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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
Bisexual Female, 43
0 miles · Lancashire


Quote by flower411
I have no idea who Danny Cipriani is but I know he's pratt !
Why on earth would he decide to tell the world that Kelly Brook is boring in bed ? And anyway , what exactly does constitute "boring in bed" ?
Do people generally go around telling others about their partners sexual prowess or is it just celebrities ?

Maybe he wanted to play chess or something and she just wanted to screw like a Duracell-powered rabbit. dunno
As for would I kiss 'n' tell, I have just one phrase to utter......

redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Quote by bluexxx
Once a month or so, I like to go to a supermarket for "The Big Shop" surprised. It gives me a chance for a meet and greet with my public, that the delivery service that I used to use simply does not :dry:.
Thinking that you must be able to get to know someone by looking at their shopping list, much like you would if you went through their bin (well, if it's good enough for archaeology....), here is what I bought today.
Block of saver cheese (Red Leicester)
Tub of Dairylea
School Trousers x 2 (Black)
School shirts x 2 (White)
Mathilda (DVD)
Cat food tins x 12
Bag saver dog food x 3 (1kg each)
Timeout single finger bars (pack of 8)
Sugar puffs
Krave x 2
Pack digestives (own brand)
White t-shirts (boys, white) x 2
Fruit pastilles x 3 packs
36 Weetabix
1 bag anti-bacterial cat litter
Ben & Jerry's (Cookie Dough)
Dreamies, the treats cats crave x 2
Rocky biscuits (pack of 8)
Toilet rolls x 12
One meat based thing in a bag (no idea what it is)
Cheese & onion large baps x 4
Foxes Chunky biscuits
Mini flapjacks "bite size"
Muller fruit corners x 8
Mini brownies "bite size"
Cheese & onion quiche (small)
Individual salad tray (regular) x 2
French stick
Foxes chocolate cookies
4 pints semi skimmed milk
Beans (Fridge pack, Heinz)
Pepsi Max 2l x 5
Lemonade 2l x 2
A large laminated world map
Diet Pepsi x 3
Spaghetti hoops x 5
Febreze (Thai Orchid) x 2
Lucozade sport 1l x 4
Paracetamol pack (16 tabs)
Anti bacterial spray (yellow)
1 large kitchen roll (HUGE)
Allergy tablets (pack of 14)
Radox active (shower gel???)
Shampoo (Elvive, cos I'm worth it)
Conditioner (as above, the pink one, I'm still worth it)
Furniture polish (own brand)
Total = :eeek:

Funny, I thought there would be cucumber in there ................also a phrase I believe has been uttered at a Blue party? :giggle: :eeek: :lol2:
Quote by sandybeach1
I do my weekly shop at Marks & Sparks, what does that say about me :censored:

It tells me that I'd like to come over and free-load a dinner some time. :grin: :lol2: :lol2:
Quote by Angel Chat
Last time I had tent sex at swingcamp, we were mid shag when she quietly slurred the following drunken flirtation in my ear 'give me a minute- my heads gone a bit funny' at which point she passed out for the night and took over 80% of the air bed rolleyes

I've read that 3 times now, and I have a horrible feeling that might well have been me redface surprisedops:
I read that and thought it might have been you. :lol2:
Quote by MikeC
you falling asleep in cruiz.....saying that i am sure i won't ever live down sleeping bag night smile

I'm fairly certain I still have the picture on a hard-drive somewhere if you'd like me to dig it out and post it? evil
For me I stopped posting because I looked through the posts and it was either a topic which had been discussed numerous times before and wasn't heading anywhere different at the time I looked, or it was descending into mod-bating/a full blown cyber fist-fight.
I guess familiarity's bred boredom as well as contempt.
Very simple answer for me is that if people are flirting, having a genuine giggle, or just plain enjoying themselves I'll jump in with both feet. If they're having a pop at anyone I'll switch off and go make a brew and I suspect it's the same for a lot of others.
But hey, I've posted on this, so maybe there's hope for me yet. :-D
"prostitutes vs swingers"
My kinda party :-D .... I'll go start filling the paddling pool with jelly. wink
Quote by noladreams

For me the strangest orgasms.. was when an ex went down on me..she made me orgasm.. but i didnt ejaculate. Because of that that made her even more determined to make me cum. This happened 4 times until i actually blacked out for a minute.
Suffice to say she was the best BJ i ever had!

Hmmmm... right, that's me on a mission! Always looking to improve my blow job skills :rascal:
Keep a frying pan at the side of the bed to 'help' the blacking out bit. wink
Did he need a stepladder to get to the candles?
:giggle: bolt
Sorry matey, I couldn't resist. :giggle:
Hope you had a great beer-day. smile
Quote by noladreams
............... a riding hat & boots, .............

PLEASE tell me you kept these!!!! :rascal: :rascal: :rascal: :rascal: :lol2:
*Mod comment*
Awayman, have you read >>>THIS<<<?
While you may not agree with Lizaleanrob's opinion,at least he had the good grace to lay it out. The nature and context of the comment leaves little doubt that it's purely a personal remark and you'd be prudent to refrain from making these in the future.
@ Dawnie: You found some waders yet? :giggle:
@ Essex: rotflmao
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
@ this thread.
That a 'no' then Dawnie? :giggle:
Quote by Dirtygirly

...I'm out?
Sounded like Dragon's Den for a minute then lol

Peter Jones and Duncan Bannatyne, yes bloody please :giggle:
Ooooooh and me please!! :rascal:
Oh and I'm left with Deborah Meaden........
*grabs the cash and heads for the fire exit*
@ Foxylady. No probs. I probably wouldn't read half of this if I didn't have to. :thumbup: :lol2:
Quote by kentswingers777
I was always under the impression that the Steam room was a place for people to do just that....let off steam. I did not realise that people could then pick up on that and reply. It seems only recently where a few have nit picked at peoples comments in the Steam room. Yes it is in an open forum, but usually things piss people off, they have a moan and then move on. I think this was broached upon recently too.
The comment I have highlighted I am sure many people will be suprised by that, as a moderators reply.

I think this is a quite measured response considering this was the second time you'd attempted to admonish me for posting in, what you obviously felt, was a private conversation on a public forum. I, like Essex, will attempt to obey the forum etiquette you dictate too. :dry:
If you have any comments or complaints about my post(s) I suggest you forward them to St3v3 and I will happily discuss my conduct with him, as it's he decides what is acceptable on his forums.
As you've again ignored the golden opportunity of proving me wrong (or incompetent) by provide evidence of the things you 'know' to be true, or to even manage any constructive suggestions for improvements, I really haven't got the will to wade through yet another of your monotonously predictable replies. So for this reason and the benefit of the rest of the membership that probably have no interest in this, I will now take a step back with my credibility intact.
Quote by GnV
Is this it easy?
It's now on video....

:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Quote by anais
Is in LOVE :smitten:

That made me smile too! :rose:
I'm afraid you'd laugh if I told you what with :giggle:
Look. They've already told you that they will not rip up that torpedo and move it to your house. Let it go FGS. :doh: :giggle: :scared: bolt
Quote by vampanya
I wonder if the objecters to porn would approve of the nurses taking the sample instead then wink

I'll happily object to the porn if I can pick the nurse(s). :rascal: :lol2:
Oh no! You get the matron with the hairy palms and the biceps like Arnies.... it'll only hurt a little :eeek:
:eeek: Anyone seen my copy of Big Jugs Monthly? bolt
Quote by vampanya
I wonder if the objecters to porn would approve of the nurses taking the sample instead then wink

I'll happily object to the porn if I can pick the nurse(s). :rascal: :lol2:
Quote by kentswingers777
Surely you didn't expect to make your above public post and not get any further response

What from another Moderator?
I thought the two people who had already replied being Anais and Steve, had already put their points across. That being the two people who were involved in the warning and then the locking of a thread, you was not involved in that but no I am not suprised that another moderator has stated their opinion.
Shame those same opinions are not allowed to surface throughout the whole site.
Sorry for responding to an open post on an open forum and expressing my opinion. It won't happen again Mr. Ken, sir. I've learned my place.
*tugs forelock and returns to fields*
Another challenge for you to ignore: Show me where people who can express themselves in a constructive and well though-out way, without resorting to breaking the AUP, aren't allowed to express their opinion?
I will offer a full and public apology if you can. I'll even sticky it at the top of this forum too. :mrgreen:
Care to match my offer and provide the evidence?
Quote by kentswingers777
Are we all out to get you? ~ You are working too hard. I'd recommend a trip to the GPs.

Where exactly have I said that dunno Putting words into ones mouth is not a good policy,and if I was as sensitive as YOU seem to think I am I would be bleating to the powers that be on here, that you are implying that I need a Doctors help, which I could deem to be offensive.
But then again no point in doing any of that is there, as would the powers that be really do anything about it? I doubt it very much.
I was simply suggesting possible motives for your comments as you never seem to give any. At no point do I feel I have put words in your mouth.
I do not think you are sensitive at all, in fact quite the reverse. This is supported by your cavalier, self-publicised, 'post and be damned' attitude, which shows scant regard for those human beings that share this site with you and heaven forbid, disagree with your point of view.
As for suggesting that you visit a GP; I'm curious. In what way could that be considered offensive? Are you suggesting that there's something distasteful or shameful about having some form of mental health problem?
Before you answer I'd like to remind you that 1 in 4 people have some form of mental health problem at some point in their life, so you may be insulting and offending a large number of our members (not that I think that will concern you in any way).
Quote by kentswingers777
On a final note...
" Do you think that St3v3's unreasonable with his running of the site and won't give you a fair hearing " ?
IF I had any problems along that route I am more than capable of contacting him myself, which if you was to ask him....I have before, in fact we have had a few bits of banter....ask him yourself.

Myself and the other mods on the site are very well aware of the interactions you have with St3v3. ;) As I mentioned previously, we operate as a team and that does include information sharing. smile
Oh and thanks for responding to my offers to compare evidence and for taking the opportunity to provide useful and constructive feedback for us to act upon. Most helpful and we'll ............. oh wait. :doh: :lol2:
The offer's not finite. If you, or anyone else, wishes to add some constructive feedback on the running of the site you're more than welcome to contact any of the mod/admin team in any way and we'll be happy to consider your ideas. :thumbup:
@ Foxylady: Sorry, but we don't have the ability to split threads any more, so we can't meet your request. sad
@ Bouncy: :therethere:
Quote by anais
For future reference, how does one complain about comments/thread content?
What is the official procedure one should follow please?

You can use two ways. Pm a moderator or use the profile report button - give a link to the thread, say what the problem/issue is with a quote of the post and what your actual complaint is. Don't generalise - tell us what the real underpinning issue is in simple basic terms so we don't have to guess what you mean.
Additional to Anais advice, you can raise a support ticket >>>here<<< which goes directly to the sites office admin bods. ;)
Quote by Bluefish2009
I think, if the police find he is guilty of being in on the phone tapping then he should loose his job, but until then he is Innocent IMO.

If the police find he is guilty the legal system will have taken a radical turn for the worse...
Must admit I did think the same thing but (only just) manages to stop myself posting. redface Sorry Blue. :giggle:
If I was a cynical man I wouldn't hold much stead in any police investigation. If it has been decided that his appointment is for the good of the country (at best :dry: ), then it can always be 'suggested' by those who pull strings, what the findings should be. sad Purely in the interest of the nation of course. ;)
Quote by kentswingers777
........... I stated clearly in the open forum that the Pope thread should have been locked. Why would I back it up officially when it is clear that the site owners have seen my complaint?

Surely this is only passing comment and only becomes a complaint when you follow one of the agreed method for making complaints on this site?
So what outcome do you expect from your unofficial complaint? What reasonable action would you like us (mods/admin) to take?
Quote by kentswingers777
I also know that whilst they may well read my pm, no action will be taken. I have never known myself any that have. The site admin made it perfectly clear his stance on it in the forum, which started with..." shit happens ". So a bit pointless contacting admin when they have already replied....don't you think?

Interesting. How do you know this (please, no Daily Mail links :lol2: )?

Do you feel that your complaint is so weak it has no validity, therefore see no point in pursuing it? ~ Not much I can help with when it comes to your own feeling. sad
Do you think that St3v3's unreasonable with his running of the site and won't give you a fair hearing? ~ I can assure you he's fully able to admit (eventually :lol2: ) when he's wrong, but will go out his way to make things right, you need to be persistent sometimes, but this shouldn't be a problem to anyone who's really committed to resolving an issue.
Are you privy to the thoughts and ideas of admin? ~ Perhaps you're overdoing the work. :huh:
Are we all out to get you? ~ You are working too hard. I'd recommend a trip to the GPs. ;) loon bolt :lol2:
Are you speaking from your own experiences? ~ What we believe and what is fact can sometimes differ. I suspect that if you were to pass me details of every complaint that you are aware of, that has had no further action taken, I could find at least 2 where there has been action taken by mods, ops or admin.
Given that I'm privy to more information regarding the running of this site, I suspect that my opinion will be more accurate of the two, but I will make a public apology on the board if you prove to be right. ;) Would you care to offer the same and we can start to exchange evidence?
I think I've covered most options there, but please feel free to offer up some more and I'll try my best to help. :thumbup:
I would think that most reasonable people would consider the following options if they were unhappy using a relatively obscure (compared to the Googles etc of cyberspace) website:
1) Work with us, following the agreed process, to try and improve the site and make it a better place for everyone to be.
2) Leave and find a site that's run more to your liking.
If I've missed an option I'll happily listen to any constructive suggestions you have.
Quote by kentswingers777
End of indeed.

Surely you didn't expect to make your above public post and not get any further response? :huh: :lol2:
Quote by Kaznkev
That kind of depressing view of politicians makes me few i have met have been decent people trying to do their duty.
Suggesting that all are corrupt or that poor standards are par for the course just ensures we accept those who do break rthe rules.

I didn't realise that I had said that all politicians were corrupt. confused If what I posted came across as that then I do appologise. redface That was not the intent.
I do know that some work very hard in the positions they have for the good of the masses, however I'm sure you'll agree that, as in any kind of role, there's those that are in it predominantly for their own personal gains and to satisfy their own needs.
It's not a negative view, nor is it a positive view. I feel it's a realistic view given what I understand of human nature.
I will say that I can take a slightly negative view of people at times, but then I'm always pleasantly surprised by them and seldom get a nasty shock from their behaviour. :lol2: ;)
Quote by kentswingers777
It was advice Foxy.....says nothing about not giving advice in the AUP..........does it?
I am sure Essex is more than capable of answering for himself.

And I'd say he has by maintaining a dignified silence.
I assume that essex is trying to make the point that anyone in a position of authority does have to afford a certain amount of trust to those he's responsible for, to conduct themselves in an appropriate way.
Say Andy Coulson did ask where the information came from to one of the journalists he was managing and the journalist replied 'my source'. Then Mr Coulson asked if it was a legal source and the journalist lied or avoided giving a direct answer. Should he still be held responsible for a member of his staffs lie/avoidance? TBH I don't know if journalists are bound to reveal their sources to an editor anyway.
Given the cut-throat business of journalism, is it any surprise they use tactics that are at best unsavoury, to obtain an advantage over other papers and other journalists?
Who feeds this over-sensationalised market?
As long as he had taken 'reasonable steps' to ensure that the information was acquired legally, or is at least plausibly deniable, then I fail to see how they hope to pursue any kind of case.
I guess time will tell. dunno
As for the question should he be at the heart of government, well I'm sure he's no more or less corrupt and self-serving than some others that have gone before him and possibly are employed now. Some people will always be driven to appear to be the best, obtain more power or feather their own nest regardless of who they trample on to do so. sad
To paraphrase Gore Vidal .........
Anyone who seeks to work in high government office should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so.
Quote by mancunian


Definitely gets my vote. :thumbup: sillyhwoar: :twisted:
Same here Will. Great minds and all that. :lol2:
Quote by vampanya
I's lacking something.....I can't quite put my finger on what tho dunno

No beaver shots? :dunno: :giggle:
Quote by Kaznkev
Probably not ...... :eeek: :scared:

omg,sorry me and blue will keep our nun fetish to ourselves !

Hey, what you get up to in the privacy of your PM boxes is NUN
(geddit biggrin ) of our business. :doh: :giggle:
Already got me coat and heading for a waiting taxi. bolt :lol2:
Quote by poshkate
Wee done DG :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

WEE done? :huh: This a kinky thing? :giggle: :uhoh: bolt
Quote by Dirtygirly
Warning: gratuitous look at me post! :smile2:
I have lost 39 lbs in total since 1st May!
5 inches from my waist and 5.5 inches from my hips!
This week I bought some new clothes to see me through the next few weeks cause I'm sick of not having anything to wear that doesn't make me look like a sack of spuds and I'm feeling pretty please with myself!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Flamin' hell. We're gonna have to strap a plank to your head to stop you falling down grids at this rate. :shock: :giggle:
Very well (that's WELL ) done DG kiss I think that deserves a look-at-me post. :thumbup: