I watch this every night over dinner, just before I go to work.
Though today, I broke the habit! Yay! It's so addicting, i thought it was just me!
Not enough women these days appreciate a guy who is romantic, at least, not girls my age. Take for example my last girlfriend, I used my romantic skills to put together some wonderful evenings, but I don't think she ever really appreciated them.
Ah well, such is life! I'll always be romantic, it's what I like doing.
Wasnt 42 the answer to the univserse AND everything?
I'd love to attend, it sounds like a great idea! It's exactly what I need, just to have met some people from the site and have a laugh.
Helps my rep too. Yeah, my rep, y'all *gansgta pose*
Get more details, and as long as it's not TOO north, sign me up!
I expect to be waiting until it's nearly 2007 until I get some next, never get a chance to meet women here, it's a shame!
Neither do I. I'm always late to bed, late to rise. My work often keeps me up late, so I tell myself this is to keep my body clock in sync.
In truth, i'm just a night person!
Agreed, the age of the Gentleman is dead. A lot of girls seem to go for the Rugby Player type, big and beefy and sometimes with an attitude to match. Though, there are a lot of girls who still appreciate Gentlemen like ourselves! Just gotta look harder I guess!
I like being a Gentleman though, means you're never described as a wanker!
'Ello mate, welcome to the Forums. Quite a good laugh round here, if you'll look past the crazies!
What's hmm? It's a sound, like moo. Try saying it out loud, and you'll get what it means!
I'll let you off though, sounds like you've been having a good time!
I know mate, i've already read the guides and stuff. i see you making the same comments on a lot of people's posts. I don't 'expect' replies at all. Just doesn't hurt to cover the bases! Here and the ad section!
My (dodgy) source seems to have a load of amateur stuff, it's all I really get these days! All the american stuff is so fake, I only ever get it if the girl appeals A HECK OF A LOT
My word would be:
Imaginary XD
But I have. Check the first page ;)
Wow, i'd love to come to this! Unfortunately, the date is one I cannot do too, if only I had a little more notice!
Have a great time guys and girls!
Also, I guess I need to meet someone first before I come to a big meet like this?