oh libra, libra, libra.
Its almost impossible to introduce a dog into a 'cats' house. What you got to remember is that from the cats point of view, the house belongs to them. They will tolerate you as long as you fed it and give it attention, but they wont tolerate no dog which is going to take the attention away from them. Mind the dog will usually take a submissive role to the cat and realise it is furthr down the pecking order.
If you can 'teach' the cat that it is higher up in your list of priorities, then you might get away with it.
It is a lot easier however to introduce a cat into a dogs house.
now, i have actually thought about this for a couple of years. I can imagine the light as a balloon feeling afterwards is quite something.
Blimey, my life in a nutshell!!!
Libra-Love, if you feel you need to practice..........................
To be honest i dont really think its an issue i have ever worried about. Most people seem to think accumulation of wealth is the be all and end all. However, considering that it's not that difficult to become wealthy i dont reckon its a major feat in itself.
Others say that 'being happy' is their goal, well in order to feel happiness you also need to feel unhappiness for 51% of the time, otherwise how do you know what happiness is?
me? if i enrich other peoples lives in some way, that would satisfy my goals, but i dont let it stress me. Age is irrelavent
I'm a left brain thinker.
welcome delilah,
you may find that its a hard place to leave, its so addictive, the people here are soooooo nice and i havent even met any yet!!
have fun
Where the hell is the Stone Roses?????
and I'm afraid I dont agree with The Smiths finest being 'The Queen is dead' its so not as good as Hatfull of Hollow, but thats opinions for you.
Amazed at some of the omissions. Theres far too much 'disposable pop' in that list for my liking.
I'm sorry but ts something I feel very passionate about.
I had a Mark 2 escort. It was a lovely motor. Of course I trashed it like all boy racers do by adding those little extras.
I put lovely deep grey carpet on the inside (including the parcel shelf).
Obligatory Big speakers
posh stereo
New wheels
Boot spoiler
Janspeed exhaust
Webber Carbs
K&N filter (which i especially loved as it came with a sticker to put on the boot lid.
Thinking back and now looking at all the ridiculous things which lads put on cars I luah to myself whenever I see one.
I would still shell out on an RS2000 (Mark 2) though.
Or possibly a Mark 1 Astra GTE ( )
However, i f i was choosing now I'd go for something which the ladies could get comfortable in. (My mates old 1275GT mini was such a poor choice on his part)
They dont tell you about this when youre joining up. Now spiders havn't bothered me before, not even when i lived in Aus, but thats just too much like alien for me not to be sh*****g myself
I just think the whole text (and mobile phone) thing is rather rude, if I want to reply to a text i will in my own time. If i want to answer my phone i will in my own time. I hate the way people expect you to answer it immidiately as if to say ' hey i dont give a toss what youre doing at the moment, i want to talk/text with you and you will bloody well do it when i want you too!!'
needless to say in the last thre months (thats how long i hav had a mobile) i have only needed to charge it up 3 times i think, and what more i have spent a total of 15mins 50 secs calling people. I dont see the appeal really.
blimey, even a discussion on it is enough to get my pulse racing, wheres me bucket of water?
if theres any ladies feel they want to practice, form an orderly queue please.
I am of the opinion that Guys with large knobs (well that think they have a large knob) are the same as Lasses who think theyre really fit. They put very little effort into anything but pleasing themselves, safe in the knowledge that they can get another man/woman at the click of their fingers.
See I can be bitter and twisted too! btw i did measure mine just before christmas, is 7" w/e? if so i need to get replying to some ads!!!!
oh yes the invisible hairline fracture, Thats why they stopped making airplanes out of Garibaldi's dont you know. Stephen Hawking and I were chatting at a recent black hole anonymous benefit gig, and he mentioned when he cracks the small matter of life the universe and everything he is going to turn his attention to this very problem.
I wish him luck
fan fe****g tastic, i have pissed my self luaghing at it, cheers trapper
I think the 'meeting someone famous' or what daft thing i said to a famous person would be a great thread. didnt start it myself as it would have looked like i nicked it off you.
which one is jim? i'd hate to pick out my fave and it be him lol