If he'd asked them, then fair enough, but just going up and snapping away is out of order.
In the past, we've had ads with our email address on it, in case there were any people afraid to sign up for the site for whatever reason.
We got a LOT of fakes and advertising for other sites.
We were advertising in women seeking women and couples seeking women.
Most of the replies were from guys who didn't have the decency to respect our wishes, and contacted us even though we'd quite clearly said no guys. EASILY 40%.
We had quite a lot of guys pretending to be girls. They're usually easy to spot. Most of them are so stupid they just rip the sample images off porn sites, and don't even bother to crop the site name, and pretend it's them.
There's the ones who take pics off faceparty or whatever, and it's obviously harder to tell with those ones, but once you fire an email or two back and forward, you can usually tell.
We haven't had THAT many advertising wenbsites, or phone chat nonsense, but fair play to them (and no offense to those who DID fall for it), if you're daft enough to go for something like that, maybe getting fleeced once will make you wise up.
The few replies we've had from actual real women (shock!) have on the whole been very positive. Some have been great, and were exactly what we're looking for (if on the other side of the country), and some have been less so, but we've had a good bit of banter back and forwards, or some pic swapping, or webcam shenanigans.
Up until now, though, we've not met anyone in person. We're being very fussy, but then, i'd expect others to do the same. We don't want to meet people who want to meet us because we've got the right bits and bobs, we want to meet with people where there's a real mutual attraction. So we're still waiting. There's no hurry though, and i guess that's where a lot of people stumble.
They just expect this site, and others like it, to be a road to an easy lay. Just because we're (mostly) here looking specifically for sex doesn't mean we're any less selective about it.
YES, most of the people who'll reply to your ads are fakers, or whatever. YES, 90% of the ads on here will be fakers, but use some common sense, and you'll be fine.
Half the photo ads are fakes. 90% of the replies women get are fakes or timewasters.
It can be disheartening at times (began to wonder if we were the only real people there, hehe) but if you've got a brain in your head you can avoid the fakes. Anything that requires money's a definite no-no.
I'm sure that if you asked here before parting with any cash we'd be able to tell you if it's a scam or not.
coming to britain would help.
I'd think the sim card would still be ok. The phone's probably jiggered, mind you.
Phones are dead cheap these days anyway. Get a nice new one. Just keep that damn frog off it. ;)
have you taken this up with the individual(s) you arranged to meet? Either way, it seems kinda pointless posting here.
There are a lot of fakers replying to ads, and no doubt a fair few registered on the forum. That's the nature of the internet. If you're going arranging meets without making sure they are who they say they are, i've no pity for you.
If you've been able to ascertain that they're at least who they say they are, i'm sure they probably didn't mean to stand you up. Either way, take it up with them, posting here's silly.
I'm hoping that this justagirl person is simply trolling. I know there are plenty of extremist fundaMENTAList christians out there, but this really takes the biscuit.
Please, tell me she's not real...
Yeah, we've had very little sensible/serious replies from our ad, it's pretty discouraging. We've been looking for a while too. They're either miles away, not our types (although we've not been particularly fussy) or guys pretending.
All i can assume is that as mentioned above, there are far less of us young'uns interested in swinging. It's understandable, i guess, because the whole swinging thing has a bad stigma, but still you'd think there'd be more of us.
I thought they were all funny, myself. If you can't laugh at yourself...
Your Type is
Extroverted 22% Intuitive 44% Thinking 33% Perceiving 33%
I misread that and thought you were bi for a whale. Thought it was slang for a kind of xbbw. :P
Then i read it all and realised you're YODA. YODA IS A SWINGER!
Star wars swinging anyone?
"that's no moon..."
I saw one once around ayrshire that spelled magic. Cant remember the specific reg though.
nah, it happens on BB as well. sucks.