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16 hours ago
Bi-curious Male, 67
Bisexual Female, 63
0 miles · Birmingham


Not easy to arrange party meets if you don't know people, but we have managed it a few times over the years. Every time we have arranged a party we have met all the people on a 1 to 1 social meet 1st, we find that cuts out the time wasters. Rachel will always talk to them on the phone 1st, we find if people don't want to exchange contact details they are unlikely to meet in the flesh.
Wish you well
Quote by Toots

Your a timewaster and a liar.

Thats a bit harsh don't you think? I mean, on your own profile it states:
Jed, average endowment, 5ft 7ins, slim, fit, fun with gsoh.
Now I have no idea as to your appendage or various stats...but sense of humour? Really? You sure?
Quote by MidsCouple24
The advice you seek, run for parliament and lobby the Government to change the laws on prostitution, though that has nothing to do with this site and lobby the Government and Religious bodies to accept a more open view of marriage and sex.

Neither has some of your latest forum thread offerings, such as ' Priests', 'Banning Smoking in Cars' 'footie thread' and ' no work- no workers morelike' it takes all sorts, 'appen Luvincouple was just sounding off about a situation he finds himself confronted with and as it's an adult theme re relationships (of sorts) I'd say his post was much more on topic than some of your offerings?
*Hands Jed a phillips 8w = 48 watt Phillips LED bulb* ... lighten up meluvvly.
PS: Caterpillar
If we called someone a time waster we would banned from the site or at least warned…
Its amazing what you can do with a piece of string wink . I found and interesting study about cock size, very scientific but also very educating, all is not how it would seem to us men on what women like. 100 women took part in the study, Rachel said she wished she was one of them lol
I wonder how many people would guess the length & Girth the women most liked??
Quote by deancannock
paul....not sure about either....but I have a 6 inch tongue and can breath through my ears !!!! lol

Now Now Dean don't tease Rachel you know she has a soft spot for you wink :wink:
The Point I was making is why men don't measure their girth while they have a tape measure in there hands.
The other way to measure it is to see which will wrap round your cock a £5, £10, or £20 note wink and if your broke forget it lol
My wife (Rachel) asked me why do men always say - for example "Why do men alway say I have a 9" cock and its thick" when what she really wants to know is how thick his cock is. Rachel says women feel girth more in most cases than length, sometimes men can be to long for comfort.
Oh and don't forget what girth is lol wrap a tape measure round the base of the cock not to be confused with diameter for example 6" girth would = " Diameter
I can hear the jokes to this question already I'm being a dickhead :lol:
Answers on a postcard please wink
I've got a PA and its great: the wife loves it and would not let me take it off now. had it for about 14 years. It did not hurt having it done one little bit. takes a few weeks to heal mind…
We had a fantastic pre-party meet at the Billiard Hall pub in West Brom. Met some really nice genuine people and made new friends. Must do this again next time we have a party.
Thank you for meeting
Rachel & Paul
Just home from a fantastic night at Xtasia, celebrating 10 years since the birth of Swinging Heaven. Meeting old and new friends is what SH is all about to us, fantastic turn out lots of lovely people from all parts of the UK. A massive thank you to Fobs for his hard work organising a brill night, and nice to meet you. Thank you to all the Xtasia staff for such a well run club, love the Dog Inn - it works well.
Paul & Rachel
Sounds like 1pm meet up at the billiard Hall then. if you want to join us send us a private message and we will reply with our mobile number.
Rachel & paul
Quote by Geordiecpl2001
Well, would one of the people who know this place suggest a time for meeting? And if the pub has different floors or areas narrow down a good area. As we don't know any of you, how would we spot you, short of asking everyone in the pub if they are swingers?
John & Shel

What sort of time will you be arriving in West Brom? We have very little travel so we are flexible. Could send you our mobile number. just need to remember Man united are playing West brom kick off time is 4 pm.
Rachel & paul
Blimey the old snooker hall, I remember playing snooker at that place lol
We have set aside sunday for the big bash at Xtasia so was wondering if any of you people want to meet in the afternoon before going into Xtasia. For the single people attending it might be of use meeting and walking into xtasia for the 1st time with people who know the club. Just send a memo if the nsa offer appeals.
Quote by nellie-mwgc
Yes to both questions smile
Having had someone close to my die after being in an RTA where the other driver was driving dangerously (and went to prision for it) i defintely would pass on the video to the police simply to maybe save others from going thru what we have been thru due to some idiots dangerous driving !
I don't mind being called a snitch if it saves someones life :)

My family totally agree with the above, we all have a responsibility for the safety of others.
We got no money and all the rooms at the Inn are full, someone needs to show some common sense.
Would agree with most already said above. we as a couple go through phases, can go months not wanting to arrange meets then feel in the mood and start looking again. Finding the time is also another restraint and be a reason for people pulling out or not meeting. But we do have one solid rule, we will not meet anybody we have not talked to on the phone first we do fine that cuts alot of timewasting out, we do our very best to avoid picture collectors but have had plenty of both over the years. What we do find on SH is a lot of people that can’t seem to get through their first meet, getting off the mark as so to speak, we can understand that, we found it difficult the first time we met our first couple. Our advice is to be honest with people and you will in time be rewarded.
Quote by subaruwrx
Could anyone tell us what its like on a Wednesday afternoon at chams and is it worth a visit

We go tho Chams in the day sometimes when we are off work. if the sun is out its great on the roof in the sun garden. its good that you don't get crowded out and have the run of the place.
We like it in the day its fun.
Quote by jips66
Do u think many guys who go to swinging clubs take viagra to enhance their performance. would love to know

The older the guy more the chance of taking some sort of pill would be the simple answer.
We have tried all sorts of pills over the years, viagra and herbal. Don't use them very often just when we go on meets but never at home just for the 2 of us. Not sure I agree with it being a head problem, it's more the case of right place at the right time. Some years ago we looked into the effects of the different products on the market and somewhere on a hard drive we must still have our finding (must dig them out sometime) it would be fair to point out some herbal products WERE as good as viagra, cialis and others less good. We also found a wide range of results with some having little or no active content so not working or not working as well as others. Headache, dry eye were the 2 main side effects we found with viagra - where some herbal pills for the same effect had next to none. We found that some herbal pills contained illegal and false ingredients. Our end result was to use a herbal pill which was reliable with next to no side effects to me.
Hope I have helped
Quote by Too Hot
The comment about some "bankers bonuses" being more than most people earn as a salary is completely irrelevant. All jobs in all industries have employee benefit packages unique and appropriate to that industry.
That maybe the case to you, but paying for failure is the problem that needs to be dealt with.
I don't disagree with that at all. You should live and die through the decisions that you make. If a bank is being turned back into profit - why should the people doing that not receive bonuses commensurate with what industry competitors offer?
The banking crash was 6 years ago - we need to get over that now and move on. We live in the here and now, not six years ago (or up to 12 years if you include the build up). Banks generally need to be profitable because the UK financial services industry is a big earner for the treasury.
We seem to have a habit in this country of looking back in anger instead of looking forward with optimism.
Yes Too Hot it was over 6 years ago, try telling the government that, and lets stop all this austerity, think you are forgetting we are still paying for all the fuck ups made by the government and banks.
" we live in the here and now" believe it or not 'reverse' has a real meaning to it and happens. The east germans would agree. When the euro fails or some country pulls out they will go back to their own currency, So Too Hot I'm just going to say I don't agree with you.
The comment about some "bankers bonuses" being more than most people earn as a salary is completely irrelevant. All jobs in all industries have employee benefit packages unique and appropriate to that industry.
That maybe the case to you, but paying for failure is the problem that needs to be dealt with.
Quote by Too Hot
The taxpayer owns 85% of RBS. The Government want US Libor fines to come from bonuses and back bonus payments. The RBS bonus pot this year is £250,000,000 and bonus payments are now below industry standards.
What is the right course of action?
1) fuck them and make them pay. Meanwhile top RBS talent has already moved on to more lucrative employment and this will no doubt create a bigger exodus and a tax payer owned bank becoming worth less and less on a day to day basis.
2) bank (ie taxpayers) pay the fines and get RBS salaries and bonuses back up to industry standards to attract talent and get the bank performing so that it can be sold on at a profit for the benefit of the taxpayer.

If all the banks in the world had been allowed to fail and those who headed those banks been held to account, then the world would now be in recovery. As it stands we are still in the sh** and will be until failure is seen as just that. We have so much un-corrupt talent, why not give them a chance to shine.
Some of these bankers get more in bonus in one year than most people earn in a life time. ffs people work it out!
TH hits the nail on the head, the situation for a parliamentary vote in indeed complexed. David Cameron is playing a very dangerous game of bluff. But I just think he could come out of this with more than most people think! Its just one hell of a gamble.
Quote by starlightcouple

:small-print: I'm fully aware how it works GnV, I posed a simple question.

Yes I understood it and you comment below is also a wonderful wording of the whole sorry issue.
Quote by Paul80
The UK people should not be held to ransom by the government on an issue that parliament show no sign of agreeing on.

Personally I think Cameron is running scared. If he could not get a majority at the last election something will have to change for him to get that majority he needs to be able to give the electorate that in or out referendum. With Europe being in such a mess as you have indicated, UKIP will seize their opportunity to gain more Tory votes, which will leave Cameron possibly facing a drubbing at the next election, where Labour could get back into power.
By promising the electorate a referendum on Europe makes me very nervous, as was mentioned on Question Time why not give the electorate that vote before the next election? There is nothing stopping them from doing that, but he hopes he will be able to bribe the electorate with promises which I feel knowing Cameron's history that he will re-nag on as soon as his new 5 year term starts. Give us the referendum now DC if you have nothing to be scared of. The polls currently show an out would be the more than likely outcome, so no referendum now.
Perish the though of Mr Balls being PM.blink
Star, I don't think David Cameron has the mandate to give a referendum to the people as it stands, would he not need to get it past first through parliament? I would be interested to see a free vote in parliament on letting the people have a say. I hate to say this but I would like to see all this European crap taken out the hands of UK party politics, and let me tell you why! It's destroying our own parliament.
I'm not sure if an in/out vote is the right way either. I sure don't agree that we need to be in the club to have a say, this country has being going way to long to be stopped by politicians of any political persuasion. Do people really think this country can't stand on our own. it might do us good to keep out noses out of other counties affairs anyway lol
Quote by GnV
Think I’ve worked this out now, we need to vote tory just so we get a vote then? It just goes to show how useless parliament has become over europe. Don’t know about you people but I for one believe we would survive not being a member, I sort of like the idea of sitting back watching them fuck them selves. why is it our governments get dissolved every 5 years yet europe just carries on, maybe its time for change, total re-think its not passed the test of time...
“be careful who you get into bed with”

The European Parliament is elected every 5 years....
A new team of 27 European Commissioners is appointed every 5 years....
So which one do I vote for to opted out?
You can only vote for European MPs (MEPs) if that is what you mean.
Commissioners are appointed by each Member State.
The vote you are referring to is an 'in-out' European Union referendum being proposed by Cameron which, if ever it comes to fruition, is at least 5 years away.
:small-print: I'm fully aware how it works GnV, I posed a simple question. I know that the labour party got thrown out of government at our last election, I know we have a coalition government now who don't agree on Europe! I just have no idea what the hell voting for MEP's would do for me. Which party are the MEP's lol Oh I see not voting for MEP's will dissolve the European parliament. Don't you understand my vote is being devalued?
The UK people should not be held to ransom by the government on an issue that parliament show no sign of agreeing on.
Quote by GnV
Think I’ve worked this out now, we need to vote tory just so we get a vote then? It just goes to show how useless parliament has become over europe. Don’t know about you people but I for one believe we would survive not being a member, I sort of like the idea of sitting back watching them fuck them selves. why is it our governments get dissolved every 5 years yet europe just carries on, maybe its time for change, total re-think its not passed the test of time...
“be careful who you get into bed with”

The European Parliament is elected every 5 years....
A new team of 27 European Commissioners is appointed every 5 years....
So which one do I vote for to opted out?
Think I’ve worked this out now, we need to vote tory just so we get a vote then? It just goes to show how useless parliament has become over europe. Don’t know about you people but I for one believe we would survive not being a member, I sort of like the idea of sitting back watching them fuck them selves. why is it our governments get dissolved every 5 years yet europe just carries on, maybe its time for change, total re-think its not passed the test of time...
“be careful who you get into bed with”
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Cameron has promised a referendum on staying in the euro zone should he win another term
do you think this is a good or bad thing to leave Europe

It would be bad to stay in europe as it stands now, it’s becoming much more that the free trading promise from the original common market. Don’t know about you, but I feel my vote is worth much less now, and I’m not sure what I’m getting for it. I did agree with the free market but I don’t agree with all the red tape, in my view we just don’t need to be integrated to the level the Germans and French seem to think!
Its just one big mess, I would be in favour of scrapping the lot and starting again from fresh… And I for one feel we should have a referendum no matter what government are in power.
Politicians need to be reminded we are a democracy
Quote by Lizaleanrob
it does beg the question........could they really make a worse hash of things than the last 3 decades of government??

Its taken over 3 decades since Charles de Gaulle said he never wanted Great Britain in the common market for Nigel Farage to get the politicians in government to realise that europe is not working. So how long will it take to fix???