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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 58
0 miles · Derbyshire


Quote by mdr2000
So this is a government thing then... I guess!
Like it was said I don't know why they don't just tell the truth.. maybe more effective. Playing stupid jingles just irritates i think..
As for the knock off DVD's themselves and the like if we were not so ripped off in this country to start with I don't think as many would bother buying as they do.. Companies have themselves to blame at times..
Mike xx

There's more than just the DVD portion.... basically its any "knock off" in general.
If the film and music industry actually woke up and got their act together then they could snuff out a lot of counterfit dvd's quiet easily.
Do a global release on day one of all the media types from cinima to dvd to ppv and let people decide how they want to watch the latest release.
Also price the DVD's world wide to be closer priced to the US price... I get so pissed off with paying far more in this country for US, and other countries, stuff than just the currency exchange. If a DVD in the us is 10USD then why is it that i'm expected to pay 20GBP for it... surely it should actually cost me 5GBP! But the media companies did a hatchet job with "regions" to artifically adjust local market prices.
What global all media release will never stop however is P2P downloads as "some" of these people will never pay no matter what... and those people don't get "knock off's" as they just dont pay, full stop!
A lot of the black market in films is more to do with getting to see the latest blockbuster when its released in the states and not have to wait X months for it to come over here, or they don't want to go to the cinema but cant be arsed to wait for the DVD release.
Jon Xx
My covernment thinks that introducing a knee jerk law at the whim of the popular press is a good thing...
My covernment thinks that intorducking so many new laws that just about everyone is breaking them is a good thing...
My covernment thinks that freedom of speach is wrong is a good thing...
My covernment thinks that curtailing the freedoms we have yet slagging of other countries for their totalitarian views and opression of free speach is a good thing...
My covernment thinks that detaining people without charge for 60 or more days is a good thing "while being investigated" but can condem pakistan for doing the same is a good thing....
My covernment thinks that removing, woops to late, the protection of a second house without political bias is a good thing....
My coverment is a bunch of wankers!
I don't forgive... but I do forget.
My ex (well I've had a few ex's but she will always be 'the ex') was the type that even if it took till she died she would get even... biding her time... the vengance boiling... etc. ad infinitum.
My take on things is shit happens, screw me over and you dont get a second chance to be my friend.
My life is far to short to worry about something that was done to me... thats it... you're nobody... a distant memory... if I see you I will not acknoledge you...
My life, even living every day with depression, is here and now... what has, is, was, whatever!
people who dont forget and/or dont forgive.... they spend their life missing out on the "now" and invarably screw up the new because of the old.
Jon Xx
The "iphone" has been on the market for ages.... the only difference is it was named after some posh perfume and extra selling product! Oh yeah... prada is the name!
Touch screen... email... 2mega pic cam... web access... etc...
Anyone who buys one is a sucka!
it looks kinda cool, and i'm not denigrating its abilities (NOT) but 900 quid for a phone (how much it will cost even if you never use it to call anyone) then call charges on top....
My concidered opinion....
Spend 25quid for an oringe phone... 8 quid to unlock it to O2 with 300 texts a month...
Spend the rest on a good PC, 300 quid, and 400 quid on a high spec "prosumer" dlsr and jobs a good un.
Buy into "do all sing all dance all" and you are a mug!
Jon Xx
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I've been thinking of changing from Virgin to BT. Since they took over NTL, my service has been crap. Let me know how it goes Hannah :thumbup:

Actually.... NTL took over , then rebranded themselves as virgin media.
Reverse buyout and all that monetry shit that means feck all to the man in the street except they dont get what they pay for cos the money for infrastructure is spent of stupid multi milion adverts.
BT is currently "shaping" trafic so that people on BT vision get top notch speeds (if they dont then the TV goes up the spout)... and everyone else on BT gets fecked with superslow speeds from 4pm till 11pm.
NTL/Virgin are over subscribed with speeds droping to below dial up speeds at peak... and I believe they are also shaping trafic at peak times to try and fake capacity.... if you are on virgin over BT... if you are on cable then you do get a way better speed and although speeds drop they dont bomb out like they do on virgin over BT.
If you want good speeds all day, including peak times, then the only way currently is to either pay 50-80 quid per month for a qualified re-seller and LLU, use cable, or go BT vision at it has to be quick to work properly (although BT vision once it hits max subscription will start to bomb out on broadband to keep up the vision part of the service)
The whole "up to 8 megs.... and no limits" is a load of crap and only just gets past the advertising authority... go above 40gigs a month and they pull your bandwidth, complain and they kill your account.
<<<< start there and then see just how screwed we are cos BT still own the network where as the rest of the EU are way more free than we are, and with speeds that would make your eyes water!
Jon Xx
Quote by Darkfire

Right thats me done for the next month ;-)

it had better bloody not be Jon :dry:
its good to see you back :thumbup:
Thanks hun :-D
Since myhouse re-possession and move its taken way to long to get back on the net... and even now Virgin have screwed up by putting me on the 1meg not 8meg broadband (Over a bt line, not cable) confused Hopefully they will upgrage me correctly in the next few days.
Jon Xx
God I've been gone a long time :-(
Anyways... I had problems logging in yesterday and today. Even when I used the details supplied by the re-set password.
However I think I've got it sussed seeing as how I'm back in :-D
My user login as stored by IE was "piercedjon" however if you look at it, its piercedJon <<< Caps "J" so when I re-entered my user id with the caps it worked :-D
Jon Xx
Right thats me done for the next month ;-)
LOL mines the grey/silver car infront of the white car, to the left of the white van and behind the red car.... like how cool is that!!!!

You can see it better from this angle....

Does that count as my 15 mins of fame, lol
If I've not confirmed yet... this is my confirmation, lol.
Also vouching for foxylady :-D
Also vouching for anyone else that needs vouching for that I've met.... and if not met... have rope and will accomodate, prior to reposession of the house, for light to hard bondage sessions, lol.
Quote by Jas-Tim
Inspired by a post from Posh Kate on the vices post I thought I'd ask this.
What would your perfect job be and what would your perfect sexy job be?
I'd love to have a proper little bookshop where I coukd just sit quietly and read, with the odd customer popping in for a chat and a purchase now and again; Or I'd love to have my own sandwich shop - I like making sandwiches as well lol
For my sexy job I'd like to be a photographer for porn aimed at women :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I did search and couldn't find anything recent, my apologies if it's been done recently though, I'm not very good with the search on here anymore confused

I have both, as you know I'm an erotic photographer (or as my lad says, a mucky pic taker lol) but the pay is really shit for someone like myself who is really crap at self promotion and "getting out there" and selling myself and not resorting to "mates rates" lol.
On the plus side I get to tie people up, have cute goth lasses naked on my bed, drip hot wax on the ocasional fetish model, get to put sharp needles in the labia of piercing fetish models (and get to do the ocasional PA/ampalang/clit hood/labia piercing on swinging mates who dont want a shop to do them) and generaly have a great time perving at naked people while hopefully turning out some interesting "art."
I finally realised what a damn fine job I have when during a rubber wear shoot I had to help a model into my (yes my!!!!) catsuit and had to run my hands up her legs to her crotch a good few times to make sure all the creases were removed and then got to spray polish on her arse and shine her up and then took photos of her wearing it. And the icing on the cake after doing all that hard work (someones got to do it, lol) was to have 30,000 flyers printed with my photo on it for a goth event I'm a crew member of.
I love my job, but I'm really crap at the finantial side, lmao.
Quote by PoloLady
Is it just the ample busted ladies who have to spend time, after securing the over-shoulder-boulder-holder, adjusting the final nipple position to ensure that the winter winds don’t produce a multi-directional effect…. or do the buxomly challenged find they need to conduct the same final manipulation?

LOL @ Over the shoulder boulder holder... I believe first coined by bette midler in a sketch about her german husband, had me wetting myself with laughter watching her live stand up.
As to the question...
No idea, although one of my exes didnt have that problem as she was a 34A the only problem was when her nips were erect they were about 1/2 long so (and soft were about 1/4 inch lol) so basically was nips r us in what ever she wore and always pointing forward, lol.
Quote by Jas-Tim
When the space race was at it's height the Americans spent millions on inventing a pen that would write in zero gravity, the Russians just took a pencil.

The real story behind that always reminds of Reese, as it strikes me as the type of odd thing that would occur to him and set him off inventing. biggrin lol :lol: :lol:
I've got one of them pens as an x-mass pressy from my uncle.
The funnyiest thing about the pen is it can write on most things except the box in which it came :shock: (Ok so i'm a nerd and had to try and write on just about anything in reach to see if it worked lol)
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit
If you need any help on this cock then im prepared to put my best foot forward.

I've so got the time warp theme running through my mind right now, lol
"its just a jump to the left"
I will be there cock, I mean camera in hand if anyone wants pics... if not i'll be there to perve in general and suck on any boobies that are placed in my face with a polite request to suck upon nipples, lol
(not that we get up to any such things at meets, well not unless asked nicely, and the bar staff are not looking, lol)
Hey just as long as they quote both my email address and say I'm the guy with the 12" cock I'm up for it.... although people may be a lil disapointed that its only 8 and 14/16ths when they meet me in person. lol :lol: :lol:
Oh and also say I'm a totaly nuttz kinda guy that likes tying people up and spanking them or flogging them and I take photographs of the debautched events.
(Note... the above text is copywrite me.... a fee of 7500GBP is payable on copying or part copying of the text either in or out of context and/or edited including any individual individual word from the above text.)
On a more serious note... I'd nto have no problem in being interviewed just as long as I got editorial rights including the right to not be quoted if I felt the text was mis-leading.
I'd prefer them to be hung like a horse, but with a hair trigger.... oh the irony... stuffed full and all done and duusted in less than 15 seconds. lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ultimatly when I do get a FTR I'd prefer it if they didnt have to cheat as they would be confidant enough with me to not go behind my back but reality is rarely the same as the ideal.
If they did... then I'd like them to be the most handsome man on the earth with millions in the bank, at least then I'd not feel they had left me for a no-hoper (although thats subjective as is looks)
We're still not that far removed from animals and ultimatly provision and protection still reigns high in the sub-concious of both male and female "humans."
Hi Hun,
I'm not going t obe able to make this one :-( I've had loads of problems with the pc and for the icing on the cake am at the moment trying to live on 57 pounds a week for both myself an my son due to the wonderfull rules reguarding 16-17 year olds not being able to claim or the parents claim money if they are not in work or further education. So untill further notice I'm nto available for any kind of munches or socials as 57 quid doesnt go far!
Jon Xx
Quote by Laff_n_Chilli
the social i am tryiong to sort has been posted in the LMU and chat forum, and i also post a link in chat every now and then,
pls help us - wat is the LMU??

OoOoO going totaly off topic...
I see you're from conwy, I know a lovely couple from there... had many a great night in the little pub on the quay that is half built into the castle wall, and watching the river festival a couple of years back.
Money permitting I so want to visit there again as its such a lovely place and within 20mins drive you can be in the middle of no-where and were it not for the fact there was a road you are almost in the wilderness of un-touched and modernised land.
I took loads of pictures of the bridge and got into a real deep and meaningfull chat to the lass who was working there (she was cute, but I didnt want to scare her by showing my portfolio, lol)
Also the tinyest house was errrrrm, tiny, lol, probably the pre-cursor to londons over priced and stupidly small housing, lol.
Quote by essex34m
e) ignore her and move on with your life, remembering why you two are 'ex'

Very wise words..... but easier to say than to do sometimes!
However sometimes it does give you the closure thats needed when you see the person again and have the stark contrast without the full emotional bond that comes with being full time emotionaly involved with someone.
Jon Xx
Personally in response to the OP....
Do what you feel comfortable with, if you are so worried about catching something then perhaps you should re-evaluate playing with other sexual partners or for the ultimate safe-sexual experience should just engage in mutual self masturbation while watching each other do the same to themselves or abstain totally!
I'm sorry but the whole safe/not safe argument is almost a mute point as nothing is "safe sex" only safer!!!!! Even using a condom, if you look closely while you may be preventing your ejaculate and/or pre-cum entering a womans vagina her lubrication often ends up on the base of the penis and balls which is potentially a source of infection if you're that worried about it and also includes infections that can be passed via contact and not fluid such as genital warts!!!!!
While I would not recomend shagging hundreds or thousands of people without a condom there is actually a low incedence of infection percentage wise between an infected person, with X STD, and a non-infected person.... The only true safe sex is to have sex with a person that has had a full STD markup 3 months after sleeping with the last person they had sex with and came up negative in all the tests.
The problem however with percentages is that if the chances of catching AIDS from an infected partner is 1/1000 then you could be unlucky and get it on the first time you have sex, or be lucky and not get it till the 1000 time, or even luckier you could have sex a million times with the same infected patner(s) and not become infected while a thousand other people do to create the percentage statistic!
Same with condoms in general being 98% effective in preventing pregnancies.... if you're unlucky and you dont want a pregnancy then you could create a baby the first time, or statistically up to the 98th time you have sex using a condom or never because others have become pregnant while you and your partner can have sex hundreds of thousands of times without becoming pregnant.
I do find it a bit funny (being cynical here) that while swingers will generally use a condom as soon as someone becomes a "partner" or regular play person(s) they stop using them without a full STD work up of everyone involved or if they are single, or not, and meet someone in a non-swinging environment give up using condoms as "they are not swinging" oh well.....
In summary..... Using condoms is a good thing. If you know and trust your sexual partner(s) fidelity towards yourself and know they are clean via a STD workup (or STI as they are now termed) then they are not required but even then there is a potential chance of one or both or you or all of your partners playing with others without your knowledge... and seeing as DNA testing is starting to show that potentially 20%+ of children born within marrage are not of the partnered "father of the marrage" it does tend to lend itself to the fact that a lot of people are not being honest and are shagging around both the husbands and wives of couples.... so add that into the STD chances mix!
Jon Xx
I think there will always be enough "friends/room people" and also "friends/forum people" to keep all the smaller socials well attended as well as the bigger "munches."
If there is a real or percieved difference between chat and forums meets its the rules are more relaxed for the rooms.... people obviously have to be in them but attendance seems more based on "acceptance" which can be quicker than via the forums so more "socials" if a term is required, without the full 40 pages indexed and cross referenced rule book that munches have seemed to aquired more reciently.
"Munches" in the original, BDSM, terms were social meets where anyone could attend and were openly posted with both venue and and dates so anyone could attend (much like the chat rooms and forums) so new people could socialise without the "OMFG" issues that come with jumping in at the deep end with clubs and/or meets.
Pwersonally I dont have any preference to which type I attend, but I do think we need more "just come and chat as you would in here... but face to face" meets that are all inclusive no matter how much experience or new people are (if people are worried about them being inundated with single guys, by going on experience.... 90% of the newish single guys that say they want to come dont even attend, lol)
There are the big events, originally munches exclusively but some of the chatroom socials are also becoming quite large in their own rights. I think theres more than enough people to go around all the events even if its only 5-10 people at the smaller socials as this allows far more interaction and socialising than some of the larger meets where people naturally gavitate to people they already know in sub groups as it feels more "safe" or "comfortable" to people like myself who are naturally shy.
I dont do a lot of munches or room meets... so cant really coment on politics or "rules" but I do think there should be more crossover so some meets can be called "munches" which dont require forum partisipation where people are also known from the rooms and/or can be vouched for...
I think the problem may be the rules force people into "room meets" and "munches" and "socials" instead of being all inclusive of people on this site!
Just my 2p worth... add compound interest means someone owes me ;-)
Jon Xx
Can you stick me down as provisional.... I should be there but it depends on how long I'm at the meeting for the Carnival of Souls team....
I'm hoping it doesnt run on to late so I can come and party with my fave bunch of swinging perverts :P biggrin lol :P
I "may" even attend in my latex t-shirt, but think the full rubber gear will freak out the locals... apart from the old couple who seem to have more glints in their eyes than most ;-)
Jon Xx
Quote by Suze43
Well i just wanna say that even tho its 3 weeks away im officially exicted - cant wait!!
Darks gonna get a big hug from me cos shes a great mate!!
Suze xxxx

I need to get some sleep... I so read that as "Darks going to get a big hump(ing) from me"
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just confirming my attendance hun.... whats the dress code, can I wear my latex gear and scare the locals... will my rubber gear loose its sexual virginity, does the sun rise in the east and set in the west.... can you tell I've had a nutty few days with no sleep and now am hyper, lol.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting new people and generally having a good time.
Jon Xx
Quote by foxylady2209
It was the first of Cockslut's socials I have actually managed to get to - due some circumstances and mostly my incompetence.
But I am so glad I fanally made it. It was a great evening - even if I had to slope off early to get my first sleep in 48 hours.biggrin
It was great to meet so many people I have chatted to already, and see old (awww PiercedJon - am I calling you old?) friends again.
Can't wait for the next one :twisted:

Cheeky fecker calling me old lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually it was a great night out, fantastic to see friends of old (see much nicer than saying old friends, hehe) and people yet to become friends of old (see I did the word swap thingie again, lmao)
I had a really great night.... sorry I didnt bring my flogger as it was being borrowed by one of my subbies for her BF to use on her, lol.
My crops went down a storm as they did last time.... I do so love the look on the vanilars faces when you lot get hold of them, hehe.
The old couple were in again.... I had to ask them if anyone was using the, possibly spare, chair at their table so I could sit with the group and she didnt batter an eyelid as she said they wernt using it... but there was still that glint in her eye as she read my t-shirt with the word "dominant" on it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: they night be in their 60's + but they so must have been swingers with a bdsm kink in their day, LOL.
I took a few photos at the do... but to make things simple I'm going to email the ones of individuals to the people in question and the dance-floor ones with loads of people I'm going to keep private as memorys so I dont have to spend hours editing faces out and/or getting permission. ( I like a simple life, lol)
I'm looking forward to the next one.... just give me at least 2-3 weeks notice so I dont have a shoot/event booked :-D
Jon Xx
Quote by Steve_Mids
We all encounter them, we all hate them in our own special way, this time, we can laugh at them!

I see the idiots made national news on BBC & ITV tonight and the police are investigating.
I saw it on the local news tonight too. Unfortunately I'm guessing it's just "big'd 'em up" and will make some other stupid sods try something more horrific to get one over them :shock:
I was reading about it in a local free paper this morning while sat in the dentist's.
Apparently the girls landed on the soft foam rubber floor covering that is prevolant in many if not all public playgrounds these days..
Park rangers are being briefed and some authorities are toying with the idea or removing roundabouts in a bit to stop this practise..
Well removal is nothing new.... schools no longer have climbing frames and the like that I as a child used to love to play on as they are to afraid of being sued....
If they do remove them its not to stop such incidents happening, its to stop the twats suing them when they get hurt as they will argue that had they not been there they would have not tried it... even though bikes and "motor" bikes are usually explicity excluded from being on such parks.
Personally when I was a kid I, and my mates, did some way stupid things... if we got hurt we usually got bolocked by our parents for being stupid or if we escaped being hurt we would go "oh shit that was close i'm not doing that again!" nowadays it seems that parents would love their children to be hurt through their own stupidity and lack of parential control as it results in a pay day for them.... kid is a twat and breaks arm, sue someone, 15K in back pocket of parents!
Heck.... if my lad goes scrumping and falls and hurts himself I/he doesnt get done for theft and trespass we get paid because the owner of the apple tree should have put 40 foot hight fences up and warning signs to prevent his access... what a totaly fucked up world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When a kid in derby gets thusands for falling through a flat roof on a school that he shouldnt have been on and someone else gets thousands for gettign hurt on razor wire while climbing a fence preventing entry.... we are all going to hell in a handbasket!
As far as I can see the only real changes/things of note are....
Some changes to the rules reguarding socials and whos allowed to attend, or requires removal of the social posting (although I think they may have come into force just prior to site hand over)
The tightning up of what kind of links are allowed in posts and sigs, although there is some lee-way with regards to personal sites that have a way of contacting the poster directly that isnt defined.
I got caught out with a couple of photos I posted reciently as I had forgot to doctor them and move them to my bits and bobs gallery (I was pissed at the time of posting, thats my excuse) as they had my "commercial" website address on them even tho i'm still to make money from my photography as i'm such a wuss when it comes to discussing getting paid, lol.
There may be changes in the chat rooms, but I never went into them with the old site... so cant comment.
I can understand the change in contact info being public as it makes people pay to make contact... but perhaps a bit of logic in the pre-processor to html would make it easier as then direct contact info can be entered for people that dont mind their direct contact details being public if the viewer and poster were both full members.
Apart from the above I dont think theres really been that many changes bar the ones related to cameras being used as this was, I believe, not an option prior to the site hand over.
Quote by bluexxx
Welcome to my nightmare............... I think you're gonna like it :karaoke: :lol2:

Which reminds me.... I still need to get to one of your house parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have rope and other kinky stuff!
When you next move house, can you move south a bit... say nottingham(ish) lol
Quote by Kiss_Me

Hopefully they may understand that its in their long term interest to open themselves up.

Huh? You sad tool!
I'm not going to explain all my secrets and fantasies to you for your idle titilation! :kick:
Oh please do..... I could do with some new and imaginative material to both wank over and also to act as a catalist for my perveted mind to create some new photos :P
I have a spanner and I'm going to throw it in the works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of the older "porn" now has reached "art/erotica/cult" status, such as the films with mary-millington, debbie does xxxxx, confessions of xxxxxx, et. al.
At the time they were considered "porn" but are now not.... Even the Ben-dover films now hold status as being the groundbreaking "gonzo" movies even though "home/self shot" pornos had been on the market since VHS and cheap(ish) cams became publically available in the late 80's which opened up a huge cheap "swappers" market.
"rubenesqe" paintings were the porn of the day..... so were a lot of other nude paintings, now they sell for thousands.
The only difference between porn and art/erotica is that when its initially sold.... porn costs a few pounds, art/erotica costs more!
(orginally I would have said... art costs £399+ a print, porn costs a mag, but that no longer holds true)
Art/erotica/porn all have one underlying point...... to get someone turned on!
I dont think its possible to classify what should go into each category anymore (unless you take a simple aproach, if its in BnW then its art if colour its porn) as the likes of Tony Ward and Helmut Newton basically have done "porn" and managed to pass it off as "art," Madonna (singer) sold "soft porn" of her self as art with her book "sex" in the 80's
As far as I can see its "art/erotica" if its done by someone taught in the right schools... and porn if done by everyone else or they have already got a name in the mainstream.