keep away from stoke!!
there is one place in stoke.. only busy sat nite.. i think its classed as stoke.. maybe more
kidsgrove way!! well theres two places now i come to mention it!!
Quote by Bari
Well, we'd like our own pic page, Fred Flinstone offered to build it for us then promptly disappeared!!! So... we'd like to know... HOW do we do it??? OR is there a techie-head out there who we can send the pics to who'll build it for us then send it to Mark?? (or whetever you do with it then!!) Please email or pm us with instructions if you can be of service!!
Muchly Ta, (TM Lou)
Quote by MikeNorth
Is there a list anywhere??? .....Of what status you are once you have posted so many posts?
Quote by vix
yeah, in a small room marked "you said bastard"
Quote by SlydeWHOOSH
I think people who edit quotes are a bunch of lame pisstakers