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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58


It was confirmed on the BBC superweb interhighway thingy and that it will be set in 1981, I hope its as good but I think it may be a tad too modern?, they should have set it just a few years on from the original. It won't be the same with capris and sierras, give me the granadas anytime lol
Harry .
Well, Its finally over, now the debate on one of the best progs on the box for a very long time.
Was he dreaming the whole thing or was he actually bonkers or did the writers run out of ideas and leave it up to the viewers? Either way, well worth the watch just for the quotes:
Sam Tyler: If it was to do with football, he'd have serious injuries.
Gene: He's dead. That's quite serious (The delivery on that was just perfect)
Harry X
Quote by redpantherman
hehehe... I 'stopped' being a newbie when a certain wench traveled 50 miles in the freezing snow to sample me pork chops! :shock: :

I was about to say "Bloody hell, you two, get a room".....but you already have lol
Terry Wogan - The Floral Dance
Bet it gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day lol
Red (RHG) is still about and looking good, I spoke to her at a social a while back, I'll send her an email to let her know shes missed
Harry x
Hmmm, On that note, maybe I'll leave Baby Clanger alone and take a torch!
Thats OK, if it gets too dark, I'll set light to Baby Clanger (Another good reason to "Keep it Cloth")
I've decided on the strength of the last post by LondonPlaything to change my campaign from "Bring Back Bagpuss" to "Keep It Cloth". I'm now off to the Soup Caves..........
Harry X
I think we need a Bring Back Bagpuss campaign... No CGI, just cloth..
Harry x
With the news that Jim'll Fix It is on its way back, given the choice what kids programme would you bring back & why.
For me, its the Banana Splits, for its unadulterated violence yet no blood, cool cars (well, except the car driven by the elephant thing Snorky) and for introducing us to Billie Pipers first acting role as Bingo.........All together now " La la la, la la la la, la la la, la la la la, One banana, two banana.....fades..."
Harry x
Quote by Sassy-Seren
It's good to see Barber's Adagio being so popular. It's my favourite piece of work and I've already said I want it playing me out.
REM's Everybody Hurts is a bit of a weepy for me too. I've always liked the song but a friend dedicated to me on the radio just after my Dad passed away and it's been special to me ever since. Lovely sentiment in that song

Sassy Seren, although you probably know of it , I'll put it down anyway...In a similar vein to Barbers adagio is Tomaso Albinoni's Adagaio for strings in G minor...well worth a listen..
Good first post, I don't think you'll have too much trouble wondering if people will remember you on your next one..
I wrote to Jim asking for a flight in a Spitfire when I was about thirteen.....Still waiting Jim.
If you read this, (as we all know, your a big fan and avid poster on SH) its never to late.
Whenever I think of Jim'll Fix It (besides not getting the Spitfire gig!!) I always picture the group of scouts trying to eat their packed lunches whilst on a rollercoater (I think it was on the opening credits?)
Quote by sheddy
I'm only here for the avatars ;-)
And all my 'cyber' friends kiss

<<<<<<<<< never knew a shed could be so apealing but glad ya like it lol
I'd like to know how much B&Q sales have gone up since your avatar first popped up. Maybe its time to approach them about a % for product placement ??
Why Not, its not offensive to anyone, worst case scenario, the nominee will sweep up a street......
Its hardly un pc..and I'm sure the mods have seen, get stuck in smile
Every time I smell or think of those early 80's staple aftershaves (Korous, Paco Rabanne etc) it brings a smile to my face
I love the forum because it has shown me that I am NOT the worst person in the world at spelling..... smile
I just hope my old English teacher is a member of SH, she always made a point of telling me I was..(thats bad at spelling by the way, not a member of SH...I don't think she knows, well, thats if she's still alive!)
Harry x
Quote by da69ve
Right now .....i'd like to see Naomi Campball in the orange boiler suit!

I'd like to see Heather McCartney along side her
What an amazing and educational website SH is.
Who would have thought that the tortoise equivalent of "thats its bitch! whose the daddy!!" is actually "Hurrrrrrrrrrrr, hurrrrr, huuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
Great clip
Hmmm, she could ask David to carry the broom as he seems to have a lot of time on his hands now lol
Well, I'm pretty sure its not just me (or maybe it is :shock: ), but every now and then when you see a "celebrity" either going on about how hard life/work is or completely going overboard and acting the want to give them a little reality slap..
Therefore, in honour of Boy George. Who else would you like to see dressed in an orange boiler suit (No!! Guantanamo Bays Camp Xray is to severe, even for a Diva) given a broom and sent sweeping the streets...
I'll start with J Lo (I wonder if her 50+ entourage would stay to help lol )
Harry X
For me its "Everything I Own" by Bread.
Quite a few people think its a guy writing about a ex girlfriend, its actually about his dead father. (makes the lyrics more poignant.
Boy George had a bash and killed the song some years back, ther was also a reggae version but to me the David Gates version is top of the blubber list
You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, Kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, Set me free
The finest years I ever knew,
We're all the years I had with you
And I will give everything I own,
I'll give my life, my heart, my home
I will give everything I own
Just to have you back again.
You taught me how to love,
What its all, all above
You never said too much
But still you showed the way
In my new, I'm watching you
Nobody else will ever know
The part of me that can't let go
I will give anything I own
I'll give up my life, my heart, my home
I will give everything I own
Just to have you back again
Is there someone you know
You're loving them so
But taking them all for-granted
You may lose them one day
Someone takes them away
And they don't hear the words you long to say
I would give anything I own,
I'll give up my life, my heart, my home,
I will give everthing I own
Just to have you back again
Just to touch you once again
Harry :cry:
Quote by Babe-n-a-biker
biggrin surprised :twisted: biggrin cool rolleyes
well , was wondering on how many peeps like spilt roast ??
when was the 1st time u did it and was it fun !!!
funny thing to ask tho x
hope to chat soon xx
xxxrachey xx :P wink wink wink wink wink

My first one was a great one. lol In a South London Asda store, store room with two managers. If they're memebers pm me it was a long, long time ago biggrin Thanks for the thread hope you've got responses you were looking for. wink
Did they tap your arse and make a coin jangling noise as in the adverts lol
Harry x
Quote by
I was having coffee yesterday waiting to pick up my new car.
My friend asked 'What colour is it?'
I said 'Car, without milk'

Quote by madchick
Standing on the steps of the uni having a sneaky fag, when other mature student comes up to me and says.........."hows it going on SH for you, I don't seem to be having much luck"........
about 30 other students milling around and I die of bloody wonder he's not having much luck...tact is the foreward for this week..!

OMG did you know he was on here before he said anything to you?
Nope...but ran to the library, logged on and had a perv......................
Have been told since that there are about 10 of us who all go to the uni who are regular members of the chat rooms.......
Good job none of them are in any of my classes...I get precious little done as it is..
lol lol lol
Hmm, The SH University debating class....well worth joining. smile
Quote by alidar
While on cam one day, someone whispered me and asked if I was going down to my local pub ! :shock:
They wouldn't tell me who they were mad and wound me up for several days !
I'v since caught them on cam and know who they are lol
P.S. You know who you are and you still owe me that drink ! biggrin

Now that REALLY would get to me :twisted:
Quote by mezagog
but if you did spot someone you know, what would you do?
keep quiet
tell them
tell everyone :twisted:
seriously though, it could be an ice breaker or even a marriage breaker,

Keep my mouth shut probably....
Harry.....except if it was Winchwench obviously lol
Quote by cu3b4ll
....the fact that the girl in the picture was green was a slight give away

To answer your question though, I've never seen anyone I know. In fact, I think our friends and family are far too vanilla to venture into the scene. Mind you, I bet they think that about us too ;-)
I do like to use the photo ads search thing to look for people under five miles away. I live in hope that I'll find a stunning looking neighbour out there somewhere rolleyes
Well now that you mention it, I was reasonably sure that my next door neighbours were on the site...they were, according to the site 0 miles away and the girl was (apart from the slightly pixellated face) a dead ringer. It was only when the couple on the site changed their photos that I was sure that it wasn't them after all...Shame really ... smile
Harry x