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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 47
United Kingdom


Seems plenty of them in the photo ads. Not to mention quite a few of them post on this forum.
Just so happens us males outnumber them 500 to 1 mad
It was a friends thing although we made it clear we would sleep together.

I'd be interested to know who mentioned this first. I think since you still want this man in your life as a friend if nothing more you should stop sleeping with him completely and see how he behaves towards you then. See whether his behaviour changes when he realises it is just a friends only relationship. After all if he doesn't continue to be interested in you as a friend he doesn't deserve to be allowed into your bed.
Hope that makes sense.
Can't really comment since I don't own a tv and therefore haven't seen the program!
I remember them on the BB though and they definitely had it there.
Quote by foxy30s_cpl
We find it an extrememly useful tool as we would never approach anybody with a poor response %

Sounds like an interesting feature. Although I think it oculd be false readings. For example as yourselves have probably found out couples recieve literally hundreds of responses on this site. With the majority not even bothering to read the ad properly and reply accordingly! Therefore I can udnerstand them ignoring those. However, for people that put a little effort in it would be nice for them to get a thank you but no thanks sort of email.
Personally I sent messages in reply to a couple of ads on here and received no response back. I don't really have a problem with it. Obviously I wasn't what they were after. However, where I did have a problem was when someone contacted me due to my ad and ignored my subsequent reply! I thought that was a little rude.
....and the peas had cooked nicely from the heat of the burn so she had them for lunch!!

Don't mention lunch!
I'm hungry as it is and the cupboards are bare confused
It's feeling fine now. Just hope the blister goes down without leaving a scar confused
Managed to get it in the bin twice the first time. Took me a little while to figure out that once you caught it you had to throw it at the bin! lol
Keep it under the water for longer than 5 mins,10-15 mins minimum

Just wrapped a japanese thing around it. Not sure of it's name since I don't read Japanese :shock: Had to wrap a bandage around it to though to hold it in place. Makes me feel a bit of a plonker with it on but at least it feels cool biggrin
Just ran it under the cold tap for about 5 minutes so it is all numb now! SO feel free to come and warm it up helen wink
I just tripped over my adorable doggies. Of course I put my hand out to catch myself and put a finger slap bag on a still hot hob on the cooker. OUCH! :fuckinghell:
Stinging like crazy now. Any suggestions on how to soothe it appreciated.
Hope it doesn't scar mad
it's my understanding win 98 isn't fully USB enabled, so don't know if that's a problem for a PCI USB thingie???

if it's SE you should be just about ok
BT broadband needs a USB connector as far as i can tell . . . . until i get a new PC, i need to rebuild a PII with bits from the PIII mentioned elsewhere! it won't have a USB connector! can i get broadband using an ethernet NIC card, or a serial cable, or a PCI card??? BT customer service / sales people don't answer their inbound enquiries!!!!

If I remember correctly the BT modem is only usb. You could always by a usb pci card which would solve that problem.
a database of contacts with company details, contact history, and some sort of appointment / call back scheduling.

You need to be careful here. You need to make sure you aren't calling people that have put their names on the tps list (telephone preferential service?). This basically means they have opted out receiving cold calling from marketing companies. If you ring them and they complain about you I believe you could be liable to receive a possible fine. This service was mainly enforced with residential numbers. However, I believe it has now been extended to businesses to. Either way it's soemthing you need to check on.
They recommend USB though, maybe cause it's much easier to setup?

Strange. Considering you get far better quality through ethernet connection than usb.
that really is expensive..... £75 and not fixed... man, how could he get away with that!!!

Yep I almost fainted when she told me. The sad thing was he was wanting to try and charge her AGAIN to come back and work on it some more!
Unfortunately she didn't know much about computers and so got taken advantage of. I didn't know until after the fact otherwise i'd have "tried" sorting it out myself for free.
While we're on the subject of computers i've just been building one with some bits i had left lying around. Unfortunately when trying to install windows it will reset itself for no apparant reason mad
There was then, as i'm sure there is now still a niche market for this, people can't afford to take time off work to get their pooters fixed, upgraded ete, if you can offer this service in the comfort of their own homes, you'll make a little bit of money and you'll also help people like this out.

I agree with that. I lady I used to work with had a problem with her machine. I won't bore you with the details. However, the guy she had come out to fix it charged her 75 pounds and the machine was no better than when he first arrived!
I couldn't believe the amount she paid. :shock:
when I borrow software and bring it home and try to install it, I can't because there is no 25 digit key no. and when I phone to ask for it he can't find it.

isn't "borrowing" software illegal? wink
the PC does bleep ((( very quietly . . i think it always did bleep! ))) once, keyboard lights flash once, power light comes on, cd light comes on, nothing else lights up, and nothing but the cd tries to spin. so we're just getting power from the psu to light 'em up,

If there's 1 beep that usually means it's going to boot. Double check your monitor and do what easy says and check the cable from monitor to power supply...
It does get easier, I felt a little lost when I came back after an illness. Didn`t have a bloody clue what was going on, so I spammed The Cafe with my own crap!

Hope you're all fine and dandy now biggrin
Thanks for the Welcome :haha:
But I can`t jump in on the threads (it can be tough when you have to try to get a foot in on already established threads)

Know how he feels there!
I must admit I think you look stunning and think Morbius is a very lucky guy biggrin
NIce Dear John Facilitator :thumbup:
I think it's great you're replying back to say no thanks Reese. A couple of months ago I put ad in the Male seeking couples section and was amazed that I actually got a reply! So I wrote (what I thought.. lol) was a nice reply covering everything they asked of me. I never heard from them again! Fair enough they may have decided I wasn't what they were after but I would have appreciated a no thanks email at least!
Just felt a little rude to me since they contacted me first.
did i PM in time?
did i, did i, did i?

their pm box probably got 100% full by the time you sent your pm :mrgreen:
Personally I don't think you made a prat of yourself at all. So if it's possible to re edit titles after posting them (probably not I know) I think you should smile You just got caught up with something that as you said you felt obliged to do. I don't think it was right for the guy just to turn up and expect for things to happen even if you did get on so well in Amsterdam. It's just common courtesy to arrange things beforehand.
To be honest I usually have to physically see a pc and fiddle with it before being able to offer any advice. From what you're saying I have gathered that although it powers on you don't get any boot up screen. Does the pc beep at you at all?
I think you've pretty much covered everything that I would try. What exactly happened when you "dropped it on the bed"? Can't be that hard of a bed surely!
I think you have already done this but what I would do is unplug absolutely everything (cd drive, floppy drive, hard drive, keyboard, mouse) and just put in the power cable the monitor and turn on the pc to see if you see the boot screen.
If you do end up buying a new motherboard I would say 20 pounds is a bit over the top (for the motherboard type you're after). I'd pay about 10 max myself.
One other thing to try is plugging in a seperate graphics card (just in case it is the onboard graphics that has got damaged).
This is pretty scarey stuff.
I remember once my sister and her friends after a night out got into a "taxi" together. My sister was the second to last girl to be dropped off. The driver then tried attacking the 1 girl that was left. Thankfully she managed to escape unhurt. Well unhurt physically of course. It left a few mental scars I am sure mad
You mean I was conned...? I got an 0845 number with an internet ebill for all mine? Was I duped?

yes. From now on for every pm you want to send forward me a tenner and I will ensure they get to the right place. All major credit and debit cards accepted. :twisted:
I think everyone has made very valid points in this thread. The only one I didn't agree with is that shy people/lurkers are under achievers.
Personally i've been reading the forums on and off for the past few months and only decided to join today and try and join in with everyone else.
I must admit i'm a shy sort of guy but hopefully can get to know you all and have some fun on here as that's what life should be all about smile