My covernment thinks that introducing a knee jerk law at the whim of the popular press is a good thing...
My covernment thinks that intorducking so many new laws that just about everyone is breaking them is a good thing...
My covernment thinks that freedom of speach is wrong is a good thing...
My covernment thinks that curtailing the freedoms we have yet slagging of other countries for their totalitarian views and opression of free speach is a good thing...
My covernment thinks that detaining people without charge for 60 or more days is a good thing "while being investigated" but can condem pakistan for doing the same is a good thing....
My covernment thinks that removing, woops to late, the protection of a second house without political bias is a good thing....
My coverment is a bunch of wankers!
I don't forgive... but I do forget.
My ex (well I've had a few ex's but she will always be 'the ex') was the type that even if it took till she died she would get even... biding her time... the vengance boiling... etc. ad infinitum.
My take on things is shit happens, screw me over and you dont get a second chance to be my friend.
My life is far to short to worry about something that was done to me... thats it... you're nobody... a distant memory... if I see you I will not acknoledge you...
My life, even living every day with depression, is here and now... what has, is, was, whatever!
people who dont forget and/or dont forgive.... they spend their life missing out on the "now" and invarably screw up the new because of the old.
Jon Xx
The "iphone" has been on the market for ages.... the only difference is it was named after some posh perfume and extra selling product! Oh yeah... prada is the name!
Touch screen... email... 2mega pic cam... web access... etc...
Anyone who buys one is a sucka!
it looks kinda cool, and i'm not denigrating its abilities (NOT) but 900 quid for a phone (how much it will cost even if you never use it to call anyone) then call charges on top....
My concidered opinion....
Spend 25quid for an oringe phone... 8 quid to unlock it to O2 with 300 texts a month...
Spend the rest on a good PC, 300 quid, and 400 quid on a high spec "prosumer" dlsr and jobs a good un.
Buy into "do all sing all dance all" and you are a mug!
Jon Xx
God I've been gone a long time :-(
Anyways... I had problems logging in yesterday and today. Even when I used the details supplied by the re-set password.
However I think I've got it sussed seeing as how I'm back in :-D
My user login as stored by IE was "piercedjon" however if you look at it, its piercedJon <<< Caps "J" so when I re-entered my user id with the caps it worked :-D
Jon Xx
Right thats me done for the next month ;-)
LOL mines the grey/silver car infront of the white car, to the left of the white van and behind the red car.... like how cool is that!!!!
You can see it better from this angle....
Does that count as my 15 mins of fame, lol
If I've not confirmed yet... this is my confirmation, lol.
Also vouching for foxylady :-D
Also vouching for anyone else that needs vouching for that I've met.... and if not met... have rope and will accomodate, prior to reposession of the house, for light to hard bondage sessions, lol.
Hi Hun,
I'm not going t obe able to make this one :-( I've had loads of problems with the pc and for the icing on the cake am at the moment trying to live on 57 pounds a week for both myself an my son due to the wonderfull rules reguarding 16-17 year olds not being able to claim or the parents claim money if they are not in work or further education. So untill further notice I'm nto available for any kind of munches or socials as 57 quid doesnt go far!
Jon Xx
Personally in response to the OP....
Do what you feel comfortable with, if you are so worried about catching something then perhaps you should re-evaluate playing with other sexual partners or for the ultimate safe-sexual experience should just engage in mutual self masturbation while watching each other do the same to themselves or abstain totally!
I'm sorry but the whole safe/not safe argument is almost a mute point as nothing is "safe sex" only safer!!!!! Even using a condom, if you look closely while you may be preventing your ejaculate and/or pre-cum entering a womans vagina her lubrication often ends up on the base of the penis and balls which is potentially a source of infection if you're that worried about it and also includes infections that can be passed via contact and not fluid such as genital warts!!!!!
While I would not recomend shagging hundreds or thousands of people without a condom there is actually a low incedence of infection percentage wise between an infected person, with X STD, and a non-infected person.... The only true safe sex is to have sex with a person that has had a full STD markup 3 months after sleeping with the last person they had sex with and came up negative in all the tests.
The problem however with percentages is that if the chances of catching AIDS from an infected partner is 1/1000 then you could be unlucky and get it on the first time you have sex, or be lucky and not get it till the 1000 time, or even luckier you could have sex a million times with the same infected patner(s) and not become infected while a thousand other people do to create the percentage statistic!
Same with condoms in general being 98% effective in preventing pregnancies.... if you're unlucky and you dont want a pregnancy then you could create a baby the first time, or statistically up to the 98th time you have sex using a condom or never because others have become pregnant while you and your partner can have sex hundreds of thousands of times without becoming pregnant.
I do find it a bit funny (being cynical here) that while swingers will generally use a condom as soon as someone becomes a "partner" or regular play person(s) they stop using them without a full STD work up of everyone involved or if they are single, or not, and meet someone in a non-swinging environment give up using condoms as "they are not swinging" oh well.....
In summary..... Using condoms is a good thing. If you know and trust your sexual partner(s) fidelity towards yourself and know they are clean via a STD workup (or STI as they are now termed) then they are not required but even then there is a potential chance of one or both or you or all of your partners playing with others without your knowledge... and seeing as DNA testing is starting to show that potentially 20%+ of children born within marrage are not of the partnered "father of the marrage" it does tend to lend itself to the fact that a lot of people are not being honest and are shagging around both the husbands and wives of couples.... so add that into the STD chances mix!
Jon Xx
I think there will always be enough "friends/room people" and also "friends/forum people" to keep all the smaller socials well attended as well as the bigger "munches."
If there is a real or percieved difference between chat and forums meets its the rules are more relaxed for the rooms.... people obviously have to be in them but attendance seems more based on "acceptance" which can be quicker than via the forums so more "socials" if a term is required, without the full 40 pages indexed and cross referenced rule book that munches have seemed to aquired more reciently.
"Munches" in the original, BDSM, terms were social meets where anyone could attend and were openly posted with both venue and and dates so anyone could attend (much like the chat rooms and forums) so new people could socialise without the "OMFG" issues that come with jumping in at the deep end with clubs and/or meets.
Pwersonally I dont have any preference to which type I attend, but I do think we need more "just come and chat as you would in here... but face to face" meets that are all inclusive no matter how much experience or new people are (if people are worried about them being inundated with single guys, by going on experience.... 90% of the newish single guys that say they want to come dont even attend, lol)
There are the big events, originally munches exclusively but some of the chatroom socials are also becoming quite large in their own rights. I think theres more than enough people to go around all the events even if its only 5-10 people at the smaller socials as this allows far more interaction and socialising than some of the larger meets where people naturally gavitate to people they already know in sub groups as it feels more "safe" or "comfortable" to people like myself who are naturally shy.
I dont do a lot of munches or room meets... so cant really coment on politics or "rules" but I do think there should be more crossover so some meets can be called "munches" which dont require forum partisipation where people are also known from the rooms and/or can be vouched for...
I think the problem may be the rules force people into "room meets" and "munches" and "socials" instead of being all inclusive of people on this site!
Just my 2p worth... add compound interest means someone owes me ;-)
Jon Xx
Just confirming my attendance hun.... whats the dress code, can I wear my latex gear and scare the locals... will my rubber gear loose its sexual virginity, does the sun rise in the east and set in the west.... can you tell I've had a nutty few days with no sleep and now am hyper, lol.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting new people and generally having a good time.
Jon Xx
As far as I can see the only real changes/things of note are....
Some changes to the rules reguarding socials and whos allowed to attend, or requires removal of the social posting (although I think they may have come into force just prior to site hand over)
The tightning up of what kind of links are allowed in posts and sigs, although there is some lee-way with regards to personal sites that have a way of contacting the poster directly that isnt defined.
I got caught out with a couple of photos I posted reciently as I had forgot to doctor them and move them to my bits and bobs gallery (I was pissed at the time of posting, thats my excuse) as they had my "commercial" website address on them even tho i'm still to make money from my photography as i'm such a wuss when it comes to discussing getting paid, lol.
There may be changes in the chat rooms, but I never went into them with the old site... so cant comment.
I can understand the change in contact info being public as it makes people pay to make contact... but perhaps a bit of logic in the pre-processor to html would make it easier as then direct contact info can be entered for people that dont mind their direct contact details being public if the viewer and poster were both full members.
Apart from the above I dont think theres really been that many changes bar the ones related to cameras being used as this was, I believe, not an option prior to the site hand over.
I have a spanner and I'm going to throw it in the works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of the older "porn" now has reached "art/erotica/cult" status, such as the films with mary-millington, debbie does xxxxx, confessions of xxxxxx, et. al.
At the time they were considered "porn" but are now not.... Even the Ben-dover films now hold status as being the groundbreaking "gonzo" movies even though "home/self shot" pornos had been on the market since VHS and cheap(ish) cams became publically available in the late 80's which opened up a huge cheap "swappers" market.
"rubenesqe" paintings were the porn of the day..... so were a lot of other nude paintings, now they sell for thousands.
The only difference between porn and art/erotica is that when its initially sold.... porn costs a few pounds, art/erotica costs more!
(orginally I would have said... art costs £399+ a print, porn costs a mag, but that no longer holds true)
Art/erotica/porn all have one underlying point...... to get someone turned on!
I dont think its possible to classify what should go into each category anymore (unless you take a simple aproach, if its in BnW then its art if colour its porn) as the likes of Tony Ward and Helmut Newton basically have done "porn" and managed to pass it off as "art," Madonna (singer) sold "soft porn" of her self as art with her book "sex" in the 80's
As far as I can see its "art/erotica" if its done by someone taught in the right schools... and porn if done by everyone else or they have already got a name in the mainstream.