Big thanks due to...
...Kaz & Lee and everyone who helped organise, it was brilliant! Just started cutting into our photo cake tonight, although it does seem suspiciously like self-harm.
...Lep & Marms for chauffeuring us to & fro, respectively.
...Earthy & Will for alternately keeping me otherwise occupied whilst Vix snogged the face off of a certain Essex male (her next victims would no doubt have been Les & Den, had they not been, like Jas, unsnoggable that evening).
...Roger for the company (despite not being in his room at 0330 when I was in search of vodka).
...Huxley for having an amazing singing voice.
...Mrs Huddscpl for being a naughty schoolgirl tolerant of my inability to keep my hands off her whenever I passed by (and, of course, Mr Huddscpl for his tolerance of my inappropriate behaviour).
...Dirtygirlie for recognising that I actually had lips beneath all the facial foliage.
...Jas & Tim for being Jas & Tim.
...HLB & Dammie for having to sit next to me at breakfast.
...the lovely Cocoa and absolutely everyone else for their hugs, snogs, well-wishes, chat, etc and helping to make it yet another anniversary to remember!
~Reese! :~)