21st till 28th November. who's going?
Quote by Bluefish2009
The times I see stores like this one of people moving into an area and then complaining about how its been for 100s of years. Gets on my wick
Quote by poundindigo
Im sure it's probably been said before, but I'm having a day of "too long, didn't read" so forgive me.
But I think the best way to deal with these kids is more than just stopping them from going out and looting. They need to allow the police to use water cannons, baton charges, rubber bullets and kettling. They need to turn off facebook, BBM, twitter etc and other social media outlets for everyone (can't do it selectively) and have people accept that their freedoms will be curtailed until the police can deal with the rioters.
People need to come out in force in their local communities and stand up to the rioters. Whilst I don't condone violence, if large crowds of locals stand in front of shops and stop the rioters from being able to move about, it will dissuade these kids from doing what they please.
I believe that the government should impose a law punishing the parents of the kids responsible, and that those over 18 should be charged for offences under the terrorism act as they are essentially terrorising the city with their behaviour and acts. We need to repeal a lot of the Human Rights Act that gives children impunity to act how they want and start teaching them social responsibility. The essence is if you break the laws of this country then you give up the freedoms you receive from living here. Jail is not the answer for a lot of them, but punishment needs to be swift, harsh and effective - something like forcing them to work on the clean up and public projects or be ostracised from the community and treated to demeaning acts.
A lot of my views might be a tad extreme, but if this were a time of moderation then there wouldn't be protests spreading across the country.
PDI (formerly known as bigdewi69)
Quote by tee-em-aitch
sounds like a typical case of immigration scaremongering to me.
last stats I saw demonstrated that immigrants - ESPECIALLY illegal ones - were in fact MORE law abiding than the average brit - presumably for the simple reason that they have a great deal more to lose if they are caught.
I say let them in and send the] malingering dole scrounging scumbags in my local council estate (who I strongly suspect of stealing my motorbike) to Romania instead - they can't be any worse than them - who knows they might have a modicum of appreciation for this fine country of ours
Quote by Too Hotn to stop their life
I reckon we should be supporting the right to take out injunctions - super - or regular. This is just about peoples right to privacy.
A large number of people on this site would be hugely embarrassed if they were outed as Swingers and those in "sensitive" professions like teaching could lose their jobs and face local humiliation.
We all have a right to privacy and one persons acceptable behaviour can just as easily be viewed as outrageously anti social by mainstream society and so very news worthy.
Be careful what we wish for. Ryan Giggs has done nothing more than many men (and women) have done outside a marriage and everyone who has done it knew that being outed would cause embarrassment and humiliation. All of us have a right to privacy, privacy is not the right of just the working class and if we demand to know who is shagging who in the celebrity world then the next person in the local newspaper might just be you because you have a hobby outside the mainstream. How would you feel when local chavs start spraying "pervert" on your house door because they are stupid and ignorant and get wound up by what local rags say about your "perverted hobby."