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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 56
Bisexual Female, 60
0 miles · England


One of the funniest places i have had sex,is on the upper level of a multi storey car park,and i had a duvet as well rotflmao,and to this day i wonder why i took the duvet.
And the other place i have had sex is in a field on a cold windy frigging ass was like a block of ice.
Does anyone know where you can get a fun anywhere blanket (thick ,waterproof on the one side,padded and with a pocket where you can put your condoms and not forgeting foldable).
Quote by foxylady2209
Mostly it won't kill the guy involved. It just might make him wish he was dead. LOL

I agree with that,the thought of tieing my balls up make my eyes bloody water...
PS have been told duck tape is better
Congrats on losing the weight and the inches from round the waist.
I can fully understand the cutting out of the fatty foods and sugars,but as for the cutting out the beer part,i have to admit that bit would be very hard to do.
:cheers: :cheers: and good on ya mate.
Do having children cause sex to decline?
In answer to the question..Yes it does have an effect on the sex.
Have read the other replies to the question and i do agree with the post reply from mancunian.
When the kids get older they do stay up later and always without fail come back from either night out or friends that they said they were stopping at for the night,and hwen the kids are younger they either want to snuggle with mommy and daddy.
What do you do tell them to be quiet and go back to bed or cuddle them till they fall asleep and put them back in bed,time they have fallen asleep the spark of passion has gone and all you want to do is sleep.
I know all this from personal exeperience as previous relationship i have been in,the women all had kids and when kids are in a relationship, you always put them first and the sex in the relationship goes on the back burner.
Why should a disablity put you off..
Don't see any reason why it should..
If a disablity put someone off,they are judging the person before they get to know them.
hello and thanks for invite
can me and the foxylady be added to the party list
Quote by Martin_M
Get ready for the Govenment to take your last few pennies. What taxes/Changes would you make?
Here is my mini budget
1. MPs expensis should be scrapped, no second, or third home allowances. No taxpayer porn films, no refurbished Holiday homes.
2. Caravan Tax, they just slow all the traffic down and get in the way. They cause conjestion and when they overtake eachother they are dangerous.
3. National service for all yobs! get them digging stuff and making baskets or number plates instead of getting up at 3pm and getting drunk LOL.
4. To stimulate the housing market I would force new development in certain areas to be at "below market prices" by granting planning and land sale to certain builders at maximum prices conditional on the above.
5. Reduce car tax, it should only be spent on the roads all this "gas guzzler" stuff is just an excuse to take more money from us. We all need a car so its nonsence to charge one vehicle more than another. If you drive a thirsty car you pay for that in your 80% tax at the pumps.
6. Force councils to empty your bins weekly, all this enviromental stuff is "Rubbish". Council tax up services down. Most councils only take the recyclable items they can sell for a
7. Ban speed cameras, statistically they do no good at all except raise money.

Welli think you should be vored in as chancellor of the exchequer.
as i have just read your budget,,and i like it a lot have my vote.
Quote by foxylady2209
Happy pre-Christian fertility celebration to you all.
I have the whole of next week off. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Second that biggrin:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Well i have to admit i am a shower person.
But ever now and then a hot steamy bath is great and can't be beaten,
As a note from pervious can read a book in the shower,stick the book in a clear plastic food bag, biggrin:D:D:D:D:D:D
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I hacve a tattoo on my right upper arm of a female devil..
I am also gonna get my upper left arm tattooed as well,ghave a few idea of what to have tattooed,
Poss another female devil.
Quote by Tan--Kinky
Going back a few years when I was 7 -8 months pregnant I got a taxi... halfway through the journey the driver asked "have you always been that fat" lol "No I'm pregnant". He never said another word for the rest of the journey :lol: :lol:

Don't you wish your reply could have been "no I'm pregnant - have you always been that stupid?"
I hate the fact that I only ever think of the best cutting put-down far too late to get any benefit from it.
For man to hit a woman is totally wrong and out of order,and for the who say it is ok to hit a woman in that article,they should be slapped and see who they like the pain of getting slapped,i have a feeling they wouldn'y like it at all.
And to be honest with you i think a man who hits a woman is the lowest of the low,and deserve a good beating for hitting a woman.
And from what i have read i the other posts i also can't understand why people return to the bullying partner (male/female),they say that they love the person,it is more like they are scared of being alone.
Well i must agree a nice cup of tea is nice,
but me with a caffine addiction,i have to say can't get throught the day without a coffe or three or more in the day.
A know i have caffine addiction ,when i go to a coffee shop for coffee i always ask for extra shot of coffee and the reponse i get is "the coffee is strong sir".
And the thought that goes through my head is ..if i didnt want it that strong i wouldnt ask for the extra shot of coffee.
So all hail the mighty cup of tea..
BUT GIVE ME COFFEE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin:D:D:D:D:D:D
Quote by foxylady2209
(Title inspired by the Renault advert.)
What do you drive and why?
Mine is a Yaris, about 8 years old.
Mainly for the headroom. And the boot/rear seat combo is very flexible. Pretty good mpg too - getting about 42 at the mo. And 45 in the summer. Come to think of it there are lots of reasons I like it. And it's British Racing Green!!! (Almost) Crap for al fresco shagging though.
Edit adding a pic :
What's your transport?
we are gonna need a bigger car or we will have to see about getting another bigger one for me biggrin:D:D:D:D:D:D
Being of afro-carribean descent, I really do fimd this Carol Thachter 'GOLLIWOG' issue (have i used an offencsive word),
All blown out of my mind the word Golliwog is discribeing a childs toy for yesta years and if the Robinson jams logo..
and what a sad day it it was,when they had to stop using it.
all i can say is ,this is the PC brigade getting on there high horses,looking for something to do,as i think they was getting bored . (Forgive the spelling mistakes).
Animal cruelty is totally out of order,and the people who commit the crimes against animals should be given some of the treatment that they did to the animal.
i know how they say animals are dumb, but i sometimes they think animal are alot smarter than the people who are cruel to then.
And the so called judgement that the courts come out with are sometimes a total waste of time.
how are you gonna stop someone owning animal after they leave the court room.
What i think they have to come up with some is a type of monitoring system,where they have spot checks to make sure they ban is being upheld.
Well i have to be honest,
i never did get into lost as i saw the trailers on sky and watched the first episode and thought.
Not my cup of have never watched it again.
So in a word lost is CRAP biggrin:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Quote by foxylady2209
I so miss those foods that you ate without checking the:
e numbers
organic standard
Can we bring those back please? I remember them fondly.
Oh I remember now - that was ALL of them. :giggle:

Those were the days
There was something on TV more scarey than Most Haunted.
It was watching Johnny Vegas on QI.
The inauguration of Barack Obama....
Well i have to be honest with you the actual ceremony
dosen't bother me in the slightest.
The point i have in mind is whether he will uphold some of the things he has said in all his speeches that he has made to the party faithful.
If he is like most politicians who say one thing before they get into when they get into power they do the totally opposite.
So all hail the new era in politics and let us see what will happen in the world and America.
All i csn ssy is the training he had payed off ten fold,And also a big congratulations to the rescue services of New York City,,
Quote by scorpiolady1
exactly leave this for the social and if ppl have to keep harping on go to the other thread... tbh its now getting boring sad

i totally agree with you scorpio..
can we please leave this subject alone get on with havng a good time,and a great night and making new friends.
Well here i am watching Lee Evans lastest dvd.
The stand up routine at the o2 arena,
Well two and a half hours of great comic fun and a hilarious evenings viewing..
So he is my question for you all out
Who is your favourite stand up comic and why ?