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Over 90 days ago


Quote by KitKat
Why not go for the tried and tested 'Formula One' method - similar to the method F1 drivers use to keep a clear visor.
Put 12 condoms on, one on top of the other, as you use each one, just whip it off to reveal a nice new one underneath. cool

Ooh, sexual tear-off strips. I love that concept. biggrin
Quote by yuugiri
Unfortunaltely you couldn't have asked at a worse time-For me anyway as i'm just recovering from an operation, and if i so much has get a hard on i rip my stitches.... :upset:

Firstly how the hell do you prevent that!? How can you guarentee not to get one? Sometimes you really just can't help it or you wake up with one. How do you make sure you don't? Botox? biggrin
As for the original post I think it's clear that a lot of men love the idea of swinging with a black female, personaly I have no race preference at all. It's the individual that's important.
I don't see the great need people have to be remembered.
What difference will it make? It's not like you are in a position to worry about it. You're dead...
Perhaps it is simply a continuation of my arrogant side in that I don't really care what people think of me whilst I'm alive.
I'm an honest person and above all I'm honest with myself. I know my strengths and weaknesses and I know what kind of person I am. We all do if we can be honest, so what someone might assume me to be does not affect the reality of what I actually am.
As you will never know what people think of you when you are dead I see little point in being concerned with it in life. If my birthday is made a national holiday or I'm never remembered at all it won't affect me.
The only factor is that in one way the national holiday would be better as at least it affects the important people, the people alive, and they could have a nice day off work. biggrin
I am an Aires and it does sound quite like me. But then in fairness so did cancer and gemini.
I think these things just pick positive traits that are pretty general and people will want to aspire to and hence they think 'Oh, that does sound a little like me' and they are happy.
I come form a science background and so find it hard to put any faith in horoscopes.
Quote by x-man0223
i agree that it is a personal choice weather any one has surgery and the last thing i ever want to do is offend anyone i just hate seeing very beautiful people going for surgery that is not needed

But they would probably say that they did need it.
Often how people see themselves has no reflection on how others see them. To you they may be beautiful, but to them even that small blemish may always play on their mind and undermine their confidence.
Well I play football once a week, tennis once or twice a week. I go to the gym 3 or preferably 4 times a week and I do a yoga class too.
As such I would say I am fairly fit. smile
However if it relates to the slang usage of the word fit then I wouldn't comment as what one person classifies as fit another wouldn't look twice at. biggrin
Pretty is in the eye of the beholder.
I have no problem with plastic surgery. For some people it can be incredibly helpful and help then to find much greater happiness.
I think as with most things it can be abused if overdone. Some people indeed do go too far and look plastic or false.
But if it makes people look and hence feel better then I think it is a good thing.
I have nothing I want to change about myself, now I'm not saying I'm perfect but there is just nothing that stands out to me as being awful that I hate about myself. But if something changed and I wanted surgery then I would definately have it.
This seems like a very lucky escape today.
Only one reported casualty, and that is not a fatality.
I'm going to London tomorrow and I would have actually been using the northern line into Warren Street... I think I might walk around London now..
My friend works in the area. He was 2 mins away from the bus bomb last time and he uses the line that was attacked today at Warren Street to get to work everyday of the week. neutral
Quote by Nomad_Soul
Hiya Andy
and another welcome from a fellow midlander, we should soon be-able to form our own posse lol
Try and stay a bit longer this time :lol:

I've noticied quite a few people from the midlands. Perhaps it's something in the local water...
As I said, I did find this place what seems like ages ago now and I had a short stay but I never really settled and I never really felt a part of the community here.
But with time I change, people change so I thought I would have another try at making some friends here. smile
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Andy shall I deactivate your old posting name then dunno

Well I certainly have no chance of remembering it as it was so long ago I looked at these forums so it's of little use to me. biggrin
Quote by Alexandra
Hello Andy
Welcome to the SH Assylum
I'm sure they will be gentle (lol)
Hugs, Alex x

Thankyou for the welcome. smile
But they will be gentle? Does that mean that you won't? confused
Hello, I'm Andy. smile
I did stumble across this website ages ago but never really got involved in any way but today decided to have another look back and get a little braver.
I still have absolutey no experience of the scene itself but the forums here do look like fun so I thought I would brave saying hello to all you people. :)
I think I'll hang quietly back and try to make the odd intelligent comment if I'm capable when I see a chance. biggrin
So as a complete and total newbie please be gentle... redface