Ah - the dilemmas of new and old hair...
Personally I can totally sympathise as I've dyed my hair since 14 - every colour and shape you can imagine.
Now as an old woman (ok for old see responsible and working in an office) I keep the experimenting for different shades of red, black and blonde - but to be honest I once cut out the colouring and HATED the colour I saw - that was because it reminded me why 'brown' didn't suit my personality.
But I had to try to know. I say get it cut - live with it for a few days and if you hate it GO WILD IN THE AISLES...
Amber xx
I can understand you feel irritated, perhaps upset and bit annoyed at these shots. I've asked for messages sans cock shots and get them all the time...
C'est la vie. They don't offend me, but if they do offend you then ignore whoever sends them or pm in the chat room and when comfortable correspond by msn or whatever - so there are no shots winging their way.
No does mean no, but this is a forum of relatively free expression and sexual solicitation, sending photos is part of the communication.
I think you're mixing up feeling annoyed with feeling violated. If you feel violated then you may need to reconsider your mediums of communication.
I hope I don't sound patronising, I just think that there are rather large differences.
is defined as the informed mens rea of one agent to disregard, ignore or hinder the consent of another individual when performing certain acts - namely penetration of orifices with an object / part of the body.
Whilst I see the tenuous logical connection - you cannot connect the two. These guys are merely looking for attention and not paying heed to your desires.
As they are contacting you in an opening of dialogue, one you do not wish to have, why bother to go into it with them. Delete or ignore, they won't be offended and you can have a chuckle at their tiny cocks...
I agree with the original definition, given that feeling threatened, confined, bullied or harassed in any way is the personal emotions and resultant feelings of comfort, safety or security and how they are affected by the recipient, therin lies the definition.
As to whether it is strong enough to warrant certain labels, surely that lies in the intention and details of the actions of the aggressor or causal agent.
Individuals have a right to feel secure and respected, even if that is limited to the social mores of members of a society, if one buys into Rousseaus' social contract theory or looks to Rawls' original position there are hypothetical constructs that aim to take man back to an imbalanced or contracted social position that governs how individuals interact and what their varied and intertwined responsibilities towards one another are.
Even if one does not look to the theories or the constructs, by virtue of being social creatures and interacting dynamically we have negligent responsibilities as well as those for our actual actions...
Hey guys,
Thanks for the advice. I'm speaking to a friend from SH online at the mo and he says to warn this guy off me and that if he doesn't back off that I'll contact the police.
And that if he doesn't back off to go and contact the police.
Because of the brevity of time from normal to freak - it seems I'm over reacting. After showing some colleagues the texts etc and describing the guy as a 'date' they are all freaked out and telling me to contac the police.
I have all texts / emails etc stored.
I also took a copy of the letter he sent me today at work and emailed it to some close work friends.
I'm not put off - just concerned.
Thanks for the fast and as always speedy help.
I'm learning ,but as a single female you CANNOT BE TOO CAreful
Ambver xxxxxx
Hey there,
Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement. I think that I probably ought to rejig my profile and my ad at the same time.
Couples = drama, well I've walked away from 2 couples pre sex, because they ended up arguing, by couples I mean the pleasures of mff.
And the last one, well started fabulously, the couple were gorgeous and lovely, but they clearly hadn't thought it through as the lady in question got up mid-sex and started to cry.
I've been in some awkward situations while naked - but none so odd or embarassing!! They were very civilized about it, but I was on the receiving end - as it were - of something, they weren't too comfortable with. What I mean by that is that we engaged (the lady and I) in some gentle restraining - by my hands, on her wrists, and she found it uncomfortable, which is fine, but she took 5 minutes to decide... And in fairness their profile, and adds all said they wanted a dominate bi-fem. Ever willing to please this is the 'water' I was testing... I didn't take it personally, but it has put me off the whole 'doing a couple' thing... I think I'll stick to bi women on their own from now on.
To add a little flavour - which can never harm things. I am very open minded sexually, and happy to hear from single women, single men, couples, bi men, bi women.. and so on and so on.
I'll update my profile so I don't seem to be some single bloke sitting wanking over pictures...
I'm really enjoying the forums here, there are a lot of sane and beautiful people on this site, and I have recently met one tres articulate gentleman off this site - who is so goregous that I couldn't concentrate on anything he said over supper, as I was imagining him naked, and tied up and generally shagging him.
He knows who he is, and he's getting f88ked senseless this weekend - WAHEY
Also, I'm going to have a 'go' at mmf this weekend, so I'd better not drink too much this Friday or I'll be walking sideways in my new job on Monday.
Any hoo - off to pretend to cook dinner ( i.e. microwave the death morleys chicken I purchased on the way home).
Adios xxx
If you have feelings for someone then regardless of your intentions you are always going to act on the hope that they will 'find' you.
Which, they may inevitably do, but pressuring them will only add to their confusion if they have any feelings for you and make it worse.
Be honest about your feelings, and if you can be patient and wait then do it with a degree of distance and objectivity.
If she wants to be with you, then it will happen, if not, then don't feel rejected - just move on when your patience runs out. Someone else might be looking for you!
Amber xxx
What am I doing wrong?? I've met a few people now off the site, all gorgeous and all fun.
But - couples = drama
Single men = they want love or they are just too odd
OR they are too young.
I have found one knight amongst the wolves, but seriously, what am I doing wrong!!
Amber xx
Porno - Irvine Welsh
Wuthering Heights - Bronte
Four past midnight - Stephen King
Anything by Primo Levi
Never Let me go - Kasuo Ichizguro
The Villa, The Lake the Meeting - some historian
Anything by Webster
Tales of Mystery - Edgar Allen Poe
The Trial - Franz Kafka
Silvi Hudvedst - Things I loved (something like that - great book)
Donna Tart - Secret History (sorry cna't remember exact title)
The Romantic Movement - Alain De Boitton - though he's rather pretentious
Books i enjoyed over Christmas - all very good reads
Amber xx
Thanks Mino for defending me, you're a total babe.
I have to admit Brucie to being rather disappointed that on a fabulously open minded site such as this one that I'm accused of being a bloke!
Why do you say that, is it because I'm upfront about the kind of sex that I want and I feel no inhibitors to going out there and getting what I want.?
I am indeed female, but if you don't believe me you'll certainly never have the opportunity to find out!!
Amber xxx
This sounds like a lot of fun, dependant upon dates etc I'd be very keen to come, especially given the opportunity to meet people.
Any way that I can help, let me know.
amber xx
Hey Gemini,
I think that you need to decide for yourself what you want before you try to find an elusive 'other' that can fulfil it for you.
You sound like a nice girl and I'm sorry you've had bad experiences.
Sex with men is defineitaly different to sex with women, take your time, make sure you feel safe and secure and then things will happen on their own. Most of all look after yourself and make sure that you prioritise your own safety.
There are nice people here whocan help you to fulfil any fantasy.
Amber xx
Thanks for the great responses, almost made it to my first DP last night, but one of the fellas pulled out and it ended up as 'straight' sex. Booo....
Amber xx
Hey there,
Just had to write and say what a fantastic post, hope you had some luck!!
Amber xx
Hello there,
I'm a 26 year old bi female and I'm looking to meet two sexy men with hard bodies to help me to fulfil one of my biggest fantasies.
I want to be taken by two hot men at the same time. I'd also like to have a go at DP.
I'm 5 foot tall, a trim size 12, with 32 C cup size.
I like my men reasonably well endowed - but normal is good as well so long as you know what you're doing.
I'd like to hear from interested men, to establish a rapport and to meet for a drink to see how it goes.
I don't want time wasters and any C**k pictures will be deleted on site!
If you're interested then drop me a line, send me a photo and let me get to know you.
Best wishes,
Amber xx
Favourite films, ah a long list:
- A tale of two sisters
- 'She's the man' - saw it recently, it honks but it keeps me happy
- The Darkness (Think that's what it's called, russian movie out this year about sci-fi good and evil skit).
- Sympathy of Mr Vengeance
- B'aise Moi - hard to watch and not sure what I thought of it but it was good
- The Pianist
- French movie starring Juliet Binoche - I think it was called 'Vertigo' or something, came out this year or last year, very surreal about someone watching a family and the repercussions, it was very clever.
- The Business
Worst Films:
- 50 First Dates
Best bad film quotes - name the movie:
" Only one species is getting out of this alive"
" I fish! It's what I do"
" You killed mine! Now I'll kill yours!"
Adios Amber
Well Drewxcore, I feel truly chastised. I am indeed a lovely person, however you may forgive my sardonic response, I'm sorry that I'm stealing your thunder in such a 'learned' thread that you are collecting from a book on your lap, and then admonishing everyone else to not use google at their 'peril'.
With an acerbic wit like yours you have seen me off!
:twisted: Mwa ha ha ha ha
36 Openminded
Cappucino thing?
I have another unrelated question - I'm trying to come up with a dictionary for people that do unusual things when you're getting to know them online,
Specifically - what would you call a mutant that obtains pictures of others and then never does anything again, the ill fated photo collectors - so far I have come up with
Visage Vermin
Foto Freaks
Image Imps - but that last one sounds too playful. Any ideas?