The problem being if you live in an area which has flooded before and you have had to claim you premiums go up and I watched a program a while back people who lived in areas that flooded on a regular basis and there was one couple who just couldnt afford the premiums anymore, but also couldnt sell their house because of it being flooded twice in 5 years.
Yes you do have to have building insurance if you take out a mortgage, but there is nothing to stop you cancelling it once you have the mortgage and in the 16 years I've had mortgages the mortgage company has never asked to see a copy of the insurance.
I was on the old site as well, just moved onto here when it came along. But the swinging scene has changed so much over the years, its no longer the same as it used to be and too many time wasters which is a shame.
The joy of benefits, I'n not working at the moment and with 2 children I get a week, after bills are paid and arrears on mortgage are paid (I had to wait 39 weeks to get my mortgage paid) and life insurances cos they cover the mortgage I'm left with £75 a week to buy food, buy clothes, save for birthdays/christmas. You some how just manage.
I am not saying what she did is right, but if you look at what she is saying, that she was highly stressed did anyone ask if she stuffing from postnatal depression. With 4 kids and only 28 and on her own its got to be hard for her, and I know that there is little help out there for you.
Sometimes the papers report only what you want to hear, perhaps she isnt being heard.
My auntie trained as a nurse back in the 30's she started off on bed pan duty and worked her way up to become Matron. It was on the job training with exams inbetween buit what she really gained was people skills ie how to communicate with the patients around here, which I have found is lacking in hospitals these days.
I have spent some time in hospital over the past few years and have to again in the near future and the one thing that I am dreading the most of the nurses. I spent 5 days in hospital where I was ment to be on a 24 hour drip, and I was the one who was having to keep asking for it to be changed when it ran out every 4 hours and then it took 2 hours for them to change it. I have a problem where its very hard to get blood out of me and because of bad experiences in the past I know that I can only have bloody taken with a needle but no one listened and I came home black and blue and in lots of pain as my vains collasped in my arms. I'd asked for pain relief while in hospital and they would automatically give me tablets not bothering to check my notes and notice that I had to have pain relief through my drip as I was being sick.
There was also a 70 year old woman in the ward that we were in and she had had a stroke, and at meal times she was left alone to feed herself and all the other women on the ward were taking it in turn to feed here as she clearly counldnt manage on here own. Then one of the night time staff left the bed guard down and the poor woman fell out of the bed, this was an accident waiting to happen as the staff just werent reading the notes of the patients.
No one bothered to show you where the bathrooms were, the food was so bad I was asking people to bring me food in. And trying to get discharged from the hospital was a nightmare as well, I spent 12 hours waiting around for a doctor to sign a form to release me to go home with some medicines.
I dont think university training is going to help, you need people who understand the patients needs and have had hands on experience, it will just mean that we end up having more hospitals with staff that cant cope with the number of patients they are having to deal with and how any more accidents are going to happen.
not shallow just comment fact. You cant find an op during the day cos most people work so when someone is available to be an op during the day they are turned down.
love is tenderness, compassion, understanding, trusting and great sex
Personally I dont think there are enough chatroom ops, you have trouble finding one during the day if you need one and yet you can find 3 in the same room in the evening.
Personally I wouldnt mind being one, I have asked but again I got told no, think its a case of its who you know.
I dont see anything wrong with 10 hours a week for a 2 year old to go to nursery. Some of us arent lucky enough to have family or friends around us so the only way my children mixed with other children was if I paid for them to go to one and unfortunately I didnt have the money. That works out at 2 hours a day, 2 hours of social time for the child and a well deserved break for the parent.
My 10 year old went to nursery full time from the age of 6 months to 3 years and is far more social than my son who didnt have the choice and spent 24/7 with me for the first 3 years of his life.
However if I had the choice of where the money should be spent, respite care for those with disabled children. My son is disabled he sleep 3-4 hours a night but its split into an hour here and there. In the past 3 months the only decent nights sleep I have had is when he goes to his dads every other weekend for 45 hours.
Currently school meals are £2 per children thats £4 a day, according to Jamie Oliver you can cook a meal for 4 for £5 a day so why are school meals so expensive.
One person commented - As per bloody usual the best of our young people are going to be killed, maimed, or mentally and emotionally scarred for life, just to please a bunch of greedy self seving meanderers called politicians. Try asking my grandfather whos 92 about his time on the Burma Railway 3 years he spent as a POW hes seen more sick things in his life than any of the troops will see today and what support did he get for his mental and emotional state none. I've heard him at night crying out in his sleep as hes again having nightmares about his time there, sometimes he will talk (and some of what he has told me has made me physical sick), but most of the time he says people arent interested. As my grandfather says if we werent in Afganistan where would we be? These people have signed up to fight for Queen and country so that is what they are doing. They have a choice, if they dont like it they can get out.
I have seen people putting in requests to go to Afganistan when they have just done a 6 months tour there. I had 2 friends injured recently 1 of them lost his arm, but he says he wants to go back out there as soon as he gets the all clear.
My son is due to go out within the next year and hes looking forward to it, say hes not spent all that time training to sit around doing nothing. My daughter is only 10 she has wanted to sign up since she was 5 years old and she is gutted that she wont be able to be on the front line as shes a female. I didnt stop my son from joining up and I definately wont stop my daughter.
I also have friends in the American Marines who have to do 18 months tour, 20 of them went out only 15 have returned. I'm due to go over to see them all next year before they are sent out again for another 18 months, as it might be the last time I get to see them all together.
I'll try my best Dave, already got Macca & Dee to put there name down, and put it on my profile, but its been very quiet in Bristol area lately, dont know where everyones gone, think they've gone vanilla lol
I dont agree with smacking children, do you smack your other half or other adults when they do something wrong, I dont think so, so why smack a kid. I reason with my kids and it has always worked.
I dont see anything wrong with the actions of the PC, what if the child was regularly being smacked, what if that child turned up dead in a few weeks, how do you think the PC would have felt if he hadnt followed his actions through.
I'd buy a nice house for me and kids, perhaps buy another 3 hours 1 for each of them, keep £5 million to live off and the rest I would set up a charity fund and make regular donations to British Charities.
1. Free babysitters
2. Free babysitters
3. Free babysitters
And what will happen in a year when she gets out, she'll be allowed to claim benefits all over again.
My childrens dad was just 13 when his dad at 43 and the worst thing was his dad was fit, he had had a medical at work about 3 months before, nothing wrong with him. Just one day he turned to my ex and said I dont feel well son can you call the doctor, the next thing you know my ex is there watching his dad being carried out the house dead. Should any child have to go through this?
My ex often says he missed out on so much as a child not having his dad around, the simply things like being able to get his dad to buy him his first legal drink in a pub, go to football matches with him, have him help sort out his bike when it got a puncher, have a chat with problems with girlfriends, tell him off for smoking, ground him for being late back. These simple things that we each take for granted when we have our father about is something that he will never experience, he has very little memory of his dad, he cant even remember what his voice sounded like.
The first time I ever saw my ex cry was when our daughter was born and the reason was he so wanted his dad there to see his granddaughter, especially seeing as my exs dad had 2 sons and no daughters.
I know this couple have been married 4 years and yes they do seem committed, but there is a good chance he wont be around when they are in their teens, and that is just so sad.
Where seven to ten people were cramped into one room. /quote]
This is happening to British families, due to lack of council housig and housing being repossed you end up living in a bed & breakfast for months on end with your kids - something I will have to face in the near future.
I am very tempted to vote BNP next time around and why because of immigration issues and EU workers.
I have stated before why do I have to wait 12 years to get a council house when anyone claiming asylum goes straight to the top of the waiting list. Once my house is sold I won’t end up without a penny from the sale so myself and my 2 children - 1 who is disabled will have to go into bed and breakfast accommodation until the council can find us somewhere to live.
And why did a Polish lady get the part time job I went for at Barclays Bank even though we have the same qualifications and I actually speak English because they had to fill their quote for ethical’s, if I tried to claim I was discriminated against because I had a disabled son and that is the reason I didn’t get the job I would be laughed at but if the lady from Poland hadn’t got the job she would have claimed discrimination because she was Polish and she would have won the case.
I don’t see why I now have to wait a week for a doctor’s appointment, it used to be next day appointments because as the receptionist said they just can’t cope with the people from other EU countries registering.
I might not agree with some of the BNP views on other issues, but looking at some of the other sites like Conservatives and Labour I don’t agree with half of theirs as well.
I have one or two friends who feel the same way, one happens to be Indian, born in this country speaks perfect English and is probably one of the nicest people I know. She wears a head dress as it’s the custom of her family. However she feels that it isn’t the British people who have a problem with what she wears and the way she leads her life, but the EU workers and Immigrants.
I will openly admit I agree with some of the views of the BNP.
Why should I have to go to the bottom of the council waiting list which is currently 12 years when asylum seekers are put at the top?
Why are so many call centres moving to foreign countries and then when you call them they can’t understand you and you can’t understand them.
Why was my daughter taught at school about Islam before Christianity? I for one do not have any religious views at all, but coming from a Christian country I would have liked to think that they would have been taught about Christianity first.
Why does my son come home from school asking to learn Polish over languages like French German or Spanish.
Why is the NHS employing nurses and doctors from 3rd world countries when they need them in that country, they are encouraging more immigration problems, pay nurses and doctors a decent wage in this country and more people would stay working for the NHS.
Why are there more managers in the NHS than beds?
£160 billion is being spent on merging our armed forces with Brussels’ controlled super army, why do this when the money could be spent on equipment for our troops who are currently in Afghanistan.