammers out there.
From our point of view we tend to only view couples cams, and there seem to be various categories of webcamming couples.
Many cammers show as 'headless' Some launch into a full-scale show. Some are flirty and teasers, the latter I feel are the best because of the heightened anticipation of the viewer. There are female cammers on here who never show an inch of flesh but still have a following as you often see the same usernames in the room, so I believe it is the anticipation which keeps the viewers hooked.
I believe that viewers often believe that we are doing the camming for THEIR benefit whereas in fact it is done for OUR benefit. Cammers are by definition exhibitionistic to some degree, and if they didn't get a kick out of going on cam, they wouldn't do it. The cammer should be in control not the viewers.
I personally like to see the ladie's face. Many don't show their faces on here, but if they are worried about somebody seeing them that they know, surely the fact that the person who saw them was on a swinging website would negate the 'embarrassment' since both viewer and subject are in the same domain!
As far as directing goes, we just ignore them.
I agree with Raunchyrabbits. We too have had many single males purporting to be a couple. We have a simple rule, we will only chat with another couple once we have seen them both on webcam. We assure the other couple that we will only chat when we are all 4 of us together at the same time, and then we will show ourselves on cam.
After that, we are happy to talk in text only, but we have assured ourselves by that point of the other couple's genuinity.
Thats not to say that even having another couple on webcam is a complete assurance of the fact that the other couple are genuine. We once had contact with a couple who, although they appeared together on cam occasionally sitting together, we eventually realised that the female of the couple was unaware that her partner was actually chatting at the time with us. She was simply sitting beside him on occasions but she never joined in any conversations. I can only assume that he had some other webpages up when we were trying to have a conversation!!
On our ad, we state clearly that we will establish genuinity via webcam before chatting any further. This really weeds out those non-genuine people. It is amazing just how many times we've heard the comment "well it's only Dave here at the moment, Sue is out this evening" (Substitute Dave and Sue for any other name you care to think of)
I can't really understand why a single man should go to such trouble to contact a couple who have stated that they are not interested in single blokes. Surely they realise that they will be found out very quickly to be non-genuine??
I would say that the golden rules are
1. Put in your ad that you will only talk to couples verified by webcam messenger
or if webcam is a problem,
2. You request a telephone number that you can let both women chat to each other
These two steps are vital to weed out the fakers. Also you can go to Tesco and buy a sim card for a couple of quid which will give you a phone number so you can put this in your mobile and give it out as a contact number for the females to confirm that they are genuine.
To avoid picture collectors, you strictly tell any contact that you will not send any pictures until you have established some sort of confirmed contact with the other couple. We don't simply start sending pics 10 minutes after chatting to even a GENUINE couple on here!! We like to get to know them a bit, and after a few webcam chats then we will probably exchange a few pictures.
Obviously some couples are happy to chat to and receive contact from single males, but guys, for the rest of us who explicitly state that we are not looking for single males to join us, Please don't contact us pretending to be a couple because it just won't get you anywhere. It wastes everybody's time and is pointless.
Well I've got that off my chest lol!
Well we for one think that it is important to have profile pics.
Whenever we get a contact, we check their profile and pics. If we are happy with that, we then establish that the couple are genuine via webcam chat.
We don't chat on cam unless we are both there and we expect the same of couples that we chat to. It is our simple way of ensuring that the other cpl is genuine.
Anybody can post fake profile pics, but they cannot chat on webcam as a couple without being genuine!
Just thought I'd add my tuppenyworth
Are there any Genuine couples out there between 35 and 50 who live close to Watford who'd like to meet a fun couple.
You must be genuine and the male must be 100 percent straight
Close to Watford Herts
A good sense of humour and no airs and graces.
Please see our ad
We've been members for years, but since the change, we are shown as having only joined this month!
Can we get our original date put on as we want it known that we are not new to this site, and have in fact been on here for about 3 years, before the previous upgrade of the site!
We have just downloaded , having seen it for quite a while but not really understanding it.
It seems to be a great way of communicating with others in this scene, without having to give out mobile telephone numbers. Of course you don't even have to pay for the call!
Just wondering if anybody else on swinging Heaven have used this. We often chat via webcam, but seems to be the perfect way of staying in voice contact with people on the net, without giving out our phone number.
Do any other couples on here use the system, and is it good? We have yet to actually make or receive a call, but we have searched via email addresses of someof our contacts on here but none of them seem to be registered with under their email addresses.
It seems that you can add your email and then anybody can do a search, and contact you on using just your Email address. Sounds fantastic!
I've heard that the sound quality can be a bit iffy though. Just wondering what you all thought. Regards
Ronnie Barker was The very very best. No comedy actor in the world is worthy of him.
The only people who come close are David Jason and John Cleese (as Basil).
Four Candles says it all!!!!!
A sad day! We are both really sad to hear this news. Ronnie's work will live on forever!!!!
Why is it that webcams seem to posess the same qualities that the old-fashioned photo booths used to, (and maybe even the current ones still do) namely making people look terrible.
No matter how good somebody looks, photo-booths seem to make people look, well, weird!
Myself and my better half often chat on webcam and while she usually looks fine, I seem to appear 20 years older than I am! Don't get me wrong, I'm no oil painting, but I'm sure I'm not as bad as the webcam makes me appear! webcams seem to present you in the least flattering way!
Has anybody else noticed this phenomenon?
Also, I thought that my new fangled broadband connection would give me real moving webcam video, but I have since discovered that there is a slow upload speed and fast download speed.
This means that although video can be received at high speeds, the sender can only upload at their slow upload speed so both ends of the webcam chat suffer this slow speed.
I'm sorry to be out of synch with this thread but 103 MPH!!
To be honest mate, If I were the Magistrate I'd ban you for a year or two.
I know you had the precursor that you were not proud of it, (I should think not), but that is seriously a stupid speed to do and you should expect to have the proverbial book thrown at you.
It is people like you who kill other normal drivers like myself who, although obviously I transgress occasionally by exceeding the limit by a small margin (doesn't everybody?), I don't drive at maniacal speeds - EVER!
Naturally you are receiving sympathy as part of an online community but 103MPH is a ridiculous speed to be travelling at.
Sorry to rain on your party mate but I for one believe that you SHOULD have your licence revoked for a reasonable period of time as a punishment to you and a deterrent to others.
We're thinking about going to Euphoriaclub Norfolk B&B on a couples night.
We don't want to get into anything too heavy, if you know what I mean, but I want to find out if the couples evenings are, how can I put it, full-on or less intense.
We want to go along to a similar establishment, but only if we are free to be as a couple, without pressure from others.
If anybody has more information I'd appreciate it via a pm.
I have spoken with the proprietors in the past, but I felt they were unable to fully impart the information we required over the phone.
It looks to be a nice place though.
With google I get onto sites who try to upload .exe files to my comp. I don't like that! Really I'm looking for maybe some home-made sites made by enthusiastic swingers, rather than commercial ones.
Hi, I've looked but there don't seem to be any genuine swinging photo sites (uk ones), that is non-advert sites, but with full-sized swinging photos.
Can anybody point us in the right direction? Please feel free to pm us if you want.
Hi we are a friendly early 40s couple who are staying in East sussex next week. We'd like to chat with a similar-aged couple, maybe meeting up while we are there.
We obviously don't want to be too specific here but we would like to meet a couple where the male is completely straight (same here) and a bi or bi curious female, though that is not a necessity by any means.
We are looking for a similar age to ours.
It's a bit late notice but who knows! We would expect to confirm genuinity by webcam session or telephone.
Well we could have a lapel badge identifying S.H. members, and that would be a good thing I'm sure, but A general identifying method, discreet but noticeable would surely be the answer (not every swinging couple is a S.H. member, good though it is!)
There should be some simple sign which perhaps both partners could wear that would subtly identify them, not a big sign saying "We're a couple of swingers, any takers" lol!
Maybe its time to propose a discreet pin-badge to very subtly show that we are in this scene.
How about a dolphin a mermaid, a cat or anything else for that matter. Perhaps something like a little silver swing or something else. I think it could be adapted so that it shows different levels of interest, my partner is very bi curious, so maybe there could be a pin badge which identifies this.
Come on all you ou there, lets come up with a code which can be used. I'm happy to go out and get a pin badge I just hope that we can all begin to build up an agreed code to start with. It could of course develop and evolve with time, but it should be discreet and simple. It should be possible to look at it and not know the significance to the non-swinger! Maybe an item from a charm bracelet could be used, but whatever it is, it should be available at any jewellers, even if it is not exactly the same.
Ok, lets say the basic sign should be a mermaid! ok, I've said it. We will both go out at the weekend and get a small silver mermaid and wear it. Any takers? or does anybody have any other ideas?
Regards to the forum
Hi, We are often out at pubs and see couples who may or may not be looking to meet another couple. Obviously we can chat, but at no point in the conversation would it be easy to 'test the water' and bringing up the subject of swinging.
Maybe there should be a subtle indication such as a small pin badge or some other such form of identifying that the other couple are of the swinging variety.
Moreover, perhaps the indication, whatever form it may take, should show the level of swinging, ie soft, bi fem etc.
We know it sounds silly, but we have often looked across to another couple in a bar and wondered.
Does anybody have any suggestions?
Hi Just our two penn'orth,
It's simple. As a couple with an ad on here, we often get email replies, some with pictures of couples (which is what we advertise for). Trouble is, pictures mean nothing. You can have as many pictures as you like but there's no proof that the emailer hasn't just grabbed pictures from the net.
The solution we have works brilliantly. We ask the emailer to chat with us ON WEBCAM on or MSN Messenger, but not to contact us until they are both together, sitting side-by-side on cam. We also tell them that we won't respond to them unless we too are side-by-side on webcam with our camera connected.
Once we are all together, we switch on our cam, and we see if they are genuine or not. If they are not, they don't bother contacting us on cam because it would be so obvious.
Also, the usual one of "she's not here at the moment" is sorted because we have explicitly stated that we should all be together when we go in front of the cam.
I would guess that most people using a site like this would be webcam equipped. They are 20 quid for Gods sake!
It's funny how often we get the message "My cam doesn't work, but can I see you to make sure you are genuine" So you're supposed to be genuine but won't show, and we, who are fully prepared to show ourselves as genuine on cam are expected to believe that old tosh!
Believe me, get MSN messenger and Messenger, it is the best way to make contact. You can be sure that the respondents are genuine.
Anybody who looks at the photo ads might find this tip useful.
Whenever we look through the photo ads, we just don't read the ads with no pictures, but these are listed in update order, along with those ads with pictures.
If you want to see only ads with pictures, you simply go to the search option, select the category and click the "show only ads with pictures" box.
You get exactly the same listing, minus the non-picture ads.
I'm sure that most people are aware of this, but I thought it may help some.
Regards to all
We find ads where people say that they are a cpl looking to swap pics as very dubious to say the least,
Single bloke, pretending to be a cpl, collecting pics. It's obvious
Just my tuppenceworth,
This is lazy journalism! I haven't seen any of the articles concerned, but I don't need to.
Journalists used to research and actively pursue stories which would be of general interest. They now sit at computer screens browsing whatever they can find on the web and making that a story!
Why not get out in the cold and investigate real stories which affect real people, and leave thoe who wish to pursue a private life, although not necessarily 'the norm', in peace!
Adult pursuits are undertaken by mature people who, in the main, respect others and don't cause any problems to those who do not actively wish to become involved. As long as they stay within the law, it is nobody's business what adults get up to.
Our way of life is perfectly legal and completely private. We do not shout from the rooftops our way of life, but indulge ourselves on a website like this. It should not be the focus of journalists!
Regards to all P + A
We are a reasonably attractive EARLY 40s cpl, new to the scene.
We are hoping to make contact with more similar-aged cpls, having met a fair few on chat/webcam chat.
We'd love to chat cam to cam on messenger, our id is middxcouple for both msn and .
We are on most evenings and sometimes daytimes, so pls instant message us saying that you saw us on here, and we'll respond if online and available. We may be online even when indicator shows 'not online' so pls instant-message us regardless just in case.
We would like to talk to down-to-earth people with a good sense of humour. We are only looking for couples of a similar age group to ourselves, anywhere in the uk, but home counties around Middlesex would be ideal.
We are looking to meet another couple through this website. We have had the odd email (some very odd!) and have yet to meet any couples who we feel we have anything in common with. We are a normal couple, with a good sense of humour, no pretentions, just honest people who like a good time. We're both early 40s, attractive, though not claiming to be absolutely 'perfect'. We have had a lot of fun on cam but we'd like to move things on a bit.
Ideally, we'd like to initially talk to cpls on messenger, or MSN messenger. Obviously webcam-to-webcam is the only choice for us to weed out time wasters.
We'd love to get chatting to another cpl this weekend, so if you feel you'd like to have a chat on , then please contact us on Messenger, our ID is middxcouple on both. Please mention the SH website so that we know you've seen us from here. We'd love to hear from similar people to ourselves.
We would like to take things at our own, tentative pace, and are looking for same-room with another couple.
We look forward to hearing from anybody who'd like to contact us, F is slightly bicurious and M is straight,
Regards to all, and what a fantastic website this is!
Hi, We are interested in going to Euphoriaclub in norfolk. It is a naturist B&B, but we would like to hear from anybody who can tell us what it is like there. We are not naturist, but are into soft swing.
The website pictures are fine, but we would really like to know about the atmosphere and what to expect really.
If anybody would please PM us with their experience, we'd appreciate it.
We've been in contact with the proprietors, but understandably, we really only received the basics on the phone which are on the website in any case.
It's a shame that there are only 4 reviews on this site, and those are very short. Is it more naturist or swing?
Any replies would be appreciated.