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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 45


I was totally at a loss there...
I thought you meant rattling almost as in marley's ghost style (poor reference to Charles Dickens here and too lazy to check).
Why would the discussion get locked!!! I was aiming more for a discussion about the nature of the members and those who are on the site?
I think it's changed, it's still a hell of a lot better than the alternatives but I was curious to see what other people thought.
The swinging community is a lot smaller than you'd think!
I also think that the site has changed, and that the people online are not as friendly / constant as they used to be and that's as a sporadic user, I was curious to see what other people thought.
Also, what does AUP mean please?
Interested to hear what people thinks.
Clearly I've lost all syntactic and grammatical ability... ARGH
Hello all,
I've been off and on this site for a number of years and I have to say that I think that the site has changed rather a lot over the last few years.
I know that there will be advances and improvments and general changes.
But as an adult seeker of adult fun I've noticed that this was one of the few sites where I've felt safe, included, and that there was a degree of communication and rapport.
I have always felt that there is a degree of accountability with this site, and that people are here not just for sex but to get advice and information about choosing a lifestyle, as in Swinging.
This is not just an 'email me for instant sex' site, which can be entertaining, but you can look for people, the forum for example is a great place to get to meet people and to get involved.
Someone mentioned in another thread that this site is becoming more and more about instantaneous sex, which I might agree with (though I do use it in that capacity from time to time... )
I was very new to this site, and the lifestyle when I joined originally and it was full of people who were helpful, friendly, that gave good advice and that helped me as a single woman to ensure that I was safe ( and that included obtaining an unwanted stalker from the site).
I've been guided by people on this site, I've been reassured and I've always been made to feel comfortable and included. :P
Has the site changed, is it now going the way of other pointless sex sites (which I've tried for about an hour and run away from - on slow nights it has to be added redface ).
Interested to hear what people thinks.
Amber x
I like all varieties of vaginas.
Some of my lovers have had issues about their labias, being big, distended and when the inner ones hang out, or about the size of their clits.
I don't mind being told that I have a 'tight' one (you know who you are) which was nice, but generally my preferance is for clean shaven / trimmed / clean / aroused.
As to the aesthetic appeal I couldn't give a flying feck. A woman has to feel comfortable with what she's got and happy with the proportions.
It's very offputting to have a lover that doesn't like her own pussy...
Most women won't admit to getting a mirror out and having a good look! It's a necessity. I even have a birthmark down there (entertaining discovery).
Hey DG,
I think that this raises a rather interesting aspect of sexuality, sexual appetite and mood.
I myself am decidedly Bi, but it is something that I have thought about for a long time.
Your sexual appetite is something, which as a woman, and I'm not discounting the men here, is very subject to mood, atmosphere and frame of mind. Women are different sexual beings to men, and we naturally find other women more appealing than men do men naturally.
"This provides further support for the notion that female sexuality is relatively fluid and that the distinction between lesbian and bisexual women is not a rigid one," Diamond said.

There have been varied and interesting reports and discussions about sexuality, but as a Bi woman I think that it's not something which is fixed. It's a transient thing. I don't like labels and why if you occasionally want to kiss a woman or enter into 'soft' play with one do you have to attribute the label of being Bi to yourself?
Sex is all about the mind for most of us and what is visually or mentally appealing one day will not be so attractive the next, as our sexual appetite and consequent desires are transient, sometimes fleeting and usually circumspect and dependant upon the mood, the place and the people.
I wouldn't worry about it, some days I like tall men, some days I like 'fem' women, other days I want cock, some days I want a big hard trans and others I want my rabbit, it's all part of a fun sexual spectrum.
I'm always much more entertained and interested when people are happy to be fluid.
I think if one were to look at 'categories' that 'bi curious' is a good one, it generally means that you like a little 'soft play', for me that means nothing below the belt. A woman's pussy is a scary thing for the uninitiated, and taking that out of the equation can make for some sexual fun.
Starting to ramble, but I think you get the gist.
Don't worry about it, don't label yourself and just enjoy whatever you fancy as and when the mood strikes you?
Amber x
I've not been on for a while but I have to say that one of the things that I've always loved about this site is that there is a sense of community.
I've always felt more comfortable when there is a profile that is more than one day old and that there are threads you can look at.
If there are members that regularly post (or did) then by searching them you could get a sense of who they were and what their opinions are, far more relevant than random chatting at times.
Maybe i'm cynical or misusing the forums but I've always liked the fact that there were regular users on this forum who you could recognise, well when I say on this forum I of course mean the more vernacular 'forum'...
Hmmm smile hello x
I have to admit that going through my inbox this evening was as ever a rather swift effort... and now I feel guilty, I've never really considered it before, as in whether or not it is impolite not to respond to someone who takes the time to email you, and to be honest although very sporadic in my utilisation of the site, I am rather guilty of it... now hanging head in an embarassed state... sorry!! I will be much nicer in future, though winks are redundant! redface redface
OOPS didn't read whole thread, hope I didn't break any rules, bugger, if it was taken down let me know and i'll pm my suggestions, if it is MASSIVe apologies mods, not intended!!! redface redface redface xx
It's irritating to not be the 'norm' or a 'regular' size.
Two shopping tips for a curvy girl.
One - Lingerie section in Asos, cheap almost disposable corsets, average cost is £30 last for three to four wears if worn very tight.

If you want to spend a bit more on a fitted tailored look go to london based and tres reasonable for how beautiful they are, speaking as a dedicated fan of corsets.
Failing all this a good, although hard to find dependant upon shape retailer might be:
- check out the sale section, beautifully made clothes, only buy in the sale as they are beautiful but not worth the tag!!!
Maybe a beautiful but simple corset from somewhere like asos or diva with a fitted and flared (different sized?) skirt from Monsoon or coast might work well.
Go to for good fitted lingerie and bras that might make the difference.
Good luck with sympathy, amber xxxx
Hornet's Nest!!
I think that it took me aback at the time, the rest of the meet had indeed gone well and all was much fun, but it seemed like a very presumptuous thing to do at the time, and rather out of character with the rest of the meet.
If I'm with someone and playing it a bit more 'rough' then paramaters are set at the commencement of the activity, and this would involve a clear line on no 'spitting'.
It's one thing when something (ahem) lands on your body, that's simpler to handle, and no I didn't check for consistency. I ran to the bathroom rather swiftly and cleaned my teeth.
I did make it clear that it was completely not my thing, though the mood was definately lost after that.
I think though that from what has been written that I'm right in thinking that this is not something that you go ahead and do without some degree of consultation. Evidently when you are with a new partner and in a new situation I think that there has to be a degree of room allowed for mistakes, I myself have initiated activities that have not floated other partners' boats and I will always respect this.
I guess it raises an interesting question, when commencing to play with a new partner is it really advisable to set the entire paramaters of your sexual proclivities out in a detailed manner, coming armed with a list of do's and don'ts. Within reason I do, as in what is totally out, perhaps I should just add this to my list.
I think I'm with Cherry on the fact that you have to handle the situation upon the merits of the preceding interaction, this person is all smooth on the surface but as my initial impression informed me a little more on the dark side than he likes to display. Having said that he took it well, probably because I didn't batter him.
It leaves me with a degree of hesitation though.
I think the message seems to be not without asking. I think that there are varying degrees of playing, each with their own mood, and in light of such interaction you need to be clear on what is in and what is out, but how can you be so clinical when attempting to established relaxed and fun sessions... biggrin
Totally with you on that one!! It's rather intimate and needs to be discussed ( I had a guy spit on my ass) SERIOUSLY what is it about!!
Maybe there should be a 'to spit or not to spit' button on our profiles... smile
It's easy to find terms to categorise others, it's a natural component as to how humans interact socially. It's simply quicker to define a group, a social set, a lifestyle choice with somewhat of a misnomer.
In the same way that we describe ourselves as being, English or perhaps British, a section of existence that is characteristic of our choices and individuality is usually grouped by a universal term for simplicity.
I think that the term Vanilla is not terribly offensive but you do raise a very valid point, do those who chose not to play come under this category, it really does somewhat render the person ascribed this name as being a little dull or one dimensional.
I'm happily bi, but this term does not in anyway reveal or even reach the summation of my sexuality and my personal quirks.
Try not to be offended because others are categorising you or them simply to make a distinction, at the risk of going all 'oprah', you are defined by what and who you are not which group you happen to fall into when someone else is trying to categorise you.
Amber xx
Ok so it's not just me, that really does step over the line!?!?
I mean I've played with some rather odd people but this really shocked me, I didn't react badly but then I am fairly relaxed and open minded.
Did think it would be have been polite to ask before doing it though...
I think this person in particular is rather darker than he like to let on, don't mind playing roughly / different but I like to be asked first!!
Rubbing semen on to my stomach also struck me as rather unecessary...
I have been pondering something for a little while now, how do you view the whole matter of sexual etiquette when with a new partner.
Of course, setting out your gambit at the commencement of any interaction negates a lot of embarassing moments, but what if for example your (new)partner decides to do something spur of the moment! How should one react?
I give for your consideration, someone spitting in my mouth unexpectedly, I reacted well humouredly but the moment was undoubtedly lost, where does one draw the line between spontaneous and something which is mood crushing!
How to handle this?
I would do, for the simple reason that if I don't like someone that hatred can be a passionate stimulant - but I have odd taste, and they would have to be physically attractive to me and they'd have to keep their mouth shut!
Ola all,
I need some advice, I had a meet last night with a very sexy guy, seemed genuine, very attractive, everything was going well until in the middle of the 'action' he went quiet and then backed off, after being unable to get a decent hardon.
I was confused and waited to see what was wrong, and he asked me to leave saying the 'chemistry' wasn't right.
Fine, happy to respect that but it was 4 in the morning in Brixton! I got dressed said good bye and left.
I sent him a 'wtf' text a little later and felt bad about it this morning.
He sent me a text to say to read my email, I did, he sent me a rather lenghthy slightly odd message telling me to go to a GUM clinic!!
I'm now freaked out, was screened recently and all was good.
So now I'm rather confused. What do I do. I emailed him to apologise and to say that I was unsure what the problem was. He hasn't responded so I've deleted his number, and his account from my contacts to be decent about it.
I did use a rather cheap hair removal cream which has left me red and swollen down below, this is the only thing I can think of. Clearly it's not impossible that I might have something, but I can't figure wtf is going on.
Am I diseased or was something else going on!!
Amber - hereby ensuring with this thread NEVER to have sex again!!! xxx redface redface redface
Hello there,
I and my friend are new (ish) to the scene and we would like to find a sexy, nubile and friendly chick for an evening of fun in London tonight.
Safe play is a must. I'm five foot, size 12, curvy, long dark hair and toned.
My friend - Si, is Six foot four and also very hot.
We would like to find an attractive lady for some adult fun this evening. A drink first to make sure everyone is comfortable and then an evening of pleasure.
Single ladies only (don't mind if you're playing away) but this is strictly mff.
If you're interested please pm me.
My username is ambervixen if you want to check out my profile and my friend's is big_si1978
Hope to hear from you soon.
Can provide pics upon request and girl to girl phone chat is also a requisite.
Happy playing.
Amber xxx
Not to be too prickly (I'll try) I think that Anna Nicole SMith may have set out to marry for money but she certainly didn't get it - the family are still disputing her share of the fortune. Even if she did, if she gave that old bloke the time of his life for the last few years he was kicking about, and he knew she was in it for the money and he actually got something out of it rather than the brats he produced who probably spent years merely living off him, then is it really so bad.
On another topic, I have become disconcerted with the number of attractive educated women I know who are actually more interested in a fella's bank balance than his personality or his actual interest in them. I once had a surreal conversation with a bunch of women I know who were discussing the MINIMUM amount of money they would accept being spent on their engagement rings, regardless of their fella's income and they were all aghast when I said how much I was going to spend on alovely watch I want when I win my first case... it was all truly truly strange.
They found it odd that a woman would actually want to know what she was getting herself, rather than WHO Was going to buy what for her, they then were even more taken aback at the fact that all of the lovley jewelery I own was bought by ... well ME.
I do have some lovely jewellery bought for me by past lovers, but they are special and worn on special occasions, and no they didn't go back ( I'm no nun) but they were bought as a token of esteem and so not something to be worn as a trinket or some token of wealth.
Lots of people are only interested in money - as am I , but I'm going to earn my own - not sure there that places me in the debate, but there you go!
Amber xx
I have to say that although as a single female I would tend to get a better deal when it comes to being a member of certain clubs and it does seem fiscally discrimantory at the very least to ask single men to pay more it really is - as has been said, an incentive to get some single women to go to clubs and a means of ensuring that the men that do go are not just turning up for a night of lascivous wanking over the nearest body.
I think that it is nominally unfair that single men have to pay more for what is essentially the same membership, but as a single female it is almost a secure incentive that men have to 'pay' so much to become members as it would seem to put off those that would only do it for a single night of entertainment as opposed to a lifestyle choice where one hopes they would respect the desires of others.
On a person by person basis it's not 'fair' but it's done for a good reason. I have as yet not gone to a club on my own for fears as to how safe it would be, and that in itself I think speaks as to whey women are reticent and why clubs try to intice us to go.
Is it fair, well no, do I agree with it, if it keeps me safe while I play then yes...
Doesn't reall answer your question but perhaps explains why this duplicitous standard exists...
:thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled:
As a single female (despite recent accusations... lol!) I can say that I've rarely met someone through a 'forum' mind you having said that some of the nicest people that I've met have been through forums.
I have met one person on the same night - was a mistake. Now prefer to get to know people a bit more.
Chatrooms are good if the conversation is more intelligent than your 'average' shite here's my c*ck conversations - but generally I'm won over by conversation in whatever forum, then attractive people meets.
Hope that answers some of your questions ?
amber x
UK Wineman - I assume you're referring to me... well it wasn't an insult :taz:
Hey there,
I don't think that your age is too old. One of my 'lovers' (non sh arrangement) is older than you, and granted it's older than I would 'normally' go for his personality and intelligence overcome that and it's his mind I'm attracted to.
Recently met with a 'younger' more 'standard' variety and to be honest I barely noticed what was going on I was so bored.
My advice is to persevere - go to a social, join the forums and send PMs to anyone who takes your fancy. Attraction is a lot more about physical appearances - I'm learning that slowly!!
Happy hunting,
Amber xx
If sexually active from the age of 16 (UK average) then 50 would mean one partner every 6 months - that doesn't strike me as a lot...
However how many is due to perceptions, social mores and 'standards'...
I'm working hard on increasing mine - but that's perhaps just me...
Amber xx