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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 40
0 miles · Devon


I served Anthony Head (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) at tescos one night a few years ago. Was fairly envied by the other staff and then a few weeks later... I served him again as he was getting his weekly shop.
Couldnt think of anything smart to say though, so just got on with checking his items through.
Quote by bluexxx

some ppl just cant be goaded properly these days :twisted:

Over and out cool
wimp, you bail far too easily
Quote by bluexxx
possibly, but if im not just interested in how you like to be fucked then surely i should be taking the patient view, which will lead me to the information on EXACTLY how you like to be fucked, amongst other useful tidbits

If you're genuinely interested in the partner you're shagging you'll be interested in more than just shagging them..... i.e. about other aspects of their life also. This will lead to you being more comfortable with that person, and you will then both find it easier to talk about lots of things, including sex.
Surely this is common sense? dunno
Or maybe not :crazy:
some ppl just cant be goaded properly these days :twisted:
but back to the point, i think we have actually realised we are discussing two seperate issues here
1) how to satisfy someone on a one night stand
2) how to make sure you and ure partner get the most out of your relationship
Quote by bluexxx

But at the end of the day it's all about patience. I mean you wouldn't expect to find out all about someone's life, what they like to eat, what their fave TV programmes are, and what annoying little habits they have, all in one day, would you?

but im not interested in all that, just how they like to be fucked smile
Well, perhaps that's where you're going wrong innocent
possibly, but if im not just interested in how you like to be fucked then surely i should be taking the patient view, which will lead me to the information on EXACTLY how you like to be fucked, amongst other useful tidbits
Quote by bluexxx
But at the end of the day it's all about patience. I mean you wouldn't expect to find out all about someone's life, what they like to eat, what their fave TV programmes are, and what annoying little habits they have, all in one day, would you?

but im not interested in all that, just how they like to be fucked smile
looks like this is coming down to another one of those cases where we accept that everyone is different
in the short term then you have to either put up with the status quo or bite the bullet and ask, whereas in the long term you have to generally be patient and see where things go
is it me or do alot of social/sexual threads seem to end up like this (minor hijack waning)
is this just a reflection of the generally closed society in which we live that genrealy prevents us from asking the'difficul' or 'awkward' questions??
a good point and well made, but i guess im talking about new partners here when blokes tend to take the same attitude towards asking what the partner likes as he takes when asking for directions in the car (he doesnt cos he doenst like to appear incompetent) and i have actually asked partners in the past what they like, and they've actaully said 'erm, not sure really'; at which point the whole mood has been properly ruined
Well what a mine feild this appears to be!!!
I would like to offer my experience to this thread (however limited). I'be had a few sexual partners in the past and have had varying degrees of sucess success at getting them to orgasm.
Generally I have found that women and men, when masturbating, have little trouble in getthing themselves to orgasm. However, when it comes to sex, blokes are GENERALLY (note the generalisation, not the complete be all and end all of situation) at a lose at how to get a women to orgasm. I've managed to get a woman to orgasm through fingering, but not through fucking redface (please, anyone who has any suggestions please fire away).
So, to conclude, in GENERAL (pls note self admitted genralisation again) men dont really know what thier women want. Whereas on SH, you are asking a very specific cross section of ppl about sexual abilities and experiences.
Ive discovered that I have a weird habit of reaching for the phone on my desk the split second before it rings. I dont have any intention of making a call but I reach out and just as my hand touches the reciver, it rings.
I dont know how long ive been doing it but I scared the holy crap out of someone who watched me do it once(that was when i found out i did it at all). Since then I;ve noticed i do it, but only after ive done it. Werid and a little disturbing.
Anyone else do this sorta thing??
In the words of Forest Gump
'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never quite know what you're gonna get' and in this sense you've gotta be prepared for the nuts.
Don't take it personally, just think of it as something that makes you appreciate a gentleman even more.
Well I feel its time to put the cat among the pidgoens again.
This thread will make most sense to Londoner's me thinks but it could stretch further.
Was on the tube today and looked around me at all the various ppl there, and thought to myslef 'I wonder if any of these ppl have heard of Swinger Heaven?' which then got me on to thinking about how one spots fellow swingers (without the badges I;ve been hearing so much about).
Do you all think there is something swingers do that define them, like grin to oneself incesantly, or something similar?
Is there something you do that you think makes you stand out as more than the average?
Quote by Deviated Prevert
Red sauce is just wrong.

Personally I thought a saucy Red was the only kind we had
Boom Boom
(Ill stop with the puns soon, promise) redface
Quote by da69ve
We must have posted at the same time da69ve...

Great minds think alike!! lol
did you know that you;ve only quoted half of that saying??
The full saying goes 'Great Minds think alike, and fools seldom differ' :twisted:
I would have thought that most ppl here would have preffered BBQ sauce, after all dont we all like to add a little bit of spice to life.
Boom Boom
??? at the risk of sounding rather stupid, have i missed some form of etiquette by not letting everyone know that i was buggering off for a week??
Btw, have fun mate!!!
Quote by Spongebob
Well you're lucky that you arrived just in time to enrol on the Swinging Heaven Advanced Sexual Techniques and Practices Course.
Queue over there
Make sure you take two passport sized photographs with you (NOT cock shots!), one for your photo-ID to get into the SH Towers Learning Centre and one for the staff to put on their wall to admire how pretty you are
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oooo Can I sign up too please wink
You could have started something here Blue, are you able to handle it?? :wink: :lol:
Quote by Jags
The romans did infact build hadrians wall but for those people that dont know the romans also bult a smaller waller furthur in to scotland, the name escapes me at the present time.
The Romans were sh*t scared of these mad people from the highlands.

Antonine's Wall!
The building of Antonine's Wall AD 142 - 144
A further attempt to subdue southern 'Scotland' was made in the early 140s on the orders of Emperor Antoninus Pius. Across the narrowest neck of land between the Forth and the Clyde a second wall was built - this time of turf, stone and wood.
The Antonine Wall was thirty-seven miles long, four metres wide and fronted by a ditch approximately twelve metres in width. It had forts and fortlets on the same pattern as Hadrian's Wall but was occupied only for a short time. By AD 160, the Roman's again had abandoned their gains north of Hadrian's Wall as too difficult to maintain.

See, in the whole subject of walls, you really gotta admire the scotts. Here come these bloody invaders wanting to change everything etc, and what do the scotts do?? somehow they manage to get the romans to build a wall to keep themselves in.
(before anyone gets hurt about this i am fully aware that it wasnt quite a simple as this and that the romans were right b******ds to the scotts)
Wow, what a post, and scarliy I followed it all.
Unfortunatly the best repsonse I can give at the minute is 'I dont know'. I like to think im an easy going kinda guy, you know, try anything once (almost) and the good things twice (or more).
I think the main point that is coming out of all of this is that we need to talk to each other, explore, compromise where necessary, but talk and discuss things.
Possibly a good piece of advice for almost any part of life.
Can i just say that whilst I havnt swung, I have had a sex/fuck buddy before, in fact Im going to visit her shortly, but the way that came about was cos we dated for a little while and then stopped dating, but carried on sleeping together, ANYWAY
And as Mikenorth puts puts it perfectly, I am interested in swinging, and would like to explore the scene with her, trouble is though Im afraid that this will put her off me for good............hmm, maybe I do care more for her than the life-style...
OK OK, so I know it sounds like im trying to run before i can walk and I supose in this sense i am, but i have an annoying habit of thinking about things too much and like naughty put it, once the idea is in your head...........
I'm just exploring my options and where it could lead, also very interested in how everyone else deals with this issue.
And naughty, from what I've already gleamed from these posts I find it hard to imagine you being quite about this for 8 years!! smile :-p how did you mange it :gagged:
Quote by westerross
Hello Mike.
I'm curious too - about what you're saying. Are you saying that you regard this girl as your partner and that you've not even discussed sex (and presumably therefore not had it either dunno ) and that you want to start swinging with her?
Are you not trying to run before you walk here?
Sorry if I've got it wrong.

No i dont regard this girl as my partner, but would like to very much, (i havnt actually seen her for a little while due to work comintments and other random things) but when i am with her, we get on well etc and i could certainly forsee her becoming my partner.
I started this thread becuase I may well need to broach this subject in the near furture, and was curiuous as to how i should go about it, presumably its something we've all given some thought to in the past.
I would like to start swinging with her, it seems the whole scene is easier on the couples in that sense, but need to get as far as finding out her views first.
In repsonse to what bluexxx said, well i dont know which is more important, it could well be her, but i wont know for a little while yet.
Well, this origionally was something I posted in another thread becuase I wasnt sure I should try and deviate to my own thread straight away, but judging from the response I received from Postie and a few others I thought Id bring it to the attention of the greater community.
I myself have never actually swung (everybody please yawn and look away on cue) but am extremely interested by the whole affair etc. What troubles me is that there is a girl im getting to know well and want to date, I think she wants the same, the problem is neither of us have discussed sex, how many of us do so early in the game?? . Should i say now that im interested in swinging?? or should i wait until more time and effort has been invested in the realtionship, at which point, i may already have a fair idea that she wont be interested, what shoudl i do then?? dump her??
The whole area of broaching the swinging subject to a partner (prospective or current) seems to be a mine feild. So far the general concensus seems to be that at some point you should have a talk about these things and then be honest and open and hope that things work out for the best.
Are there any words of wisdom on things that I should maybe avoid doing when going about this subject?? obviosuly a number of poeple on here have managed it with a great deal of success though i suspect there are a fair few hum-dingers of storys on where its gone wrong.
Please share.
Ever curious
Hey all (newbie alert)
Noticed your posting and am interested in coming along if no-one minds?? Will be out of contact range for most of next week but if you post on here what the final plan is, (as well as some directions from a tube station, am a new londoner and still get lost easily redface ) then I'll try and make it.
Pubs sounds like a really good idea, btw.
I have something of an extremely stupid phobia. Its not that I dont like heights, I dont have so much of a problem with that, the problem is that when I stand on the edge of something very high, i suddenly think 'Wow, the freefall if I jumped would be amazing!!' at this point I have to move back from the edge cause I dont trust myself not to jump.
Stupid aint it
Oh, and i also dont like spiders but can generally control that to dispose of them.
Hey all, Im a uni student, though Im on placement at the mo, Im still a full time student though.
Studying something technical that most ppl find boring.
Quote by markz
my mum used to say to me "if you ain't got nothing nice to say don't say anything"
still if I followed this advice I would be mute

Indeed, if we didnt have constructive critiscism, then we'd take ages to get anywhere.
Quote by wales_cple
Must we discuss this, really!

Whats the problem?? It happens, we all know it happens, why pretend it doesnt???
I bet it does'nt happen to the Queen... :huh:
Why?? It might not any more admitidly, but the human body tends not to alter drastically from one to the other in these terms. Next time someone gets the chance get the King (can't remeber his official title) drunk and ask him. biggrin
Well anyone who has read my earlier posts will know that Im somewhat in-experienced at all this, but none the less I'm gonna venture forth.
I feel that many ppl have made valid points during this post but the most valid is that you should be honest with each other. At which point I draw you to the next dilema. WHEN shoudl you be honest??
I myself have never actually swung (everybody please yawn and look away on cue) but am extremely interested by the whole affair etc. Wht troubles me is that there is a girl im getting to know well and want to date, I think she wants the same, the problem is neither of us have discussed sex. Should i say now that im interested in swinging?? or should i wait until more time and effort has been invested in the realtionship, at which point, i may already have a fair idea that she wont be interested, what shoudl i do then?? dump her??
The whole area of broaching the swinging subject to a partener (prospective or current) seems to be a mine feild. Is it really fair to be harsh on someone who may have got it wrong?? and how the hell did all you swinging couples ever get round this???
Ever curious
Quote by Happy Cats
Must we discuss this, really!

Whats the problem?? It happens, we all know it happens, why pretend it doesnt???
I remember the first fanny fart i heard/caused.
Was with my girlfreind and trying (for us) a new position. I would like to point out that this was during my early days when i was still exploring/experimenting. My girldfreind who was a little more experienced than myself said something along the the lines of ' I don't think this position is a such a good idea' followed shortly by 'oh no!' at which point a fart let loose.
Well, for one it tickled, secondly i found the whole think hilarious and burst out laughing, couldnt stop for at least 5 mins, luckily after a few moments she saw the funny side too, though was slightly embarrashed as well.
My view - it happens, dont be ashamed, tho probs best not to let loose during oral.