York male looking to meet with a clean decent female, hopefully from the Leeds area for occasional fun.
Have to say I found the old search programme much quicker to use.
The new one could be improved if there was an option to save particular search settings. Having to re enter all of the preferences and search criteria at the start of every search is a pain.
York male looking for respectable couple with view to regular meets.
Pm welcome.
Discrete male looking to join couple for some dogging fun in the York area.
Safe location available for genuine couple.
Your limits respected at all times.
A very interesting topic and a broad spectrum of views on the use of two words that seem to have such a wide variety of meaning.
As someone who likes to treat the ladies I meet with respect I personally would not have dreamt of calling any of them a slut or a tart either during sex or socially.
However last year I met a lady for a night of fun and during the proceedings she asked me to call her names, including slut, tart and whore.
Not something I am used to and I was the one feeling very uncomfortable about it! She, on the other hand, was getting VERY turned on by it, The more I told her she was being a dirty slut or whore the more excited she got!!
All a matter of taste I suppose.
Only goes to show that money isn't everything.
Mega riches can't buy you health or true happiness no matter how it may seem to.
I'm sure if he was a member of this site and reading this a certain Mr would agree.
Hi Hornynorthyorks,
I have sent you a pm
Has anyone else wondered about this?
Your going to work in your car listening to radio 2, and the traffic announcer says:
" There is a lorry with a shed load causing long tailbacks on the M62"
It happens every day so why do they transport bloody sheds by road in the rush hour????
I was getting the missus a nice meal and drinky-poos ready for her coming in from work at 8.
Followed by a nice scented bath and a bit of nookie.
She's just rung to say she's had a crap afternoon and has a thumping headache.
Her tea's on a low light in the oven,
her lagers in the fridge,
I'm off to my shed for a w**k over a porno mag.
Who say's romance is dead
My first swinging experience was with a lovely couple who made me feel very welcome. The general scene was that the hubby enjoys watching his wife having sex with other men as long as he can photo the proceedings. She simply enjoys the sex and they are very comfortable in what they do.
Yes the first time was very nerve wracking (for me) and as the evening progressed hubby decided to join in, we had already established that we were both 100% straight so ther was no question of any boundaries being pushed. Hubby even asked ME if it was Ok for HIM to dp his wife with me. Now that is consideration!
The gist of my scribble is: Meet up with the couple for a chat and establish where the boundaries lie. If you are straight make it clear, I'm sure any reasonable couple will accept this without question, or if they are looking for a bi-guy they will say so.
Also establish if you are expected to go bareback or use condoms,( I think it is good manners to bring your own) and what activities are out of bounds, Anal,Kissing,To cum inside or not etc.
Most of all if you don't feel happy about it, Don't do it
Looking for a sexy exhibitionist couple or female who might like to arrange a meet in a safe quiet location on the outskirts of York, Def no boy racers,chancers etc.
You play while I watch from a discrete distance one evening during the next week.
No direct contact wanted except exchange of mobile no's so no hassles, just turn up at the pre arranged spot where I can watch you have fun. Cock sucking, titty or pussy flashing etc etc. your choice.
I did not post my own view in my original posting to help keep the subject of the discussion clear.
My own view would be that if everyone involved was consenting to the activity then it could be seen as a fetish, however if someone was the object of another's sexual activity but not aware of it then the person carrying out the sexual act could be considered a pervert.
I recently saw a video clip of a guy masturbating in a park with a young lady sat nearby eating her lunch. As the guy reached orgasm he shuffled across to the young lady and shot his load over her before running off.
Now if thats not a pervert I don't know what is.
I'm always amused when reading stories in the Sunday rags which allude to some couple or other having nights of "Perverted sex".
The article usually then goes on to describe some sexual activity that because it is not the good old Missionary position or a close relation, is deemed to be a perverted act.
As a simple example, when Becks was found to be wearing Posh's underwear was he being (a) in a close and intimate shared experience, (b) enjoying his personal fetish or (c) being a pervert?
My question to the forum is:
At what point does a Fetish become a perversion?
You have yet another pm Hannah
I quite agree that meeting for a drink and chat before deciding to take things further or not is the right of any couple and for the lady concerned in particular.
I would not expect any lady to agree to shag anyone who she has not met before without having even the briefest of chances to weigh the guy up. (Of course there are some out there who do get off on being shagged by a total stranger, again each to their own).
As for the guy not turning up, As always it is very bad form not to attempt to contact the other party to cancel.
Timewasters are always a hazzard and very difficult to spot until it is too late. The only answer at the moment is to put it down to experience and try again with someone else, Some other sites do operate a feedback system and no doubt the folk running this site have looked into how to apply such a system. The problem then of course is how do you stop someone putting bad feedback against your name, As I'm sure some of the saddo's out there would do simply for being turned down for a meet.
Having looked at your profile I just wish I were 100 miles closer!
Followed the link on serendipity's posting.
I note that the police were, as usual, quick to respond, but of course between four and five is teatime so perhaps thats why they didn't turn out.
Having read some of the stories in the weekend scandal rags over recent times and seeing that the car was black and white, Maybe it WAS a police car!!!!
It is true that cctv is popping up in all sorts of places that you might not expect, but there are some points regarding them which might allay some fears.
1: Many cameras and the equipment they are recorded on are of very low quality, Have you ever watched crimewatch or seen a cctv picture in a paper and wondered how on earth anyone is going to be recognised by that quality of photo? Even in banks and suchlike where so called hi-tech equipment is installed the recording quality is usually poor
2: Unless some untoward event takes place, it is unlikely that anyone will be bothered to watch anything that has been recorded. Even on a system with say four camera's a single day generates 96 hours of video.
3: Most camera's are designed for daytime use, at night unless the camera has an infra red capability it is virtually useless, from dusk onwards the image deteriorates even more.
4: Camera's are often of the "fixed view" type, simply park to the side or to the rear, Panning camera's are more difficult as you cannot always tell where they are looking, They can't see everywhere all the time but as a rule they will cover the most frequented area's of the location you are in.
5:Many systems now record onto a hard disc similar to a computers, Depending on the capacity of the disc and the number of camera's, the images are overwritten every few days and are lost. Where tape recording is in use it is again common practice for tapes to be re-recorded over after a period of time.
You might like to try going to the security office of the location you are at and pretend that your car has been bumped by another, You might be suprised that many security guards will simply tell you, "Sorry but it's unlikely the camera's will have seen anything". Because most of the equipment used is crap.
Sitting in my ivory tower I can see exactly what craignjane are wanting.
Some couples are perfectly happy to be watched by large groups of doggers, some are a little more reserved and do not like to be surrounded, preferring to have an audience of maybe one or two watchers, or like to know in advance who they are meeting.
Each to thier own.
I do note that this thread has been read nearly 500 times,(at the time of writing), any one of those readers could possibly have been a potential contact for craignjane, But I suspect most of whom will have been put off by a lack of humour.
I like to stick my oar in now and again so here goes:
Recent extract from an ad:
Guy wanted must be vwe and at least 9" and thick.
Were they talking about the guy or his prick I wonder??