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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53
Bisexual Female, 53
0 miles · Merseyside


I don't think it is important to live out your fantasies as such, it is nice to do that, but important no.
What is more important is having strength in your relationship, whether it's conventional or a swinging one. If you have that then it allows you to explore the fantasies without, hopefully, causing any problems.
I think discussing fantasies is a great idea and I think is the crucial first step to actually deciding if you want to live them out or not. You and your partner may have very different ideas of what they want and perhaps your fantasies are not compatible. Say, you want a FFFM 3 some and she wants to be gangbanged by 5 hot studs while you watch on wearing a dog collar.
I have lots of fantasies for different scenarios, people, places, acts, moods etc. I've even committed some to paper to foolishly send out to people to laugh at and then pretend they enjoyed it. Of them we've probably done less than 1%, but it doesn't matter, we've talked about most of them and that can be just as fulfilling.
And there is always the very good point that others have already made, the fantasy may well be a great deal better, than the reality.
Should you comment on that when you have your ample goodies in the shop window? wink
Quote by Kaznkev
Wanking with tinsel.

But res the strands get stuck in such awkward places,lets not have a repeat of last years fiasco,the neighbours could here you swearing as you extracted bits from your foreskin lol
now holly,thats another thing altogeather
Not as bad as having your baubles crushed...
(In Edit : Isn't Mistletoe like Athlete's Foot or Tennis Elbow?)
I'd go to the Library, read for a bit and then frighten mousey,shy librarians. Chasing them around with the Gibbons Stamp Catalogue or asking if they'd mind reading me the latest copy of "Big Norks" magazine.
Either that or go into a place of worship (any will do, I'm not sectarian in my non-belief... God forbid) and laugh heartily at all the wrong times.
I wish you every happiness, success and a fairytale day.
Just be careful where you tie the knot.
Quote by Witchy
You don't need to put socks on before you get into bed. The rest of you is naked, so why worry about your feet? Lets ignore the fact that your circulation is atrocious and your feet are -26 even in August. Don't worry about whoever you're sleeping with tonight, they won't mind. You'll be able to sleep through the encroaching blue tinge starting at your toes and working it's way up your legs- at least until an icicle pops out of your pussy. rolleyes

The poor animal, and I'm no cat lover.
Cat's are so anti-social. It is all about what you bring to the table for them and if you are lucky and foist hours and hours of love and attention on them, wine them, dine them and no, not that, but generally be very nice to them, they may spare you 3 minutes out of their hectic schedule when they don't turn their nose up at you, complain about what you have fed them and shit in your petunias before buggering off to roger next doors feeble excuse for a moggy before stealing their lunch.
Dog's are great. You feed them the same tired shit every single day and they love you to death for it. If you take them for a walk, they react like you would if you were promised a blow job by the Swedish Nymphomaniacal Blonde and Busty Nude Beach Volleyball squad. There a bit smelly at times, a bit needy, dolefully stupid, their shit stinks and they have an unerring ability to lick their private parts at the most inopportune of moments and they resemble me in so many other ways too, but at least they try and raise a smile out of you now and then, so I guess I am biased towards them.
I picked this avatar because it was the first picture I came across that made me smile when arsing about on Silk and Big G's avatar thread a while back.
Do you know, I thought this was a reference to the Current Affairs Forum.
Emperor Mong once told me that attempting to investigate a malfunctioning gas oven with a lighted match was a good idea.
Singed hair, a flash-over tan and two eyebrows less a little later I realised they'd been telling fibs.
Juice the goose
F*ck a duck
Nobbin a Robin
Pork a Stork
And that's just birds...
Ram a Clam!
Nail a Snail!
69 a porcupine!
Bone a Phone... Ok, I admit that wouldn't sell too well...
But there's a whole untapped market here (not meerkat)
Address is...
69 Snowballing Close
Quote by Gurlonloan
Dear Santa,
Can you please send me over three sexy elves ( the ones with the fake ears will do!!)
....... i know i'm not asking for much but it will sure make my first christmas in england for xx years a blooody good one and least that way i will have the heat from the bed to keep me warm
Gurly x x

Hi Gurlonloan,
Unfortunately, most of my Elves are rather busy at the moment. If they are not making all kinds of various toys for people, they are busy ordering the batteries for them and testing them out. As you can imagine, this work is quite tiring for creatures who are excellent workers and easily orgasmic.
To help resolve the issue, I can recommend either (A) An electric Blanket, (B) A hot water bottle or (C) Placing an ad in here stating you are after a single man with a stutter, questionable hygiene, appalling English language skills and a predilection for whacking his cock out on cam every 20 seconds before pestering any potential female in the room to watch while he empties his nutsack over his PC keyboard (which doesn't help his poor spelling any).
I'm sure either of these solutions will provide a warming nest for you to sleep amongst!
Alternatively, you can come to the North Pole. The amount of Hot air I spout is the equivalent of 3012 Volcanic thermal vents and has already contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer.
May Your Xmas be as rampant as a rabbit in April.
Quote by Lassy09
p.s santa.......
is it too late to ask for one special treat? I need a boob job santa. I am going to a social on Saturday night and its a formal one well...ive just tried on my dress and now im worried I will have to pay 3 enterance fees for my boobs need tickets of thier own! so please santa you gave me my wish when i was 16 that i wanted big boobs and got them but TAKE THEM BACK??????

Dear Lassy,
Unfortunately, all gifts, including miraculous breast enlargements, are strictly non-returnable under normal circumstances.
Of course, I'd be happy to consider reconsidering this position if you are kind enough to supply ample evidence of your problem. Photographs, video, etc etc. Unfortunately since I do not possess these items, I am unable to comply with your wish.
However, I will offer to come and hold them for you while you are at the social, or indeed anywhere you'd like.
May Seasonal Warmth uplift your appendages to pleasant levity.
Quote by Tan--Kinky
i must be very lucky cus all my bras are from marks and sparks and they all fit very well, are comfortable and most sexy (my work day ones are just plain and simple rather than sexy) and most are under £20 smile
i looked at the bravissamo site but they are way to big for me and i thought id got massive boobs lol
my fav at the moment :)

that's nice but not in my size :sad: and its a good few sizes off :-|
Quote by Resonance
I usually get my granny "over the shoulder boulder holder's" from matalan as they seem to fit me the best, I struggle to get nice bra's that are not a full cup that fit properly though
I aint been measured for a couple of years but am in need of one as my *large* boobs seem to be growing some more redface
I don't like M&S for bra's they are expensive and don't fit as good

Well if you ever want a private fitting...
Have you got a big tape measure? :giggle:
In edit - by the internet a 7 inch difference in the under - over bust measurements makes a G cup I can't even do the fecking maths for my measurements surprisedops:
I have indeed, and warm hands and wandering fingertips!
Quote by Tan--Kinky
I usually get my granny "over the shoulder boulder holder's" from matalan as they seem to fit me the best, I struggle to get nice bra's that are not a full cup that fit properly though
I aint been measured for a couple of years but am in need of one as my *large* boobs seem to be growing some more redface
I don't like M&S for bra's they are expensive and don't fit as good

Well if you ever want a private fitting...