I'm more of a planner but when it comes to playing with either a couple or a guy I tend to do it off the cuff...so I meet a guy/couple at a Club or a Munch/Social and then decide to play...
Don't worry if you haven't played yet...perhaps you're not quite ready for it...or it just hasn't been the right time...If you both want it, it'll happen for you when its right.
I guess that's true....we really shouldn't watch if we don't like it...but, for me, I like most of it, just some of the various specific bits make me gag...
To be honest, I prefer some of the erotic stories on Channel 5 which doesn't show much but it can be soooo much more erotic if it has a storyline...
I only read the ones that have been posted on since I last visited...and even then I'll skim to look at the Titles and only read those that look interesting...
I once saw a really gross porn film where loads of guys came up her arse and she squirted it out of her arse onto a plate and then licked the plate clean... :uhoh:
MMmmmmmm both....preferably at the same time ;)
I used to be able to do it when I was younger but I can't do it now for some reason...
I can occasionally cum by Tim sucking on my nipples but I have to be in a very specific mood for that...it usually works when I'm on my period.
I'm more of a listener as I'm trained as a Counsellor so I kinda got used to listening to people...
I can talk and have a really passionate conversation when I'm in the mood or depending on who I'm talking to...
I'm free anytime really...just give me a few weeks advance notice so I can sort out not working that day.
And thank you again for all the Welcomes Back...it's lovely to be here!!
Boyz II Men - End of the Road
It always brings a tear to my eye but I love it soooo much - I want that played at my Funeral.
I think I agree with most people - I'm in an Open Relationship as Tim and I don't tend to Swing together (although we have occasionally).
But although we're in an open relationship we both know everything that's going on with each other's lives...I know who he's playing with and when.
In fact, we both go out to a Swingers Club on a Saturday night and the only rule we have is that I know he's going to play BEFORE he goes...and then it's fine...and the same goes for me.
I would say just go with your instincts....they have been built up over years and years of experience...so go with them!!
I echo what others have said though...if I was a guy that had been in contact with you I would now stay away until you contacted me...
Occasionally when I'm in a group situation or something I look around and think "Wow, how did I get here and how strange is it that this doesn't feel strange" LoL.
I have only once done something that didn't feel 100% right and unfortunately I didn't listen to my gut and i went ahead with it anyway and regretted it...but I learned not to do something if I'm uncomfortable so I DID learn from it...