Join the most popular community of UK swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 55
Bisexual Male, 60


Big thanks due to...
...Kaz & Lee and everyone who helped organise, it was brilliant! Just started cutting into our photo cake tonight, although it does seem suspiciously like self-harm.
...Lep & Marms for chauffeuring us to & fro, respectively.
...Earthy & Will for alternately keeping me otherwise occupied whilst Vix snogged the face off of a certain Essex male (her next victims would no doubt have been Les & Den, had they not been, like Jas, unsnoggable that evening).
...Roger for the company (despite not being in his room at 0330 when I was in search of vodka).
...Huxley for having an amazing singing voice.
...Mrs Huddscpl for being a naughty schoolgirl tolerant of my inability to keep my hands off her whenever I passed by (and, of course, Mr Huddscpl for his tolerance of my inappropriate behaviour).
...Dirtygirlie for recognising that I actually had lips beneath all the facial foliage.
...Jas & Tim for being Jas & Tim.
...HLB & Dammie for having to sit next to me at breakfast.
...the lovely Cocoa and absolutely everyone else for their hugs, snogs, well-wishes, chat, etc and helping to make it yet another anniversary to remember!
~Reese! :~)
Are you particularly well-endowed? Exceptional in the measures of length and/or girth?? Are you bi- or bi-curious?! If you've answered "yes" to all of the above, then you officially qualify as a contestant in the unofficial Swinging Heaven biggest cock contest!!
To enter, simply provide photographic evidence of your endowment and description of yourself with location (profiles with pics preferred). Please submit all entries via this link. Winner receives a no-expenses-paid weekend in Glastonbury with Vix & Reese!
Quote by Sarah
Vix and Recce
Any chance of you moving this way at bit???

Nah. We're really attached to our 16th C. church house. Prolly gonna die here, as it goes. Any chance of all of you moving to the SW?
~Reese! surprised
P.S. "Plan B" was a no show tonight as well, albeit with an excuse (could only spend an hour - tops - with us). It really is us, innit?
Thanks, guys, for your support. Both Vix & I are still rather pished from last night's marathon session, but we're in better spirits today (wait, have I made a pun?!).
Perhaps we've just been lucky in the past and are just going through an off-time. Perhaps, judging by the large number of replies we've been getting to our ad, there's more quantity than quality out there nowadays. Perhaps our confidence and experience gets misinterpreted as expectation, thus scaring folks off at the last minute.
Of course, we always engage potential partners in extensive dialogue for at least a week before we'll consider meeting up, just so we know where everyone's coming from (as it were). Still don't know what the answer is, but that won't keep us from trying again (and again, and again).
In any case, we're about to head out to the pub, watch the footie and top up our blood alcohol levels...
~Reese! surprised
P.S. to cockslut: ...having plans A, B & C sounds like a great idea! However, wouldn't you be worried about more than one turning up? Hmm, could have it's benefits, I suppose. ;) With that in mind, I'm in the process of lining up a "Plan B" bloke for tonight - will see how it works out!
Apologies for a drunken late-night rant, but I'm not only pissed, but pissed off as well. Why? Because we'd had the whole weekend planned. We had a meet scheduled with a single male tonight, and another with yet another single male tomorrow evening. The latter messaged us with the excuse of a "family emergency" (I know it may be legit, but we've had this one before), and the other - the one for tonight - was simply a no-show.
Now, those of you who know Vix & I know that weekends (late Friday nights and the entirety of Saturdays) are the only times we have an opportunity to swing. Thus, to have two bail out in one weekend is a total loss. And it's not just this weekend that this has happened: On the average, a little over 80% of the guys who have responded to our ad turn out to be no-shows after a meet has been scheduled.
Is it just us? Or is this behaviour more prevalent than we'd like to believe?!
When Vix & I were discussing the issue earlier this evening, she said, "Do you think it's because of me?" I immediately replied, "No, it's probably me." I mean, first off, I'm a bloke...and I expect many of these guys are just out for a quick shag with the missus (and just give lip-service to the bi- thing). Secondly, I'm a rapidly-ageing, beardy American bloke! Then again, I can see it from Vix' perspective as well: Is she too aggressive for most guys' tastes? Are people really frightened of her?!
I don't know, but I do find the whole situation rather depressing. We take our swinging seriously, and expect a commitment for a meet to be just that - a commitment. Sadly, this has not been the case.
I'm not bashing single males here. They have a hard enough time as it is. I was reading through the forums earlier this evening, and found a thread posted by one who was complaining that they weren't getting any interest. Apart from a handful of thoughtful replies, everyone else was merely taking the piss out of him and meandering dramatically off topic. Definitely the wrong message to someone who's sincerely trying to get a foothold on the scene. But, alas, that's another topic for another time.
So, any suggestions? Do we really put prospective swinging partners off that much?! I need to know...
~Reese! surprised
P.S. ...and the really depressing thing is that both of the blokes for this weekend had met up with us before, and had subsequently expressed an interest in meeting up with us again.
Quote by Feklar
right back on track

Good idea, Fek. If people just take the piss and meander off topic, the poor bloke who asked a serious question will just stop watching his own thread. sad
I'm not sure, but it may have something to do with the bad reputation single males seem to have here. It's not entirely unwarranted, however, as 80% of the single guys who respond to our ad have been no-shows as of late when we've scheduled a meet. It's not fair on you, as someone genuinely interested in meeting up, but it's an obstacle you're automatically faced with. But, based upon our own experience, we've become rather suspicious of single males as of late. I just hope there's a way to overcome this before we start tarring everyone with the same brush.
Best of luck,
Vix & Reese
Quote by bambooking1
ive arranged a few meets and they fell through and i was wondering y? it seems to me that a lot of people like the thought of swinging but not the act itself.

We're one of the couples on the site that's genuinely looking to meet up. We've had some wonderful meets since we originally joined the site mid-2004 with numerous couples and single males & females, but, lately, things seem a wee bit different.
In our recent quest for single males, we've had hundreds of replies, but, of those we've pursued further, only 1 out of 3 have actually shown up to a scheduled meet! mad I'm beginning to wonder if you're right that the they're into the fantasy of swinging, but not prepared to make it a reality. sad
I'll be totally honest, we're primarily here for the sex. While we do thoroughly enjoy the social side of swinging and have made some wonderful, lasting friendships through the lifestyle, we wouldn't be here in the first place if it weren't for the sexual encounters.
At the moment, however, it's just our positive past experiences that are keeping us going. Swinging is a reality, and this site really does work...but the amount of cold feet we've encountered lately (unfortunately, not in bed) has been a disappointment.
Quote by Jas-Tim
Well, actually, we haven't found single bi-fems to be very elusive at all! On the contrary, it's the exceptionally-endowed single bi-males that are proving unattainable. confused

Really lol :lol:
Yes. Why? Have you got some hiding in your naughty boys cupboard?! :twisted: Wait, no, I was thinking of Jas & Tim. :P

Damn you've found me out mad
I find them all, and then lure them here and then lock them in my cupboard just to scupper all your carefully laid plans ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. :P
Oooh, you're saving them for my birthday, aren't you? That's sooo sweet! :happy:
Congratulations, musketeer! :thumbup:
My business partner of 25 years had his first orally-bi MMF threesome experience at age 60 when he visited Vix & myself a year ago. He'd talked about his bi-curiosity and wanting to do something like that for years, but was never comfortable enough to make the opportunity for himself. Since he's been such a close friend for so long, it felt great that Vix & I were able to be a part of "broadening his sexual horizons". And, apart from her kicking him off the end of the bed at one point... rolleyes was a wonderful experience for all involved! biggrin
I answered "yes" to your poll, but it was only half-way true. We've enjoyed swinging with a wide range of ages, the youngest being 21 and the oldest being 60. Thus, age is a total non-issue. However, there are still some physical characteristics that we're attracted to and others that we are not, and we prefer to swing with those whom we find attractive both inside and out. Thus, our "yes" response regards only the looks part of your poll, not the age.
Even though I had a relatively enjoyable weekend with Vix & I attending the village music quiz and then having our annual Eurovision party with some neighbours, I voted no. sad
You see, we'd arranged to meet this lovely young local bloke at our pub and, at the last minute, he bottled it! There I was, standing out in the rain exchanging texts with him (the stone walls of the pub were too thich for my mobile to work inside) to no avail. I stormed back into the pub, wet, angry and frustrated. mad
When a neighbour inquired of Vix as to what my problem was, she thoughtfully replied: "Well, I get to have cock whenever I want. The same, however, is not true for Reese." lol
Yes it does. Since joining the site, we've enjoyed swinging with 3 couples (one of which remains our "steady" for regular meets), 3 single females and countless single males. Granted, the fact that we're both greedy bisexual bastards helps in expanding our options here. So...ever thought of going bi-? ;)
~Reese! surprised
Quote by Sarah
Mind you that woman who has just gone in the BB house is 30m !!! ffs!! IMO top heavy or what lol

Bloody hell!! Why didn't anyone tell me?! I guess I'll have to start watching now. And there was I, avoiding the show, because the gorgeous Kinga Karolczak was no longer in the line-up! rolleyes
As for me? For women, I'd classify...
D-cup & below as small
DD to F as medium
G-cup & up as large
(JJ-cups being my favourite)
...and for men:
Below 7" as small
7" - 9" as meduim
Above 9" as large
(11" being a personal quest)
~Reese! surprised
Can you get a bigger penis? Yes you can! I know this from personal experience and can let you in on a sure-fire method for doing so:
For years, my wife has fancied a larger penis. And, to be honest, I, too, was growing rather weary of my meagre male member.
We searched high and low for methods of attaining this goal, but could not find a reliable solution. Then, one fateful day, we tried this...
....AND IT WORKED! It wasn't long before I was finally able to have the massive cock that I'd craved, and I can't begin to tell you just how appreciative the wife was!
So give it a go...and it won't be long before you, too, can have a bigger penis! *
* (several, in fact, if you're up for that sort of thing!)
Quote by dambuster
Me neither

(erm, methinks it's time to stop hijacking this nice lady's thread) redface
Quote by dambuster
the "no tache" camp won :cry:

Call me a hypocrite, but I'm just not attracted to men with facial hair. rolleyes
~Reese! surprised
Quote by Sarah
Well, actually, we haven't found single bi-fems to be very elusive at all! On the contrary, it's the exceptionally-endowed single bi-males that are proving unattainable. confused

Really lol :lol:
Yes. Why? Have you got some hiding in your little boys cupboard?! :twisted: Wait, no, I was thinking of Jas & Tim. :P
Quote by dambuster
That's me out - on both counts

Aww, dammie, you should know that the only thing that would disqualify you is the facial hair! :lol:
(wait, having the utmost difficulty remembering if you were cleanshaven last time we saw you) :?
Well, actually, we haven't found single bi-fems to be very elusive at all! On the contrary, it's the exceptionally-endowed single bi-males that are proving unattainable. confused