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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 45
0 miles · Tyne and Wear


The mystery of life after death, definitive proof, but wouldn't it open a massive can of worms. Religion our whole belief and faith system, and it might change the world for the better??
As predicted from previou threads posted, some really good, not to mention helpful comments recieved, cheers guys wink
Quote by earthchild
go whale watching

When i went to tenerife once i went on a whale and dolphin watching boat trip, people were there taking photos and i kind of just dived in without even thinking about it. The whales, can't remember the species but they were small, kind of were like "who is this idiot and one nudged me.
I was hauled into the boat given a complete and utter bollocking in spanish (think it was spanish) and shunned by the rest of the tourist all but one. An old guy said as i was getting off the boat "that must of felt fantastic doing that" - and it was!
I seriously think i'd be tempted with the great white's but hope that sanity prevails.
Quote by deancannock
seems like we could organise a trip here
Cage diving with great whites.....normally done off south african coast is also mine.
other one..I would to be in a production and dance on west end stage !!

Sounds like a very dodgy porn production wink
Having joined the site initially as a couple and now using the site as a single male primarily for the cafe I have had the experience of both types of attention.
When i used to swing as a couple we were constantly getting mails from single guys. Now if the mail was a wink we would ignore it completely. If it was a what i used to describe as a "one line expect-a-fuck" we used to ignore that. However on the rare, (and if i'm being honest, it was rare) occasion that we did get well thought out informative reply or posts we used to reply even if it were a "no thank you".
I think what single males forget is that being in a majority group they have to stand out and not just expect to come on here and get a GUARANTEED shag. It's a simple numbers game and what you say on your reply or advert is kind of what or how people will think of you. If it's a one liner or short "what i want is" then couple's will be far less inclined to reply than someone who puts a bit about themselves and takes time to write something as it shows you will make the effort should things evpolve further from there.
Some advice to newbie single guys looking to meet couples from someone looking at the bigger picture who isn't really bothered about meeting anyone and has been about for a little while on here and seen a lot of what goes on.
Write a well worded and informative advert stating who you are, what your about and most important what YOU can offer THEM!
Be honest, it makes for better compatibility and therefore greater chance of a meet up.
Don't expect to send one mail and get a shag, just because it's a swingers site doesn't mean it's full of sluts who will have sex with you within the first correspondence. Have the patience to get to know people, chat online and have a bit of banter. Just like in the "real world" people on swingingheaven usually like to get to know people before having sexual encounters with them.
Expect non replies, and don't go on the forums having a go about it when you inevitably get sick. Perseverence is the key to success in my humble opinion.
Now go forth and procreate ye single men of swingheaven.
Quote by Dave__Notts
Go Great White Shark watching in a cage.
Only a few things that have stopped me doing it:
1) Money
2) Distance
3) Saw a documentary of this activity and a fecking great shark dived into the cage with the tourists. When I was watching I shat myself.........never mind what went through their heads.
I would still like to do it.......but wanting to do it is different to getting into the water with them.

This is my little dream too, but one I'm turning into reality ion a suprising way.
Totally downsized my life last year, realised i didn't need a big house and flashy car but i needed a better life in other ways. Managed to go travelling for 6 weeks and it was phenomenal, am putting 10 pounds away a week in a tub, and also every pound coin or 50p peice i get in change every day i keep in a seperate pocket and then put that in the tub too, last year i ended up with £1200 nigh on, saved without even really trying. Used it for the shoe string travelling and had an amazing time.
I'm doing the same this year with even more change going in my dream tub. I'll tell u how it goes or better still get bloody saving and come with me!!
Hi guys have returned to the Cafe once again as inevitable. This place even after long abscences always draws me back. Prob not light Sunday reading this but here goes.....
I'm a youngish attractive guy,I have a good job and all that mainstream apparently important stuff, not really looking for swinging action these days (though there is always scope for changes of mind if offers unrefusable in nature were to present themselves :-)). So.......why am I here?
I feel at home here for some reason, probably because due to reasons relating to my past and upbringing and the fact I don't like to share my feelings with people on a social level I can be myself here with the anonimity of people not knowing me on a personal level.
Which brings me onto my main topic point.
Do you think that there are some people who are just not capable for one reason or another to hold down a long lasting relationship?
I ask this because having recently been left by my partner,(dont worry she knew I came on here and read and posted on the cafe, trust issues of that nature were never a factor for us), i have come to a realisation.
I've had two meaningful relationships in my life one for 4 years with a girl who is now my best and entirely platonic friend, and one with the afore mentioned now former partner for a year . The problem in both those relationships and the reason for them ending? Me. Same problem both times.
Due to not having a very stable upbringing I was always sure that they were going to leave and abandon me, they didnt really love me the way i wanted and needed and used to then try to test them by behaiving in a way which i thought would make them unhappy with me and therefore leave me thus proving what i already thought. Fucked up hey?
I think it is a case of a self fullfilling prophecy and even though during my relationship i used to try and make out it was their fault, the blame lie's completely with me.
What I want to know is even though i am to blame in my actions,and i believe strongly that i just can't help it and will inevitably do this again, should I just accept that I'm wrong for people?
The girl previously in my life was fantastic in so many ways, she had hers faults and problems yeah, but don't we all and I, instead of seeing her good points kept looking out for signs that what I believed was going to happen would. Eventually this drove her away after a long suffering 6 months, and i just don't think i could go through, nor put anyone else through the same shit hence my question and subsequent post.
Has anybody else been through the same thing either with or as a partner to somebody as your comments and repliers would be greatly appreciated or even if you haven't what do you think?
Over to the ever relieble Cafe members.....
I used to take rejection very personally when i was in my early 20s but i think i was very self concious then and didnt have a lot of confidence in myself and used to think looks were everything. As i got older i realised that if it happened i wasn't really that arsed as i thought my personality is more important than the way i look and if they dont want to get to know me stuff 'em. Plenty more fish in the sea ehy?
Hey mate, long time no see, have a great night out hopefully might make the next one, been A.W.O.L for a loooooooonnnnnnggggg time x
Wow, first time back to the cafe in many, many months and this is what I find!?
I've heard some crazy things while a member of SH but this is up there with the craziest.
Anyway, good luck to the OP with the fetish, if you can find a person, then here is as good a place as any.
I'd love to say each to their own but this is a bit far left field for me.
Hi guys used to use the site mainly for the forums therapeutis stress relieving and witty banter type stuff a good while ago. Not really that interested in the sexual side of the site more the chat and community of loikeminded people so a friendly hello is all i offer and hope it is taken with the best of regards!!
Hope you lot are all as friendly and welcomi8ng as i remember from my prolific posting days.
Mr Srne x
Hello guys and ladies of the Forum, just wondering (as it's always good to plan ahead right?) is there any Socials or Munches planned for Halloween time anywhere in the NE region or "ooop north"?
Is it also ok to ask organisers of said munches and socials if you can invite a "female friend" who is a non SH member along or is this against AUP's?
Help and advice on this would be greatly appreciated, always love Halloween 'tis the season to be naughty I believe! wink
Mr Srne x
Happy Birthday to a very nice guy, have a good day and maybe see you at a munch soon, you big flirt! wink
Quote by neilinleeds
My dead relatives live with me so I dare say I believe in something. Wish they'd take a share in the housework though. lol

You. Have. Dead. Rellies. Living. In. Your. House? :shock: And you only see fit to tell us this now? confused :scared:
Anyways, this is a cut'n'paste of a very old post of mine. You can tell it's an old post because of the shocking grammar and lack of capitalisation and stuff, but if you're sitting comfortably, i'll begin . . . .
once upon a time, in a suburb/village just south of leeds, there lived a little boy, and like lots of little boys, he had an imaginary friend. now it was quite a nice imaginary friend, who used to keep the little boy entertained for hours on end doing silly things like tipple-overs and stuff on the bedroom floor. but eventually the little boy grew too old for imaginary friends, and maybe the imaginary friend had other playmates, but they saw less of each other anyways.
now one day, around the same time, a new family moved in next door, and they too had a little boy, a bit younger than the first, but for some reason they never played together, cos the new boy was a bit solitary, and big kids hate playing with little kids eh? one day, the lady next door came for a cup of tea, quite concerned about her son's newfound imaginary friend, who did entertaining things like tipple overs on his bedroom floor. needless to say, there was a touch of concern at this point about such a strange coincidence.
now it just so happened, that one day, both mummies of both little boys found their sons in some distress, cos their imaginary friend had visited them both in their bedrooms, and told them it was time for him to go, cos he'd only really been waiting for his mum all this time, and they wouldn't see him again. a couple of days later, it was discovered that a previous tenant next door had been a little old lady, who's son had died in that house, and she'd been living in a nursing home for some time. on the day the imaginary friend said his goodbyes, she'd passed away.
the imaginary friend was never seen again . . . .
true story.
Neil x x x ;)
Bejesus man, that is some hair standing on ends on my arms kind of craziness!!
Now this thread is something I'm quite into, don't really know why I'm into the paranormal and things, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that when I was a child we lived in a house which overlooked a very large victorian and pre victorian graveyard!
Us local kids used to play in it all the time and obviously the topic of ghost would always come up.
Now in all my time playing there I never actually saw a ghost but did feel and see some strange things!
One thing is for sure though, now I definately believe in the existence of the paranormal, having had some very strange experiences over the past few years.
I go out what you might call ghost hunting I suppose, well not like the ghost busters, but to places that are supposed to be haunted, mainly on a night and kind of see what happens.
But one post on here did ring a very large bell, the one about hearing someone say stop as the poster (varca i think it was), was about to go through some traffic lights!
I was laid in the bath once a few years back and had been working very, very long hours and subsequently fell asleep in the bath, I awoke to hear my name being screamed by a loud male voice and I dived out of the bath grabbed a towel and sprinted down the stairs immediately realising I was alone!
I went back up the stairs maybe 2 minutes later with much trepidation, to find the water absolutely freezing and no one in the house! The skeptics amongst us may say it was that I had fallen asleep and been so for ages, so the bath water had gotten cold, but it was only 20 minutes since the bath was run and I have really hot baths! surprised
This is one of the incidents that stands out for me and I'm really interested reading some of the other posts on here, thanks guys! biggrin
Good one this, for me it would be money!!!!!!!!!!!
Shock, shock , horror!!!! surprised
To be honest I'm pretty much happy these days being a single guy with a female who I now and again have the odd swinging sexual dalliance with, when it is convenient and practical!
So, I'd have money, open a huge wild animal park for endangered species, LOVE what I did and just buy porn Dvd's for the SEX bit. Job done all three things accomplished and me a very happy boy! biggrin
Is that cheating??
Ok, from a male perspective here is my 2 pennies worth........
With me sex has always been an important, fundamental issue in relationships. I need, because of my more naughty sexual nature, have a girl that is kind of into the same sort of thing that I am on a sexual level.
Other aspects of a relationship are slightly less important, like if she enjoys horse riding and I like mountain biking, bad analogy perhaps, but what I mean is that these are things we can do with other people like friends etc and is not something we primarily do together such as sex!
If the sex were bad/not what he was expecting, from the word go, then maybe he should have been pretty honest with himself and said maybe this isn't going to work long term as I will be left feeling frustrated?
Iv done it on several occasions in the past when the female involved, regardless of the fact she was gorgeous, nice to talk to and all that other good stuff, just didn't click sexually or was not into, or willing to try the things I myself find sexually exciting!
I myself, and this will possibly make me unpopular or raise a few eyebrows (but hey we have to say what's on our mind right?) think that sleeping with other girls without this girls knowledge is a bit of him having his cake and eating it, and a little bit of a cop out on his part!
He should maybe look at what is right for him and his partner which, in my humble opinion is to tell her how he feels as gently and tactfully as possible and then discuss the only options that are conceivably possible in this scenario.
1. They break up, both are upset but in the long run see that it is for the best as they both would have ended up unhappy.
2. He realises he loves this girl enough to quell his more "deviant" sexual desires (which is unlikely).
3. They try, with him having a patient and understanding attitude to slowly show this girl what he likes and hope that she can learn either to enjoy, or tolerate it occasionally, for the sake of the bigger picture in the relationship.
Anyway, that is my take on it and if I have offended or upset anyone with this then many apologise, but this forum is for opinions, the OP asked for them and I told her my angle on it! biggrin
Quote by sexoholics
Just tell her you've been doing it 3 years and show her your profile on here, she'll love it smile

HA ha that did make me laugh and here's me thinking "oh new guy to the site, probably just interested and wants a bit of advice" I really need to wise up at times as he joined feb 2006 lol
Hi, welcome to the Forums.......
Firstly, you cant make anybody do something that they dont want to do, but you can gauge the likelihood of your wife wanting other people to participate in your sex life by measured steps.
You say you often talk and fantasise about other people watching you which is the first step we took when my now swinging partner and I were trying to explore our more varied sexual appetites.
The next step we took was to really talk about it and discuss the pros and cons of what we found out we each realistically wanted to do, which is generally much different from fantasy land.
Maybe if you both want to "see what all this is about" perhaps decided on going to a social and seeing what all of these people were really like whereby there is no pressure on you to do anything other than drink have a chat with people etc.
This is probably the best and less risky approach as if you jump straight in without thinking or really talking it over there is bound to be complications somewhere down the line!
Good luck!
You have to put this into context though benrums, this is a swingers site and many people who join are after the sexual side of the site, and many don't even realise there is a whole community based around the forums.
I use the site almost entirely for the forums now, sure, the sexual side of things always runs in the undercurrent, but it's the sense of belonging to something rather than being a profile in a plethora of others that made this place unique. I look for peoples usernames straight away when on the forums as I like their posting style etc, but each person has their own reasons for being here.
The first thing I do when i log in is go straight to The Cafe, but I know people who have been on the site for 3 years or more who only ever look at the adds! 'Least were holding the forum fort ehy?
Ok, so I hear and see a lot of "not much action" and "is the NE dead for dogging" threads on here. It used to make my blood boil at times and I, as a male at the time with a female who enjoyed the odd spot of dogging, thought little of it.
Anyway, I have been thinking, would there be any interest in a North East Dogging type meet up somewhere, which would act a little like a social whereby there would be no actual dogging involved just a chance for a few like-minded couples and a few singles to meet up discuss locations and/or look to organise meet ups in the future.
Now, numbers would have to be strictly limited and this would ensure that the thing does not turn out to be a car meet, or a chance for the fleeting opportunist to "get a bit of action". Regular posters to this section of the forum, those who are known to others through munches, socials etc, or just a few new and level headed people to put something constructive and forward moving together?
Maybe have about 8 couples and 5 or 6 single males or if they should appear single women, meet up at a pre-arranged location and have a chat, maybe go for a quiet drink at a local pub, just putting it out there to see if its a no goer or something other people have maybe thought about? This way it creates a safer environment for people to meet a few other people interested in similar activities to themselves?
Quote by Freckledbird
Kylie Minougue, Martika, and for some reason that girl who sang the song that went....."running just as fast as we can, holding onto one anothers hand...." cant remember her name and she was probably horrible looking but hey young lust hath no standards! lol

Tiffany smile 'I think we're alone now'.
Yes that is the one, think it may have been her denim jacket in the video, very rock and roll redface
Quote by benrums0n
One day we were snatching a furtive fumble in her company car. She had one of those in car mobiles and it rang. She broke away from fellating me and had had a brief mumbled phone conversation. (You ever noticed how mumbly some women get just after fellating) Anyway she hangs up, looks up and mumbles "see I told you ----he is totally untrusting" The last syllable was further muffled as she slurped down on my dibbler.

Haha I like it, the irony of it. Crazy how some people (was going to say women then thought better of it) never judge others by their own standards or behaviour lol
Quote by benrums0n
Good points well made Srne.

Not bad for a Sunday morning mate wink
Kylie Minougue, Martika, and for some reason that girl who sang the song that went....."running just as fast as we can, holding onto one anothers hand...." cant remember her name and she was probably horrible looking but hey young lust hath no standards! lol
I think the vague nature of what he was saying was why the thread was locked.
Your right in that not many people would have replied ordinarily, but these type of threads all too often can lead to hijacking and gang ridiculing, which we as regular users see as a bit of fun and to some degree protecting the site from idiots who come along every now and again to upset the flow of what we usually do here.
Non regular users however, may see it as a form of bullying of a newer member (which in SOME cases I can see where they are coming from) and this would obviously be detrimental to the forums and the site as a whole. Lots of newer members dont really get what the forums are about at first, some never really do, and they can and should be forgiven for that on the first few occasions(I know my first posts were extremely misguided).
The Mods have a pretty difficult balancing act I imagine, sometimes they get it wrong but hey were all human, however most of the time these type of threads and posts just clutter up the forum with useless and unneeded text??
Myself and my vanillaesque (woohoo, just made up a new word i think)pals were swapping sex related stories last night over a few alcoholically laced beverages and some of the tales they were telling seemed to be right out of the pages of "reader's stories" sections of the lower end porn magazines.
I sat there pretty quiet giving the odd laugh and nodding at the appropriate times and began to wander through the memory banks for similar incidents, and then actually recalled a few incidents from my sexual history that were of similar unbelievability, had I have blurted them out in front of a group of guys who were elaborating slightly whilst jostling for position of alpha male.
One that sticks out is from when I was about 17 and working a couple of days a week, whilst at college, as a brickie's labourer. The guy I was working for was going on in the yard about how we were going to do some work on a house of an "absolute little cracker" and that she walked about in the house with barely anything on (it was summer so naively thought well she is probably in summer clothing).
We turned up at this house and started to dig the foundations of a small conservatory and my boss started to nudge me furiously, I looked through the window to find this really, very attractive blonde girl walking about in a bra and thong, she came out bold as brass to the door way and asked did we want a cuppa. We accepted trying not to look as if we were staring at her boobs and carried on, she shouted my boss that the tea was ready and he went in to get them and came out a minute or so later. Anyway to cut a long story short he said he had to go to the builders yard and pick sum bits up an to "hang about an give this girl a hand with anything" whilst he was away. With a rather large smile on his face he got into the van and drove off. So.......this girl who I would say was mid 20s and had a cracking body came out an took my empty cup and just stood there chatting to me plain as day in her underwear. I was pretty taken aback and with the sort of subtlety that only someone who is very experienced could, she asked me if I wanted to go inside and see a little bit more of her.
Needles to say I went inside the house and started to have what I can only describe as my first "proper" sexual experience with a girl who knew what she was doing. Afterward she said she had to go to work and got ready and went out, when my boss came back I was like a dog with two dicks thinking I was "the one who got to have sex with this stunner" when he brought me back down to earth and told me about 4 of the other lads had done the same and they thought I needed showing the ropes redface
So......have you ever had any really unexpected, or strange, wild and sexy experiences that could be readers wives worthy if told to your vanilla friends?
What a nice thing to read on a Saturday evening, thanks for sharing your feelings! biggrin
ok to the original poster........
your advert says you are a single male, now, because of this and because there are pictures of just you on the profile people will be dubious to give you any information.
You have to understand mate that, as with all good dogging locations of the past, new single males who arent really doggers, just single blokes wanting a quick thrill without the patience needed in actual real dogging, come along and spoil it for the people who are really into it.
News headlines about carpark orgies and casual kinky sex have made dogging something of a public phenomenon when really it was always between discreet couples with a voyeuristic nature and guys who nobody really knew were into it. These guys are out in all weathers and at all times of the night and follow unwritten dogging etiquette and every now and again get rewarded for such by having a good meet up.
Now I'm not being funny here but see if from their side of the fence, do you really think they are going to give up on their well guarded, good dogging sites that have remained such because only people really into it will get to know about such places?
Try the more well known sites listed on the site under the dogging section first an see where you go from there, it's pretty unlikely people will start giving you good locations straight off the bat.