Ah you see, that's just it.
I said in my post she had an arrangement with her husband, they did their own thing. So no cheating was actually involved in effect.
But to then find out what she had told me was utter fabrictaion and that from the start it was all lies from their end has weirded me out.
I was told I hasd never been discussed, and that the husband never asked. But in fact videos and texts emails etc were looked at by both.
A very strange affair do you not agree? I have a right to be a little irked by the fact that video footage of me is being shown to a third party even if it is her husband, with whom she has an open relationship with?
God knows thats why i came on here with this post. A prediciment this is turning out to be.
Before I get into my thread I'd like to say hello to everyone on the Forum, my SH pals (Bloke especially if he is still around), and explain that even though I am very infrequently on the site these days, I miss it terribly and still love getting the chance to read posts on the Forum.
I work away now and do 3 months in the Middle East and 1 month off (where i mainly catch up with friends, holiday or try and indulge in as much pleasure as i can before setting back off to a muslim country where internet access is restricted and limited and time is even more so).
Anyway into the thread at hand and to colate some ideas from the good people of SH Towers and the fantastic Forumers.
As I said above, I now work away in a muslim country and live in a small part of a household compound of the family I work for who are strict Muslims. Internet access is nigh on impossible and also restricted but the place is beautiful and I cant grumble as the money is great.
The only problem in my life is this, I get very little time to socialise and living where I am with a small contingent of British Ex Pats I have virtually no sex life for 3 months at a time. I come home and during the month I have off I try to indulge in as much sexual activity as is humanly possible. "Dirty man" i hear you cry!! "Human only" is my reply!! I've become somewhat as a binge-sexer.
I have used this site very unsuccesfully during my time on British soil of late, as it seems SO hard to get meet up's in the single male bracket and now understand where the "moaning single male" syndrome came from. Not that I'm moaning, if it happens, it happens if not, then that's just life.
I started to use the services of "escort girls" as finding a lady to indulge in carnal pleasures with in just a short 4 weeks was nigh on impossible or very hit and miss to say the least, even as a "pretty damn fine peice of male ass", as i have previously been described. The accuracy of which I'd egotistically agree with :-)
I started to use another sex related site and soon had an add replied to by a very attractive girl in her early 20's who's add said she was with someone, but being on a sex related site and being in my prediciment I thought "why not?".
To cut a long story short, we met up and had sex and started to see each other as regularly as possible in a NSA manner. I am into role play and fantasies and we had some awesome sexual experiences doing some really great role play type stuff as she was very excited by the ideas i came up with. Everything seemed to be just the way I wanted it but as life usually turns out, nothing is ever as simple, hence my post. It became evident she was married to a well off guy in his 40's who worked in London during the week, and he did "his thing" and she did "her thing" and no questions were asked about what each got up to.
I got back last week and as usual got intouch with said filthy NSA sexual friend and said young lady agreed we should meet up and a filthy and exciting scenario was developed in anticipation. On meeting up we did the lascivious and explicit fantasy and went for a drink in the nearby pub afterwards.
A guy at the bar was looking at us and being in the proffesion I am, knew it was more than just a passing glance in our direction but I didn't think much of it as I had a glamourous young lady in my company and put it downn. to that. I mentioned it to my NSA female friend and she said we should act up and I should touch her etc which i was slightly uncomfortable with as public sexual stuff is not really my bag.
I noticed she was looking at this guy in a non-stranger manner ( people donot usually maintain eye contact with people they don't know especially of the opposite sex) and I asked her what was going on.
The man came over and astonishingly introduced himself as this girl I had been having sex with's husband and it then dawned on me that this had to be pre arranged. He had known about me for as long as it had been going on and read emails, texts and even seen footage of us having sex as we often filmed our sexual fantasies.
They apparently have an "understanding" and he gets off on knowing about and even organising and planning some of her meetings and there is not just me. He took great pride in telling me she has 5 lovers and I was just sat in total amazement at the plot unfolding in front of me.
I know this sounds like double standards in some ways as i knew this girl was married, but I am bemused by this. I was under the assumption that they knew each had sexual liasons with others but not that I was part of some elaborate sexual game they play together. The fact that they have watched videos of me and this girl having sex and used them for their own sexual excitment is a little surreal or am I being niave or prudish?
The fact that some of my correspondences, that I believed were between myself and said girl were read and even replied to by them both to fuel some of their own fantasies has shocked me and I feel a bit, dare i say it? Cheated.
Not in a "she has cheated on me way" that would just be ridiculous, but that I was sold a complete and utter fabrication. I am a little uncomfortable with it in that this girl lead me quite a merry dance. She told me she was only seeing me, not that i'd have made any stipulations as to that being a pre requisit to us having a sexual relationship. That would be hypocritical, but a little honesty might have given rise to me thinking seriously about getting involved in a very strange manage et toi (misspelt probs). I asked her if her husband knew she had sexual partners and she said yes but they don't discuss it, and now find out they went shopping for outfits for her to wear, watched footage we filmed of our sexual roleplay, and shared correspondence that i was sending her and her to me.
I would like to know if you guys have any slant or opinions on this, and maybe whether or not you think I'm making too much of it. After all I knew she was married so maybe I'm getting my just desserts? I'm not easily offended and take any comments or opinions well so over to you guys.
I've spoken to a pal of mine from another site and he asked "are you in love with her or something?", and the answer is definately no. It was purely a sexual thing and fulfilled a great sexual need, it's just that it is such a strange situation I can not really comprehend it and wonder whether anyone else has had similar happen, or if others maybe have actually done the same thing and their thoughts on it.
Comments eagerly awaited.......
Hi guys and girls of the Cafe....
It is fast approaching my favourite night of the year, Halloween.
I have a few loose plans for the Sahmain festivities, but was wondering if anyone from the North East area would like to maybe organise a bit of a ghost walk/hunt type thing.
Am thinking a little like "Most Haunted" but with swingers instead of fake psychics and clairvoyants and no sexy shenanigans (untill later maybe).
I would love some information on little known areas or well known places that are meant to be haunted in and around your area of the North East. I know quite a few myself and wouldn't mind doing a bit of story telling based on fact but will probably take a bit of artistic license with the information.
I tried to sort it a few years back an had decent interest but was then offered a trip to York so had to cancel it.
If there is enough interest we could get something sorted an have a few drinks somewhere haunted or something? Any ideas?
Hi mate welcome to the forums.
The people here......
a mixed bunch like any community. These days I think swingers come from any and all walks of life and span the spectrum of the social scale. It could be a young lad working on a building site, a lady who is a physiotherapist, etc, etc ad infinitum.
You find different types of people on different areaqs of the site, I find that the most tolerant, open minded and friendly lot are here on the forums. Generally I have found in my 5 years here people are mostly tolerant (depending on the stupidity/absurdity of the post), up for a laugh and take the piss a little (in a friendly way for the majority).
Like anywhere that you get a collection of people together, there is the good, the bad and the.....really stupid and annoying, those that have a village looking for it's idiot!
If someone annoys or offends you, you will find some that don't, what I think I'm trying to say is that this is a "community" and like any community it has it's popular people, the try hards, the outsiders and the lurkers. Jump in enjoy it and don't take it too seriously, at the end of the day you can always log off and come back another time, you don't have to live with us lol.
For my part im, open minded, interested mainly in the forums, and tolerant other than to those that come on here without their partners knowledge. Swinging is a lifestyle these days, a part of the person's life that they choose, but I think choosing to do it openly is the way forward. Again that is just MY opinion. Good Luck, and enjoy.
I was really interested in this post as it is something I encounter fairly frequently.
I have vanilla dating and relationships from time to time, (though because my free time is so limited due to work it is usually limited to dating for a month or so).
The girls I meet always assume I have had a lot of sexual partners and are shocked by my frank and open nature towards sex and sexual activity. I don't think they are used to guys who ask them about their sexual fantasies, what really turns them on or their deepest, darkest and naughtiest sexual thoughts and I feel they are a little embarrassed by them as they live in the "vanilla world" where had they have experienced the "swinging scene" the stuff they get embarrassed about would seem fairly tame.
I think what I am trying to do is gauge their reaction and level of sexual shock factor by coming in for want of a better phrase "through the back door".
If they tell me their naughty fantasy is to make love in front of a roaring log fire on a white rug,and they recoil in shock when I tell them I usually like to think about threesome's and bondage and roleplay when I'm horny, I usually assume our levels of sexual compatibility are far from balanced, thus the dating rarely lasts that long.
Sexual compatibility is a huge factor in the early, mid and even later stages of a relationship. Usually compatibility levels find a balance as you experiment and try new things during the course of the relationship, but if the prospective partner has, from the off, got toatlly different levels of sexual experience or standards, then I'm afraid I wouldn't hold out much hope of wedding bells.
In my humble opinion, she (your friend) should employ a strategy of testing the water to various levels and gauge reactions early on in the dating or relationship. If it looks unlikely the guy is going to be open to her past, she should either move on, or have to make the choice of facing not swinging anymore to be with the new partner. Honesty is the best policy and maybe implementing the policy of saying firmly but tactfully early on when sex talk comes up, something along the lines of "I've had a quite varied and to most people unusual sexual history, I won't ever lie to you if you ask me anything about it, but in asking me you should also be prepared to accept the truth and not get hurt by it as you yourself asked for the information". That way he can't ever say you (/r friend) lied if something comes out/up, and can't whinge if he ask's things and you (your friend)then answers "yeah i've had anal sex before and the guy and his friend who was getting the pleasure of my expert deep throating technique at the same time loved it!"
Good Post by the way OP.
This place needs people like you.
I do hope you reconsider and just use the site like I do, to occassionally post on the Forums and have a rant or read some of the posts and laugh or get irritated.
I often think that if people who have used the site for a long time and been prolific posters as you two have been are leaving here, there must be more too it. Why else would you leave, but that is for you two to know and I hope you are both well and have the best of things.
I have read a lot of your posts, you are one of my "one's to check out" when I see threads come up on the Cafe.
Whatever has lead to your decision I hope you are both happy and should you change your minds, there is no shame in saying "surrrrrpppprrrriiiissssseeeeee, were back, had a little flounce and decided to come back!!"
In my opinion mate, and it's just mine, but it is a little bit like the type of stuff a Greek or Turkish waiter would say in order to get into some 40 something newly divorced lady on her holiday!
BUT........it isn't me that you are trying to attract as I'm a heterosexual male in his early 30's, so maybe for the group type you are looking to attract it might well work?
Some may see it as quite erotic or romantic, some might say it is a bit "greasey", however, the most important thing is this, if it is truly who, or how you are, the people who reply will be compatible with you and therefore you will have better quality meets.
There are far too many people on here giving a false account of themselves to get a "quick shag" or meet people under false intentions, so I'll say this. It doesn't really matter what other people think as long as you like it, it is a true reflection of you and you get people interested in who you are.
Good Luck!
What's happened is we now get that many people coming on the site whinging about one aspect or another, people have gotten annoyed and pissed off! I'm sick of whinney threads, I never normally do this but ffs give it a rest if you don't like it, cancel your membership! Rant over!
Strengths: I'm one of those natural leader type's, always in control of the situation, get the job done, crack on with things and always manage to pull things out of the shit. I am very confident, and because i'm quite intelligent have a varied and wide ranging skill base that I can muster to get things done.
Because of the above I can be quite dominant and forcefull of my opinion. This manifests in the people around me feeling a bit pushed or put out as I don't tend to listen to their input ion situations that require somethingt doing, especially on a deadline. I have found from previous experience things usually go well my way so I just get people to crack on "my way". I can appear aggressive without even wanting to.
I suppose in this case, my strength is ALSO a weakness?
mate i was just perusing the different threads and came across this. I dont know you or knew winston but I do know how a dog can be part of your family and to some as close as them or even the only family they have. Condolonces mate.
You never know these days. People ask me allsorts of strange things and that isn't even in the swinging world.
I just couldn't get away with not imagining stuff in my head if I knew the people were into things that turned me off severely, even if it were not part of our meet. That's just me obviously, I answer only from my own point of veiw.
Each to their own in my opinion,but depending on what it was they were involved in would probably make me not meet them if i'm totally honest.
It's a little judgemental of me I know but if some people were into poo and pee i'd be imaginming it while I was meeting them, the imagination is a very powerful thing.
Hi and welcome to the Forum!
Sounds like a pretty bad day, have had many of them myself.
Somthing similar involving a cat happened to me a while back.
Met a fantastic and very gorgeous girl, she had a cat, she loved it and spent like £400 to get it, was some type of designer cat? Anyway, we were going out on fine sunny afternoon and as we were about to leave her groundfloor flat, in a rush i might add, she asked me to close the window.
Now it was one of those open from the top, angle opening double glazed things, where it opens slightly at the top then gradually gets smaller toward the hinged bottom bit (sure you know what I mean?)
In the rush as she had been late getting ready I forgot (I know what your thinking and no, trust me it's worse)......
We went out and ended up arguing as she had taken ages to get ready got to where we were going and spoke hardly at all, other than the odd, yeah, no etc. On the way home we started to make up and I thought "ok good end to a bad day" (oh no how wrong.)
I dropped my lady friend straight at work and she asked me to go to her's and feed the cat, she didn't go out as she was a "house cat" so when I opened the door I looked about and she was nowhere to be seen.
I went to the front room and the window was open "yikes" the cat has escaped..........
I go out giving it "here kitty, kitty, kitty" and a neighbour opened the window and asked if I was looking for a small grey kitten (thinking thank god, she has found her and taken her in).
The girl comes out holding a small shoe box. The cat had got up on the curtain rail, slipped down and slid into the crack in the window (the one i left open) and choked to death and the girl found her on her return.
Horrified, I thanked her and thought about what I was going to do.
Now partly to cover my back, buit mostly to make it easier on my new girlfriend rather than her looking at the window and thinking horrible thoughts everyday she lived there I concocted a story that the cat had got out, had a fight with another cat and died. Much less traumatic right?
I bravely went to pick said girl up, explained the situation about the cat having been fighting and died, but not suffered as she had a heart attack, elaborated that i went to the vet and vet said the cat never suffered to ease the trauma.
She was shocked, upset but said she wass glad the cat never suffered, had a little cry and held onto me as I drove her home. The cat was in the communal garages in the box.
I got her home, ran a bath for her and said I would go out get us a bottle of wine and a takeaway, what a gentleman. Wlaking to the shops superboyfriend material I was thinking.
Anyway, I got back tried the door and it was locked. I rang the bell and the girl opened the door slapped me and screaming told me to "fuck off" as she "hated my guts" and i was a "lying bastard".
The neighbour had come down with a condolence card and explained what she had found, thus blowing my story to hell and holy water.
I tried to explain (to a slammed door) and then on realising it was to no avail, went to my car to go home (12 miles away). I got in and the car seemed odd, odd because she had gone out and popped my front tyre. No problem, change the tyre, and yes I had no jack. Day from Hell, oh yes, but my mate who picked me up (an hour later) thought it was hilarious!
True story!!!!
I've always found most women I meet to like a good exfoliating, deep skin cleanser before a facial, usually the peel off fask mask kind and if I'm feeling particularly gentlemanly I will usually cut two small cucumber slices to relieve the puffiness of the eyes.
I'm not sure which salon you get your advice about weekly skin care routines from, butI would most certainly take it up with the management, that doesnot seem at all as if it would be of any benefit to the overall appearance or condition of one's skin.
Or am I missing something?
It's always hard to meet people here if your a single male but why rant about it mate? Come on your not doing yourself any favours and people who use and love the site will get their back up naturally.
The law of numbers on here dictates that you stand little chance of getting what you want unless you really stand out. I'm gonna come back and edit this in a little bit after looking at your profile and adds, and I'll be constructive in what i think ok? I call a spade a spade though mate so don't have a rant if I say what's on my mind......
Off to check your add etc.
in edit.....
So checked your add out and in fairness I was surprised,I expected to see aone line, a cock shot or no pics at all and poss some lewd language (bit judgemental I know but I did think it as I wandered off).
However....... your add and profile is pretty good, some clear pics, evidence of your sense of humour and looks pretty good.
All I can say is maybe the right "advertising campaign" for want of a better word was not used? I don't know I'm hardly an expert but if your striking gold elsewhere, good luck to you mate but don't do a "rant post" it kind of just gets conversations off that have been done before.
Now, I'm wondering what I've been doing wrong lately lol....
Thanks to the lovely Bloke for unwittingly reminding me of a post I intended to write here goes.............
This country gets a lot of stick for being what I've heard said in descriptive terminology,"a shit hole".
Now I disagree, I get about a bit (not in that manner you smutty minded heathens)and have discovered some beautiful hidden jems around the North East coast area of Northumberland. It is absolutely stunning and has some amazing places to visit and see.
Now I'm into castles and Bamburgh, Walkworth and Alnwick are great but there is one in Northumberland that is amazing, can't think of the name but it's stunning, ruined and right on the coastal cliffs. Going there in any season is a beautiful experience and when I'm there it's like "wow".
I also love Whitby, it's so gothic and steeped in history and intrigued just because of the Bram Stoker connection and an aesthetically pleasing little quaint town but weirdly I only like the place at night when all the day tripers have gone home.
Anyway to the point mr Srne.......
What is your favorite place in Britain? maybe a little hidden jem or a well known place in your area that is just beautiful, or steeped in history, or has a weird little story attached to it that you love to visit for one reason or another.
The reason I ask is that I'm doing a whistle stop tour of our lovely island as a holiday this year and would like a bit of "tourist info". The plan is, hire a van for 10 days a Transit type thing, put a matress in the back, take a backpack with my clothes and stuff in, a little gas cooker thing and a couple of disposable BBQ's and some tinned food an stuff. Fuel in vehicle I will set off and in a clockwise type direction drive around the country ending up back in my own little neck of the woods 10 days later.
I'm into history, wildlife, interesting and unusual places and that type of thing, so please guys give me some info to make me have a few definite choices and when I go I will take my laqptop and keep you all posted!
Some cracking words and some odd one's in there too, but hey that's what it was about.
Another of mine as I'm being greedy on my own thread is monoflurophosphate it's a toothpaste ingredient and also a long and great sounding word.
I think I fall into the Would hug another bloke category I am a man hugger and proud of it, it's not bi, its just downright ok to do! I give my uncle a hug all the time and I can tell he is slightly uncomfortable with it if in public haha.
As in normal vanilla life, the swinging world has a wide ranging cross section of the population and therefore a wide range of different preferences or attitudes towards sex and sexual behaiviour.
For me personally I wouldn't just sleep with anyone just for the sake of having sex. I need to fancy them or find them sexy as this is something important to me and I'm just not the type of person to just "meet and fuck". However i'm not the type of guy to slag of those that do, each to their own, just because some people do the "meet and fuck" thing doesn't make them bad people.
Similarly in the vanilla world I personally wouldn't call a man or woman who has one night stands on a regular basis a slut, it's up to them to decide what's right for them and just becasue I don't agree with doing it in my life doesn't mean it isn't right for someone else's.
I think the idea of tolerance and the reality of it are a gulf apart, even here in the more liberal communbity of swinging!
A book called "There is a happy land" very disturbing as read it for English G.C.S.E and had a bit of a completely unexpected twist involving a child'd sexual abuse and murder. Odd choice for 15year olds I thought! Always sticks in my memory.