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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 49


ok too much drink at halloween party the night before isn't a good time to type a reply on here lol
Anyone who has seen me on cam knows I have christmas lights on all year round as they on the headboard of my head :shock:
Hospital where I live is only a few years old and yet there is a high level of lack of parking, if you have an appointment there you need to arrive at least 2 hours early just to queue for a space, theres even not enough parking for staff as well.
There are regular buses from town every 15 minutes and even through I have to get a bus into town and then one to hospital it only takes 30 minutes in total and costs return.
The car parks might be run by NCP but the local council has the right to what the charges are and recently our council took a vote as to whether or not to scrap the charges but as you can guess that didnt go through.
What does bug me is that if you have to stay in hospitals you have to pay for tv at per day and phones somethings like 49p per minute for a call, what a rip off.
Over last few years I've spent alot of time in hospital and had a dongle but was told I couldnt use it in the hospital on my laptop as my laptop hadnt been tested by their eletricians and certifed safe. And when using my mobile phone was given a right ear full by staff but if you read all the reports on the internet it doesnt interferrer with equipment, and one hospital in Surrey allows the use of mobile phones on wards. When I asked to go outside the hospital to make the call I was told I couldnt go out, more like a prison than a hospital.
personally I wish they would do cat hunting, every day I have to go into my front and back garden clean up the mess the local cats leave behind, as its not safe for my kids to play outside otherwise.
Speaking as someone on benefits I would need to earn £1572 a month after tax to get the same benefits I get now, I've taken off child benefit as I'd get that if I worked or didnt work but that just covers private rent, council tax income support (of a week) and tax credits. However if I was able to rent a council house I would only need £1140.
At present I can only work between and as I have a disabled child to look after outside of those hours so I would need to earn per hour to just cover my living cost. I've been to employment agencies and applied for job and the most I can earn is a hour leaving me out of pocket by per hour amounting to a week. Even if I had a council house and paid lower rent I'd still be per week out of pocket.
I know there is help out there even if I do go back to work, but it worked out I would be working for £5 a week, and anyone tried to get a job working -
Do you really realise how bad it is living off benefits, I hardly go out, probably once every 3 months if I am lucky. I get to sit in my house 7 days a week looking at the 4 walls and to tell you the truth it aint nice. I hardly see anyone during the day as everyone I knows works and I've started to think there is no hope of getting a job again, I have to look after my disabled son for the rest of my life, it wasnt my choice to have a disabled son.
You really need to take a step back and think how lucky some of you are to be able to go out to work even if you dont like the job you do dont earn enough, cos I would love to be able to do that and actually be able to have some adult conversation.
You also need to take a step back and not judge others on benefits who at the end of the day are only claiming what the government say they are entitled to. The government is to blame not the people claiming it.
Its my daughters last year in primary school and she had exams a while back and the results are in and she got 4 grade 5's which is above average for her age. So proud of her as she has alot to deal with as my son has disabilties and alot of her time she helps out looking after him and I'm just amazed at how well she did.
From the age of 16 I work right up until 6 years ago when I had my son who was born with disabilities. I had a mortgage on a 5 bedroomed house at the time and had a good life style.
I had to give up my career as a Director for a Computer Company sell my 5 bedroom house as I couldnt keep up with the mortgage and needed the money from the house sale to buy specialist equipment for my son.
I now spend on average 122 hours a week caring for my son and yet I only get a week thats an hour I get 46 hours off every 12 days. I have to live in a private rented house which costs £700 a month as the local council have a 12 year waiting list for a council house, yet how come some of the local council houses have been allocated to people from none European Countries.
The benefit system is so wrong they give more to the people who dont need the money and less to those that do. I know of several families who are having to try and raising money to be able to get their disabled children wheel chairs as the governement and other organisation who are ment to help just dont do anything. I'm currently need £3000 for specialist equipment for my son.
Each new government has said they want to change the Welfare System and nothing happens so I guess in another few years we will be getting the same from the next government.
I'll come along as well if I dont get asked the question by Lost....................
I wonder who long it will be before you will find shops opening on Good Friday and Easter Sunday due to the fact it might affend some other religion by having the shops closed. Alot of schools dont have christmas concerts, towns dont put up christmas decorations etc because it affends some other religion.
think newspapers must be as I'm moving house soon and been asking everyone I know for newspapers to pack my stuff up with and cant find a single person who buys a newspaper...............
Quote by flower411
Probably going to get a few back up on this issue but what the hell. All I hear is people moaning about the troops being out there and getting killed. Well they all signed up to serve Queen and Country and that is what they are doing. I know tons of people in the forces, about 25 of them are currently out in afganistan and not one of them doesnt want to be there. They want the experience and they want the extra money they get each day for being there. Not one of them has complained about being out there and all but 2 of them have volunteered to go back again asap. I have lost 1 close firend out there and also two have be injured. And my son is due out there next year.
My grandad is 93 and was a prison of war on the burma railway for 3 1/2 years, and he will tell you the people in the army these days have a choice if you dont want to go to Afganistan leave the Army there are many ways around getting out. He will tell you he had no choice but to go. He came back after 4 years away to see a child who didnt know him a wife who didnt understand what he had been through and people around him just getting on with life as if nothing has happened and 75% of his friends dead. Even now I hear him at night screaming in his sleep due to the horrible things he had to see and do. If I told you what he had seen and had to go through you'd probably be sick.
And then people moan that the troops dont get enough compensation, my grandad waited until he was in his 80s to get any compensation and that was only £10,000 and then the government took most of it back saying he'd got over the amount allowed to claim some benefits.
Too many people moan about whats going on in Afganistan but each troop has a choice as to wether or not they want to be there....................

So, you think soldiers should have to give up their jobs if they disagree with being sent on illegal invasions by their political masters ....not the queen...
We all have a responsibility to speak out so that our soldiers are not used as expendable pawns in pathetic political games.
I`m sure that many of them do enjoy their jobs but I`d much rather they were doing their job legally, especially as they are doing it in my name !!!
If you bothered to read fully my comments these are comments of a 93 year old man who didnt agree with having to be forced to sign up to fight for his King & country for 4 years and being held prison of war for 3 1/2 years. Facts about the Burma Railway the 415km stretch of railway was built in less than 2 years (20months). This was achieved by making the POW’s work 16-18 hour days with little or no breaks. Despite these long hours they were given little or no food and water, and the Red Cross parcels were never passed on, even thought the Japanese werent using them themselves. Starved beaten and tortured they were worked until they died. 8540 British Troops died building that railway. Its also estimated that another 5,000 died of illnesses they picked up in Burma once they returned to Great Britain as they were left untreated.
Why is it not legal has the Queen broken a law by sending the troops to Afganistan, at the end of the day the Government has to get the Queen to sign official documents and agree for them to go out to Afganistan how can you break the laws of her own country?
Have you ever asked any soldiers if they want you to speak out for them, they are able to speak for themselves, and from the ones I knows they are getting a bit sick of people jumping on their case all the time.
I did read your comments fully appeared to be making at least two entirely different points one of which was on the subject in hand and another that was going off at a complete tangent and didn`t actually feel the need to follow you down that route !!
I am fairly sure that it`s ok for me to discuss the bits of your post that I found relevent ......maybe it`s not dunno
The queen is a figurehead and has no real say whatsoever in what "her" armed forces are doing and the invasion of Afghanastan is arguably illegal in international law.
I not making 2 comments I clearly point out that a bloke of 93 who served in the 2nd World War what he went through and was forced to, unlike the troops today who have a choice.
Yes she does have a say in what her armed forces do, if she doesnt want them there she could rightly say no.
Quote by flower411
Probably going to get a few back up on this issue but what the hell. All I hear is people moaning about the troops being out there and getting killed. Well they all signed up to serve Queen and Country and that is what they are doing. I know tons of people in the forces, about 25 of them are currently out in afganistan and not one of them doesnt want to be there. They want the experience and they want the extra money they get each day for being there. Not one of them has complained about being out there and all but 2 of them have volunteered to go back again asap. I have lost 1 close firend out there and also two have be injured. And my son is due out there next year.
My grandad is 93 and was a prison of war on the burma railway for 3 1/2 years, and he will tell you the people in the army these days have a choice if you dont want to go to Afganistan leave the Army there are many ways around getting out. He will tell you he had no choice but to go. He came back after 4 years away to see a child who didnt know him a wife who didnt understand what he had been through and people around him just getting on with life as if nothing has happened and 75% of his friends dead. Even now I hear him at night screaming in his sleep due to the horrible things he had to see and do. If I told you what he had seen and had to go through you'd probably be sick.
And then people moan that the troops dont get enough compensation, my grandad waited until he was in his 80s to get any compensation and that was only £10,000 and then the government took most of it back saying he'd got over the amount allowed to claim some benefits.
Too many people moan about whats going on in Afganistan but each troop has a choice as to wether or not they want to be there....................

So, you think soldiers should have to give up their jobs if they disagree with being sent on illegal invasions by their political masters ....not the queen...
We all have a responsibility to speak out so that our soldiers are not used as expendable pawns in pathetic political games.
I`m sure that many of them do enjoy their jobs but I`d much rather they were doing their job legally, especially as they are doing it in my name !!!
If you bothered to read fully my comments these are comments of a 93 year old man who didnt agree with having to be forced to sign up to fight for his King & country for 4 years and being held prison of war for 3 1/2 years. Facts about the Burma Railway the 415km stretch of railway was built in less than 2 years (20months). This was achieved by making the POW’s work 16-18 hour days with little or no breaks. Despite these long hours they were given little or no food and water, and the Red Cross parcels were never passed on, even thought the Japanese werent using them themselves. Starved beaten and tortured they were worked until they died. 8540 British Troops died building that railway. Its also estimated that another 5,000 died of illnesses they picked up in Burma once they returned to Great Britain as they were left untreated.
Why is it not legal has the Queen broken a law by sending the troops to Afganistan, at the end of the day the Government has to get the Queen to sign official documents and agree for them to go out to Afganistan how can you break the laws of her own country?
Have you ever asked any soldiers if they want you to speak out for them, they are able to speak for themselves, and from the ones I knows they are getting a bit sick of people jumping on their case all the time.
Probably going to get a few back up on this issue but what the hell. All I hear is people moaning about the troops being out there and getting killed. Well they all signed up to serve Queen and Country and that is what they are doing. I know tons of people in the forces, about 25 of them are currently out in afganistan and not one of them doesnt want to be there. They want the experience and they want the extra money they get each day for being there. Not one of them has complained about being out there and all but 2 of them have volunteered to go back again asap. I have lost 1 close firend out there and also two have be injured. And my son is due out there next year.
My grandad is 93 and was a prison of war on the burma railway for 3 1/2 years, and he will tell you the people in the army these days have a choice if you dont want to go to Afganistan leave the Army there are many ways around getting out. He will tell you he had no choice but to go. He came back after 4 years away to see a child who didnt know him a wife who didnt understand what he had been through and people around him just getting on with life as if nothing has happened and 75% of his friends dead. Even now I hear him at night screaming in his sleep due to the horrible things he had to see and do. If I told you what he had seen and had to go through you'd probably be sick.
And then people moan that the troops dont get enough compensation, my grandad waited until he was in his 80s to get any compensation and that was only £10,000 and then the government took most of it back saying he'd got over the amount allowed to claim some benefits.
Too many people moan about whats going on in Afganistan but each troop has a choice as to wether or not they want to be there....................
hahaha little birdy.................
Quote by Lost
Wouldnt class myself as a swinger as I've not had sex since January blink

Hey Soul that's no good! A little birdy tells me that if you need to change that situation..... lol
Anyway your a single fem so you cant be swinger anyway wink
Am I the only person that agreed with poll tax tax. I lived in a studio appartment which I had a mortgage for and shared it with a boyfriend and both of us paid, yet my friend who lived at home with his brother and mom and dad in a council house refused to pay it. They all worked full time, they used the same services as me yet they paid far less than me in rent than I did in mortgage.
Ok I'm on benefits cos I'm a full time career to my disabled some, I get a week after paying out all my bills, including £25 a week buses fares to get the kids to school I have £47 left a week to feed all 3 of us. So thats £10, a year I get for the 3 of us. On top of that theres £1200 in council tax and £7,800 rent I get paid which in total is a year I cost the government.
Up until my disabled son was born 5 years ago I worked full time, I wish I could work now, but unfortunately, every interview I have had the companies have said the same sorry but we cant afford for you to take time off when your son is ill so we are unable to offer you the job.
Also it makes me mad that if there was council housing available the rent would only be around £260 a month and yet theres a 12 year waiting list in my area to even be considered for a council place.
If I could get back into my old job and find a council place to live in I would be able to afford to get in a live in nanny to look after my son when he was ill (and also look after my daughter before and after school) so that I was able to work, but until the council sort out the shortage of housing there is no way I will be able to work.
This is a subject very close to my heart as my ex father in law had terminal lung cancer and lived with me until a week before he died and he actually asked the doctors at the hospital when they said they couldnt help him anymore with treatment, could they put him down like people do with dogs and cats.
I watched for 6 months as my father in law slowly wasted away, he wasnt bothered about dying, he was more bothered about the fact that he wouldnt be able to do things for himself. He didnt want me to have to do everything for him, he wanted to go into a care home and just be left to die. My FIL lived with me and my children until a week before he died and then he only went into hospital as he said he didnt think he had long left and didnt want one of the children walking into his bedroom in the morning to find him dead.
The pain and suffering that my FIL went through was horrible, as my FIL said if we put down dogs and cats to save them suffering then why cant humans have the fght to decide when they want to die.
oooooo excellent lost, will phone them up now to get the forms, thanks for that xxxxx
You know the biggest problem with offering disabled parking spaces is you have to have a blue badge registered to one car only. Seeing as I dont drive I get lifts to supermarkets with friends and I have a disabled son who comes along with me. We can never park in the Parents & Toddlers parking as there is never any spaces so my friend has to drop us off at the entrance then go find a parking space, why cos the spaces in the normal park areas arent wide enough to open the door to get my son out of the car, this was even a problem with my able bodied child when she needed help getting out of the car. Then once we have finished our shopping we have to wait for my friend to go put her shopping in her car then come collect me from the entrance to load up my shopping and get my son in.
However shouldnt we really be having a go at all those people who park their cars in the pick up area and you see 20 minutes later their car is still there and they are still busy shopping.
Quote by varca
I hardly reply to any messages I get why cos people just dont read my profile. Theres a bit at the bottom of my profile which says "And finally if you get down to this part of my profile and want to send me a message then please put "pineapple" in the subject section of the message, why cos I then know you have bothered to read my profile. Any message without this or you dont match what I am looking for or winks will just be deleted". Need I say more lol.

I used to have something similar in mine Soul-girl but apparently it's seen as 'controlling' when of course it isn't :P It was in there for the exact same reasons as yours so that you can tell if people actually bother to read it smile I've taken mine out for a bit whilst I think of a nice new word biggrin
IN EDIT: If it isn't controlling then what is it and what are you trying to achieve by it? dunno
Suggestions for new words may include:
- Patronising
- Boring
- Fruit cake
Just my opinion and as you said on the book thread, we are all entitled to it ;)
Soul-Girl explains the 'why' very clearly lol.
And as for your word suggestions, they could be taken as being abusive (definition: offensive and insulting) and I could make a complaint as per the AUP but I really can't be bothered :D
Yes I am a fruit cake, anyone that knows me knows I am. Getting 30+ messages a day from people outsided of what I am looking for who havent read my profile just proves that 90% of people on this site are chancers and dont bother to read profile. I know a few people who also have similar to what I have on their profile most of them couples so theres a few of us fruit cakes on here.
I hardly reply to any messages I get why cos people just dont read my profile. Theres a bit at the bottom of my profile which says "And finally if you get down to this part of my profile and want to send me a message then please put "pineapple" in the subject section of the message, why cos I then know you have bothered to read my profile. Any message without this or you dont match what I am looking for or winks will just be deleted". Need I say more lol.
I have to say Dave did a great job sorting the social out again, just a shame the venue let everyone down. Sorry I disappeared, but it was way too cold to hang around outside so some of us went off to Reflex for a night of 80's music.
I'm so sorry to hear of your partners passing and I'd just like to say that the way you have expressed your emotions on here has bought a tear to my eye. But I'm glad that you feel you are able to share your emnotions with everyone on here, to often people dont know what to do when they experience such a lose. I hope you are able to find some peace now that he is home with you. Soulie x
Why if these people have been cleared have their names and addresses been printed.
I've done it twice with the same person, it was a case of I dont know if I really fancy them or not, and realise now I didnt and wont be doing it again.
Hey Dave
Sorry can you ad me back on the list, just found out I can make it after all
Soulie x